[Top 10] Best Raven Combos To Learn In Tekken 8 That Are Powerful

Tekken 8 Raven Combos
22 Sep 2024

If you grew up watching Naruto, it is likely you have dreamed of being a ninja at least once. 

In both fiction and in history, ninjas have always been cool. In Tekken 8, you can put your ninjutsu skills to the test with fan favorite character Raven. 

He has a tricky playstyle with different stances that can confuse your opponents (and sometimes yourself). 

His moves will take discipline and patience to master. Once you memorize his combos, you will be juggling your opponents with your back turned. 

If you wish to learn the way of the ninja, this is the guide for you.

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Key Moves to Learn

Meat Hook ( Down Forward Right Punch, Left Kick)

This is Raven’s mid launcher. This attack will also initiate a back turned stance. The second hit of this string will keep the enemy airborne so you can start your combos.


Minos Typhoon ( Forward Left Punch+Right Punch)

This is a powerful armored move that moves Raven forward. This attack is also a heat engager tool. Use this move to punish opponents for whiffing attacks.


Missing Worm>Phantom Halberd ( Back Right Punch, Right Kick, Right Punch)

This is one of Raven’s Shadow Clone techniques. It is a three hit string used mostly as combo ender. This move is unsafe when blocked unless you are in Heat.


Sudden Strike (Forward x2 Left Kick)

This is Raven’s jumping knee attack. Like the name suggests this move comes out quickly and can juggle your opponent. This is a good move to punish missed low attacks.


Iron Maul ( Forward x2 Right Kick)

If you need a good filler move to continue a combo, look no further. Raven will throw out a spinning back hook kick that hits mid and will leave the opponent airborne to go into further attacks.


Rising Uppercut ( While Rising Left Punch)

As the name suggests, this move is a launch uppercut when Raven rises from a crouch. Use this move after avoiding a high attack to start a combo.


Trident Kick>Phantom Halberd (While Rising Left Kick, Right Punch)

This is an attack while rising that makes use of Raven's shadow clones. This will start a combo on hit. This move is unsafe when blocked unless you are in Heat.


Assassin’s Sting (Down Back Right Punch, Left Punch x2)

This three hit string hits mid, then high, then mid again. You will mostly use the first two hits as filler or the full string as a combo ender. This sequence will do more damage when in Heat.


Shadow Step (Quarter Circle Forward)

Shadow Step is Raven’s command dash. There are several attacks Raven can perform depending on the input. This move functions similarly to Nina’s Ducking Step.


Fatal Elbow (Quarter Circle Forward Left Punch)

This is one of the moves you can perform out of Shadow Step. If you input Right Punch after the first hit you will perform a follow up attack. If you hold down after the first hit, you will go into Soulzone Stance.


Poison Needle > Nightmare ( Quarter Circle Forward Left Kick)

This move may be an homage to the Naruto Uzumaki Barrage from the Naruto anime. You will use this attack mostly as a combo ender. In Heat this move will do more damage.



Back Turned

In real martial arts you are taught never to turn your back to an opponent. In Tekken this rule does not always apply. 

Many characters actually have powerful options facing away from their opponent. Raven has combo strings, low attacks, armored attacks and even a parry. 

Just be mindful that you cannot block in this state unless you cancel the stance with a Down Back input.



This is your ninja magic stance. Many of Raven’s clone attacks come from this stance. Raven also has a few other tricks such as a sliding low and even a teleport.

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Here Are The Best Raven Combos

Combo# 1 Black Whirlwind



This is your basic combo after a mid launching attack. This sequence is perfect for learning the basics of Raven’s general combo structure. If you mess up in the middle and have your back turned to your opponent, be sure to hit down back to cancel the stance.

  • Use this combo against low profile stances and ducking opponents.
  • The ending of this combo will cause a floor break on certain stages.
  • This combo will do more damage in Heat.

How to perform the combo

  • Down Forward Right Punch, Left Kick
  • Back Right Punch, Right Kick, Right Punch
  • Quarter Circle Forward Left Kick


Combo# 2 Hawk Taking Flight



This is your standard, bread and butter combo when rising from a crouch. You will be able to practice your back turned sequence while doing significant damage. Remember to hit down back to cancel your back turned stance if you mess up the combo.

  • Use this combo after avoiding a high attack or a throw.
  • This combo will break walls and balconies, leading to further damage potential.
  • This combo will do more damage in Heat.

How to perform the combo

  • While Rising Left Punch
  • Back Right Punch, Right Kick, Right Punch
  • Down Back Right Punch, Left Punch x2


Combo# 3 Leaping Shadows



Raven’s Sudden Strike attack can catch your opponents off guard. Use the opportunity to pull off a damaging combo. This sequence will come in handy for a variety of situations.

  • Use this combo as whiff punishment.
  • The ending of this combo will cause a floor break on certain stages.
  • This combo will do more damage in Heat.

How to perform the combo

Forward x2 Left Kick

Down Back Right Punch, Left Punch

Back Right Punch, Right Kick, Right Punch

Quarter Circle Forward Left Kick


Combo# 4 Burning Soul



Raven’s Fatal Elbow will start a combo on counter hit. Due the range of this attack, you will be able to catch opponents off guard. This sequence will also be useful for practicing the Soulzone Stance.

  • Use this combo against low profile stances and ducking opponents.
  • This combo will do more damage in Heat.
  • You can substitute going into Soulzone with a Right Punch.

How to perform the combo

  • Quarter Circle Forward Left Punch
  • Down Hold Left Kick, Right Punch
  • Down Back Right Punch, Left Punch
  • Back Right Punch, Right Kick, Right Punch


Combo# 5 Ninja’s Illusion



If you want to truly be a master ninja, you need to learn how to fight with your back towards the opponent. People unfamiliar with Raven will charge at him recklessly leading to combo opportunities. Making your opponent respect your back turned stance will allow you to pressure them in unique ways.

  • Be aware of the moves that cause back turned stance such as Down Right Punch.
  • Use this against opponents who do not block low.
  • This combo will do more damage in Heat.

How to perform the combo

  • (While Back Turned) Down Back Left Kick
  • Forward x2 Left Kick
  • Forward x2 Right Kick
  • Down Back Right Punch, Left Punch
  • Down Hold Left Kick, Right Punch


Combo# 6 Killer Instinct



If you need a safe way to engage Heat, this is the combo for you. This is a variation of combo# 3. It has all of the same advantages and will do more damage thanks to Heat.

  • Use this combo as whiff punishment.
  • The ending of this combo will cause a floor break on certain stages.
  • Feel free to omit the standing punch to make the combo easier.

How to perform the combo

  • Forward x2 Left Kick
  • Forward x2 Right Kick
  • Left Punch
  • Back Right Punch, Right Kick, Right Punch
  • Heat Engage
  • Quarter Circle Forward Left Kick


Combo# 7 Killer’s Creed



This is a modified version of the previous combo. It will also safely engage heat while doing more damage. It requires more execution so be sure to practice before using it in a match.

  • Use this combo as whiff punishment.
  • The ending of this combo will cause a floor break on certain stages.
  • If you want to to avoid the floor break you can substitute the final move with Fatal Elbow + Right Punch

How to perform the combo

  • Forward x2 Left Kick
  • Forward x2 Right Kick
  • Down Back Right Punch Left Punch
  • Back Right Punch, Right Kick, Right Punch
  • Heat Engage
  • Quarter Circle Forward Left Kick


Combo# 8 Rage of the Fallen



This combo makes use of Heat and Heat Dash to maximize your damage output. This sequence will be useful for closing out rounds. Be sure to hold forward after the Minos Typhoon to perform the dash properly.

  • The ending of this combo will hit a downed opponent.
  • Use this combo after avoiding a high attack or a throw.
  • Using this combo in Rage will do even more damage.

How to perform the combo

  • While Rising Left Kick, Right Punch
  • Forward x2 Right Kick
  • Down Back Right Punch, Left Punch
  • Heat Engage
  • Forward Left Punch+Right Punch, Forward Hold
  • Up Forward Left Kick


Combo# 9 Flying Thunder God



This is a sequence you can use if you are already in Heat. Use this combo to close out rounds or set up for using your Heat Smash. Remember that your clone attacks will do more damage in Heat.

  • Use this combo as whiff punishment.
  • The ending of this combo will cause a floor break on certain stages.
  • If you want to to avoid the floor break you can substitute the final move with Fatal Elbow + Right Punch.

How to perform the combo

  • Forward x2 Left Kick
  • Forward x2 Right Kick
  • Left Punch+Right Punch Forward
  • Down Back Right Punch Left Punch Down Hold
  • Left Kick, Right Punch
  • Quarter Circle Forward Left Kick


Combo# 10 The Results of My Training



This is the strongest combo on this list. You will make use of both Heat and Heat Dash If you can master this sequence, you will be able to tackle the rest of Raven’s movelist to build your own unique combos.

  • Use this against opponents who do not block low.
  • The ending of this combo will hit a downed opponent.
  • Use this combo as whiff punishment.

How to perform the combo

  • During Soulzone, Right Kick
  • Forward x2 Right Kick
  • Down Back Right Punch, Left Punch
  • Back Right Punch, Right Kick, Right Punch
  • Heat Engage
  • Forward Left Punch+Right Punch, Forward Hold
  • Up Forward Left Kick
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Raven is a complex yet rewarding character to play in Tekken 8. If you enjoy tricking your opponent and pulling off flashy combos, go to practice mode and give him a test drive. This stealthy assassin will sneak into your heart in no time. 

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