[Top 10] Best Nina Moves and Combos To Learn In Tekken 8

Tekken 8 Best Nina Moves
28 Sep 2024


Nina Williams has a reputation for being one of the more technical characters in the Tekken franchise. 

While this is mostly true, do not let her perceived difficulty scare you away. She has a wide arsenal of attack strings making her a dangerous combatant. 

In Tekken 8, Nina has been given dual pistols, making her moveset even more dynamic and flashier. If you want to fight like a femme fatale, here is a guide that will get you started.

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Key Nina Moves to Know

Silent Uppercut (Down Forward Right Punch)

Despite its name, this uppercut is not silent for the opponent. This is a launcher with limited range. The best time to use this move is after blocking a rage art.


Bombshell Blast (While Running Left Punch+Right Punch)

Nina extends her arms for a double palm strike. This a powerful move to end combos with. You will deal more damage by holding the command.


Out of Sight > Kiss Shot (Back Left Kick+Right Kick- Left Punch+Right Punch)

Nina throws out a nasty spin kick and whips out her pistols to shoot the opponent. This is an excellent combo ender that does more damage when in Heat.


Swallowtail ( Forward Right Punch,Left Punch, Right Kick)

This a three hit string that will spin the opponent on the third strike. This move is useful for setting up your combo enders.


Lapwing Kiss Shot (Quarter Circle Forward Hold, Right Kick, Left Kick, Left Punch+Right Punch)

This is one of Nina’s Ducking Step moves. Nina steps forward with two kicks before shooting the enemy with her pistols. The execution of this move can be somewhat difficult at first. Be sure to train the inputs in practice mode.


Geyser Cannon (Down Back Left Kick+Right Kick)

With the force of a geyser this kick launches your opponent sky high. This is one of Nina’s best tools with its gigantic range and ability to avoid certain high attacks. You can also use this move on opponents who duck or have a low stance.


Throat Slasher> Glass Jaw (Back Left Punch, Right Kick)

This is one of Nina’s standard punishment tools. This two hit string will spin an airborne opponent, allowing you to continue the combo.


Blinding Whip (Up Forward Right Punch, Left Punch)

This is another one of Nina’s punishment tools. It leaves your opponent in a juggle state, allowing you to start a combo.


Siren’s Kiss ( Forward Left Kick)

Not as sensual as the name suggests. This a high kick to the head that serves as a counter hit tool. This move has decent range that can catch your opponent off guard.


Palm Uppercut (While rising Right Punch)

This is one of Nina’s punishment tools when rising from a crouch. This attack launches your opponent allowing you to start a devastating combo.


Ducking Step (Quarter Circle Forward)

Nina will move forward while crouching to avoid high attacks. Out of the dash, you will gain access to multiple follow up moves for various situations.


Hellbringer (Quarter Circle Forward Hold Left Punch) 

This attack hits high and can assist in juggling the opponent. Make sure to hold the forward input or else this move will not come out.


Sideslip (Quarter Circle Forward Hold Left Kick)

This is a far reaching low attack that can catch opponents off guard. On counter hit this move can start a combo.

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Combo#1 Kiss from a Rose



One of the best aspects about Nina is that many of her strings can act as your usual combo filler. This is a great combo to use if you counter hit your opponent with Siren’s Kiss. If you have difficulty with Nina’s Ducking Step inputs, this sequence is a great way to practice while also dealing damage.

  • This is a great combo to use as whiff punishment.
  • The final move of this combo can break balconies and walls, leading to further damage potential.
  • You can substitute the last move of this combo with Bombshell Blast.

How to perform the combo

  • Forward Left Kick
  • Forward Right Punch, Left Punch, Left Kick
  • Quarter Circle Forward Hold, Right Kick, Left Kick, Left Punch+Right Punch


Combo# 2 Bombshell Barrage



This is my favorite combo to use on ducking opponents. There is a certain satisfying rhythm to the first three moves of this sequence. Even if you misinput the Bombshell Blast finisher, you will most likely perform her power crush move and still do significant damage.

  • This combo is effective against ducking and low profile stances.
  • The final move of this combo can break balconies and walls, leading to further damage potential.
  • You can engage heat before Lapwing Kiss Shot for more damage.

How to perform the combo

  • Up Forward Left Punch
  • While rising Left Punch
  • Down Back Right Kick, Left Kick
  • Forward Forward Hold Left Punch+Right Punch


Combo# 3 Moonlit Waltz



This is an alternate version of the Bombshell Barrage combo. This sequence requires more strict execution. It is important to experiment with different combo routes in order to master Nina’s toolkit.

  • This combo is effective against ducking and low profile stances.
  • The ending of this combo can break the floor, leading to more damage potential.
  • You can substitute the last move of this combo with Bombshell Blast.

How to perform the combo

  • Up Forward Left Punch
  • While rising Left Punch
  • Down Right Kick, Left Punch
  • Forward Right Punch Left Kick Right Kick
  • While running Left Kick x2


Combo# 4 Mirage Impact



Nina has powerful offensive options when side stepping. This combo utilizes her side step launcher and Ducking Step. Be sure to dodge to your enemies' weak side to avoid getting hit.

  • The range of the sidestep attack is very short.
  • You can perform a second Hellbringer (Quarter Circle Forward Left Punch) if you have the execution for it.
  • You can end this move with Lapwing Kiss Shot if you have mastered the technique.

How to perform the combo

Sidestep Right Punch

Quarter Circle Forward Left Punch

Back Left Punch Right Kick

Back Left Kick+Right Kick, Left Punch+Right Punch


Combo# 5 Blonde Booster



This combo makes use of Nina’s Blinding Whip move. You will need to alternate block punishment strings to find the correct one to deal damage. This combo is also excellent practice for Nina’s Hellbringer and Lapwing Kiss Shot Attacks.

  • Be mindful of the stage when using this combo, as Blinding Whip can cause a floor break.
  • You can perform a second Hellbringer (Quarter Circle Forward Left Punch) if you have the execution for it.
  • The final move of this combo can break balconies and walls, leading to further damage potential.

How to perform the combo

  • Up Forward Right Punch, Left Punch
  • Quarter Circle Forward Hold Left Punch
  • Back Left Punch Right Kick
  • Quarter Circle Forward Hold Right Kick, Left Kick, Left Punch+Right Punch


Combo# 6 Spy Thriller



This is my go to combo for engaging heat safely. You will need to be quick when connecting Siren’s Kiss to Throat Slasher. Keep in mind that Nina’s gun attacks will do more damage when in Heat.

The first hit of this combo can avoid certain high attacks if timed right.

You can use Nina’s power crush (Forward, Left Punch +Right Punch Forward) on large open stages to continue the combo.

You can substitute the last move of this combo with Bombshell Blast.

How to perform the combo

  • Down Back Left Kick+Right Kick
  • Forward Left Kick
  • Back Left Punch, Right Kick
  • Heat
  • Quarter Circle Forward Hold Right Kick, Left Kick, Left Punch+Right Punch


Combo # 7 Slinking Cat



When you are in Heat and need to close out a round, this combo can get the job done. The execution for this sequence can be tricky, but the damage is more than worth it. Make any adjustments to the combo you need to make it easier.

  • You can omit the Up Forward Right Kick to make this sequence easier.
  • Use this combo after blocking a Rage Art.
  • The final move of this combo can break balconies and walls, leading to further damage potential.

How to perform the combo

  • (While in Heat) Down Forward Right Punch
  • Up Forward Right Kick
  • Forward Left Punch+Right Punch Forward
  • Back Left Punch, Right Kick
  • Quarter Circle Forward Hold Right Kick, Left Kick, Left Punch+Right Punch


Combo# 8 The Long Goodbye



This is a combo that utilizes Nina’s Right Punch while rising. Use this sequence after dodging a high attack or a throw. This combo is pretty flexible, in terms of which moves you can substitute for others.

  • Use this combo when avoiding high attacks.
  • The final move of this combo can break balconies and walls, leading to further damage potential.
  • This combo will do more damage in Heat.

How to perform the combo

  • While rising Right Punch
  • Up Forward Left Kick
  • Down Forward Left Kick Right Punch
  • Back Left Punch Right Kick
  • Quarter Circle Forward Hold Right Kick, Left Kick, Left Punch+Right Punch


Combo# 9 Creeping Snake



This combo makes use of Nina’s Sideslip move. This is a useful sequence to know as you will often catch opponents not blocking low. You capitalize on the counter hit opportunities by engaging Heat.

  • This is a great combo to use as a whiff punish.
  • The final move of this combo can break balconies and walls, leading to further damage potential.
  • You can substitute the last move of this combo with Bombshell Blast.

How to perform the combo

  • Quarter Circle Forward Hold Left Kick
  • Down Right Kick, Left Punch
  • Forward Right Punch Left Punch Left Kick
  • Heat
  • Quarter Circle Forward Hold, Right Kick, Left Kick, Left Punch+Right Punch


Combo# 10 Femme Fatale



This is the strongest combo on this list. This makes use of Nina’s best tools as well as Heat. If your opponent is at half health this can close out the round for you.

  • This is a great combo to use as whiff punishment.
  • This combo will do over half the opponents health when you are in Rage.
  • The final move of this combo can break balconies and walls, leading to further damage potential.

How to perform the combo

  • Forward Left Kick
  • Down Back Left Kick+Right Kick
  • Quarter Circle Forward Left Punch
  • Heat
  • Forward Left Punch+Right Punch Forward
  • Forward Forward Hold Left Punch+Right Punch
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Although Nina Williams has a high skill ceiling, that should not discourage you from playing her. She is a “Jill of All Trades” with high damaging combos for those who put in the effort. Once you find your stride, this blonde bombshell can quickly overwhelm your opponents. If you can master Nina, you’ll be able to play any character in Tekken 8. 

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