[Top 10] Best King Combos To Learn in Tekken 8 That Are Powerful

Tekken 8 king combos
16 Sep 2024



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I remember the first time I booted up Tekken 2 on my PSP. I hopped on to arcade mode and went scrolling through the character select screen. What immediately stuck out to me was a buff man with a Leopard mask named King. He wore a business suit, growled like an animal and was a Luchador.  I was instantly attached to the character and continued to play him through the entire Tekken series.

In Tekken 8, King’s gameplay has seen various revisions while keeping the core of his strategy the same. He has a vast arsenal of throws, and a strong combo game to fall back on. If you are looking to learn the ways of the masked wrestler, here are 10 King combos for you to learn in Tekken 8.

Key Moves to Know

Jumping Knee Lift (Up Forward Right Kick)

This is a simple hop kick that serves as a launcher. This l move is useful against ducking opponents. Watch out for this cat’s knees.

Body Blow (Crouching Right Punch)

This is a strong middle punch that can start a combo on counter hit. With how loud the impact sounds, I’m surprised the opponent doesn’t throw up. Use this move after ducking a high attack or blocking an unsafe low.

Jaguar Hook (Forward Forward Left Punch)

This is an incredibly useful attack. A quick middle punch that can combo an opponent in the crumple state. This is one of King’s tracking moves that can hit sidestepping opponents.

Front Kick (Forward Left Kick)

Use this attack after an enemy is in a crumple state to lift them off their feet. When hitting a standing opponent, you can hold punch buttons for a follow up attack.

Toll Kick (Back Left Kick)

This side kick that makes the martial artist in me blush. This is an armored move that hits high and can knock your opponent away. Pressing both punch buttons on impact gives you a follow up attack.

Elbow Impact (Forward Right Punch, Left Punch)

As a heat engager move, this is one of King’s punishment tools. Landing this attack on low profile opponents feels so satisfying(Looking at you Xiaoyu). During a combo with heat active you can use this move and hold forward to follow up for more damage.

Sole Crusher (Up Forward Left Kick+Right Kick)

For a simple kick this move has way too cheesy of a name. This is one of King’s armored attacks. It’s a powerful kick that hits mid and causes him to run forward. If it hits an airborne enemy, it will cause them to spin allowing you to continue the combo.

Mincer (Down Forward Left Kick, Right Kick)

Who knew King’s toes could do such heavy lifting? This is a two hit h string that hits low then high. l You can use this tool to pick your opponent up off the ground to continue your combo. This move is a perfect follow up attack right after connecting the second hit of Double Hook Disaster.

Quick Hook>Uppercut (Back Left Punch, Right Punch)

This is one of King’s best punishment tools. This move will cause an airborne opponent to spin to continue the combo. The first hit can also counter launch the opponent.

Chupacabra> Olympia Slam (Back Right Punch, Right Kick)

This is a two hit string that goes high first then mid. You will get a follow up attack if this move hits in front of a grounded opponent. When the attack hits an airborne opponent, it causes them to spin so you can continue the combo.

Running Jaguar Bomb (Forward Forward Forward Right Punch+Right Kick)

If you need a strong finishing move, look no further.This is King’s main combo ender. A running grab that causes a big chunk of damage. On certain stages it can break the floor giving you the chance to continue the combo. King also gets a hype boost whenever he lands this attack in front of a crowd. Sometimes style points trump damage calculations.

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Combo #1 Rage Punisher


This is the standard bread and butter combo that you will be using on crouching opponents. Ducking is a way to avoid most grabs in Tekken, so players who face King will often crouch in anticipation. You can use that knowledge to your advantage and punish them accordingly.

  • To make this combo easier, you can remove the standing right kick for slightly less damage. There is an alternate route using Chupacabra> Olympia Slam & Toll Kick after the standing kick
  • Use this combo after blocking a rage art.
  • This is more damaging punishment than a standard throw.

How to perform the combo:

  • Up Forward Right Kick
  • Standing Right Kick
  • Down Forward Right Kick,Left Kick
  • Back Left Punch,Right Punch
  • Forward, Forward, Forward, Right Punch+Right Kick

Combo# 2 Gut Check


This sequence makes use of King’s Body Blow attack. The first time you land this combo you will get into the habit of ducking your opponents high moves. Just be careful not to duck too often or you will be the one sent flying!

  • After the first hit of the combo, you can follow up with King’s Front Kick or Jaguar Hook to lift the opponent up off their feet.
  • Use this combo when blocking an unsafe low attack, such as Bryan Fury’s Snake Edge.
  • Victor’s infamous Caliburnus move forces you into a crouch position when it is blocked. This combo can be used as a brutal punishment.

How to perform the combo:

  • Crouching Down Forward Right Punch
  • Forward Left Kick
  • Down Forward Right Kick, Left Kick
  • Back Left Punch, Right Punch
  • Forward, Forward, Forward, Right Punch+Right Kick

Combo# 3 Swinging for the Fences


Have you ever dreamed of being a pro baseball player? This combo makes use of King’s Atlas Hammer (Down Left Punch+Right Punch), which will knock the enemy high in the air I will be honest and admit most of the time I use this move by accident.  In fighting games, you need to be alert to find combo opportunities.

  • The first hit of this combo is slow, but has evasive properties to avoid high attacks.
  • The first hit of this combo will hit the opponent very high in the air. Wait for them to fall before following up with more attacks.
  • The first hit of this combo hits mid and can clip enemies like Xiaoyu, who have a lower hurtbox.

How to perform the combo

  • Down Left Punch+Right Punch
  • Forward Forward Left Punch
  • Down Forward Right Kick, Left Kick
  • Back Left Punch,Right Punch
  • Forward, Forward, Forward,Right Punch+Right Kick

Combo#4 Hooked on a Feeling


I learned this combo after facing quite a few other King players. King’s Double Hook Disaster (Down Forward Right Punch, Left Punch) can catch opponents asleep at the wheel with its tracking properties. Just be aware that the second hit of the attack can be avoided by ducking. You also can’t go for the usual throw ender because of the angle where they land.

  • The second hit of the first move is delayable.
  • You can use Elbow Impact (Forward Right Punch, Left Punch) and forward to follow up for more damage.
  • This combo is useful against opponents who sidestep often.

How to perform the combo

  • Down Forward Right Punch,Left Punch
  • Down Forward Right Kick, Left Kick
  • Back Left Punch, Right Punch
  • Heat
  • Forward Right Kick

Combo# 5 Capital Punishment


One of the most annoying things an opponent can do is kicking your ankles after being knocked down. While you can always low-parry them, I feel it doesn't send enough of a message. Sometimes they need a good jumping ax-handle to the head to learn their lesson.

  • The first hit of this combo can avoid low attacks.
  • Use this combo against opponents who low attack upon wakeup.
  • Be careful not to hold up for too long for Capital Punishment (Up Left Punch+Right Punch) You may go into a different attack.

How to perform the combo

  • Up Left Punch+Right Punch
  • Forward Left Kick
  • Down Forward Right Kick,Left Kick
  • Back Left Punch, Right Punch
  • Forward, Forward, Forward, Right Punch+Right Kick

Combo# 6 Playground Bully


This is your scrub killer combo when you first start playing King. Most players in the lower ranks will get clipped by the first hit of the sequence every time. Don't feel bad for them and take the free wins.

  • The first move of this sequence is somewhat reactable. You need to condition your opponent to use it safely.
  • This combo route is shorter since you can’t follow up after Quick Hook> Uppercut without the use of heat.
  •  This combo can lead to more damage if the last hit knocks your opponent to the wall.

How to perform the combo

  • Crouching Down Forward Left Punch
  • Forward,Forward Left Punch
  • Down Forward Right Kick, Left Kick
  • Back Left Punch ,Right Punch

Combo# 7 Kick Away the Garbage


Entering Heat safely can help you avoid taking damage. If you use Heat outside of a combo you are always at risk of getting hit by another move. There is no worse feeling than having your Heat Smash get countered by a Rage Art.

  • This last attack will knock away the opponent and set up your Heat.
  • You can use Forward Right Punch,Left Punch after heat to set up for more damage.
  • The last move of this combo can break balconies on certain stages allowing for more damage.

How to perform the combo

  • Up Forward Right Kick
  • Right Kick
  • Back Left Punch, Right Punch
  • Heat
  • Forward Right Kick

Combo# 8 To the Moon


This is a lesser used combo of mine due to its execution and the range of the first hit. Keep this sequence as a feather in your cap that your opponent will not expect. If you know your opponent's attack strings, wait for the high attack, duck, then punish.

  • The Beast step move(Forward,Release Down Forward) is useful for setting up throws. Use this combo once the opponent starts ducking in anticipation.
  • You can add a right kick after launching the opponent for more damage.
  • This combo will break the floor on certain stages allowing for more damage potential.

How to perform the combo

  • While Rising Left Punch+Right Punch
  • Back Right Punch, Right Kick
  • Back Left Kick
  • Forward,Forward,Forward Right Punch+Right Kick

Combo# 9 Lion’s Greatsword


This is another safe way for you to engage Heat. It also utilizes the previously mentioned Beast Step (Forward,Release Down Forward). Mastering Beast Step will allow you to close the distance on an opponent and mix them up.

  • The first hit of the combo has a massive range and launches the opponent on counter hit.
  • You can add a Right Kick after launching your opponent for more damage.
  • You can use Forward Right Punch Left Punch after Heat for more damage potential.

How to perform the combo

  • Forward, Release, Down,Down Forward, Left Punch+Right Punch
  • Back Right Punch,Right Kick
  • Back Left Kick
  • Heat
  • Forward Right Kick

Combo#10 Gut Check Level 2


This is the strongest combo on this list. If you have mastered most of the other combo routes, it should not be too difficult. As soon as you duck an opponent's high attack you can punish them for serious damage.

  • This is a more advanced version of combo# 2.
  • You can end this route with your heat engager to set up an advantage.
  • If the execution of this route is too hard, feel free to exclude the Left Punch for slightly less damage.

How to perform the combo

  • Crouching Down Forward Right Punch
  • Forward,Forward Left Punch
  • Down Forward Right Kick, Left Kick
  • Left Punch
  • Back Left Kick
  • Forward, Forward, Forward, Right Punch+Right Kick
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King might be infamous for his grabs, but he is not a one trick leopard. This list of combos does not even scratch the surface of King’s full potential. With his massive move pool, you can easily find more optimal routes to bigger damage. As Tekken 8 receives more patches there will always be new techniques to learn. A true luchador never stops training. 



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