[Top 5] Metro Exodus Best Ways To Kill Armored Units

08 Nov 2022

They go by the name "heavy troops" as well. If you don't know what you're doing, these people can be rather annoying, and the fact that they have Gatling guns doesn't really help. They have metal sheets covering every inch of their bodies, as you can see, so you need to carry a lot of firepower.

Anyways, I will give you a few tips on how to effectively obliterate this prick. Let’s begin:

5. Grenade Barrage

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Are you sure those were grenades, Artyom?

Make sure to land your grenades directly at the feet of a heavy trooper if you're intending to throw one or more at them. More harm will be done the closer they are. Keep in mind that the damage of the grenades also depends on the level of difficulty you are playing at. I usually managed to whack them with 1-3 grenades!

How it works:

Sneak behind the cover and spam your grenades at a heavy trooper, making sure that your nades are as close as possible. If the armored guy somehow manages to survive, you should be able to finish him off with a few bullets.

4. Close Quarters

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500 headshots later…

You can always pull out your most powerful weapon and unleash all of your might on the head of a heavy trooper if you find yourself in a small space where you are unable to maneuver around much. After receiving enough hits, his helmet should come off, leaving him exposed.

How it works:

Get behind cover and equip the highest DPS weapon you’ve got, then simply shoot the heavy trooper’s head until his helmet falls off, afterward it’s gonna take a few shots to finish him off. 

3. Sniping

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From afar!

On the other hand, if you happen to be on an open field, you can always pick up your sniper rifle and slowly grind the heavy trooper till he drops dead. He probably won't be able to shoot you because of how terrible his long-range aim is, giving you a significant edge.

How it works:

Make sure to have a sniper or at least a decent, long-range scope and find a safe location. Afterward, ambush the heavy trooper and keep shooting him till he drops. He is slow as hell, thus he won’t be able to get to you in time.

2. Knee-capping

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No kneecaps, no problems.

The Knee-capping technique involves firing the heavy trooper's legs. The best part of this strategy is that it will eventually leave him disabled, severely limiting his movement. You must frequently peak over when using this technique to avoid taking too much damage at once.

How it works:

Simply get behind cover and annihilate this guy’s kneecaps, till he can’t move nor turn fast enough. After his armor falls off and you see blood, he’ll be close to dying!

1. Molotovs

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Smells like chicken.

Heavy soldiers are not spared from the enormous levels of damage that Molotovs cause. The element of surprise is what makes this strategy most effective. Additionally, occasionally the AI behaves strangely and the heavy trooper stays in fire rather than fleeing, which makes it possible to kill the heavy trooper with just one molotov cocktail!

How it works:

Sneak up on a heavy trooper and use 1 to 3 molotovs, throwing it directly or under the heavy trooper’s feet. Easy enough!

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