[Top 10] Best Builds In Metro Exodus

17 Dec 2022

In Metro Exodus, you may discover a wide range of weapons and a number of add-ons that can improve your accuracy, recoil, damage, and rate of fire. Some combinations can make you either a stealthy assassin or a one-man army, greatly enhancing your battle abilities. Here we go without further ado:

10. The Close-Quarters Valve 

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It’s WW2 all over again!

The focus of this build is Artyom going about with his Valve, however, he doesn't use it as a long-range sniper but rather as a bolt action rifle. The amazing thing about this build is that it gives you the ability to inflict massive quantities of damage at the expense of your aim. Making your shots count is also vital because of the poor reload time. Although a 15-round magazine upgrade is available, it will reduce your weapon's damage, stability, and accuracy. The default magazine for this weapon has a somewhat short clip, however, it may be modified. Overall, a wonderful construct for inebriated people!

Best attachments for this weapon:

  • Staggered Magazine - 10-round clip
  • Iron sights
  • Long Barrel
  • Heavy Stock

What this build excels in:

  • Dealing lots of damage at short range, both to humans and monsters
  • After a while it will surely improve your aim
  • Unique from all the other builds, although some may say that it’s not quite effective…



9. Pimp My Kalash

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It makes lovely sounds when it fires.

Since watching Metro 2033, the Kalash has been with me. I don't know why, but Kalashnikov-related topics are all I can think of, so I had to include this weapon as well. It works well, is accurate enough at close to medium ranges, and causes a lot of damage over the first half of the game. After you tweak it with haphazard additions that increase accuracy and recoil, it becomes even more efficient.

Best attachments for this weapon:

  • Heavy stock and grip
  • Long barrel and compensator
  • Reflex sight
  • Extended magazine

Why this build is awesome:

  • The reflex sight is a lot better than iron sights and will allow you to hit juicy headshots most of the time
  • The extended magazine holds 45 bullets, meaning that you’ll kill everyone before you have to reload
  • The weapon is excellent at close quarters, as well as medium distances



8. The Cowboy

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6 bullets, 100 enemies.

Revolvers are renowned for their strong firepower and unusual rate of firing. This modification corrects that and transforms the revolver into a monster that will destroy everything in close combat. If there are too many adversaries in your way, it might not function well, but if you fire enough precise bullets, you can defeat practically anything!

Best attachments for this build:

  • 8-shot cylinder
  • Iron sights
  • Long barrel
  • Heavy stock

Why this build is awesome:

  • Awesome at close to medium ranges
  • Fantastic firepower that will kill everything in mostly 1 hit
  • Improved rate of fire thanks to the 8-round cylinder



7. Uboinik, The Destroyer Of The Worlds

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Grinded meat everywhere.

Uboinik carrying a large magazine spells instant death for those who find themselves in precarious situations. They will be destroyed when your beloved Uboinik runs through them, leaving only blood and intestines all over the walls and ceiling. You may accomplish a lot with this monster of a weapon by playing aggressively throughout your run, despite the fact that accuracy suffers. I wish Metro Exodus had more gore after seeing this weapon!

Best attachments for this weapon:

  • Box magazine
  • Iron sights
  • Long barrel
  • Heavy stock and grip

Why this build is amazing:

  • Hell breaks loose once you happen to fight multiple foes in a tight space
  • Box magazine consists of 20 bullets.
  • Terrifying firepower and relatively decent recoil



6. One And Only Stallion

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Stallion may appear to be a standard, stylish handgun, but with the right modifications, it can be transformed into a lethal, fully automatic weapon that is simple to use and accurate. Although you can't make this into a sniper rifle, it may still be lethal in the right hands. It works best across short to medium distances and in confined spaces. In addition, it looks wicked amazing!

Best attachments for this weapon:

  • High-capacity magazine
  • Reflex sight
  • Long barrel with full auto
  • Heavy grip

Why this build is awesome:

  • Stallion gets turned into a submachine gun
  • Accurate at short to medium distances
  • Deadly due to its rapid rate of fire



5. Hellish Samantha

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She spits… fire.

Only this weapon has the ability to load flaming shots, which are quite powerful against people and especially monsters. Although it has a somewhat slower rate of fire and less accurate shots, it nevertheless does the same amount of damage as the AK. However, it can be transformed into a wide variety of objects and has a huge customizing potential.

My best attachments for this weapon:

  • Automatic system
  • Reflex sight
  • High-capacity magazine
  • Red laser

Why this build is awesome:

  • Incendiary ammunition is highly effective against a long list of mutants, as well as humans
  • A large magazine allows you to set the whole world on fire
  • Far more customizable than the Kalash



4. Helsing Charge

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Not a sneaky build.

Crossbows are powerful bolts that may do a lot of damage, so you must aim carefully to avoid difficulties. After a time, shooting conventional guns might become monotonous, so we switch to these strange, medieval weaponry to mix things up. It goes without saying that this construction should have a quick reload time and a large magazine.

Best attachments for this crossbow:

  • High-capacity magazine
  • Pneumatic bow system
  • Reflex sight
  • Heavy stock

Why this build is awesome:

  • Increased reload speed of the bolts
  • Bolts are always deadly and can sometimes 1-shot enemies
  • Accurate, you also don’t have to reload as much



3. The Tikhar Menace

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Pump it up, boyo.

Another unusual weapon is the tikhar, which you must pump up in order to make the pellets it fires do more damage. If you don't frequently check the pressure meter, you can be literally blasting BB pellets at your enemies. However, with this build, you won't have to stress out too much about needing to reload or running out of ammunition. Superb and enjoyable to play!

Best attachments for this build:

  • Automatic pneumatic system
  • Reflex sight
  • Heavy stock
  • Horizontal magazine

Why this build is awesome:

  • Your Tikhar refills itself with air
  • Plenty of ammunition can be found for this gun
  • Accurate, plus pleasant recoil



2. Sneaky Helsing

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This one is distinctive since it emphasizes playing from a distance and ambushing your prey. You can aim from almost any distance if you have a longer-range scope. Every time you kill someone, it's crucial to often switch up your location. If you are found, take careful to avoid becoming outnumbered.

Best attachments for this build:

  • Twin bow
  • Medium magazine
  • X4 scope
  • Heavy stock

Why this build is dope:

  • Twin bow attachment increases the damage of your crossbow by +3 points
  • X4 scope is pretty dope at short/medium distances but can also work out on further distances
  • Medium magazine consists of 3 bolts



1. The Toddler Chaser

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The name of this gun is…

Bulldog. Given that it does more damage and has a little worse firing rate than the Kalash, it is unquestionably superior to that weapon. This build emphasizes cunning gaming as well as direct action in the event that things spiral out of hand. You may always switch between both of these playstyles whenever you want because you are equipped with a silencer and an extended magazine. With the help of certain interesting devices, the gun's accuracy and damage are further increased.

Best attachments for this gun:

  • Long barrel and compensator
  • Reflex sight
  • Extended magazine
  • Heavy stock and grip

Why this build is the best:

  • Accurate and deals more damage than AK/Sammy
  • Allows you to switch between sneaky and straightforward gameplay
  • If you don’t like one of the attachments, you can add anything, as this gun is also highly customizable



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