[Top 10] Kenshi Best Prosthetics That Are Excellent

14 Feb 2022

Some players are gonna get depressed about losing their favorite limb. They’ve been “attached” to it for so long and now they’ll be forced to crawl from Vain or other zones to whoever sells robotic limbs - worry not, prosthetic limbs are a thing in this game and they can greatly improve your stats, such as strength, athletics or dexterity!

I’m gonna include 2 modded robotic limbs and 8 vanilla limbs - just to spice things up a little bit. Enough blabbering, let’s get started with our first limb:

10. Economy Legs

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Better than nothin’, I guess..

These prosthetic limbs are god awful but hey, these things will save your life at the same time - they are extremely cheap and they will allow you to walk if you were dismembered by a Beak Thing. Their stats aren’t exactly meant for combat or long journeys and they only serve as temporary fake legs!

Why these robotic limbs are great:

- Life-savers when dismembered

- Well, they allow you to walk!

- Great for roleplaying as a stalker from the Half-Life series

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9. Blade Legs Mk II(modded)

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What is this?

This is the blade leg. If you kick somebody with this thing, they’re gonna regret being alive. They deal incredibly high amounts of unarmed damage and make your character look like some weird, yet terrifying cyborg-assassin. They are incredibly expensive but deadly in close combat!

Why these robotic limbs are great:

- 43 bonus unarmed damage bonus

- Expensive, perfect for money-making!

- How do you even walk on these things???

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- No info. These are modded robotic limbs and you can’t find anything anywhere about these things!

8. Composite Legs(modded)

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Usain Bolt prosthetics!

These limbs are perfect for those who go on long journeys. They get you places super fast and your character can reach speeds even up to 40 kilometers per hour. Which makes you pretty much invincible, just ‘cause you can outrun every enemy in the game. Composite Legs are tanky and they’re also useful while scavenging for supplies in ancient labs, thanks to their stealth bonus!

Why these robotic limbs are great:

- 14% stealth bonus

- 33% athletics bonus

- Tanky

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It’s modded. I couldn’t find anything on the interwebz.

7. KLR Series Arms

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For characters that wish to be durable.

This prosthetic limb is great at making sure your arm doesn’t get crippled too fast or cut off. It’s probably the most durable prosthetic arm that you can acquire yourself with. Besides excellent durability, it also offers small buffs to dexterity and strength. Keep in mind that KLR limbs will keep you slow but unbeatable at the same time. Have fun with those!

Why these robotic limbs are great:

- The most durable limbs in the game

- 10% buff to strength

- 10% buff to dexterity

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6. Industrial Lifter Arms

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Perfect for heavy weapons!

Are you too weak to carry heavy weapons? Do you want to impress the Shek ladies? Then these prosthetic arms are for you. They grant you high strength buffs and will allow you to carry Esata’s Meitou Fragment Axe with ease!

Besides allowing you to use heavy weapons more efficiently, you will also be able to carry more and withstand more damage to your arms. Remarkable tech!

Why these robotic limbs are great:

- 23% bonus to strength

- Masterwork grade can reach up to 195 health points

- Also useful for martial artists!

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5. Thief's Arms

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If you’re a filthy, thieving scum, then these arms are totally for you. They will make you steal stuff in all shops from Bark to Clownsteady. Having two pairs of those will basically make you steal stuff with no consequences. When it comes to lockpicking, picks become significantly easier to crack and ancient labs will become laughably easy places to rob!

Why these robotic limbs are great:

- 25% lockpicking bonus per limb

- 25% thievery bonus per limb

- 20% bonus to dexterity

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4. Steady Arms

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Steady, steady!

These prosthetics are for sharpshooters, those guys who prioritize ranged weapons over melee weapons. If you are having both of those, you can expect to become the world’s greatest sniper in the world of Kenshi. With Eagle’s Cross alone you will snipe Emperor Tengu from the Border Zone!

Why these robotic limbs are great:

- +25% to crossbows

- +20% to dexterity

- More health than natural limbs

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3. Scout Legs

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For scouting and such.

These legs are probably the fastest legs that you can get. They will get you from the Leviathan Coast to the Ashlands in a matter of minutes - you will be running across the map so fast, Lord Phoenix himself won’t notice you run through Blister Hill!

And that’s if you have only one of those legs. They make your legs slightly more durable and they are probably the most unique-looking prosthetics out of them all!

Why these robotic limbs are great:

- 38% bonus to athletics per limb

- Durable

- 70 miles per hour? Excuse me?

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2. Stealth Legs

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Tip-toe around the robot spiders!

If your character is weak and can’t deal with robot spiders in ancient labs and other valuable locations, I’d advise you to wear these thingies. They will make you undetectable in plain sight and around lights, allowing you to lockpick and be completely carefree while kidnapping nobles from the cities in The Great Desert!

Why these robotic limbs are great:

- 170 more HP

- 25% stealth bonus

- A tiny bonus to athletics(4%)

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1. Skeleton Arms

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The most awesome ones!

These prosthetics are the best in the whole game, in my opinion. They give you a nice chunk of HP and an outstanding bonus to dexterity if you’re using the masterwork grade. If you happen to be near Heft and you got dismembered by one of the Skimmers, you can call yourself lucky because as soon as you equip this arm, you’re gonna see a massive spike to your combat speed!

Why these robotic limbs are great:

- +25% bonus to dexterity

- 170 more HP to your arms

- A tiny bonus to unarmed damage bonus(+3)

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