[Top 5] Kenshi Best Heavy Weapons And How To Get Them

08 Oct 2023


Heavy weapons are a pain in the beginning, but a delight in the end. They require plenty of strength and dexterity in order to be used effectively. It is recommended to first use katanas in order to improve your dexterity while carrying plenty of iron ore in your backpack - to increase your strength. 

Then you can slowly start transitioning to heavy weapons and start wrecking kids with the incredible range and damage that these weapons can inflict upon your enemies!

Also, this is a TOP 5 and in the vanilla Kenshi there are only 3 heavy weapons, that’s why I’ll include 2 modded heavy weapons in this article!

5. Ronin Greatsword(mod weapon)

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Fancy-looking sword!

A mod weapon that’s lore-friendly and won’t hurt to download onto your Kenshi. It deals slightly more cutting damage than blunt damage and you can expect to chop off some limbs with this massive piece of metal. If you’re expecting it to be heavy - worry not, as this thing is surprisingly light!

What makes this weapon great:

- A great mixture of cutting/blunt damage

- Looks fancy and unique

- Lightweight heavy weapon!

You can download it/find out more information here:


4. Leviathanslayer(mod weapon)

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Good god…

This thing is EXTREMELY heavy - a Catun 3 grade weighs 40 kilograms, so you can imagine how much a Meitou-grade Leviathanslayer weighs. This is a mod weapon that can be used for slaying pretty much everything, but Leviathans especially - they can be found in the north-eastern parts of the map. Lovely, but heavy!

What makes this weapon great:

- A great damage bonus against Leviathans

- Deals a ton of damage to other creatures

- If you’re capable of carrying this weapon, you are a son of Zyzz

You can download it/find out more information here:


3. Plank

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Hmm, why is it called a plank?

Plank is a heavy weapon that’s perfect for beginners. Due to its mixed cutting/blunt damage, you will be leveling strength and dexterity at the same pace. The Plank is a casual, not that of a unique weapon, but it doesn’t have any debuffs(except the indoors debuff), and it’s pretty light in the early game. Useful!

What makes this weapon great:

- You can find it 100% of the time in the weapons shop at the Shek strongholds

- Allows you to skill up your str/dex at the same pace

- Decent reach(30 units)

More information here:


2. Fragment Axe

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This thing is heavy as hell, but goddamn, if you have strong arms, you will completely obliterate everything that moves with this thing. It deals ludicrous amounts of blunt damage and you can expect to leave a trail of dismembered corpses on your way. Just make sure to not get hit too many times, your strength will go down and so will your capability to swing this weapon efficiently!

What makes this weapon great:

- Highest damage output

- 1-shot machine(I’m talking about the meitou grade)

- Long reach(32 units)

More information:


1. Falling Sun

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Dexterity and more dexterity!

The meitou version of this weapon has 2.64x cutting damage and 2.00x blunt damage. What makes the Falling Sun the best weapon is the fact that it’s lightweight, which makes it extremely flexible and fast to swing with. You can withstand a lot of hits before this weapon becomes slow and ineffective and deal almost as much of damage as with the Fragment Axe. Simply the best!

What makes this weapon great:

- Light for a heavy weapon 

- Highest cutting damage in the heavy weapons class

- Fast as hell!

More information:


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