Stern and stoic, Ifan is the Aragorn or Jon Snow of the DOS2 world, here's how you can best utilize his unique abilities in your own party.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 gives the player an enormous amount of freedom in character building and class creation. New players are easily overwhelmed by the near-endless combinations of abilities and skills. DOS2 offers a helpful starting point with 14 unique classes to learn from and the freedom to add and subtract from them as you go.
Appearing front and center in the promotional art, Ifan ben-Mezd is a big personality in the world of DOS2. His gruff persona, ability to talk to animals and grim reputation make him an amusing and useful companion for your party. The following is your guide to getting the most out of Ifan as a companion or main character.
5. Wayfarer
The Wayfarer is a hybrid class able to cause both physical and magical damage with bows and earth spells. This is Ifan's default class, which makes it one to consider as it's how the developers imagined him. He also receives a bow as a character quest item that you may want to make use of.
This class's proficiencies in Huntsman and Geomancer offer several useful skill synergies. These include rooting enemies to the spot with Worm Tremor or slowing them with oil surfaces from Fossil Strike or Impalement. The Wayfarer class also stacks with the Human racial skill Thrifty for +2 to Bartering before you even start the game.
The Wayfarer Excels at;
- Long-range damage with mobility and healing potential.
- Magic damage with extra defense buffs and helpful status effects.
- Combat Abilities; Huntsman, Geomancer
- Civil Ability; Bartering
- Attributes; Finesse, Intelligence
4. Conjuror
That's a lot of armor for someone who summons critters to do his dirty work for him.
The Conjuror is a unique mage class specializing in the Summoning skill. All creature summons will scale with Summoning, allowing for tons of customization across other skills. Consider Necromancy for the Bone Widow, Geo for the Hungry Flower, or Pyro for the Flame Slug.
Ifan's unique skill gives him the ability to summon a wolf companion to fight alongside him in battle. The Summoning skill will improve the usefulness of the wolf while working your way towards the goal of unlocking the Incarnate Champion. Summoning includes other useful skills such as Elemental Totems, Dimensional Bolt, and Dominate Mind.
The Conjuror Excels at;
- Crowding the battlefield with allies while increasing their effectiveness with infusions.
- Cross compatibility with many other skills.
- Combat Abilities; Summoning
- Civil Ability; Loremaster
- Attributes; Intelligence, Constitution
3. Rogue
Double daggers for the especially stab-happy.
The Rogue is an RPG classic specializing in dual-wielding daggers and making pockets lighter. Infiltrate enemy forts, unlock shortcuts, access treasure, and alternative quest solutions. A good Rogue will give your party an economic edge through nefarious means.
Ifan's Human racial abilities give bonuses to critical chance, critical damage, and initiative. This makes him ideal for Finesse-based builds using daggers and bows. This tactical build offers unique opportunities to manipulate enemy positions to deal massive amounts of damage in a single hit.
The Rogue Excels at;
- Rapid-style physical damage
- Early game's rough on do-gooders, give yourself an edge by stealing EVERYTHING.
- Combat Abilities; Scoundrel, Dual Wielding
- Civil Ability; Sneaking
- Attributes; Finesse, Constitution
2. Shadowblade
The only thing missing from this cloak-and-dagger ensemble is a curly mustache to twirl.
Similar to the Rogue, Shadowblades are dagger-wielding assassins that hit first, and they hit hard. They specialize in dealing critical damage and sneak attacks. The Polymorph skill separates this class from the Rogue by offering unique animal-inspired abilities like Chameleon Cloak, Spider Legs, and Spread Your Wings.
Animal morphing spells complement Ifan’s affinity for non-human characters nicely. The Shadowblade’s lack of specialization in Dual Wielding makes any Finesse weapon viable, including Ifan’s unique bow. This and the extra points in Wits mean you’ll always get the jump on your enemies.
The Shadowblade Excels at;
- Polymorph mischief for a unique stealth experience.
- Breaking, entering, and executing
- Combat Abilities; Scoundrel, Polymorph
- Civil Ability; Thievery
- Attributes; Finesse, Wits
1. Ranger
Ranger --- Not just for elves anymore!
Another RPG staple, the Ranger specializes in ranged attacks with bows. In DOS2, the Ranger also starts with proficiency in fire spells with useful skill synergies. This class offers the same hybrid damage output of the Wayfarer with the added flair of fire spells, prioritizing damage output compared to Geo's defensive nature.
This class also makes use of Ifan's character specific bow accessed only through his character side quest. As for synergies, consider Flaming Tongues for AOE protection, Deploy Traps for choke point control, or Supernova for a nasty surprise to enemies that get too close. Take the talent Savage Sortilege to apply Ifan's critical bonuses to his fire spells.
The Ranger Excels at;
- Hybrid damage output favoring offense.
- Deal damage and nasty status effects from a distance.
- Combat Abilities; Huntsman, Pyrokinetic
- Civil Ability; Lucky Charm
- Attributes; Finesse, Constitution
Whether you choose him as a companion or your main character, Ifan has deep connections to the world of DOS2 and a reputation that proceeds him hauntingly. Consider him for your team if you want a Finesse specialist with many possible builds. Have fun and happy adventuring!
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