Divinity Original Sin 2 Best Archer Builds [Top 3]

Divinity Original Sin 2 Best Archer Builds, dos2 best archer builds
17 Jul 2020

When it comes to Divinity Original Sin II, building your character to be the ultimate brute force against all enemies is very, very important. Here, I will show you some of the best Archer Builds that will never fail you in the heat of battle. A build should be consistent, easy to use, and reliable and that is exactly what I will be showing you here today! These builds are listed from most recommended to least recommended, but they are all done really well and you can choose whatever you like! So sit back and prepare to take down all of your targets!

Build 1:

RPG Division Shows Off His Ultimate Ranger Build

This version of an archer build specializes in pure, physical, and insane damage! You will enjoy the pleasures of extra damage, stealth, escaping when you need to, and powering through all of your foes.

  • With the Talent of Elemental Ranger, you will be able to do bonus damage on the element your target is standing in. Get ready to light 'em up! Or soak them if they're standing in water.
  • With the Talent of Executioner and Combat Ability of Warfare, you will gain 2 Action Points after every kill! No more running out of AP when forming the ultimate attack!
  • Hothead allows you to have a 10% chance at getting a critical hit and 10% more accuracy. With this, missing your targets will become a thing of the past!
  • Every skill in the hunter tree is good for this build, so do not worry if you think something is not useful.
  • When in need of Escaping, this build allows for that. So when the fighting becomes too rough, you will be able to Spread Your Wings and fly away.
  • If you do go out the way to get Lord Rauney's Boots, you will acquire Erratic Wisp which allows you to teleport in random spots on the battlefield whenever you get hit.

Build 2:

A Beautiful Guide for an Archer/Summoner Build

Most rangers find it difficult to move around when in the heat of battle. Some rather stay in a higher area to aim at their targets. This build grants you the ability of both moving around and staying in one spot because when relying on your summon, you can reach further places!

  • When building your character, you will put a lot of your points into finesse which allows for a balance of magic and physical armor. You will have the best of both worlds!
  • A summon will take the hits for you while you are posted in a high position away from the most harm. It’s like what they always say, a summon is an archer’s best friend.
  • The Talent, Far Out Man gives your bow some extra Umph! It expands your range an extra 2m allowing you to reach more of your targets from a safe area.
  • The Talent Pet Pal enables you to speak to animals! What else do you need! Now you have a pet that can fight with you, and also talk to!
  • There are multiple pets that you can choose from including a black cat, or a dragon! I, personally, would go for the baby dragon since he is so adorable, but can also breathe mad fire.

Build 3:

Become a Necromancer Ranger with this Awesome Guide from Fextralife

There are many setbacks for becoming a ranged necromancer and one is running through your abilities a lot quicker than most! But with this build, you will be able to avoid that problem and also make you more adaptable on the battlefield.

  • This build also utilizes elemental arrowheads for bonus damage, so get ready to scorch, drown, poison, or electrocute your foes where they are standing.
  • Maximizing your damage output, this build requires your armor to have heavy warfare stats.
  • Get ready for a huge increase to your Critical Damage! As a necromancer wielding a crossbow, you will be wreaking havoc with every hit to your enemies!
  • The Talent, Elemental Affinity will allow you to cast Necromancer skills while reducing the cost of Action Point when using your abilities.
  • The Torturer Talent will ignore the magic armor of an enemy and allow your abilities to set the effect of bleeding. Imagine how cool it is to ignore magic armor!
  • In the video, Fextralife lists off when you will be able to attain all of the abilities that make this build the most efficient amongst the archer builds.

These three builds are one of the best out there and have helped many people, including me. I am a Ranged Summoner who loves all of my pets! However, the good thing about Divinity Original Sin II is that you can become whatever you choose to become! These builds will help you take down many enemies and dominate the battlefield!

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