Divinity Original Sin 2 Best Damage Builds [Top 5]

Divinity Original Sin 2 Best Damage Builds, dos2 Best Damage Builds
07 Nov 2020

Are you a heavy hitter? Are you a player who can soak up damage and stand in front of your teammates as a shield? Well, that means you have a build that deals tons of Critical Damage and have the Physical Armor to take massive blows! If you do not, then here, I will list some of the best Damage Dealing builds for you to become the tank you always wanted to be!                                                         

5. General Tank Build

KpShamino Shows us a great damage build!

What's Awesome About the General Tank Build:

  • You have a lot of resistance to Magic Damage!
  • With most of your points in Constitution, you’ll keep your health!
  • With Points in Retribution, you will reflect Received Damage to your enemies!
  • This Build allows you to protect your team, deal damage, and take hits!

General Tank Build details: link

4. Two-Handed Raging Berseker

Datcoopguy displays and explains his awesome Two-Handed Berserker Build!

What's Awesome About Two-Handed Raging Bezerker:

  • This Tank Build is an easy-to-use build!
  • With this Build, you will max out your strength to be the best tank on the battlefield!
  • Most of your points will be put into Two-Handed, which will Multiply your Critical Hit!
  • Talents like Opportunist lets you deal damage and heal when an enemy walks past you!
  • Maxing out Warfare mixed with the Talent Fit For Life, you will get 30% extra life!

Two-Handed Raging Bezerker details: link

3. Undeath Incarnate

What's Awesome About Undeath Incarnate:

  • This build induces enemies to attack you!
  • You will soak up your enemy’s damage!
  • Enemies will not resist attack you due to the Talent Glass Canon!
  • While your enemies are focused on you, you will help your teammates!
  • You will have a high amount of Physical Armor to take hits from enemies!
  • With your Summon, you will be doing extra damage on the Battlefield!

Undeath Incarnate details: link

2. Juggernaut

What's Awesome About Juggernaut:

  • Focusing on pure strength, you will be doing a mix of Fire and Earth Damage to your enemies!
  • You will keep your enemies knocked Down and Petrified!
  • This build strategically put together to increase your strength and critical damage!
  • Fextralife tells you what skills you should use and how to use them in his informative video!

Juggernaut details: link

1. Ultimate War Necromancer

What's Awesome About Ultimate War Necromancer:

  • This build is the ultimate critical hit build!
  • You will do tons of critical hit with this build as you advance in the game!
  • As you combine your Necromancer and Warfare skills in battle, you will do 7,000 to
  • 200,000 Critical Damage!
  • In the video, RPG Division will tell you each skill you should get and how to use them!

Ultimate War Necromancer: link

When you're looking to knock your enemies out like Bowling Pins, you're going to want to do maximum damage! With these builds, being the best tank you can be is very possible! Soaking up damage, Shielding your teammates and, Doing Damage is what these builds can provide you with!

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