As you are sitting on a generator, a hatchet flies out of nowhere. Now injured, you try to run but another one soon follows. You look as Huntress slowly walks towards you. But when she picks you up, you notice she looks different. Kind of cool even.
Inspired by your last match, you queue up as the Huntress. But which skin should you get? Well, you came to the right place. In this article, I'm going to rank Anna's every cosmetic.
25. The Ohmwrecker
The Ohmwrecker Preview
The Ohmwrecker Details:
Just the basic mask with omega written on it. Not worth getting in my opinion.
How to get it:
Purchase the Charity Case DLC.
24. Frosty Eyes
Frosty Eyes Preview
Frosty Eyes Details:
Huntress is one of the Killers who received the frosty eyes cosmetic. It makes your eyes burn blue and that’s about it. I’m not a huge fan of it because it makes you stand out from miles away. But since you already hum your lullaby, you’re not exactly stealthy in the first place.
How to get it:
You could obtain it during the Winter Solstice event in 2017.
23. Hare – Black
Hare - Black Preview
Hare – Black Details:
This is just a recolor of Huntress’s base mask. Nothing special about it. But hey, at least it was free.
How to get it:
You could obtain it during the Fall Masquerade event back in 2017.
22. 5th Anniversary Crown
5th Anniversary Crown Preview
5th Anniversary Crown Details:
This headpiece cosmetic makes a yellow ring float behind your head. It’s not bad, but there are better options skins out there.
How to get it:
You could get it during the 5th Anniversary event.
21. Lacquered Wono Ax
Lacquered Wono Ax Preview
Lacquered Wono Ax Details:
Your weapon becomes an ornamental ax. While I like the design, she has better weapon options.
How to get it:
You could get it from the Tome 1 Rift.
20. Hunting Hitatare (Blue)
Hunting Hitatare (Blue) Preview
Hunting Hitatare (Blue) Details:
The blue robe doesn’t look bad, it’s just boring. There’s nothing special about this cosmetic.
How to get it:
It was obtainable during the Tome 2 Rift.
19. Crown of the Entity
Crown of the Entity Preview
Crown of the Entity Details:
Adds two black horns behind your head. Since it is legacy content, you can brag about how long you’ve been playing this game. Although I’m not sure if you should.
How to get it:
You could obtain it during the 4th Anniversary event.
18. Hound
Hound Preview
Hound Details:
Instead of wearing your default bunny mask, you’ll wear a dog mask. It’s a decent cosmetic.
How to get it:
You could get it during the Howling Grounds event in 2018.
17. Miss Pussens
Miss Pussens Preview
Miss Pussens Details:
A mask shaped like a cat. I find it cute and use it a lot whenever I feel like playing the Huntress.
How to get it:
It was obtainable during Tome 1.
16. Huntress’s Mask
Huntress;s Mask Preview
Huntress’s Mask Details:
This makes your Huntress don a gilded, black mask resembling a wolf. I like the 2022 Masquerade masks, they’re quite creative. Not to mention free too.
How to get it:
It was obtainable during the Twisted Masquerade event in 2022.
15. Fur-Trimmed
Fur-Trimmed Preview
Fur-Trimmed Details:
Fur-Trimmed is just a recolor, not actual skin. Thus, it’s not worth buying.
How to get it:
You can get it for 180 Auric Cells or 3600 Iridescent Shards.
14. Orenburg
Orenburg Preview
Orenburg Details:
This is just another recolor. I don’t see any reason why anyone would want to buy it.
How to get it:
You can get it for 180 Auric Cells or 3600 Iridescent Shards.
13. Ignition
Ignition Preview
Ignition Details:
Ignition is what the Huntress would look if she survived a fire accident. The scorched clothes and skin make her look somewhat gruesome but it’s not all that impressive. For such a low price, it’s an alright option though.
How to get it:
It was obtainable during the Tome 8 Rift. Currently, you can get it for 675 Auric Cells.
12. Prestige Huntress
Prestige Huntress Preview
Prestige Huntress Details:
Prestige skins are always just characters covered in blood. Whether they look good or not is everyone’s own opinion. However, their main purpose is to show your dedication to the character you enjoy playing the most. Though I must say, the intestines on her ax look quite terrifying.
How to get it:
Reach prestige level six on the Huntress to get all three prestige cosmetics.
11. Spoils of War
Spoils of War Preview
Spoils of War Details:
The concept behind a horse mask with a soldier outfit is interesting. However, you can get cooler outfits for the same price. I just think there’s not enough value in this skin to justify the price.
How to get it:
You can buy it for 1080 Auric Cells or 21600 Iridescent Shards.
10. Miss Kitty
Miss Kitty Preview
Miss Kitty Details:
The main appeal of Miss Kitty is the headpiece. The cat mask paired with the scarf makes Anna downright adorable. The coat looks great too, although there might be better torso cosmetics to choose from.
How to get it:
You can buy it for 810 Auric Cells or 13500 Iridescent Shards.
9. Mother Bear
Mother Bear Preview
Mother Bear Details:
What makes each Huntress skin unique is the headpiece. In this case, it’s a bloody bear skull with some skin still attached. It fits her lore well since she lives and hunts in the forest. I just think that if it weren’t for the bear skull, there would be nothing interesting about this skin.
How to get it:
You can buy it for 1080 Auric Cells.
8. Growth Surge
Growth Surge Preview
Growth Surge Details:
Almost every Killer has a Blight-themed skin. Growth Surge portrays the Huntress after she used the serum. As it ran through her veins, it deformed her body. After it turned her into a monster, the excessive serum leaked out of her eye sockets. I like this gruesome look. But compared to other serum-inspired skins, it falls behind.
How to get it:
You could obtain it during the Hallowed Blight event in 2018. Currently, you can buy it for 1080 Auric Cells.
7. Bird of Prey Sugata
Bird of Prey Sugata Preview
Bird of Prey Sugata Detals:
Even though the owl mask is certainly original, the rest of the outfit just doesn’t stand out. The design is okay but I don’t believe it’s worth the price. But If you like it, go for it. It’s not a bad skin.
How to get it:
You can get it for 1080 Auric Cells.
6. Apex Ursine
Apex Ursine Preview
Apex Ursine Details:
Apex Ursine is essentially a recolor of Mother Bear. I placed it higher on the list because I find the red dress more interesting. Also, you don’t need to buy it with real money. Just use your Iridescent Shards. Be ready for the grind though.
How to get it:
You could get it from the Tome 7 Rift.
5. Brave Beast
Brave Beast Preview
Brave Beast Details:
The main appeal of Brave Beast lies in the boar's head. Hunting down survivors with tusks dangling from your neck is certainly menacing. The red dress is also unique when compared to her other skins.
How to get it:
You could get it during the Moonrise event in 2019. Currently, it’s available in the store for 1080 Auric Cells.
4. Cold Wasteland Survivor
Cold Wasteland Survivor Preview
Cold Wasteland Survivor Details:
This is one of her top skins. The ram skull couldn’t look more menacing. The tattered skin outfit looks straight-up barbaric. A perfect example of what quality skin should be.
How to get it:
You can purchase with either 1080 Auric Cells or 21600 Iridescent Shards.
3. Solstice Devotee
Solstice Devotee Preview
Solstice Devotee Details:
This is easily one of my favorite Huntress skins. Although the elk hide with the rib cage still attached looks gruesome enough, it’s the humongous antlers that will draw the survivors’ attention. This was one of the most popular Huntress skins when it was first released and for a good reason. I’d say it’s well worth your Auric Cells.
How to get it:
You can buy it with 1080 Auric Cells.
2. The Mordeo
The Mordeo Preview
The Mordeo Details:
Inspired by the Crypt TV series of the same name, this skin is based on a Mordeo demon from the show. The black robe and bloody skull mask remind me of the grim reaper. The antlers transform Anna into something truly fearsome. Despite Mordeo being a legendary skin, you can purchase it with Iridescent Shards. Thus, this is easily her best ‘free’ skin.
How to get it:
You can buy it for 1485 Auric Cells or 29700 Iridescent Shards.
1. Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga Preview
Baba Yaga details:
The most expensive skin doesn’t necessarily equal the best. However, that’s not the case here. Inspired by Russian folklore, this skin reimagines the Huntress as Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga is a mythical witch that preys on children, much like the Huntress does in her lore.
The best part of this skin is the unique voiceover. Her hum is changed to a much more eerie pitch. And when you throw the hatchets, you make sounds that will chill the survivors to the bone. With so many benefits, mentioning the spectacular outfit would be overkill. The devs put a lot of work into this one and it certainly shows.
How to obtain it:
You can purchase it for 1485 Auric Cells.