[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Ash J. Williams Builds

dbd, dead by daylight, ash, ash williams, evil dead, best builds
06 Aug 2021

[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Ash J. Williams Builds

Ash j Williams was introduced to Dead by Daylight in one of the “Paragraph” DLC’s titled “Paragraph 3: Ash vs Evil Dead”. Ash wasn’t accompanied by any killer or map, he just decided to show up by himself. Ash’s 3 teachable perks are Flip-Flop, Buckle Up, and Mettle of Man. Let’s jump into the best builds you can use using Ash’s perks.

5. Groovy Ash

Playing As Ash Williams BUT I'm SUPER GROOVY | Dead By Daylight

Groovy Ash uses fairly strong perks, with the addition of Ash’s teachable perk, Mettle of Man. Mettle of Man is a very challenging perk to use, in fact, a lot of the time people will run it as a challenge to see if they can even get the perk to work. Most of the time, it does not happen.

Mettle of Man requires you to take 3 protection hits and then the perk is activated. Once the perk is activated, any damage that would down you, while you are injured, is blocked. This only works once, so you can’t just keep getting smacked with no consequences. From that point, once you are healed, your aura will be revealed to the killer when you are farther than 16 meters from them. This deactivates the next time you are downed. And that is about it from the perk. Sometimes it can come in clutch, however, most of the time you aren’t going to benefit from it, and even after you do, there is a big downside with it.

Deliverance comes in handy because it allows you to unhook yourself after you have saved somebody off of the hook. This can pair well with Mettle of Man since you may get a protection hit while trying to rescue somebody.

Balanced Landing is a solid exhaustion perk that can help you out in chases. Unfortunately, it isn’t the easiest to use, and it is highly dependent on where you are in the map, or if the map even has any drops for you to fall from.

Lastly, we have Adrenaline, which is a very strong end game perk, that heals you one health state when all the generators are complete, and gives you a speed boost. This allows you to not have to worry about healing if you are on the last generator, and if you are in a chase when the last generator finishes, you can make a lot of distance and waste a lot of the killer’s time.

What Groovy Ash Excels In:

  • Uses an exhaustion perk.
  • Strong end game perks.
  • Ability to unhook yourself.
  • Promotes an altruistic playstyle.

Perks Used:

Deliverance: After performing a Safe Hook Rescue on another Survivor, Deliverance activates:

  • Your Self-Unhook attempts will succeed 100% of the time.
  • Deliverance causes the Broken Status Effect for 100/80/60 seconds after unhooking yourself. 

Mettle of Man: After triggering your third Protection Hit, Mettle of Man activates and you are protected by the Endurance Status Effect:

  • Any damage taken that would put you into the Dying State from the Injured State is blocked.
  • When you are healed again, your Aura will be revealed to the Killer whenever you are farther than 12/14/16 meters away.
  • Mettle of Man deactivates the next time you are put into the Dying State.
  • Increases the odds of being the Obsession.
  • The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time. 

Balanced Landing: When falling from great heights:

  • Your Stagger duration is reduced by 75% and your grunts are muffled by 100%.
  • Upon landing, you start sprinting at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.
  • Balanced Landing causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
  • Balanced Landing cannot be used when Exhausted. 

Adrenaline: When the Exit Gates are powered, instantly heal one Health State and sprint at 150% of your normal Running speed for 5 seconds.

  • Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled at the moment it triggers and will instead activate upon being freed.
  • If playing against The Nightmare, Adrenaline will wake you from the Dream World upon activation.
  • Adrenaline ignores an existing Exhaustion timer, but causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

4. The Ash Special

Making Killers DC as ASH!

The Ash Special is nice because it introduces you to all of Ash’s teachable perks. However, it is not the easiest build to get value from.

There is some synergy between Mettle of Man and Self Care since to get Mettle of Man to work you need to get protection hits, which will cause you to be injured. After you get hit you can hide and heal yourself, and try to get more protection hits.

Buckle Up allows you to see how close somebody is to being fully recovered while they are down. This is a highly situational perk, where it will only come in handy if killers are slugging, which doesn’t happen too often. You also get the added benefit of seeing where the killer is for 6 seconds after you pick somebody off of the ground.

Flip Flop is another highly situational perk, where you only benefit from it if the killer is slugging, or takes a lot of time before picking you up. If they do give you some space while recovering and eventually pick you up, you convert half of your recovery progress to your wiggle progress, giving you a better chance to wiggle out of the killer’s grasp.

What The Ash Special Excels In:

  • Uses all of Ash’s teachable perks.
  • Self-healing.

Perks Used:

Buckle Up: You can determine the Recovery progress of dying Survivors by the intensity of their Aura at a distance of up to 48 meters away.

  • When healing another Survivor from the Dying State to the Injured State, the Killer's Aura is revealed to the both of you for 4/5/6 seconds. 

Flip Flop: While in the Dying State, 50% of your Recovery progression is converted into Wiggling progression, up to a maximum of 40/45/50%, once you are picked up by the Killer. 

Mettle of Man: After triggering your third Protection Hit, Mettle of Man activates and you are protected by the Endurance Status Effect:

  • Any damage taken that would put you into the Dying State from the Injured State is blocked.
  • When you are healed again, your Aura will be revealed to the Killer whenever you are farther than 12/14/16 meters away.
  • Mettle of Man deactivates the next time you are put into the Dying State.
  • Increases the odds of being the Obsession.
  • The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time. 

Self Care: Unlocks the ability to heal yourself without needing a Med-Kit at 50% of the normal Healing speed.

  • When using a Med-Kit, its Depletion rate is decreased by 10/15/20%.

3. Hook Me If You Can


The Hook Me If You Can build takes Flip Flop, and makes it much more valuable. Every perk here essentially has synergy with each other.

Unbreakable allows you to recover 35% faster while you are downed. It also allows you to pick yourself up once during the game if you have the opportunity to.

Tenacity allows you to crawl away while recovering at the same time. While doing this, you still get the 35% recovery speed bonus from Unbreakable. The crawling from Tenacity allows you to crawl 50% faster too, which may give you enough time to hide from the killer for a bit and fill up your recovery meter a little.

Flip Flop relies on you having your recovery meter as full as you can so that when the killer does inevitably pick you up, you convert that progress to your wiggle progress.

Now that you are being carried by the killer, we use Boil Over to increase our Struggle Effects while wiggling, by 75%. Making it much harder for the killer to walk in a straight line. This can come in handy sometimes, causing them to get caught on corners or walls, or other objects. There is also the nice effect of hiding the aura of hooks from the killer for 14 meters.

With all of this combined, we are hoping that we will have bought ourselves enough time to wiggle out of the killer’s grasp.

What Hook Me If You Can Excels In:

  • Counter’s slugging.
  • Fun “meme” build.
  • Can come in clutch in rare situations.

Perks Used:

Boil Over: While being carried by the Killer:

  • Your Struggle Effects from Wiggling, causing the Killer to strafe sideways, are increased by 25/50/75%.
  • You obscure the Killer's ability to read the Auras of all Hooks within 10/12/14 meters of your pick-up location.

Flip Flop: While in the Dying State, 50% of your Recovery progression is converted into Wiggling progression, up to a maximum of 40/45/50%, once you are picked up by the Killer. 

Tenacity: Your ferocious tenacity in dire situations allows you to crawl 30/40/50% faster and also recover at the same time. 

Unbreakable: Once per Trial, you can completely recover from the Dying State.

  • Your Recovery speed is permanently increased by 25/30/35%.

2. Buckle Your Pants

Buckle Up Is Surprisingly Good

Buckle Your Pants tries to glorify Ash’s perk, Buckle Up. There are a lot of different plays that can be made with this build.

First of all, we have Buckle Up, which only works when the killer is slugging your teammates. If they do happen to, you can see how close the survivor is to being fully recovered by how intense their aura is.

Using Buckle Up, if you see that their recovery meter is not close at all to being full, you can run up to them and use For The People, which will instantly pick them up. When this is done, you will see the aura of the killer for 6 seconds, and you can decide whether to heal them up to healthy from there, or go hide somewhere and heal them then.

When you inevitably heal your teammate, Botany Knowledge will increase that speed by 33%.

Lastly, we have Distortion which honestly is a personal preference perk. This will prevent the killer from seeing your aura with BBQ and Chili, or any other aura reading perks or powers.

If you want to replace Distortion, it wouldn’t harm the build at all. I would recommend maybe bringing, We’re Gonna Live Forever, for even faster heals on dying survivors if you either don’t want to or can't, use For The People.

What Buckle Your Pants Excels In:

  • Makes Buckle Up much stronger.
  • Instant heal other survivors one health state.
  • Faster heals.
  • Hide from aura reading killers.

Perks Used:

Buckle Up: You can determine the Recovery progress of dying Survivors by the intensity of their Aura at a distance of up to 48 meters away.

  • When healing another Survivor from the Dying State to the Injured State, the Killer's Aura is revealed to the both of you for 4/5/6 seconds. 

For The People: For the People is only active while at full health.

  • Press the Active Ability button while healing another Survivor without a Med-Kit to instantly heal them 1 Health State.
  • You become the Obsession.
  • For the People causes the Broken Status Effect for 110/100/90 seconds after using it.
  • Reduces the odds of being the Obsession.
  • The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time. 

Botany Knowledge: Healing speeds, as well as the efficiency of Med-Kits, are increased by 11/22/33%. 

Distortion: You start the Trial with 3 Tokens.

  • Whenever the Killer attempts to read your Aura, Distortion activates and a Token is consumed:
  • Your Aura will not be shown to the Killer and you will not leave any Scratch Marks for the next 6/8/10 seconds.
  • Distortion does not activate when you are in the Dying State or in a Killer Trap. 

1. Flip Flop Power

Pallet Saving Myself With Power Struggle

Flip Flop Power is nearly identical to Hook Me If You Can, however, I believe it is much stronger. The only difference is that instead of Boil Over, we use Power Struggle.

Power Struggle allows you to drop a nearby pallet on a killer to stun them and escape from their grasp. The catch to this is that you need to have your wiggle meter to at least 25%, and that is where the other perks come in handy.

This build relies heavily on Flip Flop, which will convert our recovery progress to wiggle progress, at a 50% trade. That means to get Power Struggle to activate the moment we are picked up, we need to have at least 50% recovery progress.

To help us get to that 50% recovery progress we are using Unbreakable. Unbreakable allows you to recover 35% faster.

Now that is all fine and dandy, but what if the killer doesn’t walk through a pallet while carrying us? Well, that is where Tenacity comes in. With Tenacity, we will be able to crawl and recover at the same time, while also crawling faster. So as soon as you are downed, you are going to start crawling immediately to the closest pallet, while recovering at the same time. The hope being that you will be able to get to 50% before they pick you up, and if they do, you get a free stun and escape.

Now, you will not be able to do this every time you are downed, it’s just too unlikely that all the stars will align. However, if you are going up against The Twins, and they use Victor to down you, Charlotte has to walk all the way over to where you were downed, giving you plenty of time to recover and find a pallet, almost guaranteeing you a free use of Power Struggle. Making this build a very good counter to The Twins.

What Flip Flop Power Excels In:

  • Counter’s slugging.
  • Fun “meme” build.
  • More reliable than trying hoping to wiggle out.
  • Decent way to stun killers.
  • Hard counter to The Twins.

Perks Used:

Flip Flop: While in the Dying State, 50% of your Recovery progression is converted into Wiggling progression, up to a maximum of 40/45/50%, once you are picked up by the Killer. 

Power Struggle: While being carried by The Killer, reaching 35/30/25% Wiggling progression activates Power Struggle:

  • You can drop a nearby, standing Pallet to stun The Killer and escape their grasp.
  • Power Struggle deactivates after triggering successfully. 

Tenacity: Your ferocious tenacity in dire situations allows you to crawl 30/40/50% faster and also recover at the same time. 

Unbreakable: Once per Trial, you can completely recover from the Dying State.

  • Your Recovery speed is permanently increased by 25/30/35%.

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