[Top 5] DbD Best Plague Builds That Are Strong

DbD Best Plague Build
23 Sep 2024

[Top 5] DbD Best Plague Builds That Are Strong

An underrated killer with fun gameplay and powerful choices in her kit, the Plague can use her agonizing bile to apply pressure to Survivors and set up easier chases. Here are a few builds that go best with her oddball powers!

1. Jailer Plague

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Taken from the background art on her character bio, a pose similar to that of the Plague's release trailer

This build aims to keep the Survivors locked up with you for as long as possible. With a few generator perks and one extra for the chance of endgame, this build will exhaust Survivors and delay their progress by an insane amount. The addons included in this build also compliment the theme of extending the match.


  • Corrupt Intervention: At the start of the Trial, the 3 Generators located farthest from you are blocked by The Entity for 80/100/120 seconds. Corrupt Intervention deactivates prematurely once the first Survivor is put into the Dying State
  • Deadlock: Whenever a Generator is completed, The Entity blocks the Generator with the most progression for 20/25/30 seconds. The Aura of the blocked Generator is revealed to you in white during this time
  • Call of Brine: After performing the Damage Generator Action on a Generator, Call of Brine activates for 60 seconds. The damaged Generator regresses at 150/175/200% of the normal Regression speed and its Aura is highlighted to you in yellow. Receive a Loud Noise Notification each time a Survivor hits a Good Skill Check on the affected Generator.
  • No Way Out: For each Survivor you hook for the first time, No Way Out gains 1 Token. Once the Exit Gates have been powered, No Way Out activates: When a Survivor interacts with an Exit Gate Switch, you receive a Loud Noise Notification and The Entity blocks both Exit Gate Switches for 12 seconds and an additional 6/9/12 seconds per Token in your possession, up to a combined maximum of 36/48/60 seconds.


  • Ashen Apple: Start the Trial with 1 Pool of Devotion already corrupted. Increases available Pools of Devotion by +1
  • Devotee’s Amulet: Increases duration of Corrupt Purge by +20 seconds.

Jailer Plague is great for players who enjoy toying with their food, in this case the Survivors, and having plenty of time to get some hooks. It can feel frustrating to see generators done so fast and the exit gates opened immediately, so if you’re a Plague determined to stop that possibility, try this on for size!

2. Automatic Plague

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Rare footage of the Plague vs. Dwight mid-vomit

Inspired by the beloved DbD player Otzdarva, this build turns the Plague into a punishing force on all sides. It offers value in preventing generators from completing too fast, but also rewards you every time one is completed anyways. And three-fourths of the perks are dedicated to helping you in chase.


  • Lethal Pursuer: At the start of the Trial, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 7/8/9 seconds. Extends the duration of a Survivor's Aura being revealed to you by +2 seconds
  • Dissolution: 3 seconds after injuring a Survivor by any means, Dissolution activates for 12/16/20 seconds: While Dissolution is active, if a Survivor fast vaults over a Pallet while they are inside your Terror Radius, The Entity will break the Pallet at the end of the vault, deactivating Dissolution.
  • Hex: Crowd Control: Survivors who perform a rushed vault through a Window prompt The Entity to block it for the next 14/17/20 seconds
  • Hex: Ruin: Whenever a Generator is not being repaired by a Survivor, it will immediately and automatically regress its Repair progress at 50/75/100% of the normal Regression speed. Once any Survivor is killed by any means, Hex: Ruin deactivates and reverts its Hex Totem into a Dull Totem


  • Iridescent Seal: Each time a Generator is completed, The Plague is automatically granted Corrupt Purge. Reduces duration of Corrupt Purge by -20 seconds
  • Prophylactic Amulet: Decreases available Pools of Devotion by -2

As mentioned above, this build gives you value in multiple situations throughout the match. And even though the Amulet might sound like a nerf, keep in mind you will automatically gain Corrupt Purge without pools and it helps you by limiting Survivors’ options. One of the biggest problems Adiris faces is the potential of Survivors not cleansing, but this issue resolves itself when using the Iridescent Seal!

3. Toxic Gens

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Adiris on her way to corrupt your gens

Another build inspired by a notorious figure in DbD, Scott Jund created this build with the intent to basically scare Survivors away from touching generators. It focuses on kicking generators and reaping massive rewards for it, while infecting them with your vile vomit.


  • Brutal Strength: Increases the Action speed of breaking Pallets and Breakable Walls, and damaging Generators by 10/15/20%
  • Coup de Grâce: Each time a Generator is completed, Coup de Grâce grows in power and gains 1 Token. Consume 1 Token to increase the distance of your next Lunge Attack by 70/75/80%
  • Call of Brine: After performing the Damage Generator Action on a Generator, Call of Brine activates for 60 seconds. The damaged Generator regresses at 150/175/200% of the normal Regression speed and its Aura is highlighted to you in yellow. Receive a Loud Noise Notification each time a Survivor hits a Good Skill Check on the affected Generator.
  • Eruption: Performing the Damage Generator Action on a Generator applies Eruption: Highlights all affected Generators in yellow. The next time a Survivor enters the Dying State by any means, all affected Generators explode and start regressing, removing the highlighted Aura. Eruption applies an immediate -10% Progression penalty. Any Survivor repairing a Generator when it explodes screams and suffers from the Incapacitated Status Effect for 15/20/25 seconds. Eruption has a cool-down of 30 seconds.


  • Severed Toe: Increases Infection gained from interacting with Objects by +50%.
  • Prayer Tablet Fragment: Increases Object Infection duration by +40 seconds. Increases Infection gained from infected Objects by +100%. Grants 100 % Bonus Bloodpoints in the Deviousness Category. Vile Purge no longer affects Survivors directly

Cursing the Survivors’ dearest and most important objective is an objective few Killers have the capability of pulling off without perks. But with the two addons included in this build, Plague manages to accomplish that, and the amount of Survivors who will fall for this build is more than you might first think.

4. Corrupt Cocktail

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Our very first shot of the Plague from her reveal trailer!

This build offers a little bit of everything! Information, slowdown, pressure, perfect for beginner Killers or Plagues all the same. Both addons are also efficient for any level player!


  • Lethal Pursuer: At the start of the Trial, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 7/8/9 seconds. Extends the duration of a Survivor's Aura being revealed to you by +2 seconds
  • Thanatophobia: Each injured, dying, or hooked Survivor afflicts Survivors with a stack-able 1/1.5/2% Action Speed penalty to Repairing, Sabotaging, and Cleansing, up to a maximum of 4/6/8%. Increases the Action Speed penalty by a further 12%, if there are 4 Survivors, who are either injured, dying, or hooked at the same time
  • Scourge Hook: Pain resonance: At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks: The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white. Each time a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, the following effects apply:  The Generator with the most Progression explodes, instantly losing 9/12/15% of its Progression and starting to regress. Survivors repairing that Generator will scream, but not reveal their location
  • Blood Echo: When hooking a Survivor, all other Injured Survivors suffer from the Haemorrhage and Exhausted Status Effects for 45 seconds. Blood Echo can only be triggered once every 80/70/60 seconds


  • Black Incense: The Auras of infected Survivors are revealed to you for 3 seconds when they vomit
  • Ashen Apple: Start the Trial with 1 Pool of Devotion already corrupted. Increases available Pools of Devotion by +1

This build is one of Plague’s best as all components of it work in tandem with her power, as well as including two of her best addons. It’s easy to use and helps with just about every obstacle you’ll face in the fog.

5. Lightning Plague

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A piece from Adiris'  tomes, depicting her rise to the role as Priestess

While definitely the peculiar one out of this list, the “Lightning Plague” build can be surprisingly effective when you know where to put pressure. The goal with this one is to use the addons to gain information and snowball potential, in which the perks will help in zoning the found Survivors as well.


  • Jolt: When you put a Survivor into the Dying State with your Basic Attack, all Generators within 32 meters of you instantly explode and start regressing. Applies an immediate 6/7/8% Progression penalty
  • Hex: Blood Favor: Whenever a Survivor loses a Health State by any means and thus enters the Injured State or the Dying State, Hex: Blood Favour calls upon The Entity to block all Pallets within 24/28/32 meters of that Survivor's location from being pulled down for the next 15 seconds
  • Distressing: Increases your Terror Radius by 22/24/26%. Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints for all actions in the Deviousness Category.
  • Infectious Fright: Whenever a Survivor is put into the Dying State by any means, all other Survivors within your Terror Radius will scream and reveal their current location to you for 4/5/6 seconds


  • Worship Tablet: Increases Ingestion speed by +100%. Increases Movement speed while holding Corrupt Purge by +4.4%
  • Incensed Ointment: Ingesting Corruption causes all Survivors within The Plague's Terror Radius to scream and reveal their locations

A bit gimmicky but excellent potential for more experienced Plagues looking for unique builds. You’ll have to make quick decisions on who to chase and when to use Corrupt Purge, but as long as you can be decisive, this build can take down teams fairly quickly.

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