[Top 5] DbD Best Michael Myers Builds That Are Strong

25 Feb 2023

“The Shape” better known as Michael Myers is from the horror movie franchise Halloween and was introduced to Dead by Daylight in Chapter 2: Halloween Chapter. He lurks in the distance and waits patiently for his evil to build. As the trial progresses, Michael Myers will go from a silent menace to an unstoppable force taking down as many survivors as possible. If you want to succeed in most matches, these builds below will be for you!

1. Cursed and Obsessed Build

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This build can make you very terrifying to survivors. Each perk gives you the advantage to dominate during the trial. Hooking survivors with this build makes it nerve-wracking for them as they’ll either become cursed or become the obsession, making them the ultimate target. Which is a win-win situation for the killer.

The add-ons that are featured will help you as well, as they can help you quickly pick off any survivors by having an unlimited duration of Evil Within III which will be tough for survivors to face.

What makes this build worth it?

The survivor becomes cursed right away once they are hooked. Receiving tokens for hooking a survivor, as well as the rescuer becomes the new obsession. Survivors suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect which makes them vulnerable in your terror radius. They will not be able to hear your Terror Radius.


  • Fragrant Tuft of Hair: Your Evil Within III will be unlimited for the remainder of the trial. This also increases the amount required to reach Evil Within III at a faster rate. 
  • J-Myers Memorial: When you are stalking a survivor, it will increases the rate at which evil is gained moderately.


  • Play with your Food: When you are in pursuit of your obsession and you let them escape then the Play with Your Food perk will grant you 1 token (maximum is 3 tokens). The tokens provides a stackable Several Percent Haste Status Effect, between 3-5%!  Once you also perform a basic attack or special attack, you will consume one token.
  • Nemesis: While in a chase, a survivor who blinds you or pallet stuns you will become the new obsession. Also when the obsession transfers to another survivor, that survivor will then suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect between 40-6o seconds. Their aura will also be revealed for 4 seconds. 
  • Furtive Chase: During a chase, your Terror Radius will be reduced by 4 meters. When the survivor who was the original obsession is freed from the hook, the rescuer will become the new obsession.
  • Hex: Plaything: When you hook a survivor for the first time, they are cursed by the Hex. Until that Hex is removed, the cursed survivor will then suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect. When that same cursed survivor is within 16 meters of the totem's aura, it will be revealed. Only the cursed survivor will be able to cleanse the totem for the first 90 seconds.


2. The Power Within Build:

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If you like moving at a fast pace in trials, then this build will fit your style. With this setup, you will have the ability to move faster as well as get help from the entity with the perk Bamboozle, to block vault locations. This build also helps you even when the generators are near completion, it will power up your perks which will grant you a 4% stackable buff when doing certain actions. This build is guaranteed to help you succeed in a trial.

What makes this build worth it?

Vaulting speed increased by 40% When a generator is completed, both perks Fire Up and Coup De Grace will increase with power The Entity will block the vault location for 16 seconds as well as your vault speed increased by 15% Increased stalking when evil is gained by 25%.


  • Boyfriend's Memo: The lunge attack for Evil Within I is slightly increased.
  • Memorial Flower: When stalking a survivor, the rate at which you gain your Evil Within is slightly increased.


  • Superior Anatomy: Once a survivor performs a fast vault within 8 meters of you, this perk will activate. The next time you vault a window, your vaulting speed will be increased by 40%.
  • Bamboozle: Your vault speed will be 15% faster. When performing a vault action, The Entity will block the vault location for 16 seconds. This causes only one vault location to be blocked and it will be blocked for survivors only. This does not affect pallets.
  • Fire Up: When a survivor completes a generator, the perk Fire Up grows in power. This will also give you a 4% stackable buff with a speed bonus for picking up, dropping, vaulting, damaging generators, breaking pallets, and breakable walls for the remainder of the trial.
  • Coup De Grace: Once a generator is completed, you will be granted a token. You will consume it, which gives you the ability to increase the distance of your next lunge attack by 80%


3. Anti-Generator Build:

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This build is for players who prefer a slow but steady pace when attacking survivors. The perks Corrupt Intervention and Deadlock both give you assistance when it comes to generators. They can both block the generators and this prevents survivors from completing it which can result in a slow process for them. This build also gives you the advantage with your Terror Radius, granting you speed while in a chase and survivors will scream, revealing their location when they are near you.

What makes this build worth it?

Your Terror Radius with Infectious Fright causes survivors that are near you to scream When a generator is completed, the one with the most progression will be blocked, preventing survivors from completing another one at the moment. The add-on Tacky Earrings slightly increases the movement speed for "The Shape" when stalking.


  • Reflective Fragment: Once you are in Evil Within II, it will reveal the aura's of survivors who have been stalked for at least one second. Their aura will also remain visible for an additional 2 seconds.
  • Tacky Earrings: Your movement speed is slightly increased when stalking. 


  • Corrupt Intervention: Three generators that are located farthest from you, will be blocked by The Entity between 80-120 seconds
  • Deadlock: Whenever a generator is completed, The Entity blocks the generator with the most progression between 20-30 seconds.
  • Monitor and Abuse: Your terror radius increases by 8 meters while in pursuit. Otherwise, your terror radius shrinks by 8 meters and your field of view expands by 10 degrees. 
  • Infectious Fright: When a survivor is in a dying state, survivors that are within your Terror Radius will scream and reveal their current location to you for 4-6 seconds.


4. The Inevitable Strength Build:

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This build literally makes you stronger as it allows you to avoid being stunned while also destroying objects 20% faster! It also features a number of useful perks that will help you succeed in the trial, such as the generator regressing after damage, increased vault speed, killing in Evil Within III, and much more!

What makes this build worth it?

With the help of the Add-On "Dead Rabbit," your Terror Radius is increased. This will put survivors on edge, and even if they hear your heartbeat, you will be far away, instilling even more fear and anxiety in their hearts.


  • Dead Rabbit: Your Terror Radius for Evil Within II will be reduced while your Terror Radius for Evill Within III will increase.
  • Tombstone Piece: Kill healthy or injured survivors with Evil Within III Disables ability to stalk with Evil Within III Increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III.


  • Call of Brine: After damaging a generator, it will regress by 200% and the aura will be highlighted in yellow.
  • Bamboozle: Vault speed is 15% faster. Once you perform a vault action, The Entity will then block the vault location for 16 seconds. This causes only one vault location to be blocked and it will be blocked for survivors only. This does not affect pallets.
  • Enduring: Pallet stuns are reduced by 50%. This also doesn't have an effect once you are carrying a survivor. 
  • Brutal Strength: You are able to destroy objects 20% faster such as breakable walls, pallets, etc.


5. The Terror and Hooked Build

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This build is intended for players who like to keep a match intense. This build features helpful perks that give off a horrifying Terror Radius. With the perk Distressing, your Terror Radius is increased by 26%! Which also grants you 100% blood points in the Deviousness category. Survivors within your Terror Radius will receive penalties for their actions as well. This build is honestly worth it and it is best to be aware of your surroundings at all times so you can catch survivors slipping.

What makes this build worth it?

Survivors receive a 50% penalty when doing actions while in your terror radius Terror radius increased by 26% survivor's auras will be revealed for 7 seconds when they are rescued from a scourge hook


  • Lock of Hair: Evil Within III will last longer and the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III is also increased. 
  • Judith’s Tombstone: You will be able to kill healthy and injured survivors. However, this disables the ability to stalk while in Evil Within III. Luckily, it increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III but decreases movement speed moderately.


  • Coulrophobia: Survivors who are within your terror radius will receive a 50% penalty to healing progression speed. The skill checks for healing will also be 50% faster, causing survivors to fail it.
  • Distressing: Your Terror Radius will be increased by 26%. You will also gain 100% more blood points for actions in the Deviousness category.
  • Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage: Once the trial begins, 4 random hooks will be changed into scourge hooks. The auras will be highlighted in white. a survivor is unhooked from a scourge hook, the other survivo'rs auras will be revealed for 7 seconds
  • Thanatophobia: A survivor that is in the injured state, dying state or hooked will receive a penalty of 2% to repair, sabotage, and Totem-cleansing speeds If there are 4 injured, dying, or hooked survivors, there is an additional 12% penalty to repair, sabotage and Totem-cleansing speeds

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