[Top 10] DbD Best Survivor Builds That Are OP!

DbD Best Survivor Builds
23 Jun 2021

We’ve covered survivor tips in the past and I can already hear you all saying “Thank you, I’ve become such a better player since I read your tips, but now I just don’t know which perks to equip, there has to be a better way!”. Worry not, survivor, for now I will get into which are the best perk builds for survivors.

Keep in mind, some of these won’t be top tier meta builds, some of these will just be straight-up fun builds you can try out.


10. I am the killer now

(From 00:10)


YouTuber “AZHYMOVS” brings us what’s possibly one of the most aggressive builds I’ve ever seen. This builds focuses on striking back against the killer and making them regret ever messing with you. 

This synergy of perks focuses on messing with the killer’s sight and overwhelming them until you can break free by yourself and almost ensure the ability to exploit this tactic over and over


Why “I am the killer now” is great:

  • You overwhelm the killer’s senses, shaking them around and obscuring hooks. It’s far more probable that they’ll run into a pallet you can use to save yourself.
  • The ability to lock the killer out of the generator you were fixing ensures another survivor can fix it as the killer chases you. Great for 3 gen situations.
  • The ability to reset pallets to their default position is honestly an overlooked one, and I’m glad to see it put to good use.

“I am the killer now” utilizes:

Repressed Alliance: After repairing Generators for a total of 80/70/60 seconds, Repressed Alliance activates:

  •  Press the Active Ability button to block the Generator you are currently repairing for 30 seconds. 
  • The Aura of the blocked Generator is revealed to all Survivors in white

Boil Over: While being carried by the Killer:

  • Your Struggle Effects from wiggling, causing the Killer to strafe sideways, are increased by 25/50/75%.
  • You obscure the Killer's ability to read the Auras of all Hooks within 10/12/14 meters of your pick-up location.

Power Struggle: While being carried by The Killer, reaching 35/30/25% Wiggling progression activates Power Struggle

  • You can drop a nearby, standing Pallet to stun The Killer and escape their grasp.

Any Means Necessary: Press and hold the Active Ability button for 4 seconds while standing beside a dropped to reset it to its upright position. Any Means Necessary has a cool-down of 100/80/60 seconds.


9. The Autodidact build



Now we have the amazing “Otzdarva” coming to bring us one of the most peculiar perk builds I’ve seen, two unlikely perks coming together to make maybe the strongest healing duo in all of Dead By Daylight.

This is a healer build, so if you want it to function to its best ability you better run after injured survivors to heal them, and yourself back to full health in just a few moments after a little buffering.

It’s one downside is the fact that, in order to be used to its fullest potential, you’ll need to buff up your “Autodidact” perk, which usually takes a while.


Why the Autodidact build is great:

  • Unparalleled healing ability, if used properly, it could turn a whole match upside down.
  • The fact that it heals both you and the injured survivor makes takes a lot of healing time out of the equation.
  • Spine chill will ensure you won’t be bothered while healing, so take your time, you don’t want to fail any skill checks at the beginning of the match.

The autodidact builds utilizes:

Solidarity: When injured, healing another Survivor without using a Med-Kit also heals you with a Conversion rate of 40/45/50%.


Autodidact:  start the Trial with a -25 % Progression penalty for Skill Checks, to heal Survivors. For every successful Skill Check completed while healing a Survivor, you receive a Token for a maximum of 3/4/5 Tokens.

  • Each Token grants you a +15 % bonus Progression for a successful Skill Check while healing Survivors.
  • Great Skill Checks cannot be performed while using Autodidact.

Spine Chill: Whenever the Killer is looking in your direction when within 36 meters of you, Spine Chill activates:

  • Skill Check Trigger odds are increased by 10%.
  • Skill Check Success zones are reduced by 10%.
  • Your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by 2/4/6%.

Empathy: The Auras of dying or injured Survivors are revealed to you within a range of 64/96/128 meters


8. The BP Farming Build

(starting at 15:40)


Here we have yet another great "Otzdarva" build that serves a very particular purpose, farming bloodpoints.

Whenever a new DLC comes out, it often leads to stress because your bloodpoints weren’t enough to make the character viable to pick right away. This build ensures that you’ll get to level up your characters as fast as possible.

These perk set is all about making you earn more bloodpoints and making sure you don’t die early. Pretty much any action you take will now give you a certain percentage more than before. Granted, this build is pretty much based around teamwork, so no hiding and waiting, you have to be an active member of the team to make the most of this.


The BP farming build is great because:

  • You’re almost guaranteed to stay in the match for long thanks to Deliverance.
  • Pretty much any altruistic action gives you extra bloodpoints.
  • Not only does this build work better with team play, but “Prove Thyself” will make your teammates want to hang around you, win-win.

The BP Farming Build utilizes:

We're Gonna Live Forever: When healing a dying Survivor, your healing speed is increased by 100%. Performing any of the following actions has We're Gonna Live Forever gain 1 Token:

  • Performing a Safe Hook Rescue.
  • Taking a Protection Hit for an injured Survivor.
  • Stunning the Killer to rescue a carried Survivor.
  • Blinding the Killer to rescue a carried Survivor
  • Each Token grants a stack-able 25 % bonus to all Bloodpoint gains, up to a maximum of 50/75/100%

Prove Thyself: Gain a stack-able 15% Repair Speed bonus for each Survivor within 4 meters of you, up to a maximum of 45%

  • This effect is also applied to all other Survivors within that range.
  • Prove Thyself grants 50/75/100% bonus Bloodpoints for Co-operative actions.

Borrowed Time: For 10/12/15 seconds after unhooking a Survivor, the unhooked Survivor is protected by the Endurance Status Effect.


Deliverance: After performing a Safe Hook Rescue on another Survivor, Deliverance activates:

  • Your Self-Unhook attempts will succeed 100 % of the time

7. Stealth Build

(Starting at 11:05)


Now we have "Alienskii" with a great build made for exactly what you would think, stealth.

In most cases, once a killer is chasing you, he will keep doing this until he’s distracted by something else, giving you the chance to hide. This build focuses on creating your own escape by hiding mid-chase thanks to the quick-and-quiet perks this build presents.

The genius use of 3 stealth perks whilst leaving one perk free for offensive use will ensure that you’re not just a target once you’re found. This build is greatly recommended.


The Stealth build is great because:

  • It ensures quick and quiet traversal of the map.
  • Taking sound out of the killers’ tool set will make it easier to hide after being hit.
  • Spine Chill and Head on will make sure you know when to hide and ready up a surprise for the killer.

The Stealth Build utilizes:

Spine Chill: Whenever the Killer is looking in your direction when within 36 meters of you, Spine Chill activates:

  • Skill Check Trigger odds are increased by 10%.
  • Skill Check Success zones are reduced by 10 %.
  • Your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by 2/4/6%.

Urban Evasion: When crouching, your Movement speed is increased by 90/95/100%


Head On: While standing in a locker for 3 seconds, Head On activates:

  • When performing a rushed action to leave a Locker, stun the Killer for 3 seconds if they are within range.
  • Head On causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

Iron Will: When injured, Grunts of Pain are reduced by 50/75/100%.


6. The Bottomless Chest Build

(Starting at 01:27)


Here we have yet another "AZHYMOVS" build that’s very similar to one of my personal favorites.

Few things are quite as fun as getting to a chest and becoming Santa Claus, gifting items to whichever survivor happened to be near you.

This perk is all about item finding and usage. No need to conserve items, or even to come into the match with items when you can rummage through chests twice.

The likelihood of finding keys goes through the roof, this build is extremely endorsed by me and your teammates will thank you for using it.


The Bottomless Chest Build is great because:

  • Finding items is great, even if the first one isn’t super useful for you at the time, chances are the second will.
  • The items are fully modified, so you’ll get the best of the best in most cases.
  • No longer will you be in need of items, even if every chest has been opened you’ll get your chance to rummage through them.

The Bottomless Chest build utilizes:

Plunderer's Instinct: The Auras of closed Chests and dropped Items throughout the Trial Grounds are revealed to you within 16/24/32 meters.

  • Grants a considerably better chance at finding an Item of a higher Rarity from Chests.

Ace in the Hole: When retrieving an Item from a Chest, there is a chance an Add-on will be attached to it.

  • 100% chance for an Add-on of Very Rare Rarity or lower.
  • 10/25/50% chance for a second Add-on of Uncommon Rarity or lower.
  • Ace in the Hole allows you to keep any Add-ons your Item has equipped upon escaping.

Appraisal: Start the Trial with 3 Tokens:

  • When a Chest has already been opened, consume 1 Token to rummage through it for an Item.
  • Rummage through Chests 40/60/80% faster.

Pharmacy: Unlocking Chests is 40/60/80% faster.

  • Unlocking your first Chest guarantees an Emergency Med-Kit

5. The Unlimited Power Build

(Starting at 00:52)


Here we have "AZHYMOVS" again, showing what’s possibly the most used perk build in the meta.

Nothing like Ol’ reliable, and there’s good reason why it’s this highly regarded. This build focuses on the most important thing, your survival, more than possibly any other build I’ve seen.

This build could be categorized as selfish, although I see it different, this is a great perk build for those that are great at escaping the killer and want to get as much juice out of the chase as possible, letting the other survivors finish as many generators as they can before the killer even manages to down the survivor.


Why the Unlimited Power Build is great:

  • This build is all about you against the killer, every single perk is chosen with going against the killer in mind.
  • Adrenaline and unbreakable make sure that your trusty Decisive Strike won’t go unused.
  • Adrenaline will also there to make sure you’re able to clutch it out in the end game, after the killer almost assuredly will attempt to at least get you hooked.

The Unlimited Power build utilizes: 

Dead Hard: Press the Active Ability button while running to dash forward.

  • Avoid any damage during the Dash.
  • Dead Hard causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

Decisive Strike: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for the next 40/50/60 seconds:

  • When being grabbed or picked up by the Killer, succeed a Skill Check to automatically escape their grasp, stunning them for 5 seconds.
  • Successfully stunning the Killer will disable Decisive Strike for the remainder of the trial and result in you becoming the Obsession.
  • While Decisive Strike is active, the following interactions will deactivate it:
  • Repairing a Generator.
  • Healing yourself or other Survivors.
  • Cleansing a Totem.
  • Sabotaging a Hook.
  • Unhooking other Survivors.

Adrenaline: When the Exit Gates are powered, instantly heal one Health State and sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for 5 seconds.

  • Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled at the moment it triggers and will instead activate upon being freed.
  • If playing against The Nightmare, Adrenaline will wake you from the Dream World upon activation.

Unbreakable: Once per Trial, you can completely recover from the Dying State

  • Your Recovery speed is permanently increased by 25/30/35%

4. Objective Build

(Starting at 01:26)


Here we have YouTuber sh6rpshot with a very interesting objective build.

This build is all about getting your nose to the grindstone and getting those generators fixed. You won’t be the hero they sing about, but you’ll be a damn important part of the match with this build on.

Every single perk here is made so that you, and anyone near you, can fix generators faster so that you can get out of this match as quickly as possible.


What makes the Objective Build great:

  • Fix generators up to 24% faster.
  • Sprint Burst ensures that you’ll have a resource to escape if the killer finds you.
  • Prove Thyself will make it so that your teammates also get a buff when doing basically every action.

The Objective Build utilizes:

Leader: When other Survivors are within 8 meters of you, Leader increases their Action speeds for Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking actions by 15/20/25%.

  • This effect lingers for 15 seconds when leaving Leader's range.

Prove Thyself: Gain a stack-able 15% Repair Speed bonus for each Survivor within 4 meters of you, up to a maximum of 45%

  • This effect is also applied to all other Survivors within that range.
  • Prove Thyself grants 50/75/100% bonus Bloodpoints for Co-operative actions.

Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150 % of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.

  • Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
  • Sprint Burst cannot be used when exhausted.

Resilience: When injured, your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking are increased by 3/6/9%.


3. Head on, Hex gone build

(Starting at 01:42)


Next we have "AZHYMOVS" yet again to bring us an extremely anti-hex build that’s very aggressive and just a little stealthy.

This build gives you the opportunity to rid the game of totems nice and early, whilst giving you the opportunity to heal yourself in the meantime. Inner strength lets you heal yourself after breaking one totem, so if you break a hex and the killer comes to find you,don’t worry. Quick and quiet and Head On are here to save you.


Head on, Hex gone is great because:

  • It’s a build made to fight against Hexes in a time when hexes are more aggressive than ever.
  • It takes into account the dangers that come with destroying a hex and gives you the opportunity to strike back.
  • Quick and quiet presents you with a chance to get into a locker, heal and possibly strike  the killer without them finding you first.

Head on, Hex gone utilizes:

Head On: While standing in a locker for 3 seconds, Head On activates:

  • When performing a rushed action to leave a Locker, stun the Killer for 3 seconds if they are within range.
  • Head On causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

Inner Strength: Each time you cleanse a Totem, Inner Strength activates:

  • You are automatically healed 1 Health State when hiding inside a Locker for 10/9/8 seconds while injured or suffering from the Deep Wound Status Effect.

Quick & Quiet: Loud Noise notifications for rushing to vault Windows, or to enter or exit Lockers are completely suppressed.

  • Quick & Quiet has a cool-down of 30/25/20 seconds.

Small Game: Get an auditory warning when looking in the direction of Totems in a 45° one within 8/10/12 meters.

  • Small Game has a cool-down of 15/12/10 seconds each time it activates.
  • For each Dull or Hex Totem cleansed by any Player, Small Game gains 1 Token
  • Each Token decreases the Detection cone's angle by 5°, down to a minimum of 20°.

2. Houdini Build

(Starting at 0:30)


YouTuber "Schmuckles" brings us the power to annoy the killer like never before.

This build’s only objective is to drive the killer mad by giving them false notifications and making them lose their prey.

This build is for those that want to derive fun from seeing someone turn insane after looking at all corners of the map only to find nothing waiting for them.


The Houdini Build is great because:

  • It’s all about misleading the killer and saving teammates from chases.
  • You can easily escape a chase after breaking the line of sight thanks to iron will.
  • It’s always fun to see the killer fall for your deceptions, what more do you want?

The Houdini Build utilizes:

Diversion: Standing within the Killer's Terror Radius while not in a Chase for 40/35/30 seconds activates Diversion.

  • Once Diversion is activated, press the Active Ability button while crouched and motionless to throw a pebble, creating a distraction for the Killer at a distance of 20 meters.
  • The distraction consists of the following: Loud Noise notification and Scratch Marks

Red Herring: After repairing a Generator for at least 3 seconds, its Aura is highlighted to you in yellow.

  • The Generator stays highlighted until it is either fully repaired, you start repairing another Generator, or enter a Locker.
  • Entering a Locker will trigger a Loud Noise notification for the Killer at the highlighted Generator's location.
  • Red Herring has a cool-down of 60/50/40 seconds.

Deception: Interact with a Locker while holding the Sprint button to trigger a Loud Noise notification for the Killer at your location instead of entering the Locker.

  • You will not leave any Scratch Marks for the next 3 seconds.
  • Deception can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.

Iron Will: You are able to concentrate and enter a meditative-like state to numb some pain. When injured, Grunts of Pain are reduced by 50/75/100%.


1. Sabo Build

(Starting 03:23)


This one’s another one of "Schmuckles’" videos and I might be a bit biased because this is pretty much my favorite build, it makes the game just so much fun for me.

This build is all about helping survivors when they need it most, become the hero you always wanted to be with this build made to destroy hooks while you help survivors wiggle out of the killer’s grasp.


What makes the Sabo Build so great:

  • Dead Hard ensures that you’re not left unable to protect yourself.
  • Break killer hooks just before the killer uses them to almost guarantee that they escape thanks to your “Breakout” perk.
  • Empathy will help you find anyone that’s in danger with enough time to see where the killer might hook them.

The Sabo Build utilizes:

Empathy: The Auras of dying or injured Survivors are revealed to you within a range of 64/96/128 meters


Dead Hard: Press the Active Ability button while running to dash forward.

  • Avoid any damage during the Dash.
  • Dead Hard causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

Saboteur: While a Survivor is being carried, the Auras of all Hooks within 56 meters, the location they were picked up at are revealed to you.

  • Unlocks the ability to sabotage Hooks without needing a Toolbox
  • Sabotaging a Hook without a Toolbox takes 3 seconds.
  • The Sabotage action has a cool-down of 90/75/60 seconds.

Breakout: When within 6 meters of a carried Survivor, you gain the Haste Status Effect, moving at an increased speed of 5/6/7%.

  • The carried Survivor's wiggling speed is increased by 20%.

So there we have it, the Top 10 best perk builds for survivors in Dead By Daylight.

Which build caught your eye the most? Are you going to try any of these out? What is your favorite build? Comment down below and let me know!


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