[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Wraith Builds
5. Wraith 101
As you play the Wraith you’ll need to learn how to effectively use his power and the correct build that works with him to show his strengths.
- I like the Wraith even though I’m not a great stealth killer but it’s fun to play as him when playing as the killer in Dead by Daylight.
- The Wraith is a very simple killer with a very simple power but is a good stealth killer and an easy one to use just starting as the killer.
What Wraith 101 Excels In
- This build is simple and you can do it without the perks of other killers while still being a strong build for a simple killer.
- You’ll be able to learn more about the Wraith as you learn to play as the killer if you haven’t played as a killer before.
Build details:
- You’ll need 4 simple perks that are in the Wraith’s blood web, Whispers to pinpoint survivors, Sloppy Butcher to cause more damage, Bloodhound to chase easier, and finally Shadowborn to increase your field of view.
- For add-ons use “Windstorm” - White to increase your speed while cloaked, and Bone Clapper to make it so survivors don’t know where the bell sound came from.
4. Hit & Run
The Hit & Run build is for just that, you’ll be able to quickly close in on survivors hit them, and either chase or cloak and hide to attack another survivor.
- Builds like these are remarkably strong for stealth killers and are great for the Wraith because his power is great for getting the jump on survivors.
- With this build, survivors won’t know where you’re coming from and you’ll be able to hit them before running off in the chase or to stop the generator from being repaired.
What Hit & Run Excels In
- This build excels in speed so you can do just as the name describes, hit and run, as survivors fear for their lives and what lurks in the shadows.
- You’ll be able to zoom past the map with your cloak on as you hunt survivors and destroy generators making it impossible to fix them before everyone is dead.
Build details:
- For this build you’ll need Discordance from the Legion to see survivors that are working on generators, A Nurse Calling from the Nurse to see when survivors are healing, Sloppy Butcher to make survivors bleed much more often and Thanatophobia from the Nurse to slow the speed of the survivors.
3. Wraith Mindset
The Wraith Mindset will help you get better at playing the Wraith killer in Dead by Daylight to help you get to rank one as the killer.
- With survivors at a much higher advantage than most killers, you have to play the Wraith well and this build will help you get better with him and climb ranks.
- To get into the mindset of the Wraith you have to play him more and more as you learn what the original stealth killer excels in.
What Wraith Mindset Excels In
- You’ll be able to learn the wraith as you play him with these perks as you climb ranks as the killer.
Build details:
- For this build you’ll need Sloppy Butcher, Hex: Ruin from the Hag, Thanatophobia from the Nurse, and finally Surveillance from the Pig to get the most map control to find survivors easily and down them quickly.
- Add-ons for this build are up to you but for recommendations use “Windstorm” - Blood for the extra speed while stealthed and “Swift Hunt” - Blood to get out of your stealth much faster as you chase survivors.
2. Efficient Wraith
This is the most efficient build for the Wraith to make his strengths shine and fix his shortcomings as a very simple killer with a simple power
- The Wraith’s power is extremely simple on the surface but to play him effectively you have to learn it and understand his limits.
- Becoming stealthed isn’t a new concept for killers with plenty of others capable of becoming stealthed in one way or another but the Wraith is the original stealth killer.
What Efficient Wraith Excels In
- With this build, the strengths of the Wraith are capitalized on while his weaknesses are fixed to make him as efficient as possible as a killer.
Build details:
- The perks needed to make the Wraith efficient are Barbeque & Chili from the Cannibal, Save the Best for Last from the Shape, Surge from the killer Demogorgon, and for the last perk, you’ll need Enduring from the Hillbilly.
- For add-ons go with “Windstorm” and “Swift Hunt” of any rarity but use lower rarity ones until you get the hang of the Wraith as your new main killer.
1. Best Wraith
This is the best possible build to use with the Wraith to get the most use out of him as you hunt survivors and down them quickly and easily.
- When reading the story of the Wraith he is sad to see him as a killer because he didn’t choose the life of a killer like other killers did he was more forced into it.
- This stealth killer is the first original stealth killer and this build is the best to use for every game you play with him as a killer.
What Best Wraith Excels In
- This is the best possible build for the Wraith for every game because it takes into account every unknown variable and survivor perks.
- Not only is this build the best for the Wraith it can be copied on other killers because of how powerful and useful it is.
Build details:
- To start this build off you’ll need Corrupt Intervention from the Plague so you can block 3 generators at the start of the game, Save the Best for Last from the Shape to get extra pressure on survivors and attack much faster.
- The next two perks you’ll need are Thrilling Tremors from the Ghost Face so that you can see what generators are being worked on and block other ones, for the last perk you’ll need is Pop Goes the Weasel from the Clown so you can do more damage to generators as they get blocked off from survivors.
- For add-ons, the Wraith doesn’t have many choices but the best ones to use are “Windstorm” and “Swift Hunt” of any rarity but the best is very rare.