Spider-Man: Homecoming Story Will Take Place During the Events of Captain America: Civil War

Spider-Man: Homecoming Story Will Take Place During the Events of Captain America: Civil War
13 Jul 2017

Marvel Is Such a Tease!

Marvel sure likes to create hype. It’s to be expected that before we get a glimpse of a movie we know is coming, that we get a trailer to hype us up.

However, before the actual trailer it’s becoming less uncommon to get a teaser trailer just to hype us up even more. These teasers aren’t too informative but often have a few clues to what we can expect to see in the trailer if we pay attention close enough. So we’ve seen the Spiderman teaser trailer and wanna know we saw?

Spidey Has WEB WINGS!

The trailer showed us Happy Hogan talking with Peter Parker and, presumably, giving him the upgraded Spider suit, complete with web wings. It is more than likely that the events of Spiderman: Homecoming take place sometime after Captain America: Civil War. The teaser certainly suggested so, but upon closer inspection a few clues in the teaser led us to believe that some parts of the movie could take place before the events of Civil War.

It’s All in the Hood… OH, and in the Web Shooter Too!

People who paid close attention to the teaser spotted that during the scene where Peter is filming himself, he is wearing a “homemade” spider suit i.e. something he wore before appearing in Civil War. Also, when Peter goes to open the briefcase that contains the upgraded Spider suit, you can see the oversized web shooter on his arm which he didn’t have in Civil War.

This probably means that the movie will feature a few scenes where Spiderman is saving people in his homemade suit at least until Mr. Stark comes knocking at Aunt May’s door.

Whatever the case, we’re all looking forward to seeing the full trailer which will debut on Thursday.

For more info check out this link.

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