[Top 5] Marvel Snap Best Sera Decks And Why They're Good

Marvel, Marvel Snap, Best Cards, Card Game
21 May 2023

Sera is a great enabler for all combo decks that particularly want to play out all of their powerful cards on the last turn. An underrated perk of playing Sera decks is that usually you won’t have priority on the last turn, since that’s when you play out your strongest cards, and so you’ll be able to answer to whatever your opponent plays on turn 6 before you, especially if you have good knowledge of the game and can accurately predict what your opponent is going to play.

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Sera’s effect makes all of your cards on the last turn cost 1 less energy. This doesn’t sound like much at first, but once you see her in action and see how good she is at enabling some decks to vomit out their entire hand on the last turn - you start to see why she is so powerful. There aren’t many control decks in Marvel Snap as there are in other trading card games, but Sera is single handedly making Control decks viable and keeping them very powerful and fun to play.

She’s most often used in decks with Hitmonkey and Silver Surfer, while being really good in a lot of other slightly less viable decks. The synergy with Hitmonkey is clear to see, because she makes your cards cost less, thus letting you play out more of them, and with Silver Surfer - well, the archetype is really predictable and easy to recognize, so you’re going to need Sera to play out some of your key cards on the last turn so that your opponent has less time to react to them.


5.Negative Surfer

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This deck is a mix between two very popular archetypes. Mister Negative and Silver Surfer. Like all Mister Negative decks it can be considered a little inconsistent, especially since this deck relies a lot on getting a good combo out. Sera comes in clutch on the last turn, to make all of your cards cheaper, and all cards that Mister Negative swapped out usually cost only 1 energy.

This deck has a few win conditions, and you don’t even necessarily have to play Mister Negative each game for this deck to be strong enough to overpower your opponent. The key card in this deck is obviously Silver Surfer, and once you play him, he will buff all of your other 3-cost cards. Since this deck has a few tools to make your cards cheaper, you can vomit out your 3-cost cards on the last turn with Silver Surfer and buff them all up. This deck isn’t that common, so you can rest assured that your opponent won’t be able to accurately predict what you’re playing out on the last turn. Wong and Mystique are great cards that, when played together, make your turn 6 extremely more powerful if you manage to activate Silver Surfer’s effect multiple times.

What This Deck Excels At:

  • This deck is really fun to play and rather unpredictable. It features the key cards that make up the Sera Surfer decks, while also having a different win condition with Mister Negative, if you manage to draw a good hand, you’re virtually unstoppable
  • Bast is a really good card that can make your cards that have low power in your hand, give you a lot more value by setting all of their power to 3.
  • Zabu is a really useful card since he will lower the cost of Mister Negative, Wong and Absorbing Man. This will carry over even if the cards’ cost and power are swapped with Mister Negative’s effect, and it’s extremely powerful if you stack it with Sera, since you can play out your 4-cost cards for significantly cheaper
  • Wong and Mystique, when played together, will make your On Reveal effects activate a lot of times! This means that you’re good if you can play at least 1 3-cost card on the other locations and then buff them all up with Silver Surfer
  • Absorbing Man can copy Silver Surfer’s effect and if you pair that up with Wong and Mystique, you’ve got yourself a really powerful board state

Card List:

  • Bast
  • Zabu
  • Ironheart
  • Mystique
  • Bishop
  • Woflsbane
  • Brood
  • Silver Surfer
  • Mister Negative
  • Wong
  • Absorbing Man
  • Sera

4.Hitmonkey Bounce

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Sera makes all decks that like to play out a lot of cards on the last turn a lot more viable. That’s why she’s featured on every Hitmonkey list. This deck has 2 ways to lower the cost of your cards in the form of Beat and Sera, so if you manage to combine their effects in a game, you can expect a very powerful Hitmonkey that’s going to surely overpower your opponents’ deck.

This deck has a lot of 1-cost cards with good On Reveal effects that you want to proc multiple times each game when you’re able to. Beast and Falcon make it so that you’re able to do that efficiently and reliably. You’re going to want to always think about what you’re playing on turn 6, and set up your hand accordingly. Beast returning a few 1-cost cards to the hand will make them cost 0, so that’s a lot of free power that you can give to Hitmonkey on the last turn. Sera will lower the cost of all cards anyway if you play her on the 5th turn, so you have another way to make sure that your win condition goes through. On the 6th turn you’re going to want to play as many cards as you can, so that Hitmonkey becomes as big as possible. Another great card that can secure you the win is Juggernaut, since he can single handedly make sure your opponent can’t add more power to a location by moving them away.

What This Deck Excels At:

  • The main premise of this deck is rather fun and exciting. It’s based around playing a lot of cheap cards, and then being able to use their effects multiple times by replaying them
  • Beast and Falcon will return cards to your hand and make sure that you can use your strong effects multiple times. Bast, The Hood and Iceman can give you a lot of value with their On Reveal effects
  • Bast will always give you good value whenever you play her, but she’s insane once she affects cards like Hitmonkey and Bishop, who can easily secure locations by themselves in this deck
  • Sera and Beast make sure that you can use Hitmonkey and Bishop’s effects to their fullest potential by lowering the cost of your cards, you don’t need both to win the game, but it certainly helps!
  • Juggernaut is an amazing tech card that can secure a location by himself on the last turn. He will move any cards played by your opponent on the location with him to other locations at random, so you can always count on him to bring you the victory, especially when he’s cheaper than usual

Card List:

  • The Hood
  • Bast
  • Iceman
  • Korg
  • Hitmonkey
  • Black Widow
  • Beast
  • Falcon
  • Mysterio
  • Bishop
  • Juggernaut
  • Sera

3.Sera Negative

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This deck has a great list of cards that are extremely powerful when their cost and power is swapped by Mister Negative. A lot of the cards won’t be free even when they’re swapped so adding Sera and Magik to extend the game and get as much value as possible from Mister Negative is a great way to overpower your opponent with powerful cards.

Since this deck is much more reliant on Mister Negative than the previous deck that was featured in this list, we’re running both Psylocke and Zabu since they can make sure that you can play out Mister Negative on turn 3, and get one more swapped out card by the end of the game. The rest of your deck is filled with cards that give you a lot of value with their effects and have low power. Once Mister Negative swaps them out, you’re left with amazing cards in your deck that can easily overpower a lot of decks. Just beware since this deck is hugely reliant on playing out Mister Negative, so if you don’t manage to do that on time, it’s often best to just retreat.

What This Deck Excels At:

  • This deck, if you’re lucky enough to draw Mister Negative early on, has an amazing turn 6 that can’t be rivaled by any other deck. You will be able to play out a lot of cheap and even free cards with amazing effects
  • Sera is a great way to make your turn 6 even more powerful since you’ll always have a few cards that weren’t swapped by Mister Negative, so being able to play them out as well is a big upside
  • Magik can extend the game to 7 turns, letting you draw an additional card with the swapped power and cost. This is extremely good, but it’s a bit risky since a lot of decks run cards that can swap out Limbo for a different location and ruin your strategy
  • Valkyrie is a great card in this deck since she will set the power of all cards on her location to 3, however you have plenty of cards like Bishop, Iron Man, Mystique and Blue Marvel who can make sure that you still win that location
  • Iron Man and Mystique are able to secure you two locations with Iron Man’s amazing effect. If you also manage to play some more cards on the last turn alongside them, your victory is almost guaranteed

Card List:

  • Bast
  • Angela
  • Psylocke
  • Zabu
  • Msytique
  • Bishop
  • Mister Negative
  • Iron Man
  • Blue Marvel
  • Magik
  • Valkyrie
  • Sera

2.Sera Surfer

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Sera Surfer was a deck that was polarizing the meta for a long time when Silver Surfer was first released as a Season Pass card. After the nerf it took a while for the deck to become viable again, only for it to become a really powerful deck that’s surprisingly good in the current meta.

As you can see the deck is based around playing as many 3-cost cards as possible and then buffing them all up with Silver Surfer’s effect at the end of the game. Luckily, 3-cost cards are very versatile and strong, so you can always tweak this deck a little by adding and removing cards that might be better in different metas and according to your playstyle. The only cards that you shouldn’t swap out ever are - Brood, Silver Surfer and Sera since they all give you insane value and are what makes this deck good. 

What This Deck Excels At:

  • This deck is able to consistently spread its power out evenly across all locations when you need it to, while also being able to disregard a location and focus all of its power on a two locations to overpower your opponent
  • Nova, Goose and Scorpion aren’t the most important cards, but they can still give you a lot of value. It’s nice to be able to play out a Scorpion or especially a Goose to lock out your opponent’s powerful cards on turn 5 if you haven’t drawn Sera and can’t play her on turn 5
  • Sera doesn’t look to important in this deck since if you play her on turn 5, or if you don’t, you’re going to be left with the same amount of 3-cost cards, but you’re going to have more knowledge about your opponent’s board state than he is about yours and you can choose the best 3-cost cards from your hand to play out to counter his playstyle
  • Brood is a really important card in all Silver Surfer decks since he gives you 3 targets for only 3 energy. This is a lot of value from a single card and he can single handedly contest a location
  • Killmonger is a great card that can counter a lot of your opponent’s decks that rely on playing 1-cost cards and he also has a nice synergy with Nova, buffing up your entire board by 1 power if you play Killmonger on the last turn

Card List:

  • Nova
  • Goose
  • Scorpion
  • Brood
  • Mister Fantastic
  • Silver Surfer
  • Cosmo
  • Juggernaut
  • Killmonger
  • Polaris
  • Absorbing Man
  • Sera

1.Sera Hitmonkey Control

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The most powerful Sera deck plays exactly as you would expect it to - by controlling everything your opponent is going to do and playing out a lot of cards to get value on your side of the board. This deck is really hard to master since it requires knowledge of a lot of other decks so that you’re able to counter your opponent on the 6th turn.

Zabu and Sera are cards in this deck that can lower the cost of your cards. Zabu looks like he might not be too useful, since you only have 2 4-cost cards, but keep in mind that both of them impact the game a lot when played on turn 6. Enchantress can completely stop an opponent if they’re playing an Ongoing deck, and Shang-Chi can clear out a location that your opponent filled with powerful cards. Sera lowers the cost of all of your cards by one, so on turn 6 you’re able to consistently fill out the entire board, especially when playing Mysterio and Hitmonkey, when your goal is to play out as many cards as possible. Hitmonkey and Bishop are usually really powerful and can secure locations by themselves, while you have cards like Scarlet Witch, Killmonger, Shang-Chi and Enchantress to counter your opponent.

What This Deck Excels At:

  • Shang-Chi and Enchantress are cards that can counter your opponent in really crucial moments of the game. This makes the deck great for gaining a lot of cubes, since your opponent might get carried away when they get a good board, only for an Enchantress to completely change that
  • Sera lowers the cost of all of your cards going into the last turn, this is particularly good because Bishop and Hitmonkey are usually able to become really powerful each game
  • Zabu makes it possible to play out Shang-Chi and Enchantress on the last turn to counter your opponent’s plays, while also being able to play out some of your other important cards
  • Mysterio and Hitmonkey are a great combination! Mysterio will count as you playing 3 cards for only 2 mana, and Hitmonkey prospers because of it.
  • Goose is great at locking out your opponent from playing their most powerful cards on that location, while not impacting you much, since your cards are cheap, and Scarlet Witch is a great tech card that can help you stay in control of the game by removing locations that you dislike

Card List:

  • Nova
  • Hitmonkey
  • Goose
  • Zabu
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Mysterio
  • Lizard
  • Bishop
  • Killmonger
  • Shang-Chi
  • Enchantress
  • Sera

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