[Top 5] Marvel Snap Best Thanos Decks And Why They're Good

Marvel, Marvel Snap, Best Cards, Card Game
17 Mar 2023

Thanos is a very powerful and fun card to play. He adds 6 Infinity Stones to your deck at the start of the game and most decks like running him for the stones, because of their great effects, rather than Thanos himself.

Thanos is currently holding down the meta, so let’s take a look at decks that you can build around him to get the most out of him and his Infinity Stones!

5.Thanos Bounce

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This is the only Thanos deck on this list that you should maybe not use if you’re trying to climb the competitive ladder. The bounce archetype is still weak but it’s hopefully going to become more viable once the next Season Pass comes around with Hit-Monkey.

This deck is focused around playing and then replaying cards to get more value out of them. Quinjet lowers the cost of Thanos’ Infinity Stones but it also lowers the cost of all cards that you return to your hand with Beast and Falcon’s effects. Kang is a good way to see what your opponent is planning on playing that turn and play around it - but he’s not necessary for making the deck work. 

What Is Great About This Deck:

  • Returning cards from the field to your hand will not only make them cost less and let cards like Angela keep their buffed up power, it will also buff The Collector as long as he’s on the field
  • Devil Dinosaur is a powerful card for the late game, since the Infinity Stones and returning cards to your hand can let you easily keep the hand full and make Devil Dinosaur strong
  • Beast and Falcon are the centerpieces of this deck and they synergize with all of your cards, not to mention getting to play Time Stone multiple times, while it costs 0 for that bonus energy is really great and it lets you play cards like Devil Dinosaur and Thanos earlier
  • The Collector and Bishop benefit from this deck being able to reuse cards and play them multiple times and they will will often be a great asset to winning you the game

Card List:

  • Sunspot
  • Quinjet
  • Yondu
  • Angela
  • The Collector
  • Beast
  • Carnage
  • Falcon
  • Bishop
  • Kang
  • Devil Dinosaur
  • Thanos


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The movement archetype is a little left behind. There’s not a lot of support for movement cards, but this deck doesn’t only focus on movement, but rather combines it with Thanos’ Infinity Stones.

It’s pretty easy to get the most out of Carnage because you can play the stones for only 1 energy (0 if you’ve played Quinjet) and then, after getting their draw-power and other effects, Carnage can eat them up and clear up board space for you. This deck has a lot of movement (on both sides of the board) so getting the most out of Miles Morales’ effect shouldn’t be too hard. You have Heimdall for the last turn if you want to switch up the power distribution and confuse your enemy, or you can play Thanos or Magneto for raw power instead.

What Is Great About This Deck:

  • Carnage can be a rather big card for a low cost after you play a few Infinity Stones on a single location
  • Kraven, Dagger and Vulture can easily grow in power if you position your cards correctly
  • Heimdall, Thanos and Magneto are great a finishing the game since they all have a lot of power and your opponent won’t know if you’re going to move cards with Heimdall until the moment the last turn is over
  • Aero and Magneto are great at disrupting your opponent’s plays and clogging up their locations 

Card List:

  • Iron Fist
  • Quinjet
  • Carnage
  • Dagger
  • Kraven
  • Cloak
  • Vulture
  • Miles Morales
  • Aero
  • Heimdall
  • Thanos
  • Magneto


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Although most decks that run Thanos play him for the Infinity Stones, this deck instead opts to play the Stones for the draw power and useful effects and then destroy them to make Death cheaper for a huge turn 6 swing.

The goal with this deck is to play Infinity Stones early on and destroy them with cards like Carnage, Killmonger and Deathlok. You have armor to protect your cards from Shang-Chi and to save the Power Stone if you’re expecting to get buffed Thanos by turn 6. Your turn 5 usually is going to be playing Wave to be able to drop She-Hulk, Thanos and Death on turn 6, while your opponent is going to be able to play only one card.

What Is Great About This Deck:

  • You get to use the effects of the Infinity stones without having them clog up your entire side of the board
  • Your turn 6 is devastating if you’ve got the correct cards in your hand and not a lot of decks can compete with the sheer amount of power Death, Thanos and She-Hulk can bring
  • Armor is a great way to protect cards that you don’t want destroyed and it also protects your big cards from opponent’s Shang-Chi
  • Playing Bucky Barnes on turn 2 and then Carnage or Deathlok on turn 3 gives you a lot of power on a single location early on and forces your opponent to overcommit to it if they want to surpass your power

Card List:

  • Nova
  • Quinjet
  • Yondu
  • Bucky Barnes
  • Carnage
  • Armor
  • Killmonger
  • Wave
  • Deathlok
  • She-Hulk
  • Thanos
  • Death

2.Thanos Lockjaw

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This deck has been holding down its place in the meta for a long time now. It’s really strong and we expect it to get nerfed soon, but hey, while it works you should still give it a try if you like playing Thasnos.

The thing that makes this deck as strong as it does is the cheap stones and especially the Space Stone. You’re able to chuck in 3 stones on a location with Lockjaw, pull out the strong cards from your deck and then move Lockjaw to a different location and theoretically do it all over again as long as you’ve got the necessary stones in your hand. Also, pulling Leech out early in the game can completely screw over any plans that your opponent had and will probably ruin their whole deck.

What Is Great About This Deck:

  • Lockjaw is easily able to swap out your Infinity Stones with your other powerful cards like Thanos, Magneto, She-Hulk or Leech
  • Leech is a very strong card in the current meta that can completely turn off your opponent’s deck, especially if Lockjaw pulls it out early on in the game
  • Devil Dinosaur is able to remain very powerful because most of your Infinity Stones will help you draw cards and keep your hand full
  • Shang-Chi is an amazing way to counter your opponent’s especially if you know that they are playing a Shuri-Taskmaster deck

Card List:

  • Sunspot
  • Quinjet
  • Lockjaw
  • Shang-Chi
  • Blue Marvel
  • Devil Dinosaur
  • Leech
  • Aero
  • America Chavez
  • She-Hulk
  • Thanos
  • Magneto


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This deck, although it has Lockjaw like the previous one can function without it as well, because it mostly focuses on playing a lot of cards with Ongoing effects and then playing Spectrum or Thanos to finish the game off.

You have to be strategic with using your stones at the start of the game and set up the board with your other cards with Ongoing effects to finish the game off with Spectrum. Kazar and Blue Marvel are there to buff your Infinity Stones and what’s great about them is that Spectrum will buff them as well. Keep in mind that the Soul Stone and Power Stone also have Ongoing effects and they can receive buffs from all 3 cards that were mentioned above.

What Is Great About This Deck:

  • Quinjet makes your Infinity Stones cost 0, and it also comes in handy in the rare cases when a location generates a card for you
  • Blue Marvel and Kazar can buff your Infinity Stones which can really add up in combination with some other cards and locations
  • Devil Dinosaur can be a really big card on turn 5, since almost all of your stones can draw you cards
  • In most cases Spectrum is the best turn 6 play, but if you need a lot of power on a single location that you didn’t set up, you can always rely on Thanos or Devil Dinosaur
  • Armor and Cosmo are great at protecting your cards and disrupting your opponent’s plays, especially in this destruction heavy season

Card Lists:

  • Ant-Man
  • Quinjet
  • Mojo
  • Armor
  • Lizard
  • Lockjaw
  • Cosmo
  • Kazar
  • Blue Marvel
  • Devil Dinosaur
  • Spectrum
  • Thanos

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