Rangers are a very powerful class that focuses on doing massive damage while keeping away from their foes. While rangers rely heavily on their weapons and ammo, accessories play a huge role in increasing your overall DPS. Find out which accessories are the best of the best in our Top 10 Terraria best ranger accessories and how to get them!
10. Terraspark Boots
Rangers have a major disadvantage in having lower survivability compared to other classes. Good movement is one of the keys to saving a ranged class. Boots not only increase mobility but also allows for extra movement utility like walking on ice or running on lava.
Item details:
- Allows flight, super fast running, and extra mobility on ice
- 8% increased movement speed
- Provides the ability to walk on water, honey & lava
- Grants immunity to fire blocks and 7 seconds of immunity to lava
- Reduces damage from touching lava
What makes it awesome:
- It's the final upgrade for the Hermes, Flurry, and Dunerider accessory tree. It's a combined version of most boot items.
How to get it:
- Follow the complete crafting guide HERE
9. Wings
Wings are an absolute must if you want to keep your ranger moving. Increased vertical movement and flight time are highly recommended when keeping a distance from your enemies. There are multiple wings in Terraria that can help you with zooming around the map.
Item details:
- Allows flight and slow fall
What makes it awesome:
- Allows you to further maneuver when facing agile bosses
How to get it:
- Check out Terraria's complete set of wings from the official wiki HERE
8. Sniper Scope
Some rangers have the disability of being stuck in their lower resolutions. If you're quite a distance away and the enemy and start to get off-screen, the Sniper Scope is a good accessory to keep tracking them in your sights. The Sniper Scope also increases ranged damage along with critical strike chance.
Item details:
- Increases view range for guns (Right-click to zoom out)
- 10% increased ranged damage and critical strike chance
What makes it awesome:
- Allows you to track enemies off-screen
How to get it:
- Follow the complete crafting guide HERE
7. Recon Scope
The Recon Scope is a direct upgrade to the Sniper Scope. It provides you with the same stats as the Sniper Scope while reducing enemy aggro. This is an excellent accessory to have when playing multiplayer. It's also a great utility accessory when using Spelunker potions when cave diving for treasure.
Item details:
- Increases view range for guns (Right-click to zoom out)
- 10% increased ranged damage and critical strike chance
- Enemies are less likely to target you
What makes it awesome:
- Increases ranged damage and crit chance
- Allows for off-screen tracking
- Reduced enemy aggro is excellent for ranged classes
How to get it:
- Find the crafting information for this item HERE
6. Magic Quiver
The Magic Quiver is a must-have for bow-wielding rangers as it not only increases damage but also increases arrow speed while giving a chance not to consume any ammo. Since there are very few ammo reduction items for bows, the Magic Quiver makes them play a bit more balanced than their gun counterparts.
Item details:
- Increases arrow damage by 10% and greatly increases arrow speed
- 20% chance of not consuming arrows
What makes it awesome:
- An all-rounded stat increase for bow wielders
How to get it:
- Drops from Skeleton Archers
- Click HERE for more details
5. Molten Quiver
The Molten Quiver is one of two Magic Quiver upgrades. It provides all the same stats as the Magic Quiver while giving you the unique effect of turning your wooden arrows into Flaming Arrows. This synergizes very well with the Endless Arrow Quiver as it allows you to get basically a free upgrade without having to craft Flaming Arrows yourself.
Item details:
- Increases arrow damage by 10% and greatly increases arrow speed
- 20% chance of not consuming arrows
- Lights wooden arrows ablaze
What makes it awesome:
- Think Magic Quiver with the added feature of converting wooden arrows into Flaming Arrows
How to get it:
- Find the crafting information for this item HERE
4. Stalker's Quiver
The Stalker's Quiver is the second among the Magic Quiver upgrade series. This has the same stats as the Magic Quiver while reducing enemy aggro. Shoot from a distance in peace with this accessory.
Item details:
- Increases arrow damage by 10% and greatly increases arrow speed
- 20% chance of not consuming arrows
- Lights wooden arrows ablaze
What makes it awesome:
- Think Magic Quiver with the added feature of converting wooden arrows into Flaming Arrows
How to get it:
- Find the crafting information for this item HERE
3. Destroyer Emblem
The Destroyer Emblem is basically like its name. It allows you to destroy your foes with ease with its straightforward damage buffs. It increases the damage for all types while increasing your critical chance as well. Like all Emblems, their power is multiplicative as they stack with each other.
Item details:
- Increases all damage by 10%
- Increases critical strike chance by 8%
What makes it awesome:
- Pure damage plain and simple
How to get it:
- Find the crafting information for this item HERE
2. Avenger Emblem
While the Destroyer Emblem is an upgrade to the Avenger Emblem, it has better damage boosts than the former. What it makes up in raw damage is compromised with the lack of increased critical strike chance. This downside is negligible, however since most ranged weapons already have a high critical strike chance.
Item details:
- Increases all damage by 12%
What makes it awesome:
- It's basically just raw damage in an emblem
How to get it:
- Find the crafting information for this item HERE
1. Ranger Emblem
The Ranger Damage is the base accessory for all the Emblem upgrades but it has the highest damage boost among all of them. This makes it a welcome accessory as it stacks with all other damage-boosting accessories in the rangers' arsenal. Pure damage. Win!
Item details:
- Increases ranged damage by 15%
What makes it awesome:
- There's always a place for it in any ranger loadout
How to get it:
- Drops from the Wall of Flesh
- Click HERE for more details