[Top 10] Tekken 7 Best Marduk Combos To Use On Enemies

21 Nov 2022

Ever wanted to play as a freight train in a fighting game? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Craig Marduk is the closest thing to a freight train there is when it comes to Tekken 7. Of course, there are other powerhouse characters like Fahkumram or Jack 7, but none can be as punishing as the self-proclaimed #1 fighter.

Craig Marduk is a defensive character that can swing into offense at any time. Give him even just a window for his momentum to pick up and you’ll immediately regret that you did. Craig Marduk makes up for his lack of pressure and offensive options with his grab game and amazing range.

Fighting at medium range means that Marduk will have no problem launching people up in the air for a massive combo, or just tackling them to the ground. Either way, you’re going to make your opponent regret ever messing around.


Understanding the Combo System

Body Image

Each button is assigned a number, and special properties are denoted by specific letters.

These button notations will be used throughout this list, and will include a special property called the Vale Tudo Stance (or VTS for short). VTS is a stance that Marduk can enter to open up a wide range of offensive options or secure his defensive position. To enter VTS, you must press the 3+4 buttons together.


VTS Canceling

Tutorial starts at minute mark - 1:03

A majority of Marduk’s optimal combos require him to quickly enter and exit his Vale Tudo Stance. This means pressing 3+4 and then 3+4 again instantly right after, making Marduk recover from moves faster and thus fitting in more time for extra moves in a combo. Learning VTS canceling is optional, but if you really want to be a good Marduk player, then you need to learn how to do VTS canceling.

To help you out, we’ll be making use of Tekken’s hidden mechanic: button buffering. Button buffering simply means that whenever one button is held down at the same time as another button is pressed, both buttons are read by the game which means, rather than rapidly drumming 3+4 every time we make a combo, we can instead hold down the 4 button and press 3 twice.

You still with me? Good. Then you have what it takes to be #1.

Without further ado, here are the top 10 best Craig Marduk combos.


10. Battering Ram (d+1+2)

Combo starts at minute mark - 1:04

This is a great combo to learn for beginners because it leads to easy damage, but missing the launcher leaves you open to a 12-frame punish. Not everyone in the early ranks knows how to punish moves, so while this will catch some of your opponents off-guard, it’s best not to rely on this launcher. 

Combo Route:

  • D+1+2
    Battering ram launcher. This quick duck has the tendency to avoid high attacks from the opponent and is best used against opponents who tend to use jab strings.
  • u/f+1+2
    A damaging combo-extender that keeps the opponent up in the air.
  • d/f+4,2
    Marduk’s most common tailspin move that extends combos and carries them closer to the wall.
  • d/f+3,1,2, VTSC
    Vale Tudo Stance Cancel Combo. As soon as you press the 2 button, immediately hold down the 4 button and tap the 3 button twice. This will take some getting used to, but it is essential to your toolkit.
  • b+1,2
    A combo ender that pushes opponents closer to the wall.

It’s important to mention that b+1,2 is not the best ender if you’re going for damage, but all the other high-damaging combo enders result in Marduk switching sides with the opponent. Switching sides is the exact opposite of what Marduk wants, because all the effort you put into bringing your opponent closer to the wall will just end up bringing you to the wall instead.


9. Shove (CH 1+2) (-9 on block)

Combo starts at minute mark - 6:28

A quick shove attack that does nothing on a normal hit but opens up to a guaranteed combo on a counter hit. Throw this quick attack out if you want to discourage your opponent from hitting buttons or want to try your luck swinging your way out of a combo.

Combo Route:

  • CH 1+2
    Decent range and speed. You’ll know that you’ve gotten a counter hit when your opponent stumbles backwards.
  • d/f+1
    Marduk’s best launcher, and *SPOILERS* the #1 combo on this list.

Shove makes Marduk’s best combo into a safe on block CH launcher at any range. If you’re afraid of going for the big combo, try sprinkling in a few shoves every now and then and see if you can combo from there! Just be careful, this move is a high attack, which means if your opponent is looking for it, they can duck it.


8. Low Parry Combo

Combo starts at minute mark - 2:55

It’s no secret, Marduk sucks at low pressure. Marduk has no quick launcher to punish low attacks from your opponent, which is why most opponents would just hit Marduk with a flurry of safe low attacks. Learning your low parry combo will be sure to not only discourage your opponent from going for your legs, but also help you gain more momentum.

Combo Route:

  • Low Parry
    A low parry is done by pressing d/f just as a low attack is about to hit you. A successful low parry will bounce your opponent off the ground. 
  • FC d/f+1+2
    After the parry, immediately hold d/f to go into full crouch (FC) and take a quick pause before pressing 1+2. This short pause is needed for the game to register that you are in full crouch (FC).
  • d/f+4,2
    Marduk’s most common tailspin move extends combos and carries them closer to the wall.
  • Microdash
    Make a quick dash forward right after d/f+4,2 to catch up to your opponent. Remember to not dash too far in or else you’ll miss the combo ender!
  • d/f+3,1,2, VTSC
    Vale Tudo Stance Cancel Combo. As soon as you press the 2 button, immediately hold down the 4 button and tap the 3 button twice. This will take some getting used to, but it is essential to your toolkit.
  • f,f+1+2
    Marduk’s most damaging combo ender. It is fairly easy to do right after VTSC, just needs some practice. If you ever end up missing this part of the combo, adjust your microdash to be shorter.

This combo can be complicated at first, but time spent in practice can go a long way. When I was trying this combo, the hardest part was always the VTSC to combo ender. Try mixing around the timing of the microdash and polishing the execution until it gets ingrained in your muscle memory and you can do it on reaction!


7. Mongolian Chop Combo (u/f+1+2)

Combo starts at minute mark - 1:41

A quick launching attack can launch on a natural hit. Safe on block with decent range, I would suggest making this attack when you’re trying to close the distance between you and your opponent. This combo is also one of the easier combos, considering we won’t be using VTSC. 

Combo Route:

  • u/f+1+2
    Combo starter with amazing range.
  • u/f+1+2
    Immediately after the first hit, repeat the same move to keep your opponent floating.
  • d/b+3,1,1
    High damage combo extender that pushes your opponent rather far. Great for wall carry and looks really cool!
  • Microdash
    The previous combo extender pushes your opponent far, so this microdash makes up for that distance. This dash isn’t strict; you can do it as short or as long as you want.
  • b+1,2
    A combo ender that pushes opponents closer to the wall.

An easy combo for a safe move is something that every character should have in their arsenal. Be careful though, this move is still a high attack, so it runs the risk of being ducked by characters such as Xiaoyu.


6. Around the World Grab Combo (f,f+1+2)

Combo starts at minute mark - 2:46

Marduk is a grappler, so it’s only natural that he has a grapple that leads to a combo. This combo does high damage and requires a 1+2 break, an uncommon input.

Combo Route:

  • F,f+1+2
    Grab launcher that launches the opponent high.
  • Microdash
    The grapple causes you and your opponent to misalign and switch sides. Dashing forward will only be for realignment.
  • VTS d/f+1+2
    Enter VTS with 3+4 right after the dash.
  • d/b+2
    A quick combo extender. You can begin mashing the 2 button while the previous move is happening.
  • Microdash
    Microdashing to close the distance between you and your opponent.
  • d/f+3,2
    A quick combo extender to pick your opponent back up from the ground.
  • u/b+1+2
    High damage combo ender that can also break the floor on certain stages.
  • FC d/f+4
    Guaranteed after the combo ender for extra damage.

So far, this is the third combo we have that starts with a high attack. Although they are effective, all of it can be avoided by just ducking. Because of this, we need to mix in some mid and low launchers. 


5. Wall Combo

Combo starts at minute mark - 7:24

Marduk has insane mind games when the opponent is on the ground. This wall combo will not only boost your damage on the wall, but also open up a variety of options to continue the pressure on your opponent.

Combo Route:

  • d/f+3,1
    First hit hits low to make sure that the wall combo never misses no matter how low your opponent is during a wall splat.
  • d/b+2
    Flips your opponent over so that their head is facing towards you.

In Tekken, when your opponent’s head is towards you on the ground, their options for getting up are very limited. Because of this, Marduk can either continue the pressure OR grab them off the ground and throw them around like a ragdoll. 


4. Rage Drive Combo (f+2+3)

Combo starts at minute mark - 3:02

Marduk is a high damage menace, especially when he’s in rage. Marduk’s rage drive turns his Vale Tudo tackle into a combo ender. This combo ender can be thrown out after the following situations:

Rage Drive Situations:

  • Wall splat
    Since Marduk’s rage drive hits pretty low, you can choose to tackle your opponent to the ground for extra damage.
  • Tailspin
    After any move that sends your opponent spiraling through the air.

Marduk’s rage drive, if used correctly, can lead to a huge comeback. Make sure to save your rage drive for your big combo to ensure that you won’t miss the tackle.


3. Flash Hook Combo (CH d/b+2)

Combo starts at minute mark - 3:49

A mid attack that is both safe on block and launches at crit. Can it get any crazier? It can. This combo uses another staple VTSC, so learning this combo can make it easier for you to learn other combos on this list as well. 

Combo Route:

  • CH d/b+2
    A move that has amazing range, is mid, and is safe on block. It’s better to use this when your opponent’s back is against the wall because it will lead to a wall splat.
  • d/f+3,1,2, VTSC
    Vale Tudo Stance Cancel Combo. As soon as you press the 2 button, immediately hold down the 4 button and tap the 3 button twice. This will take some getting used to, but it is essential to your toolkit.
  • b+1,2
    A combo ender that pushes opponents closer to the wall. 

In this combo, we’re sacrificing damage for continued pressure at the wall. If you want to squeeze out that extra bit of damage, replace b+1,2 with f,f+1+2. Even though this move opens up a lot of opportunities for Marduk, there are still better alternatives.


2. Knee Sling Combo (CH u/f+3)

Combo starts at minute mark - 5:10

Another move that fishes for a counterhit. This move has everything that d/b+2 has, but more! Because Marduk does a little hop when he does this move, there is a chance that he will avoid the opponent’s low attacks completely. Marduk is a huge guy so it’s hard for him to avoid attacks altogether so this little hop is his best attempt at being slippery.

Combo Route:

  • CH u/f+3
    This move also has decent range and is safe on block. Don’t be afraid to throw this out randomly in a match; it might lead to a game-winning combo.
  • d+1+2
    Combo extender for extra damage.
  • d/f+4,2
    Marduk’s most common tailspin moveextends combos and carries them closer to the wall.
  • Microdash
    Make a quick dash forward right after d/f+4,2 to catch up to your opponent. Remember to not dash too far in or else you’ll miss the combo ender!
  • d/f+3,1,2, VTSC
    Vale Tudo Stance Cancel Combo. As soon as you press the 2 button, immediately hold down the 4 button and tap the 3 button twice. This will take some getting used to, but it is essential to your toolkit.
  • f,f+1+2
    Marduk’s most damaging combo ender. It’s fairly easy to do right after VTSC, just needs some practice. If you ever end up missing this part of the combo, adjust your microdash to be shorter.

This move does a startling 87 damage when you land it, which is roughly half of your opponent’s health bar. Not only does this damage their health bar, but it also damages their morale. How would you feel if Marduk just deleted half of your health bar? 


1. Air Lift Uppercut Combo (d/f+1)

Combo starts at minute mark - 0:21

And here we are, Marduk’s most reliable launcher. This move is considered to be one of the best launchers in the game because of its massive range. With this move, punishing opponents from a safe distance becomes trivial. This will most likely be one of the first combos that you will learn as Marduk, and for good reason too.

Combo route:

  • d/f+1
    Use Marduk’s long arms to reach out and punish your opponent.
  • 2,d+1+2
    Combo extender. Since d/f+1 is often done with some distance between you and your opponent, this move is used to bring Marduk closer for consistency.
  • d/b+3,1,1
    High damage combo extender that pushes your opponent rather far. Great for wall carry and looks really cool!!
  • Microdash
    The previous combo extender pushes your opponent far, so this microdash makes up for that distance. This dash isn’t strict, you can do it as short or as long as you want.
  • b+1,2
    A combo ender that pushes opponents closer to the wall.

We will be using this combo ender for the sake of continued pressure at the wall. Marduk excels at mid to close range, so having multiple tools to approach the opponent while also keeping them at a distance is perfect. 

As you can see from the combo route, this combo doesn’t make use of the intermediate VTSC. This is the first combo that I learned while I was learning how to play Marduk, and learning VTSC only opened up more opportunities to learn for me. 

Marduk is a character that can hit extra hard, but as you climb the ranks, you’ll have to learn when to go for damage and when to go for pressure. A lot of Marduk’s damaging options put him in an unfavorable spot, which means you have to constantly weigh your options in a combo.

Keep practicing, and I’ll see you in the next King of Iron Fist Tournament!


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