[Top 10] Tekken 7 Best Akuma Combos That Are Freakin' Awesome!

28 Oct 2022

It's been well over 7 years since Akuma has been terrorizing the whole Tekken community. He was first introduced in Tekken 7 as a licensed guest character from Capcom's streetfighter. This horrific character, contrary to other Tekken characters, not only provides high damaging combos but also has generic moves that are high rewarding launchers (thanks to the bar) for combos of overwhelming damage. 

One could easily argue that the character requires high execution, which of course is true. But! Hey… this wouldn't stop players all around the world from executing the highest damaging combos that will remove 80% or even 100% of your health bar. In fact, it's a tradition for players to do this when they're playing as this character.

Here are some of the best top 10 Akuma combos that you’ll find freakin ‘Awesome’.


10. -16 punisher Dohatsu Tensho 9 hit Combo

Starts at 00:16

Tekken 7 Best Akuma Combos

This Akuma combo causes 60 damage in an open stage. This launcher move is a good punisher move that will keep your opponent from throwing moves at you that are -16 on-block. So this move shuts down all -16 (on-block) or higher than -16 (on-block) i.e. -17, -18, -19 (on-block) and so on.  

So, with this combo launcher in your hand, you don't have to worry about a lot of your opponent's moves falling into the above mentioned moves.

This combo starts with a launcher move, DF+2,1, which is completely mid but is launch punishable if your opponent blocks it. You can't randomly throw this launcher move as it is – 18 (on-block) without intending to punish your opponent.

Besides that, this launcher is fairly easy to do, not to mention the whole combo command. Furthermore, this combo doesn't require much practice to master and has the potential for more damage with access to the wall.  

The combo name “-16 Punisher Dohatsu Tensho 9 hit Combo” has three parts which make up the name of the combo that covers pretty much everything about the combo. For instance, the name can be broken down into "-16 Punisher," "Dohatsu Tensho," and "9 hit Combo."

The first part of the combo name tells you when to use this move, like in this case you can do this move when your opponent throws a -16 (on-block) move at you. The combo's second part is the combo starter/launcher move's name. Finally, the third part tells you how many hits this combo has.

How to perform this combo:

  • df+2,1
  • f+4 (screw)
  • Dash 1+2
  • Hold ff 1
  • Dash 1
  • Dash 1
  • Ff+1,2

9. -16 punisher Dohatsu Tensho 11 hit Combo

Starts at 00:23 

Tekken 7 Best Akuma Combos

This Akuma combo has 11 hits, which is a bit difficult, but offers 69 damage. Again, the launcher is the same and is a good punisher move that will keep your opponent from throwing moves at you that are -16 on-block. It shuts down all -16 (on-block) or higher; -17, -18, -19 (on-block) and so on. 

So, with this combo launcher in your hand, you don’t have to worry about a lot of your opponent's moves falling in the above mentioned move list. 

The expert opinion is pretty much the same for the launcher, as this combo starts with a launcher move DF+2,1 which is completely mid but is launch punishable if your opponent blocks it. So you cannot randomly throw this launcher move as it is -18 (on-block), except when you intend to punish your opponent.

Besides that, this launcher is fairly easy to do. However, the whole combo command might be too much to remember. So, you have to practice it to make it part of your muscle memory. Since the combo ends with the same move and might lead you to access the wall. And this gives you a chance for more damage. 

The name of this combo “-16 Punisher Dohatsu Tensho 11 hit Combo” is slightly different from the number 10 combo, and it also covers almost basic details in the combo. It has the same three parts, with only a difference in the number of hits, making it an 11-hit combo.

The first part of the combo name tells you when you can use the combo, like in this case, you can use it when your opponent throws a -16 move (on-block) at you. The combo name's second part is its combo starter/launcher move name. And finally, the third part tells you how many hits this combo has, which are 11 in this case. 

How to perform this combo:

  • df + 2,1
  • 4
  • 2+f,d,df+1,
  • 1+2 (EX bar)
  • ff, 1+2
  • ff, 4,3 (screw)
  • Dash uf, d+3
  • Ff+2,1

8. Kikoku Renzan bi directional 13 hit combo

The combo starts at 05:51

Tekken 7 Best Akuma Combos

This beautiful Akuma wall combo starts with a move 4,3 which is a safe, high attack. This particular combo allows you to wall splat your opponent, then take them away from the wall, and then slam you into the same wall for a nice damage of 74. 

The combo starter move 4,3 is a homing move and is -4 to -5 on-block, making it a safe high move (most high moves in Tekken are safe if not ducked under). The specialty of this combo is its ability to travel from and to the wall in two different directions.

The combo also has room for more moves than a regular wall splat combo. And this makes it more damaging as well.

To execute this combo, you don't have to worry about high execution like with other combos that need to use up an EX bar. However, the starting moves are both high and can be ducked by your opponent for a potential launch-punish, so it can't be thrown very often. 

The name of this combo, “Kikoku Renzan bi directional 13 hit combo” suggests that it starts with a move Kikoku Renzan, which wall splats your opponent and then a side step and forward jump 3 makes this combo bi-directional. And again, it is a 13-hit combo. So does the last name.

How to perform this combo:

  • 4,3 (wall splat)
  • Sidestep left 4,3 (screw)
  • Dash, forward jump 3
  • 1
  • Ff+2,1 (re-wall splat)
  • Forward jump 4
  • df+1
  • 2, f,d,df+2


7. D+3 complete bar burn 13 hit combo

The combo starts at 02:17 

Tekken 7 Best Akuma Combos

Now let's delve into the dark side of Akuma. This notorious Akuma combo is a 13-hit combo with a dangerous amount of 90 damage.

This combo is super easy to perform, which makes it a go to option for most of the people as it doesn’t require any special skills or practice to master. So, this combo is highly recommended whenever you find a chance to land a D+3 on your opponent with a bar at your disposal. 

The combo starting move is D+3, which is a low and -11 on-block, making it a safe move to use. However, the extension move d,db,b+3+4 is pretty risky with -22 on-block. So, if your opponent blocks D+3, and then blocks d, db, b+3+4, you will get hit with a combo, which can be dangerous.

However, if you successfully land this combo, it gives you an easy 90 damage without a wall, and who knows how much damage potential this combo has with the wall in access. 

As the name speaks for itself, it is a combo with a D+3 launcher. The later part of the combo name tells us that this combo requires full 2 bar burns and the last part tells us the number of hits in the combo, which are 13.

How to perform this combo: 

  • D+3, d,df,f+1, 1+2 EX, ff
  • 1, d,db, EX b+3+4 (screw)
  • Dash 1+2, FF
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • Ff+2,1


6. 10 frame jab complete bar burn 13 hit Combo 

The combo starts at 02:42 

Tekken 7 Best Akuma Combos

So here come the big guns. This Akuma combo uses two EX bar burns and can give you a 13-hit high-damaging combo.

Even if this combo has ridiculous damage, it requires a full 2 bars and high execution with f, df, d, db, b+2 immediately after a 2-jab, which is not very easy to do consistently. So, this combo requires a lot more practice than any other Akuma combo. 

The combo starts with a 2-jab which is a high hitbox move and extremely safe on-block. Not to mention the move speed because of its generic nature. After that, there is the f, df, d, db, b+2, a high execution move that is safe on-block, but the next move, d, db, b+3+4, is fairly easy to execute.

This combo also ends with a wall carry move which can lead to more damage on the wall.

As the name suggests, this combo starts with a 10-frame jab.. The mid part of the combo name tells us about complete EX bar burn and the last part shows it is a 13 hit combo. 

How to perform this combo:

  • 2, f, df, d, db, b+2, EX 1+2
  • 2, EX d,db,b+3+4 (screw)
  • Dash 1+2 FF
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • Ff+2,1


5. Half Circle EX bar 2x 12 hit combo 

The combo starts at 02:51 

Tekken 7 Best Akuma Combos

This hectic Akuma combo also requires two EX bar burns making it a 12-hit combo with a high damage of 105. 

So one must only perform this combo if they are very confident in their high level of execution. The combo starter is a highly safe fast jab with +1 frame on-block. However, the two identical EX moves in this combo are highly damaging; and remove even 80% of your opponent’s life with the right conditions met. 

Again, the name of the combo describes the combo very well with two EX half circle attacks and a 12-hit combo.

How to perform this combo:

  • 2, f, df, d, db, b+2, EX 1+2 FF
  • 2, f, df, d, db, b+2, EX 1+2 FF
  • B+1, f, d,df+4, during demon flip, 3 (screw)
  • Dash 1+2 FF
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • Ff+2,1


4. Hisenkyaku EX 5 hit combo

The combo starts at 03:44

Tekken 7 Best Akuma Combos

This another amazing Akuma combo is a 5-hit combo with a hefty 74 damage.

This is a neat and short combo and is also very easy to perform. You can always use it when you intend to whiff-punish your opponent. 

The combo starts with F+3+4 which is -9 on-block, and is a very safe mid homing move. That means, it has almost no weaknesses. You can throw this move randomly on your opponents (but of course always use this when your opponent is in range)

This combo also has wall carry, making it more damaging with a wall in access. However, as this is a relatively short combo, the wall carry isn’t always guaranteed. 

A fairly short name for a short 5-hit combo. Hisenkyaku is the name of the combo starter.

How to perform this combo:

  • F+3+4 During Hisenkyaku d, df, f+1+2
  • Ff+2,1


3. Demon Flip complete EX bar burn 19 hit combo

The combo starts at 07:07 

Tekken 7 Best Akuma Combos

This Akuma bad boy combo is insane. It starts with one of his key moves, the Demon Flip, and also requires a full two-bar burn making it a 19-hit wall travel combo with a nasty damage of 133.

This high damaging combo requires a high execution skill level to use f, df, d, db, b+2 in between the combo. Again, this level of execution requires a lot of practicing and the confidence builds over time. 

The combo launcher is a special homing mid move that is safe on-block. With this, you can annoy your opponent with a number of possible moves and one of which is Demon Flip 4.  

As the combo starts with a demon flip and requires a full EX bar consumption, it is given the name of “Demon Flip complete EX bar burn 19 hit combo” with the last part telling the 19 hits of the combo.

How to perform this combo:

  • f,d,df+3, during demon flip, 4
  • 2, f, df, d, db, b+2, EX 1+2 FF
  • 1, EX d,db,b+3+4 (screw)
  • Dash 1+2  FF
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • Ff 2,1


2. Focus complete EX bar burn 42 hit combo   

The combo starts at 07:20 

Tekken 7 Best Akuma Combos

This horrifying Akuma combo is a 42-hit combo that requires rage art at the end, making the total damage 157. This combo also requires a  good amount of confidence + heavy execution level skills which can only be obtained through relentless practice and commitment over the time.

The combo starts with a focus attack that can be performed by holding down 1+2. This focus attack is a high hitbox move and a power crush as well, meaning you can interrupt your opponent’s move with this combo launcher move, making it a very important Akuma move. 

After the focus attack you have to use EX Zanku Hadoken which is a bit tricky and requires a lot of practice to use it in your combos. Except that, the rest of the combo is pretty straightforward with wall and rage art damage to make it nearly a death combo.

This name tells us the combo starts with a focus attack with a complete EX bar burn making it a freaking 42 hit combo.

How to perform this combo:

  • Hold 1+2 FF
  • 2, d,df,f+2, EX 1+2 FF
  • 1, EX d,db,b+3+4 (screw)
  • Dash, 1+2 FF
  • 1
  • Dash 1
  • Ff+2,1 (Wall splat)
  • f,d,df 4, during demon flip, 4
  • df+1
  • During rage art 1,2,1,1,F,3,2


1. Balcony Break Death Combo  

The combo starts at 07:38

Tekken 7 Best Akuma Combos

This is one of the most notorious combos of Akuma that utilizes a balcony break and can make someone puke at the receiving end, the 44 hit death combo. 

This is arguably the most execution-heavy combo at a balcony break (when you have a wall splat + a wall break to the next stage which gives you an extra bounce). The mastery of this combo also requires a ton of practice and it also tests how confident you are as well.

This combo also starts with a focus attack, i.e. hold 1+2 a power crush move that will absorb your opponent’s move. After the focus attack comes the most difficult part: the f, df, d, db, b+2 ex move. 

You have to perform this move twice consecutively and then the rest of the combo contains pretty much the same standard extension moves to follow.

It is a balcony break-death-combo, so the name “Balcony break Death Combo” seems not bad for a fitting top tier combo of Akuma the demon.

How to perform this combo:

  • Hold 1+2 FF
  • 2, d,df,f+2, EX 1+2 FF
  • 2, d,df,f+2, EX 1+2 FF
  • 4,3 (Balcony break)
  • 1+2 FF
  • 4,3 (screw)
  • Dash, 2,f,d,df+2 (Wall splat)
  • f,d,df 4, during demon flip, 4
  • 1
  • During rage art 1,2,1,1,F,3,2

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