[Top 10] Tekken 7 Best King Combos To Learn

15 Nov 2022

If you’ve ever played or heard of Tekken, odds are you’ve seen the jaguar luchador that we all know and love. Maybe you’re picking up Tekken for the first time and want to try him out because, well, who doesn’t love a wrestler hero? But when you pick him up and try to learn King, you’re instantly bombarded with a move list that’s longer than Tekken 7’s story mode. Worry not; this guide will help you jaguar bomb your way to Tekken God Omega.

King is a great close-to-midrange fighter with tons of safe mid options, but not a lot of reliable lows to break your opponent down. However, King makes up for this with plenty of grab attacks that not only deal crippling amounts of damage but also condition your opponent to duck these grabs.

Starting your grind to the top ranks means you have to take the time to practice. Because of this, our combo philosophy should be that consistency is key. This guide won’t teach you the max damage combo, but it will teach you everything you need to know to climb.


Understanding the combo system

Before we begin, it’s important to note that Tekken 7’s combo system has its own notation, as seen below. Combo notation is something that every beginner should learn in order to fully understand the game.

Body Image

Each button is assigned a number, and special properties are denoted by specific letters.

King’s unique combo notation comes in the form of instant shining wizard (iSW for short). iSW is a high-damage combo ender that involves pressing f,f,f+1+2. This guide will go into more detail about how you can make this move come out consistently every time.


10. Water Parting Chop (u/b+1)

Combo starts at minute mark - 3:04

A quick wrestling chop to the chest that can catch your opponent off-guard. Though not King’s best move, this high-hitting attack is safe on block and leads to a meaty 42 damage combo. Another cute quirk of this move is that although it’s slow, there’s a small sidestep built into it! Which means you may be able to avoid some quick highs from your opponent. Great to learn for beginners, but it might not be the best thing to keep in your toolkit moving forward.

Combo Route:

  • u/b+1
    Combo starter. High and safe on block, but very duckable in higher ranks.
  • f,f+1+2
    King’s armored shoulder bash makes sure you end up close to the opponent after the hit to open up for more ground options.

This mini-combo is great for squeezing out damage from any attack. The timing isn’t too strict, so this combo will definitely be useful for beginners.


9. Body Blow Combo (FC d/f+2)

Combo starts at minute mark - 1:49

This far-reaching attack isn’t only a good way to start combos’ it’s also a far-reaching 15-frame punisher for low attacks. Be careful though! This move can be punished on block, so use it sparingly.

Combo Route:

  • FC d/f+2
    A punishable mid attack from crouching. Use this to punish 15-frame low attacks.
  • Sidestep right
    A quick sidestep right. A simple tap of the down button should be enough, and keep in mind you don’t have to finish the entire sidestep right animation.
  • Microdash
    Dash forward, but make sure to not press anything afterwards to ensure that your next move comes out without an input error.
  • F+3
    A quick kick to pick up your opponent from the ground.The opponent is stunned for a long time after the initial FC d/f+2, so do not rush on the previous inputs.
  • d/f+4,3
    A move that scoops your opponent off the floor.
  • 1
    A quick jab to float your opponent.
  • b+2,1
    A tailspin move that sends your opponent forward.
  • iSW
    Input the f,f,f as soon as the second hit from the previous attack hits to avoid any missed inputs.

This combo is very finicky, which is the reason it’s so low on the list. Punishable on block, but essential when you want to punish low attacks as King. 


8. Rage Drive Combo (d/b+1+2)

Combo starts at minute mark - 2:32

King has amazing comeback potential because of his high damage combos, and his rage drive is a great move to throw out when you find yourself in a corner. A quick move that leaves you plus on block, this move leads to a satisfying 79 damage combo on hit! Keep in mind that his Rage Drive can also be used as a combo ender, but right now we’ll be looking at it as a combo starter.

Combo Route:

  • d/b+1+2
    King’s Rage Drive sends your opponent flying highin the air.
  • u/f,n,4
    A neutral hopkick. Press u/f and wait a bit before pressing the 4. Since this combo starts with your opponent highin the air, this move is great for realigning King with the opponent.
  • 1,2
    Combo filler for extra damage
  • b+2,1
    A tailspin move that sends your opponent spinning forward.
  • iSW
    High-damage combo ender. As soon as the 1 from the previous move hits, you can input the f,f,f needed for this move and just hold forward, pressing 2+4 once you’re close enough to the opponent.

You can also try to hit your opponent with a sneaky d+3 before they get up, squeezing in just that extra bit of damage.


7. Wall Combo

Combo starts at minute mark - 6:29

King has no problem carrying the opponent to the wall for added pressure, which is why squeezing out as much damage as possible from a wallsplat is integral to his gameplan. Finding the right wallsplat move in any situation is important, but for most situations I would recommend f+2,1. This move can be used to whiff punish and can be built into a combo as a tailspin mechanic.

Combo Route:

  • f+2,1 (Or f,f+1)
    An easy way to wallsplat. I would advise using this against opponents who want to mash their way away from the wall. Wait for them to try something, avoid it, and punish.
  • d/f+4,3,d+4
    Generic combo enders at the wall. Simple and rarely misses, but gives up a lot of opportunities for King’s ground game to shine.

This may not be the flashiest combo ender that King has, but it’s the most consistent. If you want to keep your opponent on the ground while keeping King on his feet, you can opt to use this on the wall instead:

  • 2,1
    Extra damage after a wallsplat.
  • f+1+4
    King’s chest bump keeps King standing after the combo ends, which means King can react to how the opponent stands up. This can lead to ground grabs, or a flurry of attacks on the ground.


6. Low Parry Combo

Combo starts at minute mark - 2:49

As you climb your way up the Tekken ranked ladder, you’ll come across multiple opponents that abuse cheap lows. Of course, you could always just block those lows and not give it a second thought, but that means you’re missing out on a bunch of damage. King’s low punishment isn’t the best, only being able to launch 15 frame recovery lows, but if you master King’s low parry, you might be able to discourage your opponents from even trying these lows.

Combo Route:

  • Low Parry
    Performed by pressing d/f as soon as a low attack hits.
  • f+1+4
    King’s chest bump scoops your opponent up from the floor while dealing max damage.
  • d/f+4,3
    Another floor scoop that floats your opponent off the floor even higher.
  • 1,2
    Combo filler for damage.
  • f,f+1
    Tailspin move. The previous move pushes the opponent further away, so using this tailspin move will have King dash forward to close the distance from the opponent.
  • iSW
    I recommend pressing the f,f,f input as soon as the f,f+1 hits so you won’t end up missing the input. 

Blocking and punishing lows is a great way to discourage opponents from making low attacks. Learning your character’s punishment game should be the first thingyou do before anything else.


5. Magic 4 Combo (CH 4)

Combo starts at minute mark - 4:28

King has access to a kick that starts a combo on Counter Hit. This convenient tool can be used as a panic move to switch the momentum in your favor. This move has great range and leads to a high-damage combo.

Combo Route:

  • CH 4
    King’s magic 4 kick. Safe on block with quick startup frames.
  • b+2,4
    A combo extender that floats your opponent. I would practice hitting this in reaction to landing a CH 4 so that you won’t miss the opportunity to extend the combo.
  • b+2,1
    A tailspin move that sends your opponent spinning forward.
  • iSW
    High-damage combo ender. As soon as the 1 from the previous move hits, you can input the f,f,f needed for this move and just hold forward, pressing 2+4 once you’re close enough to the opponent.

This short combo is great for King players who need a long-range CH launcher that’s safe on block, but this still isn’t the best launcher that King has. Don’t be too worried about hitting the CH on your 4 kick; this move is still a great poke if it hits.


4. CH ff1

Combo starts at minute mark - 5:00

One of King’s best moves, as endorsed by Lil Majin, one of the best King players of all time. This move is amazing for closing the distance, hits mid, and isn’t punishable on block. This move is best used against opponents who already have their backs against the wall for an easy wall splat combo or as simply asaCH launcher from range.

Combo Route:

  • CH f,f+1
    The initial CH launcher immediately sends opponents forward with a tailspin motion.
  • f,f+1
    Picks the opponent off the ground for massive damage.
  • d/f+4,3
    Another move that scoops your opponent off the ground high enough for the next move to connect
  • iSW
    I recommend pressing the f,f,f input as soon as the 3 hits so you won’t end up missing the input. 

An amazing combo tied around one of King’s best moves. Confirm combos like this consistently,  and your opponent will be absolutely terrified to throw anything out that isn’t guaranteed.


3. CH Quick Hook Combo (CH b1)

Combo starts at minute mark - 4:19

A CH launcher that not only hits safe on block but also comes out quicker than the magic 4. This move is basically a better version of the magic 4. This launcher is quick enough to hit opponents mid-string, interrupt their combo, and turn the momentum in your favor.

Combo Route:

  • b+1
    A quick counterhit launcher that makes your opponent stumble to your right, misaligning them.
  • Sidestep right
    A quick sidestep right to realign King. A simple tap of the down button should be enough, and keep in mind you don’t have to finish the entire sidestep right animation.
  • F+3
    A quick kick to pick up your opponent from the ground. 
  • d/f+4,3
    Another move that scoops your opponent off the ground high enough for the next move to connect.
  • 1
    A quick jab to float your opponent.
  • b+2,1
    A tailspin move that sends your opponent spinning forward.
  • iSW
    High damage combo ender. As soon as the 1 from the previous move hits, you can input the f,f,f needed for this move and just hold forward, pressing 2+4 once you’re close enough to the opponent.

This is King’s ultimate “GET OFFA ME” move! Use it when you want to catch your opponent trying anything funny, or getting too ambitious with their pressure. 


2. CH Lay Off (f,f,n 1+2)

Combo starts at minute mark - 5:44

King’s quickest move at a fast 9 frames on startup. This move is safe on block and leaves you plus on hit, which is impressive as it is, but the beauty of this move comes when you counterhit.

Combo Route:

  • f,f,n 1+2
    The input involves you pressing f,f and then leaving a brief second of no input before pressing 1+2. Can be a bit finicky at first if you aren’t used to this motion, but definitely worth practicing.
  • f+2,1
    Guaranteed combo-ender on counterhit. Using this move can push your opponent closer to the wall, or if they’re already at the wall, wall splats them. This move can transition to a guaranteed wall combo.

This move is amazing at confirming combos for an easy 37+ damage, but it suffers greatly in the range department. The move is short range, so you need to get a feel for the distance you have from your opponent when throwing this move out.


1. Jumping Knee Lift Combo (u/f+4)

Combo starts at minute mark - 0:30

King’s quickest launching punisher from standing or even crouching. As I’ve mentioned before, learning your character’s punisher moves is the most important thing you have to learn, so this move lands the top slot on the list. A hopkick that avoids lows and can launch on natural hit but is punishable on block. Thankfully, the move is only -13 so you won’t be punished too hard for throwing this out of the blue. Well, except you’re facing a godlike Mishima player.

Combo Route:

  • u/f+4
    King’s hopkick and i15 launcher. Great for punishing, and for just randomly throwing out.
  • 4
    Floats the opponent. Quick recovery lets you follow up easily.
  • Microdash
    Dash forward slightly. You do not have to complete the dash animation for this, just a tiny bit of distance is enough to ensure that the combo doesn’t drop.
  • d/f+4,3
    A move that scoops your opponent off the floor.
  • 1,2
    Combo filler for damage.
  • f,f+1
    Tailspin move. The previous move pushed the opponent further away, so using this tailspin move will have King dash forward to close the distance from the opponent.
  • iSW
    High-damage combo ender. As soon as the 1 from the previous move hits, you can input the f,f,f needed for this move and just hold forward, pressing 2+4 once you’re close enough to the opponent.

Another great thing about this combo is that it utilizes all the previous combos’ principles, including microdashing and instant shining wizard. This is by far the best combo to learn first if you’re looking to dominate as King on the ranked ladder.

King is a damage monster, and these combos emphasize that strength. Now that you know the combos, don’t forget to learn when to use them and how! Some combo starters are great to throw out at a distance, and some can be used to punish opponents.
So enough reading, get in the lab and practice some matchups!


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