[Top 10] Sword Art Online Best Girls That Are Great

23 Jan 2022

Sword Art Online provided an abundance of strong female characters throughout the series. Even the supporting female characters tend to have a strong place in the world of Aincrad. Here is a list, ranked, of the best female characters the Sword Art Online had to offer.  

10. Sachi

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Sachi was a supporting character that showed a side that viewers did not see from the other characters, making her very humanistic in comparison to some of the other characters. Sachi had very real feelings when it came to SAO- she feared death and did not look forward to battles. She also depended a lot on Kirito and his strength. In my opinion, she is a good character for the series because she humanizes the game while still giving a supporting role to Kirito. Her role added to the idea that Kirito has a savior complex and would do anything to save anyone he could. 

  • Supporting Character
  • Humanizes the Game.

9. Natsuki Aki

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 Natsuki Aki is the definition of a supporting character, but definitely a character that makes a great impact. Working for the Japan Ground Self-Defence Force, she is a nurse who is set to take care of Kirigaya Kazuto after the Death Gun incident. Natsuki Aki is a very attractive nurse to say the least, and a fan favorite as she is an important caretaker in the series. 

  • Supporting Character
  • Nurse who Makes a Great Impact
  • Takes Care of Kirigaya Kazuto

8. Sasha

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Sasha is another supporting caretaker who is critical to the survival of a multitude of SAO characters. Sasha is a “feel good” caretaker. What I mean by this is, she takes on a very motherly role that makes viewers feel good inside and hope for her overall well-being, though she lacks the sex appeal that Natsuki Aki brings to the table. She takes care of many of the younger players in the beginning of the series, in the Town of Beginnings. She spends her time taking care of children until the game is defeated and they can all be freed, mostly protecting them from The Army.

  • Supporting Character
  • Caretaker
  • Protects Children from the harm of the Game and The Army
  • Takes care of children (food, shelter)
  • Feel Good Character (Motherly)

7. Yulier

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Yulier is where, in this list, the characters start to become really strong heroines in their own sense. Yulier is the vice commander of a force called the Aincrad Liberation Force, already showing just how tough of a character she actually is. She is also very striking within her appearance, with her silver hair and blue eyes making her look sharp, intense, and intelligent. She aids Thinker throughout the series and is known to be very loyal to Thinker and her guild. She also knows when to seek help, as she sought out Asuna and Kirito when Thinker was trapped.

  • Strong Heroine
  • Vice Commander of Aincrad Liberation Force
  • Striking Appearance
  • Aids the Thinker
  • Seeks Help from Asuna and Kirito

6. Sakuya

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Sakuya was the Lord of the Sylph Race. She was a leader but also very skilled when it came to her swordsmanship. She gathered most of the votes in order to become the leader of the Sylph race, so it is safe to say she was greatly liked by her people, and viewers as well. She is very tall and very powerful with her katana. Overall she is a very strong female character and leader, putting both fear and infatuation in the hearts of SAO viewers. 

  • Lord of the Sylph Race
  • Skilled Swordsman
  • Gathered most votes to become leader
  • Well liked by her people
  • Very Tall
  • Very Powerful with her Katana

5. Fanatio

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Fanatio stands out on this list because she is not necessarily a heroine. Fanatio is an Integrity Knight. In fact, she is the Deputy Knight Leader. However, she is a very strong and intense character. The first time viewers see her battle, she battles Kirito with a mask on. The mask gets knocked off within the battle, revealing the fact that she is a woman, stunning both Kirito and viewers alike. Her hair color and skin tone resembles Kirito, likely a hint at how strong both her and Kirito are alike. 

  • Integrity Knight
  • Deputy Knight Leader
  • Strong and Intense
  • Very intense battle between her and Kirito
  • Striking similarities to Kirito’s appearance

4. Yui

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Yui definitely becomes one of the most adorable characters in SAO. Yui’s original job was to be a Mental Health Counselor to help with some mental issues the players were having within the game. However, Yui eventually is forbidden from doing her job, which basically broke her character, as she is an AI. Kirito and Asuna were in the forest near the Aincrad Castle when they found Yui in her broken state. Lost, lonely, and without memory- Yui was adopted by Kirito and Asuna. This created a virtual family within the death game that is SAO. Even within her broken state, she still had powers that would help Asuna and Kirito greatly throughout the game. She was vastly stronger than humans. She was able to rewrite aspects of the game and jump between worlds because she was a navigation pixie. Not only is Yui a strong character, but she also adds to the fantasy element and viewers get to see a glimpse of Kirito, Asuna, and Yui living as a little family.

  • Adorable Character
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Navigation Pixie
  • Able to rewrite elements of the game
  • Able to jump between worlds

3. Leafa (Suguha)

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Leafa is part of the Sylph race, which meant she was under the reign of Sakuya. She is a recurring character throughout the SAO series, which is great because she is a fan favorite. Leafa is a very outgoing and friendly character, but she was quick to anger in certain situations, making her a very powerful character when combined with her magical powers. She is an adorable, little elf/fairy style character. SAO is not short of attractive heroines, however this combined with her personality and strength overall contributes to the reason she is so favored by viewers and a recurring character. 

  • Powerful personality (both friendly and quick to anger)
  • Magical Powers
  • Elf/Fairy style character
  • Fan favorite

2. Lisbeth (Rika)

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Lisbeth the Blacksmith (also known as Rika), is not a fighting character by any means, yet she plays such a critical supporting role when it comes to Kirito’s development. Occasionally, viewers could see some violent outburst from Lisbeth, especially when Kirito breaks her best sword, but overall she was a very friendly and helpful character. She also is a recurring character throughout the SAO series, something that is not seen through characters who are not fighters. She was an excellent blacksmith and created the Dark Repulser, the well-known sword of Kirito’s. Her outburst towards Kirito is admirable because he seems like such an untouchable character, but Lisbeth does not let his Savior Complex override her hard work.

  • Very Friendly
  • Can be Violent when necessary
  • Helpful supporting character
  • Helps build Kirito into who we know and love
  • Excellent blacksmith
  • Creates Kirito's iconic sword

1.  Asuna

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Asuna undoubtedly reigns supreme on this list. When you are first introduced to her, you feel a magnetic pull towards her. It only intensifies as battle after battle ensues and the legend of ‘Lightning Flash’ is born. She may have been the second in command of the Knights of the Blood Oath during her Aincrad days, but with each episode she opens her heart up to you… I mean, Kirito. This allows you to see the softer side of this strong-willed beauty who has both the characteristics of a Healer and a Fighter. 

  • Ultimate SAO heroine
  • One of the Strongest Characters in SAO
  • One of the Main Protagonists
  • Healer
  • Not afraid of a fight

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