[Top 10] Satisfactory Best Sink Items

Satisfactory Best Sink Items
28 Sep 2024

[Top 10] Satisfactory Best Sink Items

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The AWESOME Sink out in the middle of the Grass Plains

As part of your never ending quest to make FICSIT as profitable as possible you’ll have to use the AWESOME Sink. This building takes excess items and turns them into points. If you get enough points, you’ll be given a coupon, which can be used to buy new useful and cosmetic upgrades in the AWESOME Shop. 

To maximize your AWESOME Sinking potential and get the coveted Golden Nut statue, you’ll need to know what you should be sinking. The point cost per coupon gets a lot bigger for each coupon you get, so knowing what’s going to get you coupons the quickest is really important. 

10. Packaged Heavy Oil Residue

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Heavy Oil Residue being piped off of a Red Jungle cliff. 

180 Points

Once you get past fuel in Satisfactory’s progression, you may want to start diverting your attention away from problem-ridden fuel infrastructure. Part of this process can be eliminating Heavy Oil Residue from your production. With a bit of plastic, you could be diverting it into the Sink. 

Packaged Heavy Oil Residue only requires the liquid Heavy Oil Residue and some empty canisters, so it’s fairly cheap. For this price, it yields a pretty solid number of points, being on the higher side of simpler items. 

As a byproduct of the oil refining process, getting Heavy oil Residue also allows for you to get plastic and rubber, so if you need more of these you can always just make a new refinement process just for plastic and rubber, and then use some of the plastic for canisters and sink the Residue. 

9. Beacon

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A Equipment Workshop harshly lit on a red Rocky Desert night. 

320 Points

Beacons are just a couple months away from being removed from Satisfactory entirely, so if you still have some of them saved you may want to start offloading them instead of losing them permanently. They give a decently high point value and will cease to exist after Update 1.0 releases, so it’s important to use any you still have now. 

At this point the Beacons’ only real use is points. Their intended use has been outshined by map icons, which are completely free. There’s no reason to use beacons for anything else. 

Make sure you get rid of these before the next update because you’ll lose them. If you have any sitting around in storage crates you should get rid of them before the 1.0 release in September. 

8. Quickwire

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Quickwire being loaded into the Sink. 

17 Points

One of the easiest mid-game items to craft en masse is Quickwire. You can produce a lot more than you need very easily. 

Quickwire doesn’t provide a large number of points, but you can make so much of it that their value doesn’t matter. Unsurprisingly, Quickwire produces quickly. You can capitalize on this overstock by sending any unnecessary Quickwire into the Sink. 

I recommend putting an AWESOME Sink right next to your Quickwire production as soon as you make it, as you’ll be getting use from it quickly. You can also always disconnect your Quickwire from the Sink when you need it, so there’s no harm in being prepared for overflow. 

7. Flower Petal/Color Cartridge

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A soon-to-be-useless field of flowers in the Titanfall Forest. 

10 Points

As the 1.0 launch date approaches it’s important to take stock on what will and won’t be useful soon. The Flower Petals and Color Cartridges are in a similar boat to the Beacons, as they’ll be removed entirely. 

They may not give a huge amount of points, but getting any use out of them before they’re removed will be necessary for anyone wanting to carry over a world into the full release in September. 

These are also really easy to collect, as they litter any place with grass. You can pick up a lot of flower petals in just a couple minutes. 

6. Smart Plating

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Smart Plating being rerouted from the Space Elevator into a Sink. 

520 Points

Smart Plating is exclusively used for the Space Elevator quests, so there’s not much of a reason to make them when you aren’t working on a Phase. If you already have the infrastructure for making them, starting Phase, though, you should put it to use. 

Smart Plating is the cheapest Space Elevator component in the game, requiring only iron to be created, so it’s fairly cheap. It also gives a pretty high point reward, as all Space Elevator parts do. 

Your best course of action is to set up Smart Plating construction of Phase 1 and keep it running into the Sink until you hit Phase 2. Then you can reroute it back into your Space Elevator process and after that back to the Sink. Repeat this process until you’ve finished the Space Elevator. 

5. Silica

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Silica heading into an AWESOME Sink right in front of an AWSOME Shop. 

20 Points

Silica is a common byproduct of multiple processes in Satisfactory, including bauxite refinement and coral cutting, so it may be worth your while to put your excess into the Sink. It’s cheap, but plentiful. 

Each Silica isn’t worth much alone, but over time they really pile up over time. It produces really fast and comes from multiple places. 

Once you start refining bauxite in the late game you’ll be getting a lot of Silica. It can be wired back into the system for production, but if you have the Pure Aluminum Alternate Recipe, you won’t need to bring the Silica anywhere but the Sink. 

4. Versatile Framework

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One step in the Versatile Framework production process. 

1,176 Points

Versatile Framework is another Space Elevator-specific item. With just a bit of steel and iron, which you probably already have plenty of, you can make plenty of these. 

Versatile Framework is a bit more complicated to build than Smart Plating, but it provides so many more points in the Sink, and it’s absolutely necessary to progress. You can just Sink any you make after finishing a Phase and rework it back into the system after. 

Like Smart Plating, Versatile Framework is a cheap, low-level Space Elevator part that has no use beyond progression. This means when you aren’t in the middle of a Phase, you can just route the Versatile Framework into a Sink and bring it back later. 

3. Alien DNA Capsule

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A giant flying manta crossing near a waterfall near the Grass Plains. 

1,000 Points

One of the more recent additions to the AWESOME Sink is the Alien DNA Capsule. If you’re far enough into Satisfactory, enemies won’t be a huge challenge anymore, so you also won’t need so many medical inhalers. This frees up the amount of alien protein you have. 

A good use for extra alien remains is points. Turning alien protein into Alien DNA Capsules gives you a lot of points for a small amount of work. It’s especially easy once you have better weapons, like upgraded rebar and turbo rifle ammo. 

Alien protein’s only other uses are in medical inhalers and biomass. Medical inhalers stop being necessary once you have the jetpack and biomass stops being necessary almost immediately. This is the best use in the mid-to-late game. 

2. Turbo Motor

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A Particle Accelerator in the Rocky Desert. 

242,720 Points

Turbo Motors are the most lucrative sink items on this list by a mile. This makes sense, as they’re very resource-intensive, requiring rubber, motors, radio control units, and cooling systems. Once you have them assembled, though, if you run out of use for these, you can always sink them. 

Turbo Motors are in the way-far late game, so they end up having little use outside of Mk3 Miners and Particle Accelerators. If you make a large amount of them, most of your Turbo Motors are going to end up sitting in storage collecting dust. There’s no better reason to sink them. 

Once you finish Phase 4, most of their usage is gone. You won’t need an unlimited number of Mk3 Miners and Particle Accelerators, so automating Turbo Motors leads to a bunch of space-wasting storage containers if you don’t sink them. 

1. Plutonium Fuel Rod

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Uranium being conveyed deep through the Red Jungle. 

153,184 Points

Satisfactory’s most productive power source is the Plutonium Fuel Rod, made by recycling uranium waste. Nuclear waste alone can’t be put into the sink, but the uranium waste can be turned into Plutonium Fuel Rods. Rather than use them for power, you can turn them into tons of points. 

Uranium-powered nuclear power plants produce enough power on their own to run a large factory, especially if you set up multiple. Plutonium Fuel Rods produce plutonium waste, which is much more radioactive than its uranium counterpart, and it can’t be recycled, so you’d be stuck with it. 

Rather than deal with the harmful byproduct of the plutonium power process, you could keep using uranium and turn the waste into points using the Particle Accelerator. 


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