RE7 Eveline - Everything You Should Know

resident evil, resident evil 7, resident evil 7: biohazard, biohazard, re7, eveline, e-001
28 May 2020

Resident Evil 7 leads players on a wild ride orchestrated by a supernatural child named Eveline. While Eveline acts as the puppet master, controlling Mia and the Baker family, she stays shrouded in misery. Better the devil you know than the one you don’t, so take a moment to get to know Eveline.

10. The OG E-Series Bioweapon

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If looks could kill

The first of the E-Series bioweapons, Eveline, is a genetically altered human. She was created by a crime syndicate called “The Connections.” This syndicate deals in biochemical research, weapons, drugs, and money laundering. 

Eveline was created for infiltration purposes, allowing her to slip behind enemy lines and eliminate them without the need for combat. Since a child is more likely to be unsuspected, they artificially aged Eveline to appear as a 10-year-old girl.

So, she’s an experimental child that is genetically modified to be an infectious murder machine. What could go wrong, right?

9. Mind Games

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A glance at the "normal" Jack Baker

Thanks to the anomalous bacteria that researchers merged with Eveline’s DNA, she can control the mind of anyone who encounters her. She can also use this mold bacteria to infect others, encase them in mold, or kill them.

According to files found during RE7 gameplay, Eveline can cause hallucinations in anyone she infects. In fact, being mentally attuned to anyone infected with the E-Series bacteria is a known symptom of initial infection. So, if you find yourself hallucinating about Eveline, it’s safe to say you’ve been infected.

8. Family Matters

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Eveline doesn't appreciate having her "gift" rejected

The life of an experimental bioweapon is all Eveline knew. She didn’t have a mother or father, no bedtime stories, no kisses, no hugs. Every kid wants a family, and Eveline is no different in this regard.

Unfortunately, Eveline develops a fatal obsession with having a home and a family. She’ll stop at nothing to create her own adopted family and force them to love her. When she washes up near a farm, she finds the perfect opportunity to play “house” with the residents.

7. The Shipwreck

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A photo in the Baker home shows the tanker that was transporting Eveline

When “The Connections” needed to transport Eveline to a secondary lab facility, they loaded her on the cargo ship, “Annabelle.” She was assigned 2 caretakers, Mia Winters and Alan Droney.

While the ship sailed the Gulf of Mexico, a hurricane caused raging waters. Eveline became unstable, wounding Alan and hiding from Mia. Along the way, she was vomiting mold monsters and infecting crew members.

Mia uses a specialized tracking codex watch to track Eveline all around the ship. When Mia finds her, Eveline refers to Mia as “mommy.” Mia tries to calm Eveline by promising that they can be a family, but only upsets Eveline further.

After Mia chases her back to Alan, Eveline kills Alan and infects Mia in hopes of surviving the shipwreck. Soon after, Eveline and Mia are thrown from the ship into the sea.

Eveline and Mia washed up in a Bayou next to a farm in Dulvey, Louisiana. Jack Baker, the patriarch of the farm, discovered the pair and rescued them. Without any communication, Mia’s friends and family assume that she died during the hurricane.

6. Trial & Error

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A newspaper clipping about the missing Sewer Gators crew

Jack carried Eveline and Mia up to the farm to nurse them to health. The Baker farm was home to Jack and his wife, Marguerite, along with their 2 adult children, Lucas and Zoe.

Eveline didn’t hesitate to claim them as family, beginning the process of infecting and controlling them. It took around 2 weeks to fully control them, as they kept having lapses of normal consciousness.

Eveline doesn’t stay satisfied with her small family for long. For 3 years, she orders the family to capture homeless people, tourists, and anyone else they find. She attempted to infect and control them, but their rebellion and attempts to escape inevitably led her to grow frustrated and demand their death.

You can’t pick your family members and toss out the bad apples. Unless you’re Eveline, that is.

5. Grandma Evie

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Eveline didn't age well

Without access to the medication that stabilized her, Eveline’s body and mind declined. Her emotions were uncontrollable, and she was aging at 25 times the normal rate. Although she still uses her powers to project herself as a young girl, her true physical form has turned into a withered, wheelchair-bound old woman.

She seems to use supernatural ability to transport herself around the Baker farm, keeping an eye on her family members and captives. All the while, Eveline’s mind hasn’t aged. In an email to “The Connections,” Lucas notes that Eveline still thinks like a child.

Who would have thought that a withered old woman could have such epic tantrums?

4. The Trap

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The email that Ethan received from Mia's account

In her never-ending search for family members, Eveline grows interested in having Mia’s husband, Ethan, as a father figure. Ethan believed Mia to be dead for 3 years, so Eveline concocted a manipulative plan to lure Ethan to the farm.

She took control of Mia, forcing her to send an email to Ethan with her location instructing Ethan to come and find her. Ethan jumps at the chance to find his beloved wife and heads straight to the farm.

Eveline’s plan backfired on her when Ethan arrived, intent on finding Mia and escaping. She became angry that he didn’t want to be part of the family, so she ordered Mia to kill him.

Her plans continued to unravel as Ethan joined forces with Zoe Baker to create a cure and escape for good. Despite her efforts, Ethan obtains the ingredients he needs while defeating the mutated Baker family members.

3. Zoe Experiences Eveline’s Wrath

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Eveline retaliated against Zoe by calcifying her

After Ethan uses the only cure on Mia, they board a small boat and leave Zoe on the docks. As if it wasn’t bad enough for Zoe to be left hopeless, Eveline felt that she deserved a harsher punishment.

The sting of Zoe’s betrayal caused Eveline to furiously lash out, calcifying Zoe. The white mold began spreading throughout Zoe’s body, slowly killing her. Without a full dose of serum from “The Connections,” Zoe won’t survive the calcification.

2. Mutated Eveline

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Ethan confronts Eveline with the necrotoxin

In a final march against Eveline, Ethan travels through the Abercrombie salt mines to create the E-Necrotoxin that will destroy Eveline. On his way back through the Guest House, Ethan sees hallucinations caused by Eveline’s powers.

She appears in her childish form, creating powerful winds to blow Ethan away from her. Ethan reaches her anyways, quickly injecting her with the necrotoxin. Her illusion powers fade, revealing her true form as an old woman.

Eveline demonstrates her childlike emotions by crying out, asking why everyone hates her. She then screams about the pain caused by the injection as her body starts to crumble away, joining with the layers of mold in the room.

Eveline’s final form is that of a towering mold monster large enough to break the house. The mold mutates, threatening to rage out of control.

1. The End of Eveline

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Eveline's demise at the hands of Ethan and Blue Umbrella

Blue Umbrella, the rival company to “The Connections,” caught wind of Eveline’s reign of terror. They deployed rescue units just in time to help Ethan by dropping a special anti-bioweapon beside him. That weapon happens to be the Albert-01, which they loaded with specialized ammo called “RAMRODs.”

After Ethan pumps a few rounds of RAMRODs into Eveline, she finally succumbs to calcification. Blue Umbrella is successful in eliminating Eveline, but there is still some work to be done. Eveline’s infected minions are ready to cause havoc of their own.

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