RE7 All Files And How To Get Them

RE7 All Files
28 May 2020

For casual gamers who prefer to spend their game immersed in combat or zooming through the storyline, optional collectibles aren’t a high priority. Some gamers pick up collectibles on occasion, but they don’t find the whole set.

But other gamers prefer to gather every tidbit of information they can, or they’re looking to earn achievements. In Resident Evil 7, the files scattered throughout the map are collectibles that earn you the “The Devil Is in the Details” achievement when you find all 32 of them in a single playthrough.

Finding all 32 files can be a huge feat, so here’s a guide to help your journey to the achievement!

1. Email From Mia

How to Get the “Email From Mia” File

The file that started it all! Ethan receives this email from his wife, Mia, who was missing and presumed dead for 3 years. The email instructs Ethan to come to find her at the Baker farm in Dulvey, Louisiana. Unbeknownst to Ethan, the residents of the farm are a whole new strain of evil. 

How to Get the “Email From Mia” File

  • This file is accessible at any point in the game.
  • It appears in Ethan’s inventory at the start of the game. Simply inspect the document from the inventory selection.

“Email From Mia” File Details:

2. List of Names (Front)

How to Get the “List of Names (Front)” File

This list names several of the missing people that the Baker family has abducted in the last 3 years. Their fate, whether turned or dead, is listed next to each name. Clancy, the missing cameraman of the Sewer Gators crew, has an L next to his name. Some indicators throughout the main game and the DLC suggest that L means that he was turned over to Lucas Baker as an involuntary test subject.

How to Get the “List of Names (Front)” File

  • This file is only available while Ethan is in the Guest House basement.
  • You can find it near the cell that you find Mia inside.
  • Flip the list over to see the back, as it counts as another file.

“List of Names (Front)” File Details:

3. List of Names (Back)

How to Get the “List of Names (Back)” File

Don’t forget the back of the list! It features Mia’s name at the top, followed by more victims.

How to Get the “List of Names (Back)” File

  • Again, the file is only available when you find Mia in the Guest House basement.
  • When you pick up the list, flip it over. Since the front and back are considered separate files, you must view both sides for it to work.

“List of Names (Back)” File Details:

4. Home Improvement Store Receipt

How to Get the “Home Improvement Store Receipt” File

According to this receipt, a member of the Baker family went out and bought a saw, some rope, and 20 pet collars for their horror house shenanigans. I would have loved to see the cashier’s face!

How to Get the “Home Improvement Store Receipt” File

  • It becomes available after the dinner table scene. 
  • On the dining room side of the kitchen counter, the receipt is taped to a cabinet.

“Home Improvement Store Receipt” File Details:

5. Newspaper Article - Missing People

How to Get the “Newspaper Article - Missing People” File

One of two newspaper articles, this file reports that the crew of Sewer Gators had gone missing during their trip to the Baker farm. It gives players slightly more insight into the 3 Sewer Gators and the background that brought them to the farm.

How to Get the “Newspaper Article - Missing People” File

  • You can find this file in the living room of the main house after the dinner scene.
  • Look for the stack of newspapers near the couch to find it.

“Newspaper Article - Missing People” File Details:

6. Newspaper Article - Over 20 Missing

How to Get the “Newspaper Article - Over 20 Missing” File

The second article details some of the other disappearances over the last 2 years. The article suggests that the local police department was beginning to suspect a connection and would be using more personnel for investigations.

How to Get the “Newspaper Article - Over 20 Missing” File

  • This article is also in the living room of the main house.
  • Look for the newspaper next to the Grandfather Clock.

“Newspaper Article - Over 20 Missing” File Details:

7. Jack’s Journal

How to Get the “Jack’s Journal” File

Jack’s journal has entries detailing the events leading up to Mia’s arrival. It mentions a storm and a wrecked ship in the bayou, which happens to be the ship that Mia was aboard when it wrecked.

How to Get the “Jack’s Journal” File

  • The journal is located in the Main House on the second floor.
  • Enter the Recreation Room and check behind the counter that the TV sits on.

“Jack’s Journal” File Details:

8. Jack’s Memo

How to Get the “Jack’s Memo” File

Jack appears to have left a note for Marguerite. Most couples leave sweet reminders or grocery lists, but Jack’s “Honey Do” list for Marguerite demands her to move the corpse of a dead hippy to the processing area. 

How to Get the “Jack’s Memo” File

  • This memo is also found in the Recreation Room in the Main House second floor.
  • The memo is on a table to the left of the door leading to Grandma’s Room.

“Jack’s Memo” File Details:

9. Travis’ Memo (Front)

How to Get the “Travis’ Memo (Front)” File

This memo was from one captive, Travis, to Courtney, who appears to be his girlfriend or wife. On the front, he explains that the Baker’s were chasing him. But he urged her to escape by finding the dog head reliefs to place in the door. He documents that he spotted one of the reliefs in the Processing Area of the Main House.

How to Get the “Travis’ Memo (Front)” File

  • This memo is located in the Safe Room next to the stairs that lead down to the processing area.
  • Look in the drawer to the left of the Tape Recorder that allows you to save your game.
  • Read the back of the memo for it to count both files.

“Travis’ Memo (Front)” File Details:

10. Travis’ Memo (Back)

How to Get the “Travis’ Memo (Back)” File

The reverse side of Travis’ memo documents his cruel fate. He writes that something was wrong with him, which he believes to be from the food Marguerite forced him to eat. He prepared to die fighting by grabbing the shotgun he saw through a window in the Rec Room.

How to Get the “Travis’ Memo (Back)” File

  • The memo is in the Safe Room next to the Processing Area.
  • Pick up the memo, and flip the memo over to view the back.

“Travis’ Memo (Back)” File Details:

11. Incinerator Room Memo

How to Get the “Incinerator Room Memo” File

In case you were wondering what became of Travis and Courtney, this memo tells you. Whoever wrote the memo alludes to Travis by mentioning the guy who tried to escape. The note goes on to remind Lucas of how to open the leftmost incinerator. It concludes by telling Lucas to do whatever he wants with Travis’ girl.

How to Get the “Incinerator Room Memo” File

  • This file is in the Incinerator Room of the Processing Area.
  • You’ll find it taped to the wall above the sink.

“Incinerator Room Memo” File Details:

12. Memo About Relief

How to Get the “Memo About Relief” File

The writer of this memo describes being tired of chasing their “guests” around the yard. As a solution, they ordered that the dog head reliefs remain hidden. Maybe they should have considered not leaving a memo laying around with the hiding spots written on it!

How to Get the “Memo About Relief” File

  • First, you’ll need the Scorpion Key from the Processing Area.
  • Use the Scorpion Key to open Grandma’s Room on the second floor of the Main House.
  • The memo is on the dresser.

“Memo About Relief” File Details:

13. Doctor’s Letter

How to Get the “Doctor’s Letter” File

It seems that Mrs. Baker headed for the doctor’s office in the early stages of infection. After she didn’t return, the doctor mailed her a letter to detail what he found in her x-ray. The x-ray revealed dark areas in her cranium that looked like fungal growths. He also mentions that the growths might explain the hallucinations she had been experiencing.

How to Get the “Doctor’s Letter” File

  • This file is also in Grandma’s Room on the second floor of the Main House.
  • Check the drawer across from the bed.

“Doctor’s Letter” File Details:

14. Zoe’s Investigation Notes

How to Get the “Zoe’s Investigation Notes” File

Zoe realizes that something very wrong has happened to her family, and she’s next. She notes that she has felt increasingly weird. She blames the events on someone, referring to Eveline. She also states that Eveline arrived with Mia, and she believes that Mia knows more than she claims.

How to Get the “Zoe’s Investigation Notes” File

  • After placing all 3 dog head reliefs in the door, you can access the front yard.
  • Near the house, Zoe has a camper trailer. Enter the trailer.
  • Inspect the whiteboard next to Zoe’s bed to find the notes.

“Zoe’s Investigation Notes” File Details:

15. Marguerite’s Warning

How to Get the “Marguerite’s Warning” File

Apparently Zoe has tried to sneak her way into Mama Marguerite’s sacred space! This file berates Zoe, threatening severe consequences for touching her altar. Luckily for Zoe, Ethan will be the one touching Marguerite’s altar instead.

How to Get the “Marguerite’s Warning” File

  • In the Old House, there’s a huge pit in the floor. On the other side of the pit, you’ll see a small set of stairs leading to a locked Crow door.
  • You’ll need to go around the house and solve a shadow puzzle to reach the door.
  • The note is posted right next to the door.

“Marguerite’s Warning” File Details:

16. Serum Documentation

How to Get the “Serum Documentation” File

Zoe tasks Ethan with obtaining the D-Series arm and head to synthesize a serum. It seems that she learned this information by finding this file in the Altar Room. All you need is a cranial nerve and a peripheral nerve to whip up a mold-busting serum!

How to Get the “Serum Documentation” File

  • You’ll need the Crow Key, which is located in the outhouse near the Old House. You’ll need to raise the bridge to the outhouse using a crank.
  • Take the key to the same door that Marguerite’s Warning was posted near. This door leads to the Altar Room. 
  • Open the green box inside the room. Inside the box, you’ll be able to grab the file.

“Serum Documentation” File Details:

17. Marguerite’s Notebook

How to Get the “Marguerite’s Notebook” File

If you want to read Marguerite’s thoughts in the beginning stages of infection, check this file! Her entries become progressively more deranged as her symptoms worsen until Eveline takes her over completely. 

How to Get the “Marguerite’s Notebook” File

  • This file is also located in the Altar Room of the Old House.
  • In a small side area near the piano, this file sits on a small table.

“Marguerite’s Notebook” File Details:

18. Memo on Deputy’s Head

How to Get the “Memo on Deputy’s Head” File

After putting an end to Marguerite, you’ll finally hear from Lucas. He leaves you a bit of a gift, the severed head of our fallen Deputy. The beginnings of a Molded’s face already seems to be growing out of it. Attached to the head is this file, which directs you to the Dissection Room of the Processing Area.

How to Get the “Memo on Deputy’s Head” File

  • Return to Zoe’s trailer after defeating Marguerite and fetching the D-Series arm.
  • Lucas will call you and instruct you to open the fridge.
  • Open the fridge and inspect the Deputy’s head.

“Memo on Deputy’s Head” File Details:

19. Lucas’ Journal

How to Get the “Lucas’ Journal” File

On your quest to find the key cards, you enter the old Kids Room in the Main House. Here you’ll find Lucas’ journal with a few entries. It seems he always had a knack for inventing things, but he also had a lurking dark side.

His journal entries reveal that he was being taunted by another kid. He then invited the kid over and locked him in the attic. To prevent Zoe from poking around, he melded the attic remote with a contest trophy.

How to Get the “Lucas’ Journal” File

  • Retrieve the Snake Key from the Dissection Room. 
  • Use the Snake Key to unlock the Kids Room on the second floor of the Main House.
  • The journal is sitting on a small table near the bed.

“Lucas’ Journal” File Details:

20. Torn Page From Journal

How to Get the “Torn Page From Journal” File

The missing page from Lucas’ journal chronicled his bully’s last days. After a while, Lucas didn’t hear any more noise. He mentions an awful smell and juices dripping from the ceiling.

Luckily, he also mentions that he tweaked the attic remote again. As a hint, he says that it will now be bright even at nighttime.

How to Get the “Torn Page From Journal” File

  • This file is also in the Kids Room on the second floor of the Main House.
  • The page is on a table near the ladder that leads to the attic.

“Torn Page From Journal” File Details:

21. Clock Memo

How to Get the “Clock Memo” File

When you make it to the Master Bedroom, you’ll have to solve a small puzzle to open a secret path under the bed. The memo, however vague, gives you a clue to the puzzle solution. It says, “The same time as all other clocks.”

How to Get the “Clock Memo” File

  • Use the Snake Key to unlock the Master Bedroom on the second floor of the Main House.
  • Once inside, look for the bedside table with a clock sitting on it.
  • On the same table, you’ll find a globe with the file taped to it.

“Clock Memo” File Details:

22. Memo on Burnt Corpse

How to Get the “Memo on Burnt Corpse” File

You might have watched the “Happy Birthday” videotape in which Lucas throws the Sewer Gators cameraman, Clancy, into a demented puzzle room. As you can see at the end of that videotape, Clancy didn’t fare too well. 

As you explore the testing area, you’ll find Clancy’s charred body. The note taped to Clancy’s chest reveals the passcode to enter the Party Room. The note ends with, “You’re next.”

How to Get the “Memo on Burnt Corpse” File

  • After the big fight in the Barn Area, you’ll pass by Clancy’s corpse.
  • Approach the corpse and inspect the file.

“Memo on Burnt Corpse” File Details:

23. Jim’s Letter

How to Get the “Jim’s Letter” File

This file is one of five files that you find during Mia’s segment of the game. In this unmailed letter, a crew member mentions that their tanker had passengers, which was unusual. After attempting to talk to Eveline, Jim grew suspicious of their presence. Unfortunately, he finds that he had a good reason to be suspicious.

How to Get the “Jim’s Letter” File

  • The file is in a bunk room on the first floor of the Wrecked Ship.
  • There are 2 adjoining bunk rooms. This file is in the bunk room right next to the Rec Room.
  • The letter is on top of a bed in the bunk room.

“Jim’s Letter” File Details:

24. Giovanni’s Will

How to Get the “Giovanni’s Will” File

Before crew member Giovanni Finetti died, he chose to document what happened on the ship that night. He mentions that he heard a little girl laughing followed by loud noises in the passageways of the ship. 

After one of the engineers didn’t return from checking out the noises, Giovanni went looking for him. He headed back to the bunk room to hide after finding a Molded eating another crew member. He remained there after the passageways were taken over by hordes of Molded.

How to Get the “Giovanni’s Will” File

  • This file is also on the first floor of the Wrecked Ship.
  • Head for the second bunk room.
  • The file is on a table in this bunk room.

“Giovanni’s Will” File Details:

25. Mechanic’s Memo

How to Get the “Mechanic’s Memo” File

Mia finds that the ship’s elevator isn’t in working order, leading to some extra legwork. The ship’s mechanic left a note stating that the elevator cable was fried and the replacement cable was in the sickbay. While it would be nice for the elevator to work, what fun would it be if it were that simple? 

How to Get the “Mechanic’s Memo” File

  • Climb into the broken elevator that is stalled between the first and second floors.
  • The memo is posted on the wall next to the compartments missing a fuse and cable. 

“Mechanic’s Memo” File Details:

26. Orders

How to Get the “Orders” File

This file lists Mia as Eveline’s caretaker alongside director Alan Droney. It explains that keeping Eveline in their original location was too dangerous. It also lists the protocol they are to follow. 

Mia and Alan were aboard the ship to act as Eveline’s handlers while masquerading as her parental guardians to avoid suspicion. They were assigned to monitor her using Genome Codex devices. If the mission went down the drain, they were ordered to kill Eveline.

How to Get the “Orders” File

  • This file is located in the Guest Room that you begin Mia’s videotape inside. You can grab the file during the videotape or after.
  • The orders are on a table across from the Storage Box.

“Orders” File Details:

27. Tattered Secret Document

How to Get the “Tattered Secret Document” File

This document is stored in a box with a tissue sample from Eveline. Although the document is too tattered to fully read, a readable copy is found later when you resume playing as Ethan. The document details the process of making E-Necrotoxin in the case that they need to kill Eveline.

How to Get the “Tattered Secret Document” File

  • Sometime after the videotape, head for the third floor.
  • Exit the elevator into the hallway where Eveline killed Alan.
  • Inspect the green box that Alan had with him. The tattered document is inside the box.

“Tattered Secret Document” File Details:

28. Email Log

How to Get the “Email Log” File

The email log documents Lucas’ emails to “The Connections,” a crime syndicate that created Eveline. Although Lucas was originally under Eveline’s control, his talent for inventing and researching led the agents to seek him out.

The Connections offered Lucas a serum that broke him free of Eveline’s mind control in exchange for his help. They wanted Lucas to report to them about Eveline and her effect on his family.

His emails document Eveline’s behavior and her degenerating body. He notes that she still believes she controls him and that she still has the mind of a young child. His notes hint at the wheelchair-bound Grandma is actually Eveline. Without the medication that stabilizes her, she begins to age rapidly.

How to Get the “Email Log” File

  • After you regain control of Ethan, you’ll pass through the Salt Mines on the way back to the Guest House.
  • You’ll pass through a storage room on the way to The Connections’ hidden underground lab.
  • Inspect the laptop near the mold-filled bathtubs to read the file.

“Email Log” File Details:

29. Infection Report

How to Get the “Infection Report” File

In case you were wondering what it feels like to be infected by Eveline, this infection report details the stages of infection. The beginning stage is marked by regenerative abilities, followed by hallucinations and becoming attuned to other infected humans. In the final stages, their body begins to mutate.

Many people speculate that Ethan meets the infection criteria, seeing as his arm (and in some cases, his leg) quickly fused back together. Later in the game, he begins seeing and hearing Eveline as well as a surprise vision from Jack Baker.

How to Get the “Infection Report” File

  • This file is located in the lab inside the Salt Mines.
  • After entering, look for a set of shelves ahead and to the right. You can find the infection report there.
  • After leaving the lab, you won’t get a chance to come back for any documents. Make sure you grab this one and the other four remaining documents.

“Infection Report” File Details:

30. E-Necrotoxin Document

How to Get the “E-Necrotoxin Document” File

This file happens to be the intact version of the tattered document that Mia finds on the Wrecked Ship! The document contains directions to synthesize and stimulate the serum to target Eveline’s E-Series strain of mold. 

How to Get the “E-Necrotoxin Document” File

  • This file is also located in the lab.
  • Check the green box that stores the necrotoxin. Inspect the document inside the box to get the file.

“E-Necrotoxin Document” File Details:

31. R&D Report (1 of 2)

How to Get the “R&D Report (1 of 2)” File

The R&D Report documents the reasons for Eveline’s creation. Eveline was made to be a bioweapon that could infiltrate and infect enemies, turning them into allies or killing them. 

How to Get the “R&D Report (1 of 2)” File

  • Both R&D Report pages are in the lab in the Salt Mines.
  • Check a table behind and to the left of the green necrotoxin box.
  • Inspect the report and find the second page for it to count both files.

“R&D Report (1 of 2)” File Details:

32. R&D Report (2 of 2)

How to Get the “R&D Report (2 of 2)” File

The final file, the second page of the R&D Report, documents more of Eveline’s abilities. It mentions Eveline’s ability to spawn mold monsters that have great potential for combat advantage. Eveline’s obsession with creating a family is briefly mentioned, but only as passive speculation.

How to Get the “R&D Report (2 of 2)” File

  • The page is on a table to the right of the lab exit door. Don’t forget to grab it before you leave!

“R&D Report (2 of 2)” File Details:

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