[Top 10] Resident Evil 7 Best Achievements and How to Get Them

Resident Evil 7 best Achievements
15 Apr 2020

Are You up for the Challenge of Getting These Achievements?

Everybody knows the satisfying ding of an earned achievement on video games. Sometimes you earn them on accident, sometimes earning them seems impossible. It's easy to become addicted to collecting all the achievements you possibly can.

Resident Evil 7 has a total of 37 achievements, some of which are tricky to get. Here's a guide to 10 of these tricky achievements and how to get them!

10. Nice Try

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That Doesn't Seem Quite Right

This achievement is so simple to earn that you may get it on accident. The main game contains 4 shadow puzzles. You solve these puzzles by finding the proper item, bringing it to the shadow plinth, and rotating the shadow to fill a given outline on the wall.

Since you're not given in-game information stating the correct puzzle items, you could bring an incorrect item to the plinth. In fact, you earn the "Nice Try" achievement by attempting to use an unrelated item on the shadow plinth. For once, you'll get rewarded for being wrong!

How to Get "Nice Try"

  • When you reach a shadow plinth, select an incorrect item from your inventory. The achievement should appear right away or when you back out of the puzzle.

Shadow Puzzle Locations:

  • Sky Hunter Painting - Main Hall in the Main House 1F.
  • Venomous Predator Painting - Gallery in the Old House 1F.
  • Judgment Painting - Attic above the Kid's Room in the Main House.
  • "7" Puzzle - Yard. A patch of bushes near the front porch covers a hidden shadow puzzle with numbers on a wooden plank.

9. In the Bag

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Bag It!

Earning this achievement isn't only satisfying; it's also beneficial! It requires you to find and grab a backpack to increase your inventory by 4 slots each. In this game, you can never have too much inventory space!

The game has 3 locations containing a backpack. Ethan can access 2 of the backpacks for a total of 8 extra slots, while the final backpack is available to Mia. The achievement will pop after you find any of the 3 packs. You don't have to find the other 2, but they're worth the extra time!

How to Get "In the Bag"


  • Save Room - Old House 1F. You can access the Save Room after solving the shadow puzzle in the Gallery.
  • Storage Room - Main House 2F. The Storage Room is connected to the Master Bedroom, which you'll need the Snake key to unlock. You'll see the backpack on a shelf in the Storage Room.
  • Recreation Room - Wrecked Ship 1F. The door is locked, so you'll need to find an extra bottle of corrosive. Corrode the lock and enter to grab the backpack.

8. Fly Swatter

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Ready, Aim, Fire!

To earn "Fly Swatter," timing is everything. During your boss fight with Marguerite, you'll need to shoot Marguerite to knock her back when she leaps at you. While there are no concrete steps to achieve this, there are some tips to increase your chances.

How to Get "Fly Swatter"

  • You'll have a small fight with Marguerite in the Old House before she flees. You'll chase her to the Greenhouse where the full boss fight ensues. You can only earn the "Fly Swatter" achievement during this fight.
  • The best weapon to use is a shotgun, so either the M21 or the M37.
  • Marguerite now has long, thin arms and legs. She's able to climb walls and ceilings, so she'll sometimes eye you from a hole in the ceiling or floor before leaping to attack.
  • Maintain a reasonable distance to lower the chances of taking damage if you miss.
  • Harness your inner cat-like reflexes. Time your shot to hit her mid-leap with enough power to blow her backward.
  • Keep trying if the achievement doesn't pop when it seems like it should. If your timing is off in the slightest, the blowback may not have enough power to qualify for the achievement.

7. Back Off, Mrs. B!



When you explore the Old House, you're bound to run into Marguerite and her swarm of insects. She'll mostly yell at you to leave and slam doors on you. You can avoid her, but you can also attack her. For this achievement, you'll have to choose confrontation over avoidance.

How to Get "Back Off, Mrs. B!"

  • You can only earn this achievement in the Old House before you fight Marguerite.
  • When you encounter Marguerite, shoot her or use a melee weapon on her continuously. She and her swarm will attack, so be prepared.
  • After a few good shots, Marguerite will get fed up and flee from you. After she flees, the achievement notification will appear.

6. Duck If You Love Life

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Jack Runs With Scissors

The title of this achievement fits considering how you earn it. In your attempt to collect all 3 dog heads to unlock the door, you'll encounter Jack's creative new weapon.

When you begin your 2nd boss fight with Jack, you find that Jack has attached a long blade to his chainsaw to make a pair of lethal scissors. You'll need to dodge his attempts to chop you into confetti a certain way for this hidden achievement.

How to Get "Duck If You Love Life"

  • During the fight, Jack will occasionally lunge at Ethan for a scissor attack. All you need to do is dodge his scissor attack by crouching.
  • Be careful when timing your crouch. Crouching too soon or too late can leave you still vulnerable to attack.
  • The hidden achievement will appear after you successfully duck to avoid the scissor attack.

5. Open Your Eyes

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Nothing Can Hide From You After You Take Psychostimulants!

At some points in the game, you'll have the option to grab psychostimulant pills. These pills allow you to see the location of supplies and ingredients nearby temporarily. For the "Open Your Eyes" achievement, you just need to use these pills one time! Don't worry, the Molded won't snitch on you for using drugs, and Jack took care of the only cop nearby!

How to Get "Open Your Eyes"

  • There are several locations throughout the game to find psychostimulants, but you can also make some. Combine chem fluid with supplements to create psychostimulants. You'll need to create them at some point if you want to earn the "1st Place at the Science Fair" achievement.
  • The best first place to find them is in the Drawing Room on the Main House 1F. To reach this room, drain the bathtub on the Main House 2F and grab the item left in the bath. Return to the 1st floor and proceed to the area that contains a shadow puzzle. Interact with the shadow plinth and use the item from the bathtub. Rotate it until the shadow lines up to fit the painting. The wall behind the painting opens to reveal the hidden Drawing Room entrance. You can spot the psychostimulants on the table in the center of the room right as you make it into the room!

Other Locations:

  • Back Passageway - Processing Area
  • Dilapidated Room - Old House 1F
  • Walkway - Old House 1F
  • Old Corridor - Old House (West) 1F
  • Shed 1F - Boat House (Storage) 1F
  • Storage - Wrecked Ship 1F
  • Mine Office - Swamp

4. 1st Place at the Science Fair

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Break Out the Chemistry Set!

For this achievement, you must create each possible item using chem fluid and strong chem fluid like a mad scientist! Luckily, you don't need to remember anything from Chemistry class!

While Ethan explores the Baker home, he encounters various ingredients he'll need to combine to make survival supplies. There's a total of 8 items he can create with chem fluid and strong chem fluid. Go out and win that science fair!

How to Get "1st Place at the Science Fair"

Chem Fluid:

  • Chem Fluid + Herb = First Aid Med
  • Chem Fluid + Solid Fuel = Burner Fuel
  • Chem Fluid + Gunpowder = Handgun Ammo
  • Chem Fluid + Supplements = Psychostimulants

Strong Chem Fluid:

  • Strong Chem Fluid + Herb = Strong First Aid Med
  • Strong Chem Fluid + Solid Fuel = Flame Rounds
  • Strong Chem Fluid + Gunpowder = Enhanced Handgun Ammo
  • Strong Chem Fluid + Supplements = Neuro Rounds

3. That’s a Spicy Meat-a-ball

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Be Careful Trying to Attach a Remote Bomb!

During Mia's segment on the Wrecked Ship, she gets her hands on some remote bombs. While you're fleeing in terror from Molded monsters, you can set a remote bomb on the ground and detonate it as the Molded approaches.

As if seeing Molded lose their legs to these bombs isn't enough, attaching a bomb to an enemy earns you the "That's a Spicy Meat-a-ball" achievement. But attaching the bomb isn't as easy as you'd think!

How to Get "That's a Spicy Meat-a-ball"

  • After obtaining a bomb, make sure you have them equipped and ready.
  • You'll have to allow a molded to attack you until it tackles or grapples you. These attacks are randomized, so you may take a few hits before it happens.
  • Once they've grabbed you, an option to place a bomb on them will pop up. Attach the bomb and wriggle free.
  • Get a safe distance away and detonate the bomb! Who doesn't love exploding monsters?

2. Be Kind, Please Rewind

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Home Videos Can Be a Doozy!

This achievement is titled after the phrase used in the days of VHS tapes, "Be Kind, Please Rewind." To earn it, you'll need to play through all 4 of the videotapes within the game.

This achievement is worth earning as the tapes reveal certain items, how to survive later parts of the game, and insight into the madness surrounding the Baker family.

How to Get "Be Kind, Please Rewind"

  • "Derelict House Footage"- This is the first tape you come across. You'll find it on the Guest House 2F next to the save point. This video documents the crew of the Sewer Gators TV series through the eyes of their cameraman, Clancy.

Bonus Tip: From your beginning position in this tape, look at the ground behind you. There's a lockpick on the ground that you can grab, but you can only use it during the video. Inside the Guest House, there's a locked drawer in the kitchen to use it on. It doesn't do you any good during the tape, but when you resume playing as Ethan, the kitchen drawer remains unlocked and contains an antique coin.

  • "Mia"- On the Main House 2F, enter the Recreation Room. This videotape is on the bar next to a small TV with a VHS player. You'll play as Mia on the run from Marguerite through part of the Old House.
  • "Happy Birthday"- This tape is in the attic above the Kid's Room on the Main House 2F. You return to playing as Clancy as you navigate Lucas' recently finished project.

Bonus Tip: You can earn the "Out Before Dessert" achievement during this video. Follow the directions in the section of this guide that's dedicated to that achievement. You'll kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

  • "Old Videotape"- You'll be forced to play through this videotape to progress in the game during the segment on the ship as Mia. As you navigate through the ship, you'll encounter Eveline in the Security room of the Wrecked Ship 3F. She'll order Mia to watch the tape to remember how she upset Eveline.

1. Out Before Dessert

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That's One Passive Aggressive Birthday Cake

This achievement is up for grabs during the "Happy Birthday" tape in which Lucas forces a cameraman named Clancy to complete his twisted puzzle.

You don't just have to complete the puzzle, though. You must complete it within 5 minutes. Unless you know the steps already, pulling it off in 5 minutes is tough. Buckle up; there's a lot of steps to learn if you want to pull off this achievement!

How to Get "Out Before Dessert"

Finding the Tape:

  • After Lucas leaves you a lovely note in Zoe's trailer, you'll be able to retrieve the Snake Key. This key unlocks the Kid's Room on the Main House 2F. Proceed through the Kid's Room into the attic above the room.
  • The "Happy Birthday" videotape is in a cupboard in the attic.

Solving the Puzzle:

  • Once you're able to start, begin by grabbing the candle from the clown mannequin.
  • Head for the cake. You'll soon see that the doorway to the cake triggers a spray of water that extinguishes the flame on the candle. Lucas will inform you that you must find a way to keep it lit and place it on top of the cake.
  • Next, take your candle to the stove. Interact with the stove to ignite the gas burner and light the candle.
  • From the stove, you'll see a white door with a rope tying the door shut. Use the candle to burn away the rope and open the door.
  • The door opens to a room filled with balloons. Wade through the sea of balloons and walk toward a bookshelf toward the other side of the room. On the floor, you'll find a deflated balloon. Grab it and head out the door.
  • Between this room and the stove, a busted gas pipe is jutting out of the wall. Interact with the pipe for Clancy to inflate the balloon with gas. It will over-inflate and burst, shooting a spray of nails. After Clancy removes a nail that stabbed through his hand, he discovers a quill pen that was among the nails. He removes it from his abdomen for use.
  • Next, head toward the clown mannequin by the door to the puzzle. Next to him, there's an open door revealing a toilet. You'll need to flush the toilet, but it'll clog up and almost overflow. Attempt to keep your last meal down as Clancy reaches into the goopy mess in the toilet bowl to retrieve a dirty telescope. I hope Clancy is ready for some serious pink eye!
  • Approach the doorway that sprays water. Access your inventory for Clancy to pull out the telescope and look through it. While he looks through it, walk through the water to clean it off.
  • Next to the balloon-filled room, there's a set of black and white images on TV screens. Stand where you can see all 9 screens and view them through the telescope. The telescope reveals 3 symbols to memorize.
  • Run into the room containing the cake. On the wall near the door, there's a white box with a painted ribbon and a padlock. Interact with the padlock and enter the code of symbols that the telescope revealed. The code is always the same. From left to right, the symbols look like a person holding something up in the air, a bird perched on a bell, and a fetus.
  • The box opens to reveal a doll made of straw. Grab the doll.
  • In the same room, you'll see a wooden barrel with a wind-up knob. Remove the wind-up knob from the barrel to use as a key.
  • Return to the stove and burn the straw doll you found. After the straw burns away, you'll find a "dummy finger" in the middle. Grab it and prepare to get up close and personal with the clown mannequin.
  • Return the dummy finger to the clown's hand, and you'll see that the mannequin is ready to hold something. Place the quill pen in its grasp. Next, insert the winding key into the mechanism below the center of the clown's ribcage.
  • If you already have a fear of clowns, I offer a sincere apology as this clown certainly won't ease your fears. After you wind him up, the clown grips your arm and uses the sharp quill pen to carve the word "LOSER" into your forearm.
  • Head back to the balloon room. Go past the bookshelf to a door in the back of the room. The code for this padlock is "LOSER."
  • You'll find a valve handle on the wall to grab. This is the final piece of the puzzle.
  • Take the valve handle to the cake room. There are water pipes by the doorway inside this room. Attach the valve handle to the pipe and use it to shut off the water. Now you can cross the threshold without taking a shower each time.
  • Finally, light the candle at the stove and adorn the cake with your hard-earned victory. It's too bad that Clancy doesn't get to celebrate!

Time-Saving Tips:

  • Since you know the symbols you'll need, you can save time by skipping retrieving the telescope. After you obtain the quill pen, you can go straight to the white box in the cake room to enter the symbols in the padlock and continue.
  • You can also skip getting the items for the clown. When you're ready, you can open the padlocked door in the balloon room by entering "LOSER" in the padlock. This way, you're ready to use the valve and finish the puzzle much quicker.

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