[Top 10] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Weapons for Extended Barrel

R6 Siege Top 10 Best Weapons For Extended Barrel
27 Aug 2023

10. MP5


For new players and especially for returning players who are not yet aware, quite recently, the extended barrel has received a big buff. Previously, the only benefit of using the extended barrel on weapons is that it will greatly decrease the weapon’s range damage drop-off, basically increasing its effective range. But nowadays, the extended barrel also adds 12% damage to weapons on top of its previous benefit. And that’s really great for Rook, Doc, and Melusi’s MP5 submachine gun. That’s because the MP5 already has a decent standard damage, and the extended barrel will only make it better.

The added damage from the extended barrel will also benefit Rook, Melusi, and Doc, greatly, because all three of them are heavy armored operators, so they’re very tough, and an operator that can tank a lot of damage while also dishing out heavy firepower is really an offensive threat. Because of the extended barrel, Rook, Melusi, and Doc, can make faster work of their enemies than normal. Another great thing is that for Rook and Doc, the extended barrel on their MP5 will increase the damage they inflict on enemies when spawn peeking or exchanging fire at long-range with the use of the high-powered scopes that they can equip on their MP5.

What makes the MP5 great for Extended Barrel:

  • Its stock recoil is very manageable, so even though the extended barrel doesn’t provide additional recoil control on the weapon, the user will be able to handle its weapon kick just fine
  • The MP5 inflicts a very decent damage per shot, but it surely is on the lower side of things, and attaching an extended barrel to it will make its damage higher 
  • Rook and Doc will greatly benefit from it because they’re great operators for spawn peeking and long-range shooting, and it will reduce the weapon’s range damage drop-off
  • The operators that can use the MP5 are all heavy armored operators, and with the extended barrel, they won’t just be very tough operators, they would also be able to inflict high damage

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 27 (30 with Extended Barrel)
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 800 RPM
  • Magazine Size - 30 + 1


9. G36C


Available to Iana and Ash, the G36C with an extended barrel will greatly benefit these two operators, especially when they’re playing in an organized team. That’s because in an organized team, they would usually play the role of the entry fraggers, or at least with Iana, the team’s flex. And for entry fragging, it’s important to take down an enemy on your sights as quickly as possible so that you can establish map control. Of course, the extended barrel will make that more possible as it will increase the damage of the G36C by quite a lot since the weapon’s stock damage is already pretty high, and the damage buff from the extended barrel is by percentage.

Aside from the increase in the G36C’s damage, its range damage drop-off will also be greatly reduced, and that of course will allow Iana and Ash to deal high damage to enemies, regardless of the distance, and this is typically great for clearing out roamers or flankers. The G36C’s stock recoil is also quite low, so the user won’t really need a barrel attachment that provides additional control on the weapon. For the G36C assault rifle, the vertical grip is enough for controlling its weapon kick, especially when the user is an experienced Siege player.

What makes the G36C great for Extended Barrel:

  • The added damage from the G36C is great for both Iana and Ash who usually performs entry and flex roles, and for those roles, it’s important to kill enemies as fast as possible to establish map control
  • Another important part of Ash and Iana’s role is roam clearing, and there would be a lot of times when they’d have to engage them in long distances, and with the extended barrel, they’ll inflict high damage even from afar
  • The G36C assault rifle’s stock recoil is very manageable, so for guns like this, the vertical grip which adds a lot of vertical recoil is enough and there would be no need for other recoil control providing barrel attachments
  • The scope 1.5x on the G36C is a great partner for the extended barrel as it’ll allow the user to target enemies well at medium to long-range, and the extended barrel is great at those distances 

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 38 (42 with Extended Barrel)
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 780
  • Magazine Size - 30 + 1

8. UZK50GI


Thorn’s unique weapon, the UZK50GI is another weapon that benefits a lot from the damage boost on extended barrel because its stock damage is quite high, therefore, the percentage damage increase from the extended barrel is higher. But what really makes the extended barrel an important attachment to the UZK50GI is the weapon’s small magazine size. Due to its small magazine size, it’s best for the user to be able to inflict as much damage as possible before having to reload the weapon, as reloading can put the user in a vulnerable state.

So with the added damage from the extended barrel, every shot from the UZK50GI will really count. Not to mention that it will also greatly decrease the range damage drop-off of the weapon, so each shot will really hurt. The extended barrel will increase the chances of Thorn downing an opponent with just a few shots as well, enabling her to use the remaining bullets against other enemies in the case of engagements with multiple ones. And since the rate of fire of the UZK50GI is not that fast, its weapon kick is also very easy to control, so even though the extended barrel won’t provide additional recoil control on the weapon, Thorn would still be able to handle it well.

What makes the UZK50GI great for Extended Barrel:

  • Its base damage is already quite high, so attaching an extended barrel to it which adds 12% damage will really make its damage higher
  • The UZK50GI’s magazine capacity is quite small, and the added damage from the extended barrel will make it so that every shot from its small magazine size will count a lot more than normal
  • The UZK50GI’s weapon kick is very manageable due to its not-so-fast rate of fire, so the user will be able to control it well even though the extended barrel doesn’t provide additional recoil control
  • The reduction of the range damage drop-off on the UZK50GI due to the extended barrel will benefit Thorn a lot as an anchor, as she would be dealing with enemies from all distances

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 36 (40 with Extended Barrel)
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 700 RPM
  • Magazine Size - 22 + 1


7. 9mm C1


It used to be that the only choices for Frost’s 9mm C1 for its barrel attachment are the extended barrel and suppressor, and even then, it was a really hard choice. Now that the extended barrel has been buffed to add 12% damage to weapons, the choice has become much harder. To be honest, now that the 9mm C1 has a wide variety of barrel attachments available to it, it’s still a tossup between the extended barrel and the suppressor. It really just depends on the player’s playstyle, and of course, the benefits they want to take advantage of.

But the extended barrel is definitely the choice for many Frost players. That’s because the 9mm C1’s damage is quite high to begin with. And to increase it by 12% more is very tempting. On top of that, the extended barrel retains its previous benefit of greatly reducing the weapon’s range damage drop-off, so with it on the 9mm C1, Frost will be dealing heavy damage regardless of the range. The 9mm C1 is also another weapon that has a low stock recoil due to its slow rate of fire, so the user can afford to equip it with no recoil control providing attachments at all, and the combination of the angled grip and extended barrel is really deadly.

What makes the 9mm C1 great for Extended Barrel:

  • Since its recoil is very low, the user can afford to equip it with an extended barrel as well as an angled grip, and that’s a deadly combination as the user will have a boost in both speed and firepower
  • Frost’s 9mm C1’s base damage is already quite high, so adding 12% more to it will yield good results in terms of additional firepower, and will enable Frost to make faster work of enemies
  • The 9mm C1 submachine gun is now compatible to the scope 1.5x and that’s also a great partner to the extended barrel as both attachments will tremendously increase the user’s long-range shooting capability
  • Due to the slow rate of fire on the 9mm C1 submachine gun, it’s in the best interest of the user to inflict as much damage per shot, and with the extended barrel, Frost can make short work of enemies despite of the 9mm C1’s slow fire rate

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 36 (40 with Extended Barrel)
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 575 RPM
  • Magazine Size - 34 + 1


6. Spear .308


The Spear .308, available to Finka and Thunderbird, has one of the highest damage among all the guns in this list, and as mentioned in previous entries, the damage boost from the extended barrel comes in percentage. 12% to be exact. And that’s why the higher the damage of the weapon is, the more it’ll benefit from being attached with an extended barrel. As you’ll be able to see from its stats, the Spear .308 receives one of the highest damage boosts among all the weapons in this list, and of course, that’s always a great perk to have in Siege.

The thing about Finka and Thunderbird is that they both possess the ability to heal themselves and their teammates, and of course, that makes them tougher to take down. With an extended barrel on their Spear .308 assault rifle, not only will they be tough operators to take down, they’ll also be able to dish out heavy firepower. Of course, the suppressor is also a great choice for the Spear .308’s barrel attachment, but the thing is, both Finka and Thunderbird aren’t really stealth operators. So for a lot of players, the extended barrel will give them the most advantage when playing those operators.

What makes the Spear .308 great for Extended Barrel:

  • Its damage is very high for a fully automatic weapon so the damage boost that it gets from the extended barrel would even be higher since it comes in percentage
  • The damage bonus from attaching the extended barrel to the Spear .308 is a great fit for the operators who can use the weapon as they’ll be able to dish out heavy firepower in addition to their healing
  • The stock recoil of the Spear .308 is quite easy to manage as it doesn’t really have a strong horizontal recoil, so attaching an extended barrel to it which doesn’t add more recoil control is very viable
  • The reduction of the Spear .308’s range damage drop-off benefits Finka and Thunderbird a lot as they’re pretty much all-around operators who engages enemies in all distances

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 42 (47 with Extended Barrel)
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 700 RPM
  • Magazine Size - 30 + 1


5. UMP45


The UMP45 may not have the best damage among all the guns in this list, but it will greatly benefit from the extended barrel, especially when you take into account the operators that can use the weapon. The UMP45 is a unique weapon to Castle and Pulse, and especially in the case for Pulse, the extended barrel is an important attachment. That's because Pulse’s gameplay involves a lot of switching to and from his special gadget, the Heartbeat Sensor. The Heartbeat Sensor allows him to see the position of enemies in real-time which makes him a great intel gatherer.

The thing is, there would be a lot of times when Pulse detects an enemy near him and would have to quickly switch to his weapon in order to engage that particular enemy. And that’s why the extended barrel is an important attachment to him. Because the faster he can take down the enemy he’s detected, the faster he can move on to another target or regroup himself in a safer area. The UMP45 also has a pretty slow rate of fire and below average magazine capacity, so making each of its shots high damage is a great perk to have as it’ll make them more valuable.

What makes the UMP45 great for Extended Barrel:

  • The extended barrel increases the damage of the UMP45, which is very important, especially for Pulse who, a lot of times, will have to engage enemies quickly after using his Heartbeat Sensor
  • The extended barrel greatly reducing the UMP45’s range damage drop-off is a great perk for Pulse and Castle as it’ll mean they’ll be able to dish out high damage regardless of range
  • The UMP45 submachine gun has some of the lowest recoil among all the guns in Siege so the user can afford to equip it with an extended barrel which doesn’t provide additional recoil control
  • Since the UMP45’s rate of fire is slow and its magazine size is below average, it’ll benefit a lot from the extended barrel as the boost in damage will make each shot from it count more

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 38 (42 with Extended Barrel)
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 600 RPM
  • Magazine Size - 25 + 1


4. FO-12


On the surface, if one only looks at the weapon’s stats, one could get the impression that Ela’s FO-12 has the lowest damage among all the weapons in this list. However, it only pertains to the damage per pellet of the FO-12. It is a shotgun after all, and shoots multiple pellets per shot, so it’s an absolute menace at close-range. What makes it unique compared to most multiple-pellet shooting shotguns in the game is that it can be reloaded fast due to it being mag-fed, and most importantly, it’s compatible with a wide variety of attachments, including the extended barrel.

The extended barrel, as its name implies, will extend the effective range of the FO-12, as it reduces the range damage drop-off of weapons. So yes, while the FO-12 shotgun is primarily a close-range weapon, with the extended barrel, its optimal range, especially when aiming-down-sights, will be increased. Of course, its damage per pellet will increase too, and since it shoots multiple pellets per shot, the damage boost from the extended barrel is exponential. Ela’s FO-12 is considered by many as the best multiple-pellet shooting shotgun in the game, and it’s even more powerful with an extended barrel.

What makes the FO-12 great for Extended Barrel:

  • The FO-12 shotgun’s optimal range will increase with the use of the extended barrel because it retains its original benefit of reducing the weapon’s range damage drop-off
  • The damage boost from the extended barrel applies per pellet, and since the FO-12 shotgun fires multiple pellets per shot, the damage increase is much higher than what’s on the stats
  • Perhaps the only drawback to using the FO-12 aside from its obvious lack in range is that its magazine size is quite small, but with the extended barrel’s damage boost, each shot will count for more
  • Despite its small magazine size, unlike most typical shotguns, the FO-12 can be reloaded fast due to it being mag-fed, and that’s a very deadly combination with the damage boost from the extended barrel

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 25 (28 with Extended Barrel)
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 400 RPM
  • Magazine Size - 10 + 1


3. 552 Commando


The 552 Commando assault rifle is a unique weapon to Grim and IQ and both operators will benefit from attaching it with an extended barrel a lot. That’s because their gameplay involves a lot of switching to and from their special gadget. Both operators excel at gathering intel on enemies, and it would always be great for them if they could take down the enemy they’ve detected as quickly as possible. Of course, the damage boost from the extended barrel will help them achieve that, especially because the 552 Commando has a high base damage in the first place.

With its high base damage, the damage boost from the extended barrel also becomes higher. With 52 damage per shot, the 552 Commando with an extended barrel is an absolute offensive monster. Especially if you factor in the fact that IQ can use it with a scope 1.5x and now Grim can use it with a scope 2.0x. Both scopes are great for long-range shooting, and with the combination of those scopes and the extended barrel, not only will IQ and Grim be accurate at medium to long-range, but they’d also be dealing heavy damage, as the extended barrel will be reducing the weapon’s range damage drop-off.

What makes the 552 Commando great for Extended Barrel:

  • The extended barrel is perfect for the 552 Commando as the operators who can use it, Grim and IQ, are intel gatherers, and it’ll be great for them to be able to take out an opponent they’ve detected as fast as possible
  • The 552 Commando is compatible to the scope 1.5x for IQ and scope 2.0x for Grim, and with the extended barrel, both IQ and Grim will be a menace at medium to long-range shooting as they won’t just be accurate, they’d deal heavy damage as well
  • The 552 Commando’s stock recoil is quite manageable, so even though the extended barrel doesn’t apply additional recoil control on the weapon, the user will still find it quite easy to control
  • The 552 Commando’s rate of fire is not that fast, but with the damage boost from the extended barrel, each of its shots will count for more, and it will kind of offset the not-so-fast rate of fire.

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 47 (52 with Extended Barrel)
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 690 RPM
  • Magazine Size - 30 + 1


2. Para-308


The Para-308, available to Capitao and Brava, has an even lower recoil than the 552 Commando above, so it doesn’t really need a recoil-control providing barrel attachment. For most users, especially experienced ones, when it comes to its barrel attachment, it’s a tossup between the suppressor and the extended barrel, and I’m going to explain why many, if not most, go for the extended barrel. One of them is that Capitao and Brava’s gameplay makes them prone to sudden enemy encounters right after using their special gadget, and when it comes to those types of engagements, it’s best to take out the opponent as fast as you could.

Of course, the extended barrel with its damage boost and reduction of the weapon’s range damage drop-off will make it more possible, especially since its damage boost is through percentage, and since the Para-308's base damage is high, the damage boost it receives from the extended barrel is higher. Another thing is that the Para-308 is also compatible with scopes that provide higher levels of zoom like the scope 1.5x for Brava and 2.0x for Capitao. And since the extended barrel greatly reduces the weapon’s range damage drop-off, it’s a great partner to those scopes as they’ll really make the Para-308 a much more effective weapon for long-range shooting.

What makes the Para-308 great for Extended Barrel:

  • Its recoil is really low so the user can afford to equip it with a non-recoil control providing attachment like the extended barrel, and they could benefit from its damage boost instead
  • Since the base damage of the Para-308 assault rifle is high, the 12% damage boost that it gets from the extended barrel is higher compared to weapons that have lower base damage
  • Since Capitao and Brava’s gameplay makes them prone to sudden enemy encounters, the damage boost from the extended barrel on their Para-308 will help them win those encounters
  • The combination of the extended barrel and the high-powered scopes compatible to the Para-308 makes it a much greater weapon for long-range shooting as the extended barrel will also reduce the weapon’s range damage drop-off

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 47 (52 with Extended Barrel)
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 650 RPM
  • Magazine Size - 30 + 1


1. MK17 CQB


Blackbeard’s MK17 CQB greatly benefits from the damage boost from the extended barrel, especially if you factor in Blackbeard’s gameplay. His special gadget, the Rifle Shield, helps a lot in protecting him from the first few shots from the enemy. The problem is that it can break fast quite easily, so the best thing that Blackbeard can do is to take the enemy out as fast as possible. The extended barrel on his MK17 CQB makes it much more possible, as it will add 12% damage to the weapon and even greatly reduce its range damage drop-off.

So with the extended barrel on his MK17 CQB, not only will Blackbeard be quite hard to take down because of his Rifle Shield. He’d also be able to deal heavier damage and take out enemies faster due to the damage boost from the extended barrel. Blackbeard’s MK17 CQB also has a very manageable weapon kick, so even though the extended barrel doesn’t provide additional recoil control unlike other barrel attachments, the user won’t feel punished by it at all, and they can just take full advantage of the damage buff from using it on their MK17 CQB.

What makes the MK17 CQB great for Extended Barrel:

  • The damage buff from the extended barrel is a great partner to Blackbeard’s Rifle Shield, as it will allow him to not just be able to tank more damage, he’d have heavier firepower as well
  • The MK17 CQB’s compatibility with the scope 2.0x as well as the extended barrel reducing its range damage drop-off will make Blackbeard an absolute beast when it comes to long-range shooting
  • The recoil of the MK17 CQB is very manageable so even without an additional recoil control from its barrel attachment, it would be easy to for the user to control, and they could take advantage of the damage buff from the extended barrel instead
  • The MK17 CQB’s weakness is its slow rate of fire and low magazine capacity, but the extended barrel will offset those weaknesses as each shot will have a higher damage instead

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 40 (44 with Extended Barrel)
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 585 RPM
  • Magazine Size - 20 + 1


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