[Top 10] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Defense Teams That Are Powerful (Latest Patch)

Top 10 Best Defense Teams That Are Powerful In R6 Siege
01 Aug 2023

10. Warden + Kaid + Wamai + Smoke + Melusi

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A lot of people might be surprised by Warden’s presence here, but in truth, he’s a very underrated operator, even for Ranked. That is because when Attackers go for a push and attempt a defuser plant, they would usually do it under the cover of smoke grenades, but Warden can counter that really well with his Glance Smart Glasses which allows him to see through smoke. This team lineup is great for countering Attackers especially when they feel safe under the cover of smoke.

Of course, prevention is better than cure, so it would still be best if the Attackers aren’t given an opportunity to breach a wall and attempt a defuser plant. And for that, Kaid and Wamai are great operators to have. Kaid’s Rtillas will prevent the breach, while Wamai’s Mag-NETS will pull away the frag grenades that might destroy Kaid’s Rtilla. But if that still fails and Attackers are able to push, Smoke can push them back with his gas grenades, and Melusi will be able to guard the objective area from flankers, using her Banshee that will greatly slow them down and also act as early warning devices.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • Will be able to counter defuser plant attempts under the cover of smoke
  • Great at area denial and countering a push
  • Should be able to prevent hard breaching
  • Banshees will slow down enemies and act as early warning devices

Team details:

  • Warden can counter defuser plant attempts with his Smart Glasses because it allows him to see through smoke and removes blind effects from stun grenades
  • Kaid for hard breach prevention using his Rtilla. Due to its range, it can be placed on awkward angles and it’ll be harder for Maverick or Kali to disable it.
  • Wamai can protect Kaid’s Rtilla by diverting frag grenades away from it. He can also protect the whole team from grenades.
  • Smoke can counter push attempts with his gas grenade, effectively pushing back enemies and denying them area for several seconds.
  • Melusi for greatly slowing down enemies with her Banshees which can also serve as early warning devices.

9. Thorn + Frost + Wamai + Mute + Alibi

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The Thorn and Frost combo is very deadly, literally, because Thorn’s Razorbloom Shells can be placed near Frost’s Welcome Mats, and those who get trapped by the Welcome Mats will definitely get killed by the Razorbloom shells, and if the Defenders are lucky, it could even take out another Attacker who will try to save the one who got trapped. Alibi would be great for roaming, especially with her holographic clones that can confuse enemies and gather intel on their locations.

Alibi can also go from one place to another very quickly because she can make holes on unreinforced walls with her impact grenades and Bailiff 410. As for preventing a hard breach, this team will have Mute, who can jam the signal on the walls so that breaching devices won’t work. Wamai will protect the team and Mute’s jammers from grenades, and he would also be great for creating rotation holes on the Defender site because of his impact grenades.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • Able to prevent hard breaching
  • Able to neutralize Attacker projectiles
  • Intel gathering
  • Trapping opponents and disrupting their rhythm

Team details:

  • Frost can deploy her traps above stairs and below windows, trapping Attackers who do not look below.
  • Thorn’s Razorbloom Shells can be placed near Frost’s traps, killing any Attacker who gets ensnared by the Welcome Mats.
  • Wamai’s Mag-NETS will protect Mute’s Signal Jammers from being destroyed by frag grenades
  • Mute will be the main anti-breach operator and he can use his other Signal Jammers for blocking enemy drones
  • Alibi will perform the role of roamer, gathering intel with her holographic clones and countering Attacker who are attempting to flank


8. Wamai + Jager + Kaid + Mute + Vigil

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This team right here would be the best when it comes to preventing a hard breach. So, I highly recommend this in areas like the cctv room in Clubhouse where preventing a hard breach is really essential. Kaid, with his Rtillas would be of course the one jamming the wall, preventing hard breach charges to be placed. Jager will protect the Rtilla from grenades with his ADS. Mute will protect the Rtilla and other gadgets from Twitch’s Shock Drones with his Signal Jammers, and lastly, Wamai will protect Mute’s Signal Jammers from grenades.

With this setup, it would be highly likely that the Attackers won’t be able to breach the wall, and they would find other avenues of attack, and Vigil will take care of that with his roaming capabilities. Vigil would be able to pick off flanking enemies one by one, and if they decide to hunt him, he’ll be able to get away through walls pretty easily with his impact grenades. And of course, even though their main role is to prevent hard breaching, Wamai, Jager, Kaid, and Mute, all have great firepower as well, and would be able to anchor the objective area really well.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • Neutralizing Attacker projectiles
  • Would make sure that a hard breach won’t happen
  • Countering enemy flankers
  • Preventing Attackers from gathering intel

Team details:

  • Kaid would be protecting the walls from hard breaching. He’s also be a good long-range support while anchoring
  • Jager’s ADS will protect Kaid’s Rtilla from being destroyed by frag grenades
  • Mute’s Signal Jammers would be protecting Kaid’s Rtilla and other Defender gadgets from Twitch’s Shock Drones or Flores’ exploding drones
  • Wamai’s Mag-NETS will prevent Mute’s Signal Jammers from being destroyed by frag grenades
  • Vigil for roaming and picking off Attackers who are trying to flank

7. Melusi + Thorn + Smoke + Vigil + Wamai

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This team is great for areas where it’s not really that important to prevent a hard breach, just like in the CEO office of Consulate, or the pool and hookah area in Coastline. In areas like those, it’s more important to prevent a push, especially a smoke and defuser plant attempt by the Attackers. And for that, this team is the complete package. Wamai will render Attacker grenades useless with his Mag-NETS, effectively preventing a defuser plant behind the smoke. 

And even if the Attackers’ smoke grenades were able to pop off where they want it to, Smoke can counter them with his gas grenade. Melusi’s Banshees would also greatly slow them down, preventing them from escaping from Thorn’s Razorbloom Shells. Thorn and Melusi can deploy their special gadgets on the usual defuser plant areas, and they can leave their remaining special gadgets on staircases or other paths so that they may serve as early warning devices. Vigil meanwhile will roam and pick off Attackers who will be trying to flank.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • This team specializes in countering defuser plant attempts and push attempts
  • Will be able to greatly slow opponents down and break their rhythm
  • Great at countering enemy flankers
  • Will be able to neutralize enemy projectiles

Team details:

  • Wamai’s main role is to protect the anchoring Defenders from frag and stun grenades, as well as neutralize a defuser plant attempt under the cover of smoke
  • Smoke will deny area to attackers who are trying to push the objective area
  • Melusi’s Banshees will greatly slow Attackers down on other angles and serve as early warning devices
  • Thorn’s Razorbloom Shells have a great synergy with Melusi’s Banshees, as the slowed Attackers will be much more susceptible to the Razorbloom Shells.

6. Mira + Mute + Jager + Vigil + Kapkan

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This defensive lineup is perfect for the aviator and games room in Villa. With Mira setting up both of her Black Mirrors facing the study area, she can make it very hard for Attackers to push. When the Defenders’ objective area is on the aviator and games room, the easiest way for the Attackers to push is to take the study area, because the other avenues of attack are narrow, and they can be easily caught in Defender fire. So, to make the study area practically unavailable for them is one step to victory.

Of course, Mira won’t be able to do it alone. Mute should put his Signal Jammers behind Mira’s Black Mirrors to make sure that they won’t be destroyed by Ace or Hibana’s special gadgets. Meanwhile, Jager should put at least one of his ADS behind the sofa on the study area in order to neutralize projectiles that can disable Mira’s Black Mirror, like the Gonne-6 hand cannon or frag grenades. Kapkan and Vigil will both handle enemy flankers, and Villa is a perfect map for Kapkan’s EDDs because it has so many entryways.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • Should be able to make two angles almost impossible to push
  • Great at countering enemy projectiles
  • Able to prevent drones from effectively gathering intel
  • Countering enemy flankers and disrupting their rhythm

Team details:

  • A good Mira player can effectively shut down attempts to push in an angle that her Black Mirror is facing
  • Mute will prevent Mira’s Black Mirrors from being breached by Ace or Hibana’s special gadget
  • Jager will also be another support for Mira through his ADS which can neutralize Attacker projectiles that could destroy Mira’s Black Mirrors
  • Vigil for roaming and harassing Attackers who are trying to flank
  • Kapkan as an aid for Vigil when it comes to harassing Attackers who are trying to flank. His EDDs can serve as weapons that damages or kills enemies, and they can serve as early warning devices as well

5. Smoke + Azami + Wamai + Kaid + Kapkan

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This team specializes in securing and anchoring the objective area while also having countermeasures against enemy flankers. With Kaid’s Rtillas, the Defenders should be able to prevent a hard breach, especially since the Rtillas would be protected by Wamai’s Mag-NETS from frag grenades. And in case this fails, and the Attackers are still able to breach the wall, Smoke could easily counter their push with his gas grenade, which is one of the best area denial gadgets in the game.

Of course, area denial is not enough. The Defenders anchoring the objective area should avoid getting fragged by the opponents outside the breached wall, and Azami, with her Kiba Barriers will make sure of that. Her Kiba Barriers will be able to fortify weak angles inside the objective area, giving the Defenders more cover. And if the breached portion of the wall is not that big, Azami can even patch it up with the Kiba Barriers. As for Attackers who would attempt to flank, Kapkan’s EDDs could serve as early warning devices for Defenders. Kapkan is also a great roamer because he can start roaming after deploying his EDDs during the prep phase.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • Able to fortify vulnerable angles
  • Great at area denial and countering push attempts
  • Able to deny a hard breach
  • Able to break enemy rhythm and damage them with traps

Team details:

  • Smoke for area denial and countering attempts by Attackers to push and plant the defuser
  • Azami for fortifying vulnerable angles, creating rotation holes, and reworking enemy movements with her Kiba Barriers
  • Wamai for protecting the anchoring Defenders from Attacker grenades, and preventing frag grenades from destroying Kaid’s Rtilla.
  • Kapkan for countering flanking enemies, damaging them with his EDDs, and compromising their location.
  • Kaid for hard breach prevention and long-range support. His TCSG12 is practically a sniper rifle for defense.

4. Mira + Alibi + Azami + Jager + Kaid

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This lineup is especially great when used in the basement area of Oregon. With Mira’s Black Mirror setup on the electric room facing the barrels and the other Black Mirror set up on the closet facing the laundry storage, Mira effectively locks two wide areas that are great for Attackers to push. With those two areas unavailable, they’ll be forced to push the freezer area instead or the back stairs, which would be much more difficult for them than the laundry or blue bunker area.

To support Mira, Jager should place two ADS on the blue bunker in order to make sure no Attacker projectiles will be able to destroy Mira’s Black Mirror. He should also put one ADS on the freezer area in order to support the one that will be guarding it. Kaid would prevent the hatch above Mira’s Black Mirror in the electric room from being destroyed and he can use the other one to jam the wall from the freezer. With this tactic, the Attackers will be forced to push using the narrow corridors of freezer and the weak angle from the back stairs, making themselves more vulnerable to Defender fire.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • Able to prevent hard breaching
  • Can fortify vulnerable angles
  • Great at intel gathering
  • Great at countering enemy flankers

Team details:

  • Mira for making at least two angles in the objective area almost impossible to push. Her Black Mirrors also provide great intel for the Defenders inside.
  • Jager for supporting Mira. His ADS will neutralize Attacker projectiles that are aimed to break Mira’s Black Mirrors
  • Alibi for roaming and confusing enemies, as well as gathering intel on their locations. Her holographic clones will ping the opponents that shoot them.
  • Kaid for preventing walls from being breached, or hatches, when the objective area is on a lower floor.
  • Azami for fortifying vulnerable angles, or doing the combo of her Kiba Barriers and Mira’s Black Mirrors.

3. Lesion + Melusi + Kapkan + Wamai + Kaid

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Three of the operators here are great for countering a rush, so this lineup is great when you’ve noticed that the other team is very aggressive and loves rushing. Lesion’s Gu Mines are the best counters for Blitz or Montagne because once they step on a Gu Mine, they would have no choice but to halt their advance, or else their health points will continue to bleed. This team would also have Melusi’s Banshees which are the best at slowing down enemies. Even with just Lesion and Melusi, a rush would already be effectively halted.

But with the inclusion of Kapkan, rushing Attackers would really have to slow down and be more careful if they’re smart, because if they do not check each side of entryways before they enter, they risk instantly getting killed by Kapkan’s EDDs. This would disrupt their rhythm and make them uncomfortable, because they can leave themselves vulnerable to Defender fire while checking each side of the doorway for Kapkan EDDs. Kaid will prevent Attackers from performing a hard breach, and Wamai will protect the anchoring team from enemy grenades.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • Best at countering a rush
  • Great at breaking enemies’ rhythms
  • Able to prevent hard breaching
  • Great at slowing down enemies and stopping shield operators

Team details:

  • Lesion for slowing down Attackers and breaking their rhythm. Great at countering Montagne or Blitz too because they’d have no choice to stop and pull out the Gu Mine if they step on them.
  • Melusi will provide another layer of protection with her Banshees that can greatly slowdown opponents and act like early warning devices for the anchoring defenders
  • Kapkan for inflicting heavy damage to unlucky opponents, as well as disrupting their rhythm of attack. His EDD traps when triggered  can also act as early warning devices
  • Kaid for hard breach prevention. He can also make it very hard for enemies to advance in a narrow corridor by places his barbed wires there and electrocuting them with the Rtilla

2. Wamai + Kaid + Mira + Smoke + Azami

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This team lineup has everything so it’s a really solid team, one that Attackers would find very hard to deal with. You’ve got an anti-grenade with Wamai, anti-breach with Kaid, area-locker with Mira, area denial with Smoke, and Azami who can strengthen weak angles and reshape the map. With Mira’s Black Mirrors, two angles would already be practically very hard for Attackers to push. It’ll also be hard for them to destroy the Black Mirrors because of Kaid’s Rtilla and Wamai’s Mag-NETS.

And Azami and Mira have a very deadly combination. With Azami’s Kiba Barriers, Mira can attach her Black Mirrors on unreinforced walls and have the bottom part be fortified by Azami’s Kiba Barriers. This way, the bottom part of the Black Mirror will be bulletproof and the upper part can be used for throwing over nitro cells at the enemy. Even if they somehow get past Mira and Azami’s defenses, they could be easily pushed back or stuck in an area because of Smokes’ gas grenades which will deny them from pushing the objective area.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • Great at locking down angles
  • Able to prevent Attackers from hard breaching
  • Great at countering defuser plant attempts with smoke cover
  • Able to strengthen weak angles

Team details:

  • Kaid will jam the wall or hatch that are vital for the objective area. He can also counter vertical attackers with his nitro cell
  • Wamai will pull away frag grenades from the Rtilla and protect Mira’s Black Mirrors from enemy projectiles
  • Azami, aside from the ability to practically reshape the objective area and rework enemy movements, can also help in preventing a hard breach by blocking drone holes with her Kiba Barriers
  • Kapkan for dealing with enemy flankers, damaging them, and getting behind them as the defensive team’s roamer.
  • Smoke for pushing back opponents who are attempting to get inside and plant the defuser.

1. Kaid + Mute + Jager + Goyo + Mira

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Another solid and very balanced team that is great for most basement areas where Mira can practically lock two angles, and Jager can protect Mira’s Black Mirrors from Attacker projectiles with his ADS. After deploying his ADS during prep phase, Jager can reinforce the hatches and perform the role of the team’s roamer. Back at the basement, Kaid can prevent two hatches from being breached using his Rtillas, and Mute can jam the walls using his Signal Jammers.

With this setup, the team will be able to prevent hard breaching vertically, as well as horizontally. That, in addition to Mira’s Black Mirrors, will make it very hard for attackers to penetrate the objective area. On top of that, if they do force their way in with a rush, they’ll be making a big mistake because Goyo will be waiting to detonate his Volcan Canisters on them. Goyo’s Volcan Canisters are some of the best special gadgets in the game when it comes to area denial. It covers a large area with fire for 20 seconds and its fire rapidly damages anyone that gets near it.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • Excels at securing and anchoring the objective area
  • Able to lock down angles
  • Can deny large areas to enemies for a long time
  • Able to neutralize enemy projectiles
  • Can prevent Attacker drones from gathering intel

Team details:

  • Mute for preventing Attacker drones from gathering intel, especially Shock Drones and Ratelas from destroying Kaid’s Rtillas
  • Kaid for preventing walls from getting breached. He can place his Rtillas on angles that cannot be reached by Kali’s LV Explosive Lance or Maverick’s frag grenades
  • Jager in order to make sure that Attacker grenades won’t be effective. Can also prevent Mira’s Black Mirrors from getting breached
  • Goyo for denying area to Attackers. His Volcan Canister could also serve as early warning devices, if Attackers are pushing another spot.
  • Mira for giving the defending team a good look of the usual attack path that Attackers usually use. This is great for gathering intel, as well as fragging enemies through quick leaning from Mira’s Black Mirror.


Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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