[Top 10] R6 Siege Best Flex Operators

Top 10 Best Flex Operators In R6 Siege
26 Sep 2023

10. Oryx (Support)

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Being the flex of the team means you’re capable of being an all-around operator that is able to fill-in what the team needs, and while Oryx is mainly a roamer operator, he’s capable of being more than that. That’s because with his special ability, the Remah Dash, he’s highly capable of setting up the map with rotation holes and destroying other surfaces like wooden tables for more lines of sight. Aside from his Remah Dash special ability, he also has access to the bailiff 410 shotgun which he can use for more precise destruction and setups.

As for engaging enemies, His Remah Dash special ability allows him to easily outmaneuver them, and while he’d mostly be roaming, he can return to the objective spot easily through open hatches as to this day, he’s the only defender capable of climbing up broken hatches. He also has 2-speed 2-health rating which further tells us that he’s a well-balanced operator that is capable of fulfilling other roles that the defending team needs. Going back to his Remah Dash special ability, any attacker that gets hit by it will get knocked down, and that includes shield operators, which makes Oryx a very effective counter against them as well. 

What Makes Oryx a Great Flex Operator:

  • Oryx is a highly flexible operator capable of fulfilling other roles that the defending team needs other than being a roamer, and that’s because of his special ability, speed and health rating, as well as utilities
  • With his Remah Dash special ability, he can easily create rotation holes inside the objective spot, and he can also further use it for destroying soft objects like wooden tables for more line of sight
  • He can equip the bailiff 410 revolver shotgun as his secondary weapon which will allow him to setup the objective spot more precisely with lines of sight or foot holes, and it’s an important tool for him for destroying hatches
  • Because of his Remah Dash special ability and being able to climb up open hatches, he can easily outmaneuver enemies and engage them in spots that will be more advantageous to him

Best Loadout for Oryx:



9. Solis (Intel, Support)

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Solis is mostly used for anchoring, but she’s actually a really good roamer and flanker. She’s pretty much an all-around operator and that’s why she’s in this list. Of course, at least during the prep phase, she should stay in the objective spot so she could easily neutralize attacker drones that are trying to gather intel. That’s because she has the SPEC-IO Electro Sensor which allows her to scan and detect enemy electronics in real time, even through unbreakable surfaces like cement walls or floors. This is why she’s such a great enemy utility disabler, because most utilities in Siege are made of electronics, or at least have some electronic parts in them.

So with Solis in the defending team, it’ll be very hard for the attackers to gather intel on the defending team operators and their utilities. What’s more is that Solis can perform a Cluster Scan which will cast the enemy electronic devices she’s detected to all her teammates. This is a great intel sharing perk and will allow the defending team to react well to the gadget placement of the attackers. And since Solis’ SPEC-IO Electro Sensor has quite a long range which is fifteen meters, she can afford to leave the objective spot and roam a bit or flank. She’s also great at run outs as she can detect first if there’s a claymore planted behind the window or door she’s going to run out to.

What Makes Solis a Great Flex Operator:

  • Her special gadget, the SPEC-IO Electro Sensor, has quite a long range, so even when she’s outside the objective spot and roaming a bit, she can still perform her function which is to detect enemy electronics
  • She has 2-speed 2-health rating which allows her to move quite quickly while maintaining a decent amount of toughness, and this health and armor rating is versatile since it’ll also allow her to roam
  • Solis has access to two impact grenades per round which allows her to setup the objective spot with rotation holes, and when she’s roaming, she can also use them to quickly make an escape route
  • Even her weapon loadout is very flexible as she can afford to equip a shotgun as her primary weapon because for her secondary, she can equip the SMG-11 machine pistol which is fully automatic and can frag opponents beyond the reach of the shotgun

Best Loadout for Solis:



8. Smoke (Intel, Support)

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Speaking of operators that can afford to run with a shotgun as their primary weapon, Smoke is one of the best, as he can equip the very powerful M590A1 shotgun as primary while having the SMG-11 as his secondary. This makes him extremely flexible as with the M590A1 shotgun, he’ll have the superiority in close quarters combat while the SMG-11 will allow him to frag opponents that are outside the effective range of the M590A1 shotgun. This flexibility in range earns him a spot in this list, although unlike most operators featured here, he should stick to anchoring.

That’s because his main role is to deny area to enemies with his special gadget, the Remote Gas Grenade. He has access to three of them per round and as the name implies, they are gas grenades that are detonated via remote. Once detonated, they’ll cover a large area in a cloud of harmful chemicals that’ll quickly drain the health points of operators inside its radius except for Smoke. Now Smoke has a 2-speed 2-health rating which allows him to move relatively quickly, so it’s also okay for him to leave the objective spot a bit if he needs to flank. His gameplay isn’t really that rigid which makes him a good flex operator.

What Makes Smoke a Great Flex Operator:

  • His range is very flexible as he can equip the M590A1 shotgun as his primary weapon for close quarters combat superiority, and the SMG-11 as his secondary for fragging opponents outside the range of the M590A1
  • His 2-health 2-speed rating makes him a very balanced operator that has decent toughness and also good speed, so he can also leave the objective spot and flank when the situation calls for it
  • He can use his 2-speed rating as well as the fact that he’s not harmed by his own Gas Grenades to outmaneuver enemies and get close to them so that he’ll be able to take advantage of his M590A1 shotgun
  • He’s a great area denial operator with a very flexible gameplay as he can reserve his Gas Grenades for late game to prevent attackers from pushing, and even if he pops them off earlier, it’ll still work in the defenders’ advantage as it’ll take up a lot of the attackers’ time

Best Loadout for Smoke:



7. Frost (Anti-Entry, Trapper)

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Frost is one of the best flex operators in the game because she’s basically an all-around operator and can do a lot for the defending team. After setting up her Welcome Mats that can trap, neutralize, or maim enemies, she’s basically free to be an anchor or a roamer. She can fill in any of those roles depending on what the team needs and that’s what flex is all about. For anchoring, she can run with the ITA12S shotgun as her secondary weapon which will allow her to set up the map with rotation holes and lines of sight on unreinforced walls.

As for roaming, Frost has 2-speed 2-health rating which gives her enough speed for outmaneuvering and outrunning enemies, especially since she can also use the ITA12S shotgun for destroying unreinforced hatches or creating rotation holes on soft walls either for flanking or escaping enemies. Her unique weapon, the 9mm C1 submachine gun, is also quite versatile as it excels at any range due to its very manageable recoil, and compatibility with the scope 1.5x which is great for targeting enemies regardless of the distance, and this is great for both anchoring and roaming.

What Makes Frost a Great Flex Operator:

  • With her 2-speed 2-health rating, Frost can be an anchor or a roamer depending on what the defending team needs, and that’s because he’ll have just enough speed for outmaneuvering or escaping enemies when roaming
  • Her special gadget, the Welcome Mat, in which she has three of, can all be finished deploying during the prep phase, and after that, Frost is free to concentrate on other things, be it anchoring or roaming
  • If she chooses to anchor, Frost can set up the objective spot well since she can equip the ITA12S shotgun as her secondary weapon and that will allow her to create rotation holes or lines of sight on unreinforced walls
  • If she chooses to be a roamer, as mentioned before, she’ll have good speed, and her ITA12S shotgun will also be useful for that role as it’ll allow her to destroy soft hatches for escaping as well as create holes on unreinforced walls for flanking or escaping enemies

Best Loadout for Frost:



6. Kapkan (Anti-Entry, Trapper)

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Like Frost in one of the entries above, Kapkan can finish deploying his special gadget, the EDDs, during the prep phase, so after that, he can afford to concentrate on doing other stuff like setting up the map, anchoring, or roaming. This makes Kapkan an overall operator, especially since in defense, most operator roles aren’t too rigid. But it applies more so with operators like Kapkan who can just deploy all their special gadgets during the prep phase and they’ll do their job without really needing attention from the user. Plus, Kapkan is one of the operators in the game which has 2-speed 2-health rating.

As mentioned before, a rating of 2-speed 2-health rating is the most balanced rating in Siege, as that will give the operator good enough speed for moving around, which is very important especially for roaming where you’ll have to outmaneuver or escape enemies. The 2-health rating will also allow Kapkan to have decent toughness, and that means he won’t go down as easily as light armored operators do. Kapkan’s utilities also adds a lot of versatility to his gameplay as his impact grenades will allow him to set up the bomb site with rotation holes, and for roaming, he can use them for outmaneuvering enemies.

What Makes Kapkan a Great Flex Operator:

  • Kapkan is one of the defenders who can finish deploying their special gadgets during the prep phase and those gadgets will do their work on their own so the operator can afford to concentrate on other things
  • Kapkan has 2-speed 2-health rating which allows him to be a very balanced operator who can perform roaming and anchor roles, whichever the team needs the most, and it’ll give him good speed and toughness
  • Kapkan has access to two impact grenades per round and that’ll allow him to set up the bomb site with rotation holes when he’s anchoring, and when he’s roaming, it’ll allow him to outmaneuver enemies
  • Kapkan’s EDDs are quite versatile as well as he can also deploy them far from the objective spot so that enemies won’t expect their presence, and when he’s roaming, he can lure the enemies to them

Best Loadout for Kapkan:



5. Lion (Intel, Map Control)

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When it comes to flexibility, few operators are better than Lion. His loadout choices as well as his special gadget allow him to be an all-around operator who can excel in many roles and in any range. First off, he’s one of the very few operators who have access to three choices for his primary weapon, three choices for his secondary, as well as three choices for his secondary gadget. That wide variety of choices allows the Lion player to fill in what the attacking team needs. Plus, his special gadget is very easy to use, and its effects are global, so no matter where he is, it’ll have an effect.

As for the effect of his wide variety of choices for his weapons and utilities, for example, if the attacking team needs long-range support, Lion can run with his 417 designated marksman rifle. If they need an entry or secondary-entry, Lion can run with the excellent V308 assault rifle which has a huge magazine capacity, high damage, steady recoil, and is compatible with high powered scopes. And if the attacking team needs someone to watch the flank, Lion can run with the SG-CQB shotgun as well as the claymores which are great utilities for countering roamers and flankers.

What Makes Lion a Great Flex Operator:

  • Lion has three choices for his primary weapon, and that allows him to fill in the role that the attacking team needs. For long-range support, the 417. For entry and medium range, the V308. And for watching the flanks, the SG-CQB.
  • He’s a great example of an overall operator because his gameplay is quite simple but very effective, and the effects of his EE-ONE-D scans are global, so no matter where he is on the map, it’ll have an effect
  • He also has 2-speed 2-health rating which gives him a good enough speed for performing the role that the attacking team needs, and decent toughness to withstand enemy gunfire longer than light armored operators
  • His wide variety of choices for his utilities also make him a great all around operator as the stun grenades are great for entry, the claymores are great for flank watch, and the impact emp grenades are great for enabling hard breaching

Best Loadout for Lion:



4. Dokkaebi (Intel, Map Control)

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Flex operators are usually the ones behind the team’s front line operator, and that’s why they’re also called the secondary entry, and Dokkaebi is a great support for the front line operator because of her special gadget, the Logic Bomb. The Logic Bomb is a hack on the defenders’ mobile devices which forces them to turn on and ring loudly. The loud ringing from the defenders’ mobile devices will usually give the front line operator a good idea of their positions and will allow them and the secondary entry to deal with them more effectively, as intel in Siege is king.

But as mentioned before, flex operators are basically overall operators, so their roles aren’t that rigid. Dokkaebi doesn’t always have to be the team’s secondary entry. She can also perform the roam clearing role and with her Logic Bomb that can compromise a roamer’s location, she’ll be very effective at it. She’s also a very good backline support due to the available choices for her primary weapon which are the Mk 14 EBR and the BOSG.12.2. And while she lacks a fully automatic weapon for her primary, both of her choices for her secondary weapon are machine pistols.

What Makes Dokkaebi a Great Flex Operator:

  • She can play a variety of roles from secondary entry, flank watch, to roam clearing,which embodies the team’s flex really well, as the team’s flex performs the role that the team needs
  • For being the secondary entry, her Logic Bomb is great because it’ll allow her and the entry operator to know the location of the enemies when they’re entering a room
  • For roam clearing, obviously, her Logic Bomb is a great utility because the loud ringing from the roamer’s phone will compromise their location and will put them in the defensive
  • Dokkaebi is also a great backline support and flank watcher because her choices for her primary weapon both have good range and damage, and her Logic bomb will alert the attacking team of flanking defenders

Best Loadout for Sens:



3. Alibi (Intel, Trapper)

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Alibi is easily one of the most flexible, if not the most flexible defenders in the game, and that’s why she ranks so high in this list. She can be the defending team’s roamer or anchor, and the best part is, her special gadget, the Prisma, also works for both roles. For anchoring, her Prisma holographic clones are highly effective as pushing enemies can get confused by them, and when they shoot them, they’ll get pinged, and that ping tracker will be seen by the whole defending team. This is great because Alibi has three Prisma holographic clones and they can really ruin the momentum of pushing attackers.

Another big part of why Alibi is a great anchor is that she can deploy her Prisma holographic clones right behind windows, and that will deter enemies from entering through those windows as they know they’ll get pinged when they pass through. They also won’t be able to easily shoot from the outside as a Prisma will block them and ping them. As for roaming, Alibi has 3-speed rating which allows her to easily flank or escape enemies, especially with the help of her bailiff 410 shotgun which she can use for setting up rotation holes or for destroying soft hatches.

What Makes Alibi a Great Flex Operator:

  • Her special gadget works well for both roaming and anchoring so she can perform both roles well, and they can all be deployed during the prep phase, allowing Alibi to concentrate on doing other things
  • Alibi is a really strong anchor as she can deter enemies from entering or shooting through windows by placing her Prisma holographic clones behind them as enemies will get pinged if they do so
  • Alibi is also a great roamer because her 3-speed rating will allow her to outmaneuver or escape enemies well, especially with the help of her bailiff 410 shotgun that she can use to rework the map to her advantage
  • The Prisma holographic clones also work well for roaming as she can deploy them on spots that can confuse enemies, and the ping tracker from them will also allow Alibi to gather intel on enemy positions

Best Loadout for Alibi:



2. IQ (Intel, Support)

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As mentioned before, the attacker flex would usually perform the role of a secondary entry, and IQ can perform that role extremely well as with her special gadget, the Electronics Detector, she can detect enemy electronics behind the team’s front line operator. This will allow her to advise the team’s front line operator if there are enemy electronics ahead of them as they enter a room, and now that players can ping gadgets as well, IQ will be able to easily tell her teammates where the enemy electronics are located. With that intel, they’ll be able to avoid those gadgets’ effects or disable them.

IQ also plays the role of the flank watch really well especially since she has access to two claymores per round. With her claymores, she can score kills against enemy flankers or roamers, or at least slow them down when they’re going through an entryway when they’re flanking. And even when she’s watching the flanks, she’ll still be able to help the rest of the team when it comes to detecting enemy electronics because her Electronics Detector has a far reach which is twenty meters. Lastly, if the team needs a vertical attacker, IQ can use her breach charges for destroying the wooden floor above the objective spot, which is great for exposing the defenders.

What Makes IQ a Great Flex Operator:

  • With her special gadget, weapons, and utilities, she can perform different kind of roles, depending on what the attacking team needs at a given time, making her one of the most versatile operators around
  • She can perform the attacking team’s secondary entry since she can support the front line operator with intel from her Electronics Detector which will allow her to advice the team’s entry on the location of defender electronic devices
  • If the attacking team needs someone to protect the flanks, IQ has two claymores which are great for countering roamers, and she’ll still be able to detect enemy electronics for the other attackers as her Electronics Detector have a long range
  • IQ can also effectively perform vertical plays as with the use of her Electronics Detector, she can disable enemy electronics through the wooden floor above the objective spot, and with her breach charges, she can also destroy portions of that wooden floor to expose the defenders from above

Best Loadout for IQ:



1. Zofia (Breach, Anti-Gadget)

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When it comes to versatility, it’s quite hard to think of a better operator than Zofia. That’s because she really embodies what an all-around operator is. She can perform the team’s entry, secondary entry, flank watch, roam clear, vertical play, and more. She possesses heavy firepower with the weapons available to her, which are the M762 assault rifle, the LMG-E, and even her RG15 handgun is great for fragging. So for entry and secondary entry roles, she’s excellent. As for her watching the flanks and maintaining map control, she has her two claymores that can really help with that.

The impact grenades that she can shoot from her special gadget, the KS79 Lifeline, are always great for entry, while the concussion grenades from the KS79 are great for flanking as well as secondary entry support. For roam clearing, Zofia has 2-speed rating which provides her with good speed for catching up to roamers, and her impact grenades would be great for creating rotation holes on soft walls for cutting off a roamer’s escape. If the attacking team needs someone to perform a vertical attack, Zofia can also use the breach charges which are great for destroying large portions of the wooden floor above the objective spot.

What Makes Zofia a Great Flex Operator:

  • Zofia is one of the best all-around operators because her special gadget, weapons, and utilities, are all quite versatile and allows her to fill in the role that her team needs which is what flex is all about
  • For entry or secondary entry purposes, the impact and concussion grenades from her KS79 Lifeline are great utilities to have, especially since she also has heavy firepower from her primary weapons
  • When it comes to protecting the flank, the firepower from her weapons will be of great help as well as her two claymores are great utilities for countering roamers and flankers
  • Zofia also excels at roam clearing and vertical plays as her 2-speed rating allows her to catch up to roamers, and her breach charges allows her to destroy the wooden floor above the objective spot for exposing the defenders from above

Best Loadout for Zofia:



Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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