The Best Way to watch films in style.
Films are a large part of our everyday lives. Most people watch films on a regular basis, but every now and again it’s nice to make an event out of a viewing a film. With the plush seating and the delicious snacks, going to the cinema is a great way to do this but it can also be prohibitively expensive. I’m going to tell you how to have more fun, for half the price, in the comfort of your own home.
Step 1: What to watch?
The first thing to think about is what film you are going to watch. Unless you are hosting a movie night just for yourself, you will need to think about the tastes and preferences of your group. With DVDs, television and services like Netflix and Amazon Fire at your service, you should be able to find a wide variety of options to choose from. Consider whether you want to watch an old favourite, that you know everybody in will love, or whether you want to try something new. Make sure that the film will be age appropriate for everyone in your group. If your friends (or family) have varied tastes, then try to find a film that has something for everyone (for example a horror movie with elements of romance). If you’re are struggling to find a film then you can always pick a few options and then allow your group to vote for their favourite.
It’s also a good idea to think about how long your movie night will last. If you have enough time, then perhaps you could host a movie marathon. It can be fun to watch a few movies from a series back to back or to watch a group of movies with similar themes. If you have a small group then you could even get each person to pick a film. If you do decide to host a movie marathon then make sure that you have enough time for breaks in between each film. It will be more fun for you guests if they get a chance to relax and chat between movies.
Step 2: Creating an atmosphere
Once you’ve chosen your film it’s time to sort out your viewing space. It’s always more fun to watch movies in the dark. In an ideal world, its best to schedule your movie night at a time when you know it will be dark but, if that’s not possible, then you can easily block out the light by sticking a blanket up against your window. Make sure there are enough comfortable chairs, beanbags, or at least cushions for everyone to sit on. Different people like different temperatures, so providing blankets is a good way to keep everyone happy. It means that guest can be in charge of their own temperature.
If you want to go all out and impress your guests, then why not make a fort? There are loads of different ways to make a fort depending on what you have to work with. Chairs usually make a good base to drape blankets over. Try using safety pins or elastic bands to hold them in place. Once your fort is built just place a blanket and a few pillows on the floor to make it cosy inside. For added atmosphere, place a lamp, or even a few fairy lights, inside the fort.
To transform your movie night into something more like a party, you could make use of themed decorations. This could be done very simply. For example, if you are watching Harry Potter you could use red, green, yellow and blue balloons to represent the different Hogwarts houses. To create a more elaborate atmosphere you could buy ready-made themed directions. Alternatively, if you are artistic you could make your own themed decorations.
Step 3: Refreshments
No movie night is complete without snacks. Again, it’s important to think about your guests’ tastes. Consider what foods they like and remember to ask if anyone has any special requirements, or allergies, that need to be considered. Traditional cinema snacks are always a good choice, for example popcorn, nachos and ice-cream. You could even set up a DIY pick and mix sweet bar to provide your guest with an authentic, cinema-style, experience. Alternatively, you could provide your guests with healthier snacks such as chocolate covered fruit, nuts, or vegetables and hummus.
To make your occasion truly special, you could create a menu themed around the film that you are watching. If your film is set in a particular era, provide your guests with food from that era. For example, if you’re watching The Great Gatsby then you could serve food from the nineteen twenties. This could include cocktails (or lemonade for the none drinkers), olives, shrimp cocktails, fruit cocktails, ice cream cake, angel cake, or devil food cake. A film like Chocolat, for example, provides the obvious theme of chocolate but you could also use it as an opportunity to sample other French foods, such as croissants, Pain au chocolat, macrons, vole au vents, crepes, or quiche. Just think about where and when your movie is set, or about what the characters in the movie eat, for easy inspiration.
Step 4: Other entertainment
Movie night and game night are two things that can go very well together. Games can provide something for your guests to do before or after the movie, or between movies if you’re hosting a movie marathon. Think about what your guests like to play. You could play a familiar, favourite, game or you could take the opportunity to introduce your guests to a new board, card, or video game.
If you want to play a game that relates to the movie that you’re watching, then one of the best options is Movie Bingo. Each guest gets a score card which lists common movie tropes, or common events in the movie that you are watching (for example in Lord of the Rings when Golem says ‘My precious’). You can either find a movie Bingo game online or, if you know the movie well, you can make your own. If your guests are so inclined, you could even turn it into a drinking game.
Perhaps you’re hosting an elaborate film themed party for all of your friends or perhaps you’re holding a simple movie night for a few people. Either way, using the tips above you can make sure that your movie night is an extra special event.
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