10 Cooperative Games That Require Teamwork to Win

Cooperative Games
22 Aug 2024

Here are 10 cooperative games that teach us the power of teamwork

If you're a gamer, and I assume you are because you're on this website looking at this article, then you know that there exist a lot of games that bring players together across the world to work together. Where you're trying to take the citadel of an enemy faction or trying to reach a certain kill count to bring your team to victory, multiplayer is veyr popular. Despite that fact, the idea of "teamwork" probably doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. To some, it means working with their teammates to achieve their task. For others, it's trusting yourself to achieve the objective yourself while trusting your team doesn't lose the game for you. 

For the best experience in a game where you are on a team, the entire team must work together. What mechanics are necesary for victory differ from game to game. Now, look over this list of 10 cooperative games that will help you become a more diverse member of your next online team.   

10. Halo 4  

Once more onto the breach, dear comrades.

Developer: Certain Affinity, 343 Games

Like its predecessors before it, Halo 4 has a multiplayer feature that has your usual game modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, etc. What makes this one stand out from the others is that there are more vehicles being offered in this game, like the Mantis; the first mech-like vehicle in the game.

 In most of the game modes, the team needs to work together in order to win. If they can use the vehicles and the weapons found across the landscape effectively, then any game can be easily won. It is important to take into account that not all players will be incredibly good at the game, so the more experienced players should keep an eye out on the rest of the group. If everybody can work together, then there’s almost no way the team can’t win. 

What makes this game so awesome, and stand out from other Halo games, is it has almost completely changed how players play with the new vehicles and the weaponry. 

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I'm sure we all have a Spartan in us spoiling for a fight.

Player base will include fans of the Halo games and those who enjoy science-fiction shooters. 

Official Site: Halo 4

9.World of Tanks

Roll out and destroy your foe.

Developer: War Gaming

Third-person shooter multiplayer

Tank versus Tank

This is the only game on the list where everyone is in a vehicle for the entire game. The game has dozens of tanks for players to choose from, most needing to be unlocked. The promise of news tanks should encourage players to work with their teammates in every match, trying to secure victory through strength of comrade-ship.

People will need to work together because otherwise, like Halo 4, not everyone will be on the same level.  Not all tanks will be strong enough to take on enemy players by themselves. Those with stronger tanks will most likely need to keep an eye out on the enemy tanks and, if they have knowledge of which are the toughest, seek those out to destroy.

Being observant of the entire field and keeping an eye out on both your team and the enemy will lead you to victory. What makes this game so fun is that people get behind the wheel of a variety of tanks and destroy each other to their heart’s content.


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Give them the strength of the good ol' armored core.

This player base would be those who enjoy games where they are in control of a vehicle as well as enthusiasts of tanks. What makes this game stand out from others is this unique form of combat that offers new tactics and strategy than fighting on foot.

Official Site: World of Tanks

8. Dota 2

Here they come, mighty champions from across the realms.

Developer: Valve

Multiplayer MOBA

Champion versus Champion

Moba’s seem to be making a name for themselves lately. To do well in these games, you need to know what role you’re playing and what your part on the team is. In every game, there will be three lanes that five heroes per team will be working to defend from enemy minions and heroes while at the same time striving to work their way to the enemy central point, which must be destroyed to win the game.

Nowadays, the placement of teams are: one guy who can dish out and take damage in the top lane, one person who is some sort of spell-caster in the middle, two people, one with high attack and little defense and someone to support them, in the bottom lane, and finally one person (called a jungler) who is tasked with leveling up quickly and helping out in lane in danger.

The biggest key to success is to know how to play your assigned role, which players usually call out when choosing their character.  If you see someone not performing well, rather than yell at them like I’ve seen most players do, try to offer pointers. Remember you were learning your role at some point. Positive communication and teamwork will ultimately lead you and your team to victory.

This game is great because it is the sequel to the game that began the MOBA genre. The player base will be anyone who has ever gotten into the MOBA genre.  What makes this game great is that it builds on the formula it set up in the first game, better graphics and more features.

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Come forth warrior, show us your skill in battle.

Official Site: Dota 2

7. Counter-Strike

Changing the world, one round at a time.

Developer: Valve

First-person shooter

Human versus human

Counter-Strike is THE classic search-and-destroy game. You are either placed on the “Terrorist” or “Counter-Terrorist”. Beyond knowing what your teammates look like, this isn’t too important to be concerned about.

What really matters is watching out for your teammates, because any one of you could be killed at any time. This is a game where it pays off to take a few extra seconds to get where you’re going. You have only one life per round, and the team with the most rounds won win the game.

 Don’t be quick to get where you want to go. The game calls for a tactical mindset. Where can you hide behind if you can get in a fight? What weapon are you best with? How many teammates are left versus how many enemies are left (It’ll how many of each are alive)?

If your number is lower than the enemies, it be best to stay where you are and let the bad guys come to you.  Despite what people say, camping isn’t the worst offence ever committed in a game. Also, keep an ear out for the phrase “bomb has been planted”. That means either you need to defuse the bomb, if you’re counter-terrorist, or defend the bomb from people who want to defuse it, if you’re a terrorist.

This game, despite only having one game mode, offers a lot of customization and options to accommodate many types of FPS players. The player base would be those who stuck with the game throughout the years, as well as newcomers to the series. This is one of the best games in the FPS genre because it set a lot of the basic blueprints for the popular FPS games we play today.

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Stick close to your team. You never know what's out there.

Official Site: Counter-Strike

6. Battlefield 4

There's always another Battlefield.


First-person shooter

Human versus human

The Battlefield series is one of my favorite FPS games for a few reasons, reasons that people who want to get good at it should probably listen to. One reason I like it is the class system, where each class contributes somehow to the overall team effort. One class can supply injured teammates with health and revive teammates that have been downed. One class can supply ammo. Another class can be trusted with deal with vehicles and obstacles.

 Pick a class that fits your play-style and play it often. The more levels you get in that class gets you more weapons and abilities for the class, which is another thing I enjoy. The last main thing I enjoy that is useful is that there are objectives that the team needs to take or secure.

This means that everybody needs to stick together to get the job done. If you’re used to high kill-counts and being a lone wolf, this probably isn’t your game.  I like this game for that very reason, relying more on your team than yourself.  The player base is composed probably fans of the series as well as general fans of the FPS genre. 

This is a great shooter because, between the destructible environments, teamwork, various classes and vehicles to get inside, gameplay feels a lot like fighting an actual battle.

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Get ready for an explosive, literally, fight.

Official Site: Battlefield 4

5. Team Fortress 2

Warfare has never looked so cartoonish.

Developer: Valve

First-person shooter multiplayer

Human versus human

Team Fortress 2 has many game modes to play on, as well as another class system. As stated before, find the class that suits you best and work towards it. Rather than levels up, you’ll get hats and new weapons as a reward for your work.

This would be one great where, if you’re new, to watch the more experienced players to see what they do. Learn from them and start to mimic what they’re doing until you find out how you enjoy playing your character. You can learn a lot from watching your teammates until you’re confident to act on your own.  

What makes this game so fun is that it takes a comical approach to a style of gaming which previously features hardened military soldiers. The player base is really diverse, where anyone from casual players to fans of FPS games could be playing. What makes this game stand out from others is, as mentioned before, the comical version of shooters as well as offering some new game modes not done before, like escorting bombs into the enemy’s base.

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Remember that you'll often put your life in your teammate's hands.

Official Site: Team Fortress 2

4. Gears of War 3

Nothing to bring a team together like an army of foes.

Developer: Microsoft

Third-person shooter

Humans versus Aliens

This is one of the few games where you will need to be able to function on your own in addition to supporting the team. This game’s multiplayer usually pits two teams of four-to-five players against each other. There will be weapons to pick up along the way. The way to excel at this game relies on everyone being able to function on their own.

 Find your way through the map, fight your enemies and do your best to kill them before they get you. Remember to take cover when getting in fire-fights to take less damage. During the brief periods of you not killing your enemies, cast a quick glance to see how the rest of the team is doing.

Maybe someone is being attacked by more than one guy and could use a hand. Maybe someone is downed and you can help them out before the enemy finished them. The biggest help you can be to the team is being a killing badass, but don’t forget you have teammates who may need your help.

 If they go down quickly, the odds will definitely be in your favor. The players base will mostly be fans of the previous two incarnations of Gears of War. This game stands out from its prequels by offering new game modes, character skins in multiplayer and more weapons. 

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It's a mad world out there.

Official Site: Gears of War 3

3. Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty

War has come back to the universe.

Developer: Blizzard

Mulitplayer RTS

Humans versus Aliens

This game, unlike the others, has you focus on building and maintaining an army rather than an individual character. You and your team will be tasked with destroying all of your enemies’ buildings and units. The best way to do this is communication and what’s termed “micro-managing”, which basically means you pay attention to all of your guys and buildings no matter where they are on the map.

Communicate with your team because, with multiple people building their own army, any one of you could be ganged up on and wiped out pretty quickly. The same thing goes for if you try to take on everyone on your own. Your army gets destroyed and your team gets that much weaker as a result.  

Work together, protect one another, and plan your moves out in order to secure victory. What makes this an awesome game is the strategy needed to adapt to your enemies and to defeat them.  The player base is fans of the Starcraft series and people who enjoy RTS games. This game has incredible graphics, a combination of old factions and units as well as new additions, and a type of game that can be played by professional and casual player alike.

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Choose your faction wisely.

Official Site: StarCraft 2

2. Call of Duty: Ghosts

It's your duty to save the world again.

Developer: Infinity Ward

First-person shooter Multiplayer

Military-based combat and operations

Call of Duty is a very popular online FPS series, with loads of title for players to work out their personal playstyles. You’re put on teams in every game mode, minus Death match, Sticks and Stones and a couple others, but most players prefer to go off on their own to fight. To succeed in this game as a team, everyone is going to have to be pretty good on their own.

If you are new to the series or are not too good at the game, try to get a friend to play with you or let people know that you’ll need some help. If they’re not all utter dicks, someone may give you some pointers.  You can’t expect your team to carry you on this one. You got to be prepared to fight on your own.

This’ll mean finding out a playstyle, choosing weapons and perks that compliment you, and just doing your best. For a less stressful experience, form a team with friends and get some way to communicate what you are all doing. What’s awesome with this game, like the call of Duty games, is that they always bring some new features with each new game.

From new killstreaks, new guns and new abilities, the style of battle is constantly changing. 

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It'll be hard to kill what you cannot see.

Since Call of Duty is a successful name for video games, a lot of veterans to the series will be playing. You can also expect to see newcomers getting into the game. 

Call of Duty: Ghosts

1. League of Legends

An exciting battle in every round.

Developer: Riot Games


5 v 5

League of Legends, like DOTA 2, is a game where five players, with the help of endless minions, must try to destroy their opponent’s nexus, which is guarded by minions, towers and five other champions.  To succeed in this game, players must know the various roles in the game (Tank, Mage, Support, ADC, Jungle) and work together to make their way past the defenses. 

In-game communication really does help, especially when it’s positive feedback rather than yelling at what a player is doing wrong.  What I really enjoy about the game is the personality of the champions that you can play as, from the various phrases they say when moving or attacking to the unique lore that the developers have placed for every character.

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There are endless combinations to building fantastic teams.

The player base, given that there are paid tournaments to be entered, are a lot of people who like to play in a professional manner. This is one of the best MOBA games out there because there is never a shortage of interesting characters, the gameplay can be quite invigorating and there are constantly new additions to the game.

Official Site: League of Legends

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