How to Unlock Access to Trials of Osiris (by Ordinary Sense)
Wanna prove you're among the top players of Destiny 2?
The Trials of Osiris are the pinnacle of PvP activities in Destiny 2 It is where the best players in the game go to prove their skills, particularly by attempting to achieve a Flawless Victory by winning 7 matches in a row.
This earns you access to the Lighthouse, an area in the game where only Flawless Victory winners in the Trials can go. There, you receive some of the best weapons and armor you can get in the game. Your character also gets a distinct golden glow for the whole week after a flawless win, setting you apart from almost all other players.
Of course, you can only get there by taking part in the Trials. Here is how you can access the Trials of Osiris and win yourself some top-tier gear:
How to Access Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2
- First, if you haven’t completed it yet, meet Saint-14 in the Tower Hangar and get the “Trials Access” Quest. Note: To access the Trials of Osiris, you must own the Witch Queen Expansion.
- Complete all Quest objectives.
- Return to Saint-14.
- RaiseLight level to at least1560.
- Purchase a Trial Passage from Saint-14
- Open your Director and go to the Crucible.
- Select the Trials of Osiris option and enter your first match.
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