WoW DPS Rankings BfA (Mythic Dungeons and Raids)

Queen of the Depths, Azshara
27 Nov 2019

What are the Best and Worst DPS specs in WoW BfA?

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The latest raid for Battle for Azeroth has been out for a few weeks and players around the world have been sinking their teeth into the content.

With the Queen of the depths - Azshara slain in the newest raid Eternal Palace, it's time to have a look at the numbers. Which DPS specs are riding the high-rank waves and which are floundering in the shallows?

Take a look and decide which class you want to give a try first!

24. Arcane Mage- Max DPS: 35k DPS

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Sparkles, sparkles and more sparkles…

A personal favorite of mine (mostly for the sparkles!), it pains me to admit this is the old boot of the pile.

It favors multi-target fights, with a fully charged Arcane blast taking a few chips at a boss.

Compared to its other mage specs, it just doesn't have enough "oomph" to be considered for raids.

It's got Time warp though, that counts for something... right?


Arcane Mage Best Spec:

23. Feral Druid- Max DPS: 37k dps

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Feral druids: Not just for Christmas.

The hybrid class, the spec left behind. This time around, it seems these kitties have lost their claws!

Versatile, fab survivability, great in PvP. But when it finds itself next to another melee, it's less feral and more "...For real?"

Most kept for emergency tank/heal/combat ress.

But if a Boomkin shows up, you can be sure you'll be swatted out by a Raid Leader's broom.

Feral Druid Best Spec:élotér

22. Subtlety Rogue- Max DPS: 38.5k DPS

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Now you seen them, now you don't.

Melee classes have had a rough run in BfA and Sub rogues aren't able to evade this.

So uncommon this patch, I'd begun to forget this spec even existed.

Most damage coming from Eviscerate, it doesn't have enough sustainable damage to turn heads.

Sub rogues really have vanished from most raids or mythic setups.

Subtlety Rogue Best Spec:

21. Fire Mage - Max DPS: 38.7k DPS

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Why have a little fire when you can have A LOT!

Most of us have taken a hefty Pyroblast to the face and been sent reeling. But when it comes to multiple target fights, it’s got as much firepower as a depleted lighter.

Surprising, given its popularity. But even Method’s fire mage, Scrype, sits lower on the meters than other range comrades.

Given mages handy utility and fancypants buffs, they keep their place in raids for more than just their deeps.

Consistent single target, lacking in multiple targets.

Fire Mage Best Spec:

20. Survival Hunter - Max DPS: 41k DPS

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Survival hunters, barely hunting and barely surviving.

Hugely overpowered at the beginning of the expansion, now left barely scraping the top 20 spots.

A few nasty nerfs (or, “class balancing hotfixes” as the diplomats like to call them) have left melee hunters wistfully remembering their time at the top… Three patches earlier.

Mongoose Bite and its procs just don’t provide hearty sustainability that would leave a Raid leader drooling.

Dependant on a flimsy Auto attack, cute or rare pets won’t excuse you from finding yourself benched.

Survival Hunter Best Spec:

19. Outlaw Rogue - Max DPS: 43k DPS

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Roll the bones, friends.

Remember the times when you saw these rogues whooshing around on their grappling hooks? Yeah, me too.

Remember the last time you saw this in a raid? Nope, me neither.

That being said, Outlaw rogues do have fantastic mobility so expect to see one or two sneak in during a Mythic+ run.

Not as bad as subtlety rogues, but lacking the kicks of Assassination.

Heavily dependant on a good Mastery cap for “Mastery: Main Gauche”.

No amount of grappling hooks can save that.

Outlaw Rogue Best Spec:

18. Arms Warrior - Max DPS: 44.8k DPS

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If in doubt, pose heroically. Arms in a nutshell!

When you think of warriors, Protection or Fury may be the words you utter first. But there is another noble warrior spec that has been forgotten this patch: Arms.

It’s nice that it has a decent bleed effect through Deep Wounds but the rest of the abilities leaves you wanting more.

But you won’t get more.

Execute is a punchy hit as a mob hits lower HP, but it doesn’t have much else.

Viable if you like to min-max within an inch of your life. But if numbers and stats make you googly-eyed, this isn’t for you.

Arms Warrior Best Spec:


17. Destruction Warlock - Max DPS: 45.1k DPS

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If you don't shout "Burn, Wretch!" as a Destruction Warlock, reroll.

The first of our dastardly warlock specs, those that choose destruction over curses finds itself in the lower half of the list.

Chaos Bolt is a heavy hitter, I’ll admit, but the slow casts and heavy soul shards cost makes it less frequent than maybe it would like.

What I will say is that Destro Locks damage is consistent, with a healthy amount of AoE as well as strong Crowd Control.

When compared to other Lock specs, and rival mages, it doesn’t pack half as much punch as the abilities imply.

Cataclysm? Perhaps a rename to Tantrum would be better. Certainly what you’ll do after reading your meters.

Destruction Warlock Best Spec:  

16. Enhancement Shaman - Max DPS: 45.5k DPS

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Enhancing your raids since 2004!

It’s a long-standing joke that Shamans get nerfed to an inch of their lives every patch (Wowcrendor, anyone?).

Unfortunately, Enhancement shammies have resumed their Vanilla off-tank role and bore the brunt of the latest Nerf hammers sent their way.

It can be tricky to get a rotation that works well, utilising Lava Lash as best as you can with other long cooldowns such as Sundering. Choosing the “wrong” talent is hugely punishing, making you about as useful as an AFK player.

Tough to do, while trying not to yell back when you’re being spammed to pop Heroism (or Bloodlust, for you Horde.).

Enhancement Shaman Best Spec:

15. Windwalker Monk- Max DPS: 45.7k DPS

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Not bad for starting out as a dance from Pandaria.

Impressive on AoE and big cleaves as well as quick mobility, WW Monks dominated the first seasons when it came to Mythic +.

Fists of fury are still a heavy hitter both single and multiple targets, with it castable while moving just the icing on the cake.Spinning crane kick (spin to win: Monk Edition) is utilized well against lots of squishy little mobs.

It’s… okay. And being in that position doesn’t feel great. If it’s down to single target, slower cooldowns don’t make it as much of a powerhouse in Raids as other melee do.

Nice CC abilities, though. It’s like buying an off-brand because you couldn’t find the good stuff.

It’ll do.

Windwalker Monk Best Spec:

14. Marksmanship Hunter- Max DPS: 47.5k DPS

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The bigger the crossbow, the better the deeps. Honest.

I have such a soft spot for MM Hunters, I won’t deny.

I also know the anguish this expansion has brought them. It’s been a rollercoaster of highs and lows.

And the recent patch sits us trucking along in mid-range purgatory.

The unique feature of being the only hunter without a pet is gone, as Lone Wolf just doesn’t provide enough damage to kick your pet cat to the crate.

Double Tap is incredible. Even more so with a delicious Aimed Shot proc. But without procs and sparkles, it doesn’t give enough damage to matter. Not uncommon to see MM Hunter dominate bursts and then fall off the grid.

Shooting whilst running has its benefits. Too bad very few bosses require a well placed MM Hunter to kite.

Back to the battlegrounds, boys.

Marksmanship Hunter Best Spec:


13. Frost Mage - Max DPS: 47.5k DPS

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Expect a very frosty reception from these mages.

The last of our mage specs, Frost comes up top of three.

It’s incredibly versatile, compared to the others which makes it a good choice all-round.

Glacial spike hits like a truck as well a mini CC for mobs.Ice Lance isn’t far behind and having a pet only adds to the dependable ticking damage.

A fan of multi-target and AoE, they are well utilized across plenty of mechanics. You’ll see these in flocks across raid and party groups.

Slow cast times and doesn’t have great mobility but who cares, with those numbers!.

It has plenty of other tools in its arsenal to appease the group leader gods.

Frost Mage Best Spec:

12. Beast Mastery Hunter - Max DPS: 47.6k DPS

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The WoW equivalent to crazy cat ladies.

You might think, because of my love of MM Hunter, I would love BM Hunters.

I don’t.

Maybe a little salty that they have been consistent throughout the expansion, but that’s another matter.

I’m willing to accept (begrudgingly) that BM Hunters trump other hunters without a doubt.

Fast-moving and a consistent stream of damage, Cobra shot works in harmony with Kill command and they can pull a nice number all in all.

Murder of Crows is a nice hitting DoT which keeps a hunter busy whilst their pet does the rest.

Great options for AoE and traps are always a plus for some CC. Not to mention some crafty pets having their own little party/raid buffs.

It doesn’t mean I like it though.

Beast Mastery Hunter Best Spec:

11. Affliction Warlock - Max DPS: 47.7k DPS

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Why stab when you cause agony to enemies from the inside out?

Missing the top 10 spots by a smidge, Affliction Locks settle themselves in the better half of the list.

A very popular raiding choice, with the top raiding guilds making space for an Aff Lock (or a couple) the reason it sits lower is a lack of multi-target “pow”.

It’s AoE Phantom Singularity,is nice to use on adds or small mobs but its cooldown is lengthy compared to other multi-target classes.

Dependant on good DoT management, Aff Locks deals a good steady stream of damage without too many peaks or lulls.

Aesthetically, I rather like the idea of torturing your targets from the inside out. Very appealing..

You’ll always be welcomed in a raid as an Aff lock: you can summon after all!

Affliction Warlock Best Spec:íngfly

10. Elemental Shaman - Max DPS: 48k DPS

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Earth, Wind and Fire. And a little Lightning.

Nestling themselves into 10th position, Ele Shammies have managed to break free of the nerf curse befallen to their restoration/enhancement counterparts.

Not only welcomed because of Bloodlust (Or Heroism: I don’t play favorites), Ele Shammies produce a hefty stream of heavy-hitting numbers throughout an encounter. Lava Burst is a wrecking ball, especially as it’s a guaranteed crit with Flame Shock.

It’s got some well placed multi-target abilities, Chain Lightning being one of them. And it makes them versatile across plenty of enemy mechanics.

Off-healers, a sizeable health pool of their own, you’ll find Ele Shammies in most raid setups.

Elemental Shaman Best Spec:äynä

9. Demonology Warlock - Max DPS: 48.1k DPS

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Many imps! Handle it!

The cherry on top for the warlock sundae of the list, Demonology Warlocks beat other Lock specs.

The constant stream of demons of all shapes and sizes (Demo Locks don’t discriminate) may be a pet peeve for tanks and a butcher of FPS for toaster computer users, but it does work.

Hand of Gul’dan is like a new and improved Mirror Image but with extra goodies. It’s like going from a basic care package to the premium bundle. Imps galore and hefty numbers behind it.

Bilescourge Bombers has a lengthy cooldown but it hurls more demons and more deeps at your targets and the two combined will melt mobs in shadowy-fel flames.

The reason their DPS is higher than Aff Locks is that their Multi-target is next level. Not always picked for single target encounters, but it’s a shoo-in for add-heavy fights.

Just apologize to your poor tank every so often, okay?

Demonology Warlock Best Spec:

8. Assassination Rogue - Max DPS: 48.5k DPS

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Stun, Stab, Vanish. Rinse and Repeat.

The final rogue and the first of our melee in the top 10, Assassination Rogues are welcomed with open arms to most raid and dungeon groups.

Bleeds, poisons as well as some tough abilities of their own, Assassination Rogues have provided some of the best utility in the game.

My favorite rogue spec, they’re incredibly fun to play and can move around the arena of play with no difficulty.

Blizzard has bumped up their AoE capabilities with Fan of Knives and Envenom, which only adds to their arsenal.Not to mention their quick and accurate interrupts, it’s no surprise top raiding guilds pack a couple of rogues into their teams.

Don’t fret if you run a mythic+ with 3 rogues as your DPS. It happens.

Assassination Rogue Best Spec:ép

7. Unholy Death Knight - Max DPS: 48.8k DPS

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Why be pure and devout when you can be chaotic and undead?

The OG hero class/spec, Death Knights have been dominant throughout this expansion. It’s also the only class that has both its DPS specs in my top ten.

I’m not a great lover of DKs but I won’t deny them their place on the board.

If a behemoth, rotten scourge creature doesn’t entice you then maybe weighty damage from the likes of Scourge Strike and Festering Strike might.

It’s got a couple of nice perks with Death Coil still being ranged and Virulent Eruption being a decently ticking DoT. It can provide a fair amount of AoE too, so it’s a safe bet.

That being said, when standing beside its big brother the Frost DK, it’s left wishing it could match up.

And sadly, it doesn’t.

Unholy Death Knight Best Spec:

6. Retribution Paladin- Max DPS: 52.7k DPS

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What happens when you combine a Priest and a Warrior? A Paladin.

The Paladin. The co-founder of the hybrid classes, it’s been a fan favorite for its memes (Bubble, Hearth anyone?), lore and it’s consistently powerful deeps.

As their tank side dominates dungeon groups for their colossal defensives, Ret Pallys are holding their own when it comes to claiming DPS meters. A little bit of a rework across the expansion, Ret Pallys are much more than sparkly show ponies.

Great survivability, giving these plated crusaders plenty of wriggle room in raid playgrounds as well as the safety net of an emergency off-tank/healer.

They come with an arsenal of hard-hitting AoEs like Divine Storm as well as a whack from Templar’s Verdict leaving more than just a bruise.

Sorely underappreciated but consider them to be a staple in your raiding squads.

Retribution Paladin Best Spec:


5. Shadow Priest - Max DPS: 55k DPS

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Give in to insanity...Embrace the shadows.

My off-spec since Legion, it makes me as warm and fuzzy as a Pandaren to see Shadow Priests levitating their way into the top 5.

It’s been a rocky road for the DPS Priest, but a few fine tunes later and they are a common fixture in the raiding lineup.

They tick nicely with their Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch DoT but they really come into their own when they go super- Saiyan with Void Eruption.

Very satisfying to see countless Void Bolts hurling off towards mobs; the more, the better!

Deadly over multi-targets and with careful management of the Void form, SPriest can bring a lot of pain to the deadliest foe.

Substantial self-healing, aesthetically pleasing and a unique game style, they’re a lot of fun to raid with. Hugely undervalued in Mythic+, but don’t count them out either.

Shadow Priest Best Spec:

4. Havoc Demon Hunter - Max DPS: 61.4k DPS

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You are your scars!

The second Hero class in the game and has firmly cemented itself as a top DPS choice for PvE content.

Become your own Illidan, this spec has all the best bits of a class bundled up into one fel-infused elf.

I’ve dabbled with the Demon hunters myself and it’s not hard to see why top raiding guilds and Mythic+ groups like keeping the demonic elves on side.

Punishing AoE like Eye Beam dissolve mobs faster than sugar in hot water.

Annihilation and Death Sweep are powerful single-target abilities, with Death Sweep bringing home the bacon with a grueling cleave.

Mobility that rivals rogues, self-healing that contests shadow priests, this Hero Spec does it all: bells and whistle in tow.

As for your targets? They were not prepared.


Havoc Demon Hunter Best Spec:

3. Balance Druid - Max DPS: 65k DPS

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The lovable Boomie.. Part Owl, Part Lion..All power.

The loved or hated Boomkin (or ultra sparkly glyph-infused character), Balance druids have been more bullish than any Tauren when it comes to controlling the DPS meters.

And it sure isn’t hard to see why.

Starsurge is the Hadouken of Boomie spells and will tyrannize any mobs that find themselves on the receiving end of it.

They are packed to the brim with potent AoE spells like Lunar Strike, Starfall and Fury of Elune if you take the talent.

If that wasn’t enough, they have their own DoTs too with Sunfire and Moonfire used through the rotation.

Utilizing druid forms grants Boomies amazing mobility as well as their much loved Combat Ress and emergency off-tank/healer potential.

It’s no surprise Method runs with two in their main raid team.

Balance Druid Best Spec:

2. Fury Warrior - Max DPS: 65.2k DPS

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Rage!! You always need more Rage!

A stark difference between the Arms Warrior at 18th to the Fury Warrior championing itself for second place.

Anime and JRPG fans rejoice at being the only class to dual-wield two-handed weapons. Not only does this look impressive (maybe a little comical with two Gorehowl axes), but it provides the damage to keep the most furious of warriors at the top of the meters.

Bloodthirst is one of the greatest contributors to this insane amount of damage. It is quick, low on rage and hits harder than being backhanded by Sargeras.

Utilizing damage from the Main Hand and Off Hand keeps a substantial flow of deeps throughout an encounter with Execute quite capable of finishing off mobs with a second glance.

Strong AoE such as whirlwind or bladestorm combined with add management/CC such as Dragon Roar allows the Fury warrior great control over the gameplay stage.

A staple since Vanilla, the Fury Warrior is not about to submit to newer classes anytime soon.

Or, if you chose Worgen, Tauren or Pandaren… A furry warrior.

Fury Warrior Best Spec:

1. Frost Death Knight- Max DPS: 76.6k DPS

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The greatest of the Lich King's Champions.

Looming over their target, runeblade pointed towards them, I’m fairly sure most mobs would bend the knee before fighting a Frost DK if they could.

Just looking from top to bottom, it’s hard to believe the difference in these DPS outputs. And had I not seen it for myself, I might agree.

The Talent Frostscythe, when used with Killing Machine ramps the damage up something crazy. Crits able to do four times normal damage?! Nothing can even scratch that by comparison.

Glacial Advance with Rune of Razorice only keeps adding to the pile of DPS numbers, sending enemies crumbling into nothingness.

And they don’t stop at single target: Howling blast is just one of their AoE abilities that also adds a nasty Frost Fever and runic power regeneration.

They have their own CCs which allow them to control a battlefield as well as the handy combat ress. Watching a Frost DK destroy everything in its path is a sight to behold.

No wonder Arthas was both feared and revered! Frostmourne certainly does hunger…

Frost Death Knight Best Spec:


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So there we have it! The hits and misses of the DPS classes for this current patch.

I hope you’ve enjoyed having a read through all this and feeling smug to see your beloved class riding high. I don’t even mind you booing at me for specs left behind! I don’t know about you but I am looking forward to seeing what comes next for our DPS roles in the upcoming patches.

Who will be hit by the nerf hammer!?

Whilst playing classes that pull big numbers is fulfilling, I say pick a class you enjoy.

Whether you’re a hardcore raider or a weekend casual, make sure you find a class that you love and brings you joy to play.

Because when you enjoy it, your numbers will too!


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