
What are the best DPS classes to play in Battle for Azeroth's 8.3 patch?
By the light of Elune. Welcome to the World of Azeroth friends. If you are reading this article, then I assume you’ve made it to mythic raiding. Good job, that’s hard work. Now I bet you’re wondering, how should I proceed with my characters. This article is focused around the best, ranked DPS classes to play in mythic level raids and dungeons.. We will start with the lowest on the list, and end with the most epic spec to play.
24. Marksmanship Hunter: 77k max dps
"Put an apple on your head."
This class is relatively simple to play. focused on ranged DPS, Marksman Hunters distribute a decent amount of DPS rather quickly, which is great for those open area fights that we all so much enjoy.
- High burst damage
- Fully mobile, meaning they can be at a safe distance or out of AOE range and still be doing damage
- Has the benefit of a pet, though it’s not as strong as a beast master’s pet
- Does very well in ST and can handle itself in some mid range pulls
- Unfortunately it is highly dependent on it’s CD’s, and the CD rates are somewhat higher than other classes.
- Marksmanship Hunter Build:https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/illidan/fortino
23. Windwalker Monk: 76k max dps
"Jade Serpent guide you."
When you think of a monk, you think of a man in long robes searching for that peaceful tranquility and wouldn’t hurt a fly. Windwalker monks are definitely not that monk. . They bring rather large amounts of damage to the table, and are generally good back ups for other classes. Like druids, they are able to switch between specs relatively quickly, allowing for a little better utility overall.
- Thrives in multi target (cleave) fights
- Can talent into an AOE build with little sacrifice to other attributes
- Great for kiting and tank assist
- Huge benefit in crowd control situations
- Great for Za’qul, Orgozoa, and The Hivemind
- Windwalker hunter build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/p%C3%A2nz%C3%AArh%C3%AAnk
22. Elemental Shaman: 79k max dps
With their naturally higher armor, movement buffs, and totems they are all around powerhouses. Though They don’t have the highest dps of all the specs on this list, they certainly bring invaluable aspects to the table.
- Totems bring huge amounts of damage, with a low cd
- Not great in Cleave situations, but they’re Single Target game is fierce
- Huge assist to tanks with some off heals
- Various AOE abilities that come in handy in mid to large pulls
- Can facilitate skips in certain dungeons
- Elemental Shaman Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/overrungg/
21. Assasination Rogue: 79k max dps
"Whatever you can do in five combo points, I can do in three."
Sticking to the shadows normally, rogues are great for scouting around and sneak attacks. They thrive in Single Target fights, but are capable of holding their own in larger pulls.
- They have very high AOE and ST DPS
- They have an ability to enable skips of unnecessary mobs
- Powerful immunity vs magic and physical effects
- They can talent into cheat death
- Great for close contact raid fights such as Shad’har the Insatiable
- Assasination Rogue Build; https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/w%C3%B5rstpl%C3%A2%C3%BF%C3%AAr
20. Balance Druid: 79k max dps
"As the Goddess wills."
Druids can switch between various beneficial specs. In this case, Balance druid is a good all around character. They have a natural Tankiness in Moonkin form, while offering an added bonus of power
- great with single target and cleave damage
- Benefits parties in high keys dungeons
- Great tank support
- Greatly needed in High Keys and Mythic Raids
- Innervate, battle rez, and off healing is a major aid to healers
- Balance Druid Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/l%C3%B8rgok
19. Arcane Mage: 80k max dps
“All things change, whether from inside out or the outside in. That is what magic is. And we are magic too.”
Affectionately called a glass cannon, this class brings a lot to the table. They are best known for their mobility benefits. By mobility, I mean portals! Who wouldn’t want to have portals. This allows for quick access to capitals for fix and sells, given you spend longer than you like mastering that boss fight.
- High burst dps
- Powerful AOE’s
- Has a cheat death, which comes in handy
- Exceptional mobility
- Doesn’t do well in 2-target solo fights, they get hit pretty hard
- Arcane Mage Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/bunnyhun
18. Retribution Paladin: 80k max dps
Plate wearing, lots of damage, and overall fun to play. These characters can be outscaled by other classes, but they bring a variety of unique abilities to any group.
- Large damage count during cooldowns
- Blessings that benefit all other classes
- Superior pair for healers, as they have off heals and dispels
- They have a ST stun as well as an AOE disorient
- Beneficial in any tier of raid fight
- Retribution Paladin Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren
17. Affliction Warlock: 80k max dps
This spec is a great asset to any raid/dungeon group. With the added benefit of skips and ST cheat deaths, this spec is a force to be reckoned with. Their demon summons bring added damage to those heavier DPS fights.
- Powerful damage over time (DOT) abilities
- Excels at high ST and Multi-target damage
- Very powerful burst damage cooldowns
- Those burst damage CD’s however do require a setup period
- This spec does well in fights like Vexiona and Wrathion
- Affliction Warlock Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/joshwarlock
16. Subtlety Rogue: 80k max dps
Stealthy and sticking to the shadows, this character can often be easy to miss. Which I suppose is the point of ninjas right. Overall, this spec does really well in ST crowd control and damage. Just think, if your rogue is an engineer you might be able to rez someone after a wipe. Either that or they’ll electrocute themself. It ‘s really 50/50 on that one.
- Can talent into a powerful AOE damage
- Poisons give way to effective DOT abilities
- Has a natural cheat death in Vanish
- Though it has relatively low DPS, it is beneficial in fights like N’Zoth the Corruptor
- You do have to pay attention to your rotation when playing this character, one mistake can cause the rogue to take a beating
- Subtlety Rogue Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/frostmourne/r%C3%AFkk%C3%BC
15. Enhancement Shaman: 80k max dps
"Storm, earth and fire, heed my call!"
This spec took a hit in the latest expansion with the loss of the artifact weapon. However it does still have it’s benefits, both in damage and group dynamic. Like other shaman specs, enhancement would be prime for Kiting fights or laser beams.
- High ST damage
- Burst AOE damage
- Capable of switching between targets with relative ease
- They do have some off heals, though they aren’t as strong as some other classes
- This spec would do well in The eternal Palace
- Enhancement Shaman Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/blackhand/Elbroiblo
14. Frost Mage: 81k max dps
"The strongest spirits will always triumph."
This spec is fun to play in my opinion. They are great for crowd control purposes, as well as playing magical taxi for party members.Frost mages have the added benefit of a summoned minion with above reproach DPS.
- Thrives in all fight dynamics
- Brings powerful AOE burst damage
- They have a couple cheat death options, allowing them to survive even if the party doesn’t
- This spec does well with Kiting for the tank
- Frost Nova is beneficial in fights like Prophet Skitra, which has occasional adds spawn
- Frost Mage Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/ko-kr/character/kr/azshara/Esmerald
13. Unholy Death Knight: 81k max dps
"Our master's will, be done."
When you think of a person raising the dead, this is what I think of. This spec can raise ghouls and nasties to fight with it. Which, incidentally raises its overall DPS. This sounds like a necromancer, and I guess to a degree it is. Right?
- Very Strong AOE burst damage
- Does well in Cleave
- Overall survivability is decent, though lacking a cheat death ability
- Benefit in ST crowd control in the form of Death Grip and Asphyxiate
- This spec would do well in The Waking City
- Unholy Death Knight Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/dalaran/Doorki
12. Survival Hunter: 81k max dps
Survival Hunters are focused more on Melee damage than Ranged. They can summon a pet, but again it won’t have the perks that Beast Master has. Their bonuses lie in weapon choices and talented buffs.
- Very strong ST damage
- Can build into decent cleave damage
- They have the perk of being able to use 2h weapons, such as polearms
- Can do ranged damage, though the abilities are limited
- Can talent into AOE damage
- Survival Hunter Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/draenor/Zookeepertoy
11. Frost Death Knight: 82k max dps
Frost Death Knights are what I’d call a 50/50 character for raids. They have great benefits, but major drawbacks.
- Though anemic in smaller fights, they thrive in large pulls
- They are highly CD dependent, however those CD’s bring massive benefits
- They have ST crowd control abilities
- They have their own form of a battle rez (no you don’t come back as a zombie, though that would be awesome)
- They can talent into ST slows, AOE stuns and disorients
- Frost Death Knight Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/nnoggie
10. Outlaw Rogue: 83k max dps
"Here to split a drink? It's not poison. Promise..."
This spec, much like the other Rogue specs, is stealthy and fun to play. However, unlike the others, this spec is more in your face. Relying more on DOTs than stealth, this spec definitely earned its place in the top 10.
- Very high damage in both AOE and ST
- With abilities like Sap and Vanish, Outlaw permits skips and long lasting ST stuns
- Powerful immunities to magical and physical effects
- Has a cheat death
- This spec is a great asset in most raids, but would do well in Waking City
- Outlaw Rogue Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/cowlor%C3%ADer
9. Demonology Warlock: 84k max dps
Warlocks in general are powerful characters. Add a demon to that and you’d might as well hand him a cannon. Though ranked kinda low on this list, they have valuable attributes.
- Demonology warlocks have a fast cd rate
- Excelle in single target and cleave damage
- Great for high keys dungeons
- Though they lack a natural immunity, they have a surprising natural tankiness for a cloth wearer
- They’re soulstone and Healthstone help greatly with off heals
- Demonology Warlock Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/deepshades
8. Havoc Demon Hunter: 84k max dps
This is one of my favorite classes to play myself. These characters are super easy to play, while being a major benefit to any raid or dungeon group. They have mobility perks as well as fun aesthetics. I mean come on, who doesn’t like the idea of having wings?
- They bring massive amounts of ST and multi target damage
- Great help for tanks with kiting benefits
- Super effective in high keys dungeons
- They have a self heal ability, allowing Healers to focus on other characters
- They have abilities that allow unnecessary mobs to be skipped
- Havoc Demon Hunter Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/xrwo
7. Feral Druid: 84k max dps
This spec embodies the essence of being a druid. Shapeshifting into a cat, this spec is played very similarly to a Rogue. They bring a steady DPS count to the table, while being capable of shifting into other play modes if necessary.
- Great in ST fights, generally able to hold their own for a decent amount of time
- Powerful DOTs
- Large scale AOEs that benefit in Cleave situations
- Has off heal abilities
- Thrives in fights such as hivemind, carapace, and queen’s court
- Feral Druid Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/frostmourne/Zephrane
6. Fury Warrior: 85k max dps
When you think of a plate wearing warrior, your first thought is strength rather than speed. This spec puts that to rest. Fury warriors are exceptionally fast while easily distributing high amounts of damage.
- Though they don’t do well in large cleaves, a group of 5 or less is easy work for this spec
- group wide defensive and offensive buffs
- Can talent into a strong stun
- Lacks an immunity or cheat death, but high health pool gives way to a harder to kill class
- This spec is great for high keys
- Fury Warrior Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/earthen-ring/burnsumhash
5. Destruction Warlock: 85k max dps
A powerful spec capable of both cleave and ST fights. Destruction Warlocks Can be played in a variety of different ways, depending on your gaming style and preference.
- Low ramp-up time, with phenomenal CDs (very important)
- Good in cleave situations
- Burst damage
- Summons bring added dps to the board
- This spec is good for most raids and high keys
- Destruction Warlock Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/lockare
4. Shadow Priest: 86k max dps
"By the light of Elune!"
When you see an unholy priest, the first question you ask is likely which way to Neverland? The next one you ask, is how good of a character is it really? Their shadow form brings added bonuses, while still allowing some off heals if needed.
- scales point for point in regards to the DPS to iLvl ratio
- mass dispel
- AOE fear
- Though they do low dps, they are highly needed in Raids
- Does well vs Radiance of Azshara
- Shadow Priest Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/pottypriest
3. Arms Warrior: 88k max dps
Warrior is a class that is ever present in most dungeon and raid runs. They are capable of switching from DPS to tank with great ease. With multiple agro pulls and damaging abilities, they certainly earned the bronze medal of this list.
- Powerful burst damage on a slow cooldown
- High over all damage
- High health pool and armor rating
- Beneficial in fights like Wraithion, Maut, and Azshara
- Does well in mid range cleave setting
- Arms Warrior Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/revvez
2. Beast Master Hunter: 88k max dps
Beast masters have the uncanny ability to control some of Azeroth’s largest animals. They are known for they’re long range DPS, but they can be played as a Melee in some cases. They are able to tame exotic, rare, and even some boss animals. All of which offer different benefits to the hunter.
- High damage overall
- High CD ratio
- A great support for tank characters
- They can self heal in dire situations
- Can bring Bloodlust to the party, which grants extra haste for all players.
- BeastMaster Hunter Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/rogerbrown
1. Fire Mage: 92k max dps
A quote from Aladdin comes to mind here. “Great cosmic phenomenal power, itty bitty living space.” Fire mages bring high damage at the cost of low armor rating. Kind of a fair trade if you ask me. Balance is key after all.
- Like shaman, fire mage can bring bloodlust to the group
- Has both a cheat death and natural immunity
- Dispels and disorient are highly useful in fights with extra spawns
- Would do well against Il’gynoth
- They’re portals as a whole are pretty useful if armor durability becomes an issue
- Fire Mage Build: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/tarren-mill/scrype
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