[Top 10] UFC 4 Best Perks That Are Excellent

UFC top 10. UFC 4 perks, UFC 4 excellent perks, UFC 4 top 10 perks, UFC 4 best perks, UFC 4 perk builds
19 Sep 2023

UFC 4 has a perk for anything.

The game hosts a wide variety of boosts that a player can use to improve certain aspects of their fighter, known as perks. These perks can add a boost to anything from improved striking speed, to better recovery and reduced stamina costs. With so many to choose from, how do we know which perks are the best? 

If you want an edge over your opponents using the best and most effective perks in the game then look  no further, as in this article we break down the top 10 perks that you can use in UFC 4 to crown yourself king of the octagon. 

Without further ado... 

Lets get it on! 

10. Grinder 

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This perk reduces the cost of clinch transitions if you’re in a bad spot, so you won’t be caught out in the clinch, whether you’re the hammer or the nail.

Kicking off our list is a grappling perk, reducing stamina costs while still on the feet. This perk works great with “work horse”, and helps the player to sneak in some dirty shots

from the clinch or take the fight to the ground. 

Perk Summary:

  • Wrestling style 
  • Uses less stamina when grappling on the feet 
  • Good for wrestlers 
  • Helps in the clinch 
  • Good to reduce stamina cost of takedowns 
  • Used to land more strikes in the clinch 

9. Crazy Legs 

This is a great perk for a well-rounded build, boosting roundhouse and switch kick stats, although it tends to work best for kickboxers, and those who like to use the basic attacks on the feet to land damage consistently to wear down the opponent’s gas tank.

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Use this perk if you like to mix up punches and kicks with combos to deal major damage, and prefer conventional roundhouse kicks over ranged front/side kicks.

Perk Summary: 

  • Kickboxing style 
  • Roundhouse and switch kicks are faster and more accurate 
  • Good when striking on the feet 
  • Makes kicks and long combos more damaging 
  • Boosts striking stats 
  • Helps to mix punches and kicks 

8. Crafty 

This perk boosts submission defence in bottom ground positions for players who just want to stand and bang. The perk ensures that your opponent can’t sink in a deep choke, and means that if you do end up in a tricky spot, all you have to worry about is the endless barrage of strikes that your opponent is raining down on you! 

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Use this perk if you often find yourself losing to submissions, or if you’re trying to improve on the ground and don’t want to be caught out!

Perk Summary:

  • BJJ style 
  • Improved submission defence in bottom positions 
  • Helps grappling defence 
  • Good if you struggle to defend submissions 
  • Keeps you in the fight 
  • Good when using a striking-based character 

7. Work Horse 

This perk is for the offensive grapplers. Reducing stamina costs on the ground, this perk helps strong grapplers to find a dominant position on the ground. Whether you want to lock your opponent in a solid armbar, or change their face with strikes from the mount, this perk makes grappling-based players a force to be reckoned with. 

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Players who like to use Khabib or Daniel Cormier will enjoy this perk, and your opponent will fear for their life every time you take them down.

Perk Summary: 

  • Wrestling style 
  • Uses less stamina when grappling on the ground
  • Great for grapplers 
  • Works well with grinder 
  • Helps to land a submission win 
  • Helps to land damage on the ground 

6. Wrestle Clinic 

This is a very strong contender for the best grappling perk and, when paired with “crafty”, offers a helping hand to fighters with less competitive grappling stats, or players that are more confident on the feet rather than on the ground. 

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This perk prevents your opponent from getting a dominant position and raining down strikes. 

Perk Summary: 

  • Wrestling style 
  • Boosts grappling defence in a ground position 
  • Works well with grinder/work horse
  • Good with striking-based fighters 
  • Helps you get back to your feet 
  • Helps to get a superior position on the ground 

5. Fast Hands 

Channel your inner Mike Tyson with this great striking perk, which boosts the speed and accuracy of all kinds of of punches. “Fast hands” is best paired with “frontal assault”, to keep your opponent guessing with relentless strikes all over their body. 

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This perk gives you a reason to mix up your strikes, get around the opponent’s guard and land some big damage whenever you please.

Perk Summary: 

  • Striking style 
  • Hooks, uppercuts and overhands are faster and more accurate 
  • Boosts boxing combo effectiveness 
  • Good for boxing-based fighters 
  • Helps to get around the opponents guard
  • Can result in a stun/wobble 

4. Out the Gates 

This is a great perk, especially for beginners. Since it reduces the stamina costs of strikes between rounds 1 and 2, the perk makes you overpowered for the first 2 rounds, ensuring either heavy damage to your opponent by the championship rounds or a brutal early KO! 

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This perk helps you to dominate the first 2 rounds of the fight.

Perk Summary: 

  • Striking style 
  • Strikes consume less stamina during rounds 1 and 2 
  • Good for pressure fighters 
  • Lands shots and scores points early
  • Early strikes/combos are more effective 
  • Wears away at the opponent’s head and body 

3. Recharger 

Any perk that’s useful for strikers and grapplers alike is a massive bonus, and “recharger” gives you value no matter how you play. If  the fight does drag on, it increases the gap in health between you and your opponent, making it extra deadly in the later rounds, especially when paired with “marathoner”. 

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Boosting health recovery between rounds, recharger ensures that your opponent won’t get a KO victory.

Perk Summary: 

  • No style 
  • Recovers more health between rounds 
  • Good for pressure fighters 
  • Helps to last into the late rounds 
  • Helps during attrition fights
  • Lets your fighter take more shots 
  • More likely to survive as the fight goes on 

2. Frontal Assault 

Frontal assault is arguably one of the best perks out there. Boosting stats for front and side kicks, this perk goes very well with “fast hands” to provide a well-rounded boost to your striking.

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The perk also tends to work best when used at range, with fighters such as Jon Jones. Use this perk to land tricky strikes to frustrate your opponent. 

Perk Summary: 

  • Striking style 
  • Front and side kicks are faster and more accurate 
  • Good for kickboxers 
  • Helps to mix up strikes 
  • Frustrates the opponent 
  • Good for tall ranged fighters
  • Head kicks are even more dangerous 

1. Marathoner 

This perk has been one of my go-tos for the past 3 UFC titles, mainly because of its versatility: Useful regardless of fighting style, provides value throughout the fight and especially complements the pressure fighter. Not only does this help your gas tank for the later rounds, but also motivates you to stay busy and not become a stationary target, an important aspect of striking! 

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Marathoner means that your actions consume less stamina while moving, so shots and exchanges are less costly while on the go.

Perk Summary: 

  • Actions cost less stamina while moving 
  • Useful regardless of style 
  • Helps through every single exchange 
  • Amazing for pressure fighters 
  • Helps for longer fights
  • Boosts your gas tank for longer combos 
  • Reminds you to stay moving away from strikes 

And that’s it! 

We hope that you found this article useful and fun to read. 

This is all merely the opinion of one writer, so don’t take this list for granted. Experiment with different fighters, styles and perk combinations to see what works best for you! 

Now go and use your training!

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