[Top 12] UFC 4 Best Combos That Are Powerful!

UFC 4 Best Combos
18 Sep 2024

EA’s UFC 4 can be a difficult game to master. Luckily, there’s a few combos you can start implementing to transform your virtual fighting skills from one of a novice to that of a seasoned pro! Sound good to you? 

12. Jab, cross

Keeping it simple is sometimes best.

 Sometimes it’s best to stick to the fundamentals. Your opponent’s attacks can be stifled by a stiff jab and coupling this with a powerful cross/straight punch will almost always stumble your opponent. Keep it simple!


11. Jab, overhand

Make them pay with a wild punch.

This combo goes perfectly with our previous point. Conditioning your opponent to block jabs and straights is a great strategy, especially if you follow it up with a swift, powerful overhand to turn the lights off. 


10. Inside leg kick into overhand

Kicking the legs is a great strategy in UFC 4. What could make it an even greater one? Pairing an inside kick with a fast, range-finding overhand of course! The game allows you to cross distance massively with this combo, while delivering great power at the same time.


9. Lead body hook, body hook, lead body hook

Nothing beats a good body shot.

 Body shots are king! Not only do they completely take the wind out of your opponent’s sails, but they also do massive damage and make it difficult for your opponent to fire back on the inside. Start going low!


8. Lead body hook into lead hook

Lead hooks are sneaky. Perfect for catching someone off-guard.

Throwing low might make your opponent be prepared to keep defending low, or ready for an attack from the other side. Lead hooks have lots of power, as seen in the video, and can help you catch your enemies off guard.


7. Jab, straight, lead hook.

 Keeping it simple is the way, especially when you can do it this fast.

Simplicity is still key here. For some reason, the game delivers this combo with insane speed, allowing you to catch any opponents rushing in with a powerful three-piece combo. We’re not complaining!


6. Lead hook kick into spinning heel kick

What's better than a good spinning kick?

This one might be considered a bit rare, but it’s always going to be effective. I don’t think there’s many players in the world who are prepared to block a hook kick and have time to immediately prepare for a spinning heel kick. Element of surprise!


5. Jab, straight, roundhouse

 Boxing combos with kicks are basically cheat codes.

A perfect supplement to a 1-2 combo, adding a roundhouse will almost always connect and deal a lot of damage to your unsuspecting opponent. The game’s blocking system forces characters to block straight punches, freeing up a perfect spot for your head kick to land. Lovely!


4. Lead body hook into overhand

Fast, powerful, and deadly.

Going low and coming up high is a tale as old as time. Nothing surprises the opponent more than coupling a tight body shot with a wild, powerful overhand. Goodnight!


3. Jab, leg kick

Fundamentals are key. Nice and simple.

This one’s all about attrition. Breaking down your opponent is key, and chipping away with a fast combo of jabs and leg kicks is a good way to do so. Before you know it, your opponent will be limping out the cage!


2. Spinning elbow into elbow

Elbows are powerful, and this combo maximises their potential.

 Becoming a whirlwind of elbows is a great way to secure yourself a knockout win. It helps cover distance, it does lots of damage, and it’s cool. What’s not to like?


1. Feints into head kicks

Misleading your opponent is a surefire way to secure a win.

Feinting is essential. Tricking your opponent can open opportunities that weren’t there before, leaving you room to bring your shin to your opponent’s skull. Keep on feinting!


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