Top 10 Steins Gate Best Girls That Are Beautiful

Best Steins Gate Girls
15 Oct 2022

Top Ten Steins Gate Best Girls That Are Beautiful

When a group of friends transform their regular microwave into an electrical device that can send messages to the past, they end up in some hot water. What they thought was an invention that could change the future, got them on the radar of an organisation called "SERN". Now the group finds a way to avoid the sun and save their lives.

The female characters played a vital role throughout the series and were not highlighted just for their looks but for their kickass fighting techniques and intelligence that made this anime all the better! Let’s jump right into the top ten Steins Gate best girls!


10. Yuki Amane

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Moments before disaster to a supposedly very peaceful halloween party. 

Some moments are too precious to ever forget.

Even after her husband’s death Yuki kept his name and never revealed her true identity to her daughter Suzuha, so that she can time travel and change the past. 

What we love so much about Yuki Amane is as follows:

  • Her love for cosplaying, which made her meet Daru for the first time and they both fell in love. 
  • High IQ level, which allows her to easily understand any situation and what to do in them. 
  • Her loyalty to Daru, where she kept his name even after his death.


9.  Nae Tennouji

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She may look adoarble here but Yuki Amane is one tough cookie

A wholesome moments between the Mayuri and Yuki.

Nae Tennouji appeared as a side character in Steins Gate 0 but her adorableness makes her stand 9th in our ratings. 

Seen as a very timid and reserved girl who is kind of weirded out by Rintaro Okabe because of his tendency to give people nicknames and do weird things. However, she views ayuri and Suzuha as older sisters. 

She is deeply attached to her father but also feels like she is being a burden to him, making her want to grow up fast and help him out in any way possible. 

Top 3 things that have made us fall in love with little Nae:

  • Her deep love for her father, for whom she even learned cooking from Mayuri and Kurisu.
  • Can sense when something is not right. She always felt weirded out by Okabe because of which she would keep a distance from him. 
  • Her desire to help around her father’s shop in the CRT TV.


8.  Moeka Kiryu

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The introverted Moeka isnt one to talk a lot, but get on her bad side and you'll have your days numbered.

Moeka is famous for being the faster typer to ever grace our lives. 

Moeka Kiryu, is a part time editor whom Rintaro Okabe had come across in Akiba. She however, is practically addicted to her phone. Moeka prefers to communicate via email or text and would go completely berserk if her phone is taken away from her. 

Unlike most other female characters, Moeka is the reserved type. Does not interact or talk to anyone, is mostly self observed and like a shadow in any place. Due to certain events in her past, she never fully matured and thus is very clumsy and does not know how to take care of herself. 

Top 3 things that make us still love her?

  • Via email or texts she has shown herself to be very cheerful and confident person and often uses emoji such as: (^.^) or (T_T) and (>.<). 
  • Despite her expressionless face, Moeka deeply wants to be loved and appreciated, her inferiority complex makes us want to give her all the love in the world. 
  • She is more than willing and happy to help the group in any way possible


7.  Kagari Shiina

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Kagari Shina has her imperfections but her memory is sharper than any of the Steins Gate girls.

No matter what she went through and despite her amnesia, Kagari perfectly remembered her mother Mayuri. 

A skinny girl with pale coloured skin, blue eyes and amber red hair. Kagari Shiina is a war orphan and the adopted daughter of Mayuri Shiina. 

Mayuri had come across Kagari while she was working in an orphanage, during that time the two got very close and later Mayuri decided to adopt her. Over time, Kagari would have faint memory loss and would often forget that Mayuri is her mother. 

Things that we love about Kagari Shiina:

  • She is soft spoken and very respectful, which gives us the idea that Mayuri had brought her up really lovingly. 
  • Her elegance and mesmerising looks. Dont get me wrong but she looks very much like Kurisui Makise.
  • Despite her amnesia, she continues to make an effort to remember her past and get back home which in truth is in the arms of Mayuri. 


6.  Hiyajo Maho

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Girls shorter than 5'2 have some serious anger issues, no wonder Hiyajo Maho perfectly falls into that category.

Better not call her short, this little loli can bite. 

 “Legal loli for the win?” Hiyajo Maho is one of the main protagonists of Steins Gate zero who has had a huge impact on the series. 

The 21 year old is only 4’6 feet but is a member of the Brain Science Institute at Viktor Chondria University and one of the lead minds behind project Amadeus. 

Things that we love about Hiyajo Maho:

  • She strongly supports Okabe in his ventures and crazy ideas, mostly because she has strong feelings of love for him, which she isnt willing to accept. 
  • Often confused for a highschooler due to her 4’6 height, she is willing to fight anyone who mocks her for being so short. 
  • Often can be seen wearing two different coloured slippers 
  • Maho is a very messy girl. Within a day, any room she is staying in ends up as a disaster area. 


5.  Luka Urashibara

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Luka is indeed one of the most beautiful girls of the series, but mind you there is more to her than just looks. 

A lovely between Okabe and Luka, where Okabe motivates him and finds him cute. 

Now i know what you are wondering, Luka Urashibara standing 5th in our list of hottest steins gate girls… Luka is a GUY! Nonetheless, he/she does have feminine features and as Okabe once said while observing him, “He is more feminine than most girls”. 

Luka is a very slim guy with a lanky body. His over sensitive behaviour and emotions often gets him into trouble with men who think him to be a girl. He likes to cosplay, which is often Mayuri’s idea. 

Things that we love of Luka:

  • Is delicate and very feminine which is probably the most we’ve ever seen from any female character in Steins gate. 
  • Despite being lanky and slim, he has a deep urge to get stronger and fight. 
  • Many times has confused Daru into having feelings for him, but then again Daru is a pervert. 
  • Love Mayuri and is willing to do as much cosplay for her as she desires. 


4.  Suzuha Amane

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Suzuha has shown herself to be one of the few characters who deserve every bit of respect and appreciation for her work and determination. 

Suzuha being Suzuha.

If you have watched Steins Gate Zero, then you probably have mixed feelings for Suzuha.

The tall, long brown hair and slim profile are what make Suzuha stand out as one of the most attractive characters to date. Not to mention, she can kick ass!

Suzuha had a lot on her shoulders since she was a time traveller from the future. Send to the past to prevent the death of Kurisu so that there isn't any WWIII. However, she doesn't know for a fact that she is the daughter of Itaru Hashida (Daru) and Yuki Amane.

Things that we just adore about Suzuha Amane:

  • Has the tendency to look girly as well as kick butt in a matter of seconds. 
  • Very serious about her job of saving Kurisu from death and changing the fate of the future. 
  • Her sporty attire, braided hair and tom boyish looks is a major hit for all the steins gate fans. 


3.  Faris NyanNyan

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Do we love Faris? Ofcourse we do, whoever says they dont, seriously needs a wake up call

The moment the whole gang met Faris for the very first time and were taken aback by her vibrant perosnality. 

Faris NyanNyan or as her real name goes Rumiho Akiha, is the daughter of the very rich tycoon Yukitaka Akiha. She works as a part time employee and owner of the maid cafe MayQueen NyanNyan. 

She has pink hair, pink eyes, a maid dress and to compliment the dress she wears cat ears. Working as a maid in her own cafe she often adds the Japanese word “Nya” english for meow to her speech to boost her “moe-ness”. 

Things that we absolutely adore about Faris:

  • Her childish and pure heart which makes her always consider the impact that she has had over others. 
  • She always reads between the lines and makes it her job to motivate people into being better versions of themselves. 
  • Often plays along with Okabe’s delusions and comes up with the most absurd scenarios by herself.


2.  Mayuri Shiina

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The amount of love we have for Mayuri sama can never be measured. The soft spoke, childish and over te moon girl is without a doubt one of the best girls this series has ever made. 

 Mayuri showing us why she deserves the most Kawaii title. 

Mayuri Shiina, one of the most loved and appreciated characters this series has ever created. 

Mayuri is a childhood friend of Okabe who works part time at the maid cafe and is a member of the Future Gadget Lab. With jet black hair and ocean blue eyes, Mayuri is an all in one package. 

Her understanding of Okabe’s situation and past traumas allows her to quickly be there for him in his most desperate times. One of the reasons why Okabe is willing to go to the edge of the world for her. 

Things that make Mayuri the best girl ever!

  • There is never a dull moment when Mayuri is around and often makes her entrance with her signature line of “Tu Tu Ru”.  
  • Doesnt wish to see Okabe sad or hurt and because of which is even willing to sacrifice her life for him. 
  • She doesnt question Daru’s perverted comments and mannerism and isnt offended by them. 


1.  Kurisu Makise


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One of the main characters and the only girl who could possibly change Okabe. Strong, indpendant and not one to mess around with. 

A very drunk Kurisu is dangerous, especially when it comes to her feelings. 

Kurisu Makise is without a doubt the best character in the history of Steins Gate.

Kurisu is a slender young woman with waist-length chestnut hair and dull violet eyes. Her strong character, bold looks, and unusual sense of fashion are what make her stand out.

Once recruited into the future gadget laboratory, Okabe gave her Daru’s white coat that he doesn't wear, and since then we often see her in it.

She absolutely despises the nicknames that Okabe comes up with for her. However, when Okabe uses her real name, she gets the hint that something is wrong.

Mature as she is, Kurisu is very sarcastic and often expresses her thoughts while interacting with Okabe and Daru. Often showing the cold shoulder to Daru due to her perverted remarks, she is very loving and nice to others.

Although Kurisu is hesitant to confess her feelings to Okabe, she does in fact love him. And she has repeatedly expressed her love for him, but more openly when she is drunk.

Things that we love about Kurisu Makise:

  • Is the most intelligent character in the whole series 
  • Has the perfect taste in fashion that just makes us all feel jealous 
  • Shows us what a strong, independent woman should be like 
  • Never give up, even against all the odds. 
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