With the release of the new god, Persephone, Goddess of the Underworld, things have changed in the realm of the gods. With the new balance tweaks and the addition of the new character, calls upon a brand new tier list.
If you want to know the strongest gods in the game, you must not scroll past this one. While we will be going in depth in examining the S tier and above, you can still see the potential of the rest of the gods in our SMITE God Tier List.
We will be examining the gods and dividing them in 9 categories. Namely; SS, S+, S, A+, A, B+, B, C and D tiers. We will be dividing gods to these tiers according to their general pros and cons and also their situational usage. We will also divide them according to their roles in the game, ADC, Support ; Hunter, Assassin etc. We will be explaining what the tiers mean so don't worry if you don't know about that. So; let's start our list then shall we?
There are 5 roles in every MOBA. These are Solo Laner, Jungler, Mid Laner, Attack damage Carry (ADC) and Support. Here's small explanation for all of them so that you can better understand the roles of each god and select one that determines your play style.
Solo laners are usually teams frontliners. The sturdier characters gets to play in this position and start the fights themselves. You are expected to hold the lane all by yourself.
Junglers are the hidden helpers of the team. They roam in the jungle area and farm by killing the various monster camps. They are expected to visit each lane in regular intervals to help them push and farm the lane. Without a good jungler player, team easily crumbles.
Mid laners are usually are the mage type characters. They are not expected to be as sturdy as solo laner characters but ther are the bruisers of the team. They usually damage the enemy with their abilities but with the changing of the META, even ADC characters can be seen in the mid lane.
Attack Damage Carriers are the cannons of the team. They form a team and push the lane with a support and they are expected to work well with together. They have to farm the lane and get stronger quickly and target the high value targets of the enemy team.
Supports are the shields of the ADCs. They are expected to protect the ADC in the early game but after their ADC farmed enough, they are expected to roam the other lanes as well. So they have to have a good grasp of their surroundings.
SS Tier:
These gods are almost useful in every situation. They have little to no shortcomings and even with a little bit of experience you can easily carry the game, as long as you don't do obvious mistakes.
Unfortunately, with the latest patch there are no SS tier gods currently but that can change any day so keep your eyes peeled!
S+ Tier:
These gods, much like SS Tier, have so little short comings. They can be useful in a lot of situations but they are not as unstoppable as SS Tiers.
- Ah Muzen Cab (95/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Ares (94/100) -> Guardian, Jungle
- Chronos (93/100) -> Mage, Mid Lane
- Erlang Shen (92/100) -> Warrior, Jungle
- Thor (91/100) -> Assassin, Jungle
S Tier:
These gods are slightly more situational than S+ Tier gods. These gods are also a solid choice if you want to secure a win.
- Anhur (90/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Guan Yu (89/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner
- Hun Batz (88/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Isis (87/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- Set (86/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Terra (85/100) -> Guardian, Support
- Zhong Kui (84/100) -> Mage, Solo Laner
These gods are safe picks. Even if they are not the strongest of the bunch, they still have a considerable play time in the current META.
A+Tier Solo Laners:
- Amaterasu (83/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner
- Horus (78/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner
- Jormungandr (77/100) -> Guardian, Solo Laner
- King Arthur (76/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner
- Nike (75/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner
- Osiris (74/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner
A+Tier Mid Laners:
- Hel (83/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- Merlin (80/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- Persephone (78/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- The Morrigan (75/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- Thoth (72/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
A+Tier ADCs:
- Apollo (82/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Jing Wei (77/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Olorun (75/100) -> Mage, ADC
- Sol (73/100) -> Mage, ADC
- Ullr (72/100) -> Hunter, ADC
A+Tier Junglers:
- Athena (81/100) -> Guardian, Jungle
- Kali (77/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Pele (74/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Ratatoskr (74/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Ravana (73/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Serqet (73/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Susano'o (72/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
A+Tier Supports:
- Geb (80/100) -> Guardian, Support
- Kumbhakarna (75/100) -> Guardian, Support
A Tier:
These gods are the ones that are still widely used in games even though they are not the best picks for their own respective positions.
A Tier Solo Laners:
- Achilles (72/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner
- Bellona (68/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner
- Chaac (66/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner
- Cu Chulainn (66/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner/Jungler
- Sobek (65/100) -> Guardian, Solo Laner
- Sun Wukong (64/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner
- Tyr (63/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner
- Vamana (62/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner/Jungler
- Vulcan (61/100) -> Mage, Mid/Solo Laner
A Tier Mid Laners:
- Agni (71/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- Ah Puch (70/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- Bacchus (68/100) -> Guardian, Mid Laner
- Discordia (65/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- He Bo (64/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- Hera (63/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- Janus (62/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- Nu Wa (61/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- Poseidon (60/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- Ra (59/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner/Support
- Raijin (58/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner/Solo Laner
- Scylla (57/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- Zeus (56/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
A Tier ADCs:
- Artemis (71/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Cernunnos (67/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Chernobog (66/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Hachiman (65/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Hou Yi (64/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Izanami (63/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Neith (62/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Rama (61/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Skadi (60/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Xbalanque (59/100) -> Hunter, ADC
A Tier Junglers:
- Ao Kuang (71/100) -> Mage, Jungler
- Arachne (70/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Awilix (69/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Bakasura (68/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Cabrakan (67/100) -> Guardian, Jungle
- Da Ji (66/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Nemesis (65/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Ne Zha (64/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Thanatos (63/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
A Tier Supports:
- Artio (72/100) -> Guardian, Solo Laner/Support
- Cerberus (71/100) -> Guardian, Solo Laner/Support
- Fafnir (70/100) -> Guardian, Support
- Ganesha (69/100) -> Guardian, Support
- Hercules (68/100) -> Warrior, Support
- Khepri (67/100) -> Guardian, Support
- Sylvanus (66/100) -> Guardian, Support
- Xing Tian (65/100) -> Guardian, Support
- Ymir (64/100) -> Guardian, Support/Solo Laner
B+ Tier:
These gods are powerful. Almost at the level of S Tiers. But there's a catch; they require a level of skill to play. These gods are usually played by more experienced players or the players whose mains are in this tier.
B+ Solo Laners:
- Kuzenbo (58/100) -> Guardian, Solo Laner
B+ Mid Laners:
- Baron Samedi (53/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner/Support
- Freya (52/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
- Hades (51/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner/Solo Laner
- Nox (50/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
B+ ADCs:
- Chiron (56/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Cupid (55/100) -> Hunter, ADC
- Medusa (54/100) -> Hunter, ADC
B+ Junglers:
- Fenrir (60/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
- Mercury (59/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
B+ Supports:
- Aphrodite (60/100) -> Mage, Support/Mid Laner
- Chang'e (59/100) -> Mage, Support
B Tier:
These gods are much like B+ Tier gods but they are also not as useful as them. They are extremely situational so don't think that just because you know how to play these gods you're going to win every single time; only the real skilled players can come close to that.
B Tier Solo Laners:
- Camazotz (55/100) -> Assassin, Solo Laner
B Tier Mid Laners:
- Kukulkan (45/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
B Tier Junglers:
- Bastet (55/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
C Tier:
These gods are not seen useful in competitive game. Sure they have their usefulness but c'mon, it's not that much. Even if they are really OP.
C Tier Mid Laners:
- Anubis (42/100) -> Mage, Mid Laner
D Tier:
Just… don't. Don't. These gods are not viable, at all. Their usefulness is almost depleted already. Only the players whose main gods are in this tier can make something useful out of them. Just don't do this to yourself.
D Tier Solo Laners:
Odin (50/100) -> Warrior, Solo Laner
D Tier Junglers:
Loki (50/100) -> Assassin, Jungler
S+ TIER Mid Laners:
Chronos, Keeper of Time: (S+ Tier Mid Laner 93/100)
Greek God of time, Chronos is a beast when it comes to mid lane. His CC capabilities are great and the potential of situation creating of Chronos makes him a solid choice when it comes to teamfights.
The full details on his skills and various other knowledge about Chronos can be found on the official SMITE wiki. Here's the link: https://smite.gamepedia.com/Chronos
Why Chronos is OP?:
- Highly agile.
- Stacking magical power on his passive, 125 Magical Power at 50 minutes.
- An area stun.
- Can return to his position he was at 8 seconds ago, healing and refilling mana as well as resetting his cooldowns
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1axjlV2vpTM
S+ TIER Junglers:
Ares, God of War: (S+ Tier Jungler 94/100)
God of War from the Greek mythology, Ares. With the new buff to his third ability, he became one of the fastest camp clearing gods in the game. He can clear speed camp at about 5 second in level 1! And as a frontliner tank, he can start teamfights himself, the opposite of regular junglers and assassins.
The full details on his skills and various other knowledge about Ares can be found on the official SMITE wiki. Here's the link: https://smite.gamepedia.com/Ares
Why Ares is OP?:
- High CC, high defense, high sustain.
- Exceptional jungle rotation speed.
- More magical power as he builds more aura items.
- No need to position and wait for the teamfight to start.
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7-hTcQhOXs
Erlang Shen, the Illustrious Sage: (S+ Tier Jungler 92/100)
Erlang Shen from Chinese mythology. He can really make his enemies have a hard time. With every hit of his spear, his dog hits as well and he can buff himself for a duration as well. Really a pain.
The full details on his skills and various other knowledge about Erlang Shen can be found on the official SMITE wiki. Here's the link: https://smite.gamepedia.com/Erlang_Shen
Why Erlang Shen is OP?:
- High attacks speed and high single target damage.
- Self buff.
- Essentially a double attack pattern with his dog.
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC52Xrd5Yvo
Thor, God of Thunder: (S+ Tier Jungler 91/100)
At number five, we have the Norse God of Thunder, Thor. No not the movie one. This one flings Mjölnir around, jumping to it, spins using it and creates a long fissure that stops and stuns his enemies. He became a bit more relevant after the latest change to him and became more usable.
The full details on his skills and various other knowledge about Thor can be found on the official SMITE wiki. Here's the link: https://smite.gamepedia.com/Thor
Why Thor is OP?:
- Good ganking abilities.
- Above average clearing speed.
- High focus, high single target damage.
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz5hy4vyOS8
Ah Muzen Cab, God of Bees: (S+ Tier ADC 95/100)
Ah Muzen Cab, the Mayan God of Bees. He can utilize bees to his heart's content using them for applying DoT. He can buff his attack speed and healing significantly and can use his ultimate's cool down by a lot.
The full details on his skills and various other knowledge about Ah Muzen Cab can be found on the official SMITE wiki. Here's the link: https://smite.gamepedia.com/Ah_Muzen_Cab
Why Ah Muzen Cab is OP?:
- Free wards that buff him in a radius.
- Fast clear speed and high DoT
- Powerful ultimate with a good cool down mechanic.
- An AoE slow
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUZDnngL99U
S TIER Solo Laner:
Guan Yu, Saint of War: (S-Tier Solo Laner 89/100)
The Chinese Saint of War, Guan Yu, enters the battle riding his horse and hacking at his enemies with his Green Dragon Crescent Blade. Him being a warrior of course does not affect his sturdiness. On the contrary it adds to them.
The full details on his skills and various other knowledge about Guan Yu can be found on the official SMITE wiki. Here's the link: https://smite.gamepedia.com/Guan_Yu
Why Guan Yu is OP?:
- High sustain and high mobility.
- Self heal.
- A strong CC.
- Boosts his abilities with his passive.
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh3TH6RDLtU
Zhong Kui, the Demon Queller: (S-Tier Solo Laner 84/100)
The Demon Queller, Zhong Kui is a good solo lane choice, as well as a good support choice. Although he can be used as a support too, he is generally considered for solo lane more than often. He marks his enemies and deals moer damage to them so his survivability is high.
The full details on his skills and various other knowledge about Zhong Kui can be found on the official SMITE wiki. Here's the link: https://smite.gamepedia.com/Zhong_Kui
Why Zhong Kui is OP?:
- High AoE and considerably CC
- High protections thanks to his passive
- High DoT with his ultimate
- Mostly AoE skills
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A39cgMkHvg
S TIER Mid Laners:
Isis, Goddess of Magic: (S-Tier Mid Laner 87/100)
The Egyptian Goddes of Magic, Isis is uncontrollable when she is the opponent. Her AoE is phenomenal and the damage she can cause is not just limited to literal damage. She can break the ranks of her enemies and aid her friends all at the same time.
The full details on his skills and various other knowledge about Isis can be found on the official SMITE wiki. Here's the link: https://smite.gamepedia.com/Isis
Why Isis is OP?:
- High CC and AoE
- Stacking passive that grants HP5 and MP5 (HP and mana regen) to every ally.
- Her ultimate can grant protections and when it explodes, deals extra damage according to the damage dealt within its AoE
- Group silence
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwblMtjWBUQ
S TIER Junglers:
Hun Batz, the Howler Monkey God: (S-Tier Jungler 88/100)
The Howler Monkey God, Hun Batz from Mayan mythology. As the name suggests, he is loud. Even his ultimate is made as such. His ganking abilities are not to be underestimated. He can clear creep camps as well as enemy gods.
The full details on his skills and various other knowledge about Hun Batz can be found on the official SMITE wiki. Here's the link: https://smite.gamepedia.com/Hun_Batz
What Hun Batz is OP?:
- High single target damage.
- Above average mobility.
- Good ganking capabilities.
- AoE CC with damage per tick.
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=2INzfK4tY3w
Set, the Usurper: (S-Tier Jungler 86/100)
As an assassin, Set the usurper has great potential with positioning. His ambushes are cruel but effective. His skills are perfect for the job. Players should take caution in the jungle if Set is their opponent.
The full details on his skills and various other knowledge about Set can be found on the official SMITE wiki. Here's the link: https://smite.gamepedia.com/Set
Why Set is OP?:
- High single target damage
- Stacking attack speed with his passive
- Fast clearing speed
- Fast ganks
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr8PsO1wAAw
S-Tier ADCs:
Anhur, Slayer of Enemies: (S-Tier ADC 90/100)
Anhur has the skills worthy of his title, Slayer of Enemies. His skills are based around that very well, dealing considerable damage to the opponents while keeping a good distance. He even opens up more distance, while sending enemies flying with his javelin.
The full details on his skills and various other knowledge about Anhur can be found on the official SMITE wiki. Here's the link: https://smite.gamepedia.com/Anhur
Why Anhur is OP?:
- High single target damage
- His attacks and skill apply a physical protection reducing debuff
- AoE slow
- Good gap closer
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvyYwwZqSPY
S-Tier Supports:
Terra, the Earth Mother: (S-Tier Support 85/100)
Terra, the Earth Mother from Roman mythology, is a good choice even for mid lane and solo lane. But she is selected mostly for support for her ability to protect. She is also a heavy hitter so dominating the lane is not so hard with her.
The full details on his skills and various other knowledge about Terra can be found on the official SMITE wiki. Here's the link: https://smite.gamepedia.com/Terra
Why Terra is OP?:
- High sustain and AoE
- Good CC capabilities
- Her passive can potentially hinder enemies
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krYhCqSEqZk
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