Top 10 Smite Best Gods (2020) (Season 7 Edition)

smite, smite top gods, smite best gods, smite season 7
12 Jun 2020

The advent of Season 7, as with every other season, comes plenty of item revamps, god balancing, and tweaking of jungle camps and leveling curves.

And as time passes by, a new meta begins to emerge--this time, a meta defined by constant brawling and a heavy emphasis on getting minion and jungle camp farm.

It's a scary world full of aggressive tanks and crit-happy carries, so we'll help you secure dominance in the battleground of the gods by counting down The Current Top 10 Best Gods in Smite's Season 7!

10. Isis, Egyptian Goddess of Magic - Mage - Primarily Mid Laner

The mighty Goddess of Demonetization herself, Isis has found herself flourishing in the Season 7 meta due to the abundance of high-power penetration items, especially Charon's Coin and Spear of Desolation.

With her powerful AoE nukes, silence, and the immense explosion from her ultimate, powered by Season 7's improved Mage items, Isis has jumped up the rankings substantially to become one of the premier threats in the meta.

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With control and explosions a-plenty, Isis swoops into the fray!

What Makes Isis Top-Tier:

  • - Very high burst damage
  • - Low cooldowns
  • - AoE Silence
  • - Plentiful team utility and teamfight potential, especially with the increased penetration on Season 7 Mage items

9. Ullr, Norse Demigod of Hunting and Glory - Hunter - Primarily Carry or Jungler

Ullr has always been a very scary boy, and the trend towards crit items for Hunters in Season 7 makes this glorious Hunter even more glorious than before. With his extremely powerful ability combos mixed with big, beefy crits, this Norseman leaps and runs through the jungle to deliver apocalyptic levels of damage to his unlucky opponents. And with Malice now reducing ability cooldowns as well as providing crit, Ullr terrorizes more efficiently than ever before!

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"You can't outrun my bow!" - Ullr, milliseconds before some poor sap fails to outrun his bow

What Makes Ullr Top-Tier: 

  • - Very high damage, both sustained and burst
  • - Plenty of mobility and self-healing
  • - "Axe Throw -> Bow Stance 1+3" combo + big crits = almost any non-tank obliterated

8. Jing Wei, Chinese Demigod of...Piling Stones? - Hunter - Primarily Carry

Having crit already baked into her kit, Jing Wei is ecstatic to build crit items to crank that crit chance as close to 100% as possible. And with her slippery mobility options, this crit machine is going to fly in, destroy everything in sight, and fly away.

Mobility has always been one of the strongest aspects of any god, and Jing Wei makes deadly use of it.

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Just a cute little girl? Or a godless killing machine? Bet wisely.

What Makes Jing Wei Top-Tier:

  • - Powerful innate crit augmented by excellent crit items leads to very high sustained damage
  • - Incredible mobility with her self-knockup and air dash
  • - One of the safest and slipperiest characters in the game

7. Jormungandr, Norse World-Serpent - Guardian - Primarily Jungler, Main Tank, or Solo Laner

For tanks, Season 7 so far has been all about the aggressive support gods, and this happy snake is delighted to take part in the bulk-based carnage. Jormungandr's flexible kit makes for a flexible god, allowing him to fill almost any role.

Being the sneaky snake he is, Jormungandr excels in surprising enemies with big bursts of damage and debuffs that make his targets easy pickings for eager allies, and his ultimate allows him to chase enemies with ease.

And with Season 7's buffed magical items and his already high base damage, Jormungandr is a fearsome foe few will want to find in the jungle.

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No one can escape the wrath of this sneaky sneky boi

What Makes Jormungandr Top-Tier:

  • - Extremely flexible and able to fill multiple roles
  • - Good damage and mobility
  • - Excels at putting pressure on the enemy team
  • - Immune to forced movement, making him hard for enemy teams to shake off

6. Persephone, Greek Queen of the Underworld - Mage - Primarily Mid Laner

One of the most valuable tools any god can have is the ability to completely bully their opponents out of minion waves, camps, or even the entire lane. Persephone is all about that life.

Setting up her seedlings all over the map, poking anything and everything that comes even remotely close, all the while making deadly use of poke-centric penetration items like Divine Ruin and Soul Reaver.

Oh, and she can attack you after she dies. Which is kinda good. This is one botanist you'll either want to stay very far away from...or pick every single time on the selection screen.

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The deadliest of gardeners, Persephone waters her plants with YOU!

What Makes Persephone Top-Tier:

  • - Absolutely deadly even at very long range
  • - Ability to self-heal from her many, many seedlings
  • - Crazy-high burst damage

5. Thor, Norse God of Thunder - Assassin - Primarily Jungler

Part of the game since Day 1, Thor used to be a force to be reckoned with. And he continued to be a force to be reckoned with. And now, 8 years later, the reckoning of his force shall carry on into the foreseeable future.

Combining the long-reaching stun of his wall, the crazy damage from his hammer throw, finishing by teleporting to his target and utilizing his classic spin-to-win technique, Thor's strategy has not changed one iota since his inception, and why should it? It just plain works, and even if the opponent knows it's coming, they can do little to stop it.

Thor has always been on top of the pack. and it's doubtful that it will ever change.

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As iconic as he is lethal, Thor's been bringing the thunder as long as the game's existed

What Makes Thor Top-Tier:

  • - Incredible ability damage
  • - Strong crowd control tied to excellent zone denial
  • - Extremely long-range ultimate lets him attack from nearly anywhere
  • - Naturally bulky, and thrives with hybrid attack/defense items

4. Izanami, Japanese Demon of the Underworld - Hunter - Primarily Mid Laner or Carry

What's the #1 priority for everyone in Season 7? Farming. What's the #2 priority for everyone in Season 7? Interrupting the enemy's farm by killing them. Who can do both at the same time with little effort? Izanami.

She will throw a thousand sickles in your face until you collapse into a heap of chunky salsa, then she'll go back to clearing the wave like nothing even happened. And if you try to stop her, she'll just vanish and flee into the jungle, only to vanish again and sneak up behind you and demolish your booty faster than you can even realize she's there.

It's not a question of IF Izanami gets picked or banned--it's WHEN. And if she is in your lane and you didn't pick her yourself, you're about to have a scary, scary time.

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With sickles and shadows in hand, Izanami will haunt your games, as well as your nightmares.

What Makes Izanami Top-Tier:

  • - Ludicrously fast lane clear
  • - Attack speed self-buff makes her deadly to gods and objectives alike
  • - The ability to sneak in and out of any fight
  • - Did I mention her OBSCENE lane clear?!

3. Yemoja, African Yoruba Goddess of Rivers - Guardian - Primarily Main Tank or Jungler

Jormungandr showed us that aggressive tanks are part of Season 7's bread and butter, but Jorm doesn't bring that much defensive utility. But Yemoja sure does. Not only can she drop damage and slow/stun enemies like a boss, she can also heal and shield her allies while she's at it!

And along with Cu Chulainn, Yemoja is one of very few gods to not have a mana bar--she, instead, has a quickly-refilling charge bar that ensures she can stay in lane or in the jungle until she can get her next item. You're not out-sustaining Yemoja. You're not forcing her to retreat.

Yemoja will force YOU out, instead! And with her potent damaging abilities, you'll be forced out sooner rather than later.

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Yemoja's not smiling because she's friendly; she's smiling because she's not scared of you.

What Makes Yemoja Top-Tier:

  • - She's quite bulky, even when building damage
  • - Buffs allies while debuffing enemies effortlessly
  • - Surprisingly high damage for a tank
  • - Doesn't rely on mana, making her able to stay in and fight much longer than others

2. Heimdallr, Norse Guardian of Bifrost - Hunter - Primarily Mid Laner or Carry

Sometimes a new god comes along where you know, right from the very first moment, that you've got yourself a real treasure. Heimdallr is exactly that. His basic attacks may be slow, but they hit crazy hard, and can even deal splash damage on the first few hits. That's right, folks, this Hunter has an attack chain! Pair him with some crit and attack speed, and you've got an unstoppable damage machine.

But wait, there's more! By using his Bifrost shards, he can set up teleportation points between any two spots on the map, giving him a wild amount of mobility on the battlefield. But wait, THERE'S MORE! If you think you've snuck up on Heimdallr, think again--his airborne sword strike grants him stealth-negating vision all around him, so Heim can see you before you see him.

BUT WAIT!! THERE'S MORE!! If you make it in, dodge his attacks, and get a hit on him, you're in for a surprise: Heimdallr's ultimate yeets you into the next dimension and lets him set you up for destruction when you come back down. Izanami might be a scary Hunter, but Heimdallr makes her check under the bed for this gatekeeper when she goes to sleep at night.

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You can run, and you can certainly try to hide. But it won't save you.

What Makes Heimdallr Top-Tier:

  • - Incredibly high sustained damage
  • - Bifrost shards allow him to travel huge distances quickly
  • - Supreme vision capabilities make him near-impossible to sneak up on
  • - Funniest ultimate in the game

1. Odin, Norse All-Father - Warrior - Primarily Solo Laner, Main Tank, or Jungler

So Odin was in a pretty bad spot recently, but there was much rejoicing when the developers announced he was getting a minor rework to address his issues. We rejoiced back then, but we had no idea what horrific nightmares would be coming our way.

Bastet also got a rework, and she just barely got edged out of this countdown, but Odin? Straight to the top! His explosion stomp? Scarier than ever. His cage? Almost more terrifying to exit than to just stay inside. His new spear ability? Pulses of death followed by an earth-shattering strike.

Tank, damage, carry, jungle--he can do it all. No one escapes unscathed from the All-Father's wrath. Almost guaranteed to be picked or banned from every single match, so you either get rid of him fast or you pick him fast.

Season 7's brawl-based farm-heavy meta is the perfect environment for this crotchety old man, and he's gonna bird-bomb everything in sight until victory is assured!

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Rather fitting that the king of the gods is, well, the King of the Gods.

What Makes Odin Top-Tier:

  • - Just plain stupid burst damage
  • - Can fill any role, sometimes multiple at once
  • - Very mobile, and very anti-mobility
  • - Plenty of innate bulk to muscle out his assailants

And those are the current Top 10 gods in Smite's Season 7!

There were a few picks who were angling for a spot on this list--Bastet and her scary mobile burst damage, Cu Chulainn and his powerful bullying capabilities, Kukulkan and his ultra-safe farming shenanigans--but there are the top dogs right now. As usual, these placements will change as the game changes, but for the next few months, these are the ones to keep an eye on. Knowing your matchups is key to any MOBA, and Smite is no different.

So now that you've been warned/informed, get out there and rain some godly destruction upon your enemies!

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