Let's face it: Using a smudge stick to clear the space and prevent hunts is essential for phasmophobia. After lighting the smudge stick, the ghost activity will rise. Depending on which ghost it is, it won't be able to spawn for a minute or two.
Each smudge stick is only good for one usage, so use it wisely!
Step 1: How Many Smudge Sticks Can You buy?
There should be a minimum of three Smudge sticks in the van when you or your teammate buys equipment, there is a choice of a maximum of four. Because a smudge stick can be used for a variety of purposes during the game, using one can occasionally be challenging.
Depending on each contract, you may use a single smudge stick during a game or multiples. However, there is no denying that using smudge sticks can save a life. When completing the optional tasks, you may occasionally be requested to use smudge sticks in exchange for additional money.
The Objectives that include a smudge stick are:
- Cleanse the area near the ghost using a smudge stick
- Repel the ghost with a smudge stick while its chasing someone
- Have a member of the team escape the ghost during a hunt
Step 2: Cleansing The Area
Cleansing the area is one of the optional objectives that you will have to do as this will gain you some money at the end. It will also prevent the ghost from hunting for a brief time and will give you a chance to find evidence.
Step 3: Hunt Prevention
Set the smudge stick on fire and place it on the floor if you wish to temporarily stop the ghost from searching the area. If the ghost is already hunting, doing it beforehand won't stop it from continuing.
Step 4: Using It On The Ghost
A smudge stick can temporarily blind a ghost, allowing you more time to flee and hide if you've upset it enough to send it on the rampage. When it is used on a ghost, it will immediately act as if no one is there, so run away before they discover you again. Be prompt because the ghost won't be distracted for long.