[Top 15] The Forest Best Weapons From Early Till Late Game (And How to Get Them)

There's lots of tools, here!
15 Dec 2022

You’ve probably read stuff like this before. These types of guides are everywhere! Guides on The Forest weaponry, from early to late-game and why they’re numbered in that fashion. Well, I hate to be boring, but that’s exactly what this guide will entail. This will be the top 15 weapons in The Forest, from early to late-game. I will also be telling you how to get them, but there is a bit of a twist, here. Strap in guys, this is a long one! 


15: The Plane Axe 

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This axe is the very first thing you acquire in the game. It’s a jack-of-all-trades type of tool that doubles as a weapon, and it’s your best friend for a good portion of the gameplay until you can find the upgraded version! Keeping it stored on a weapon wrack for safekeeping is a clever idea, though; just in case you need it! 
Despite this weapon being an overall tool, the Plane Axe is still one of the best ways to combo a cannibal into oblivion. Most melee weapons will have the same premise: spamming the attack button so you rapidly smack the cannibals without them being able to rebound and get in their own hits. The same applies for the Plane Axe! Just hack away at them to your heart's content, and don’t forget to aim down and clock them one last time as a kill shot when they inevitably fall over! 

This weapon excels in: 

  • Blocking Attacks (All axes have the best blocking mechanic in the game, so it really doesn’t matter which one you use for that specific purpose. It’s still a fantastic addition, though!) 
  • Being Multi-Purpose (As mentioned, the Plane Axe is a great overall tool as well as a weapon! You can use it to block yourself from cannibal attacks, or you can use it to gather resources.) 
  • Easily Accessible (This axe is literally the first thing you get in the game; right after you finish the cutscene and officially enter the game... It’s nearly impossible to go without it. The game basically gives you this wonderful tool for free!) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = 5 ½  
  • Damage = 4 ½  
  • Block = 2 
  • Range = Medium 
  • Max Stack Count = 1 

The Plane Axe is the first thing you get in the game, right after the beginning cutscene. Your character automatically picks it up; there is no need to craft it, or even click on it. It’s really easy! 

14: The Slingshot 

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When it comes to basic range damage and distractions, the Slingshot is your best bet. It’s more useful for hunting and distracting cannibals than being a weapon, but it still counts! You will likely take forever to kill an enemy, but it’s still possible. 
Despite not being a good overall weapon for actual fights, annoying cannibals by pegging them with rocks from a distance is definitely a fun pastime. If you intend to use it to aggro them into traps, making sure you are behind the trap, but still safely out of harm's way means you can nail them with precise rock throws, then watch them run head-first into those traps. Being able to trick them into killing themselves in gloriously stupid fashion is an incredibly fun trick, and extremely entertaining! 

This weapon excels in: 

  • Hunting (Using the slingshot to KO animals with headshots is one of the best uses for this odd weapon. It’s not really useful for much else in the game.) 
  • Distracting Enemies (While it may not be the best weapon against enemies, it’s fairly good for distractions! Launching rocks at trees creates quite a bit of noise, and while the enemies are drawn in that direction, you can slink away.) 
  • Baiting Enemies (With the overall same trick as distracting enemies, you can lure them into traps as well with a Slingshot. The easiest way is to hit them from a safe distance, which will aggro them and cause them to run at you!) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = N/A 
  • Damage = Very Low 
  • Block = N/A 
  • Range = Ranged 
  • Max Stack Count = 1 

As that handy video up there shows, you can craft this item anywhere if you have the materials. Considering it takes one of all of the needed items, it will never be a hassle to create. Keeping a stockpile of all that electrical tape either on you or at your base is a sure-fire way to make sure you constantly have a slingshot at your disposal, as that item is the only thing that could possibly give you problems. 

13: The Weak Spear 

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The Weak Spear is your first “long distance” weapon in the game. As with most of the weapons on this list, you can use it both for battle and for hunting. It’s fun to hurl at enemies or your future lunch, and it is quite simple to craft! 
This is a favorite early-game weapon not only because of how easy it is to craft, but because of how much fun it is to launch it at things like a javelin! Personally, it’s quite fun to rapid-fire jab at a pesky cannibal with this weapon. That, and the damage it does when you throw it can almost one-shot them! It definitely kills animals in one hit if you lob it at them. 

This weapon excels in: 

  • Hunting (It’s great for easily killing animals for meat, especially if you throw it! Most animals, as mentioned, die in one hit if you lob it.) 
  • Fighting single cannibals. (This is less of a group weapon, and more for single cannibals or small groups. It barely has any area-of-affect range, so be careful with those groups! You can easily take down most cannibals with one, though.) 
  • Ease of access. (Due to this being extremely easy to craft, and being stackable if you have the spear bag, you can constantly have a small stock of these on hand. It’ll be less of a worry of being weaponless if you can easily pull out another one when the first one breaks.) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = N/A 
  • Damage = N/A 
  • Block = 0 
  • Range = Very Long Ranged 
  • Max Stack Count = 1 (5 with a spear bag) 

Like many other weapons in this list, this is an easy, craftable item that you can make on the go, just in case you are trying to escape some stronger cannibals. All you need is two sticks... Nothing else. When you are in a pinch, and this is the only weapon you can immediately make, it’s your saving grace! 

12: The Upgraded Spear 

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The Upgraded Spear is exactly how it sounds. It’s just a better version of the Weak Spear! It does all the same things as the weak spear... But better~ And of course, you can still hurl it like a javelin at anyone and anything! 
Much like the Weak Spear, this is insanely fun to hunt with. You can chase the animals around and jab at them, or you can lob the spear at them itself and instantly kill most of them. Not to mention, it is hilarious to rapidly jab cannibals with it. If you spam it, they won’t be able to hit you back! 

This weapon excels in: 

  • Hunting (Like its predecessor, the Upgraded Spear is great for hunting. Even when you do the simple stab-attack, you can kill most animals in the game quickly. Of course, lobbing it at them is almost an immediate kill, though.) 
  • Fighting Cannibals (This is also similar to the weak spear, as using this weapon against a large group of angry cannibals is not the smartest decision. It’s definitely great for single cannibals or small groups!) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = 8 ½  
  • Damage = 6 
  • Block = 0 
  • Range = Very Long Ranged 
  • Max Stack Count = 1 

This weapon is easy to make, but has just a slightly different crafting recipe. In fact, you will need a weak spear as part of it! This is the only weapon in the game that requires another crafted weapon to complete. Thankfully, you only need a small amount of the other resources to craft it. 

11: The Crafted Club 

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Now this weapon is unique, but still amazingly simple to craft. It is also great for blocking and possibly even stunning enemies! It’s more combat-geared than hunting, but you can technically use it for both. It also just looks cool. 
This weapon is creepy looking, but fun to use. It doesn’t do the most damage—it is more for blocking than damage—but it’s still fun to swing away at cannibals and beat the heck out of them with it! Using it to stun them, then switch to a better damaging weapon is a great tactic for this. 

This weapon excels in: 

  • Stunning enemies. (As mentioned, this weapon is more for stunning cannibals than actually killing them, but it’s still a good choice for a beginner club.) 
  • Blocking attacks. (Another important thing any club in the game is used for is blocking. It negates almost all damage an enemy deals to you if done correctly! That includes this club~) 
  • Ease of access! (The crafted club is so easy to craft it’s almost laughable. Keeping a stockpile of both resources means you will never run out!) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = 2 
  • Damage = 7 
  • Block = 9 
  • Range = Medium 
  • Max Stack Count = 1 

This weapon is crafted from a stick and a skull... That’s it. There is nothing else you need. It’s hilariously easy, and like many other craftable items, you can make it on the go. It’s great for when you need something in a pinch! 

10: The Molotov 

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This item is everyone’s best friend in The Forest for long-distance explosives. It’s simple to craft, you can stack them, and it’s fun to lob at cannibals and mutants! Plus, it’s got that glorious fire damage... Only fire damage, really, but it still counts! 
The Molotov is undoubtedly a favorite for The Forest players. It doesn’t do a lot of damage on its own, but it’s incredibly fun to lob at enemies... Or animals, if you’re into that. Throwing it at a group of cannibals and watching them flail around while on fire is great fun! 

This weapon excels in: 

  • Ease of access. (It is incredibly easy to craft, which makes it a great overall weapon. Early game, late-game, it’s great for dealing prolonged damage.) 
  • Stackable (The Molotov is one of the rare weapons that is stackable! Up to 8, as well. Having a stock of them on you at all times is a clever idea, especially when in caves!) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = Very Slow 
  • Damage = Fire Damage 
  • Block = 0 
  • Range = Ranged, Throwable & Catapulted 
  • Max Stack Count = 9 
  • Extra Affects = Will light enemies on fire 

All you need to craft a Molotov is one alcohol bottle, and one piece of cloth. It’s easy to craft, and the resources for it are also easy to find; just look for the suitcases that are scattered around the island! You’re nearly guaranteed to find them in those. 

9: The Modern Bow 

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While you can make the Crafted Bow to save yourself some time and have this glorious, ranged weapon earlier in the game, acquiring the Modern Bow is so much nicer. Not only is it sleek looking, but it’s easier to aim with than the crafted bow! It’s also slightly better than the crafted bow, as is the same for most “upgraded” versions of things you can craft. 
Bows are one of the favorite weapons regardless of the game you are playing. That also rings true for The Forest, but taking the time to get the Modern Bow is worth it. Some common favorites for this weapon, though, are bone arrows, fire arrows and poison arrows. Bone arrows just have higher damage... But fire arrows, as it sounds like, set things on fire when they hit them! It’s incredibly rewarding to ding cannibals, and especially mutants with fire arrows one after another. Poison arrows are also fun, as it even turns the enemies a weird, sickly green color to tell you that you hit them! Not only can you watch them flail around and die from a safe distance, but both types of arrows have their own unique effects that are neat to watch in action. 

This weapon excels in: 

  • Powerful damage output (This mostly relies on the arrows themselves, but the modern bow definitely increases the amount of damage you do to enemies.) 
  • Can use all arrows in the game (This is a wonderful thing, as some of the arrow types are really powerful! Being able to use all of them with this bow means you have quite an arsenal to choose from.) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = N/A 
  • Damage = Depends on Arrows used 
  • Block = 0 
  • Range = Ranged 
  • Max Stack Count = 1 
  • Extra Effects = Can perform headshots on enemies 

One thing to keep in mind is that to find this weapon, you need some other resources beforehand. More specifically, you need the rebreather and the climbing axe. That, and the Modern Bow is not craftable, so you must go explore the caves to find it! The cave you enter, as mentioned in the above video, to find it is just West of the sinkhole. 

8: The Sticky Bomb 

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This is a massive upgrade from the normal Crafted Bombs and the Molotovs for one main purpose: it will stick to whatever you lob it at. This includes trees, not just enemies! This item is super fun to use, and thankfully you can have more than one at a time. 
Bombs are incredibly fun to use! You can blow things up like trees, cannibal structures and even your own structures. You can also absolutely decimate enemies with these bad boys! The best thing about the Sticky Bomb, however, is that it sticks to what you throw it at! That is the whole point in the name... Lob one or more at a group and watch them all explode into tiny pieces! 

This weapon excels in: 

  • Demolition (Aside from being a fantastic weapon against the stronger mutants in the game, this weapon is great for destroying things! Whether you place it on a tree, or lob it at structures, the damage output means anything near it is destroyed.) 
  • High damage output (It’s a bomb... So of course it does a lot of damage. Sticking it to cannibals and mutants is an amazing way to get rid of your enemies fast. Just make sure you don’t want to harvest them, as they are blown into little pieces if you use a bomb or a sticky bomb. You won’t be able to harvest anything.) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = N/A 
  • Damage = 65 (Same as normal Bomb) 
  • Block = N/A 
  • Range = Medium 
  • Max Stack Count = 5 

Due to this being a craftable item, there’s no specific areas or caves you need to travel to in order to get your hands on a Sticky Bomb. You do need a fair amount of materials beforehand however, so keep that in mind when you’re out and about. 

7: The Modern Axe 

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The big brother to the Plane Axe, the Modern Axe has better stats while still being capable of performing the same duties as the plane axe. Being able to be used both as a weapon and a versatile, simple tool is one thing... But you can upgrade this bad boy, too! 
The Modern Axe has the same premise as the plane axe... It just does more damage automatically. Once again, you can swing this thing around like mad and clobber cannibals with it non-stop, to the point they can’t hit you. Remember to get that glorious kill shot when they fall over, too~ 

This weapon excels in: 

  • Versatile tool (Being great for both fighting and resource gathering makes this weapon a favorite among many. That, and it’s an upgrade for the plane axe!) 
  • Easy to acquire (This may seem strange, however, the cave you find it in is considered the “early game” cave. It’s the cave you wind up going to the first time you die, or get captured by the cannibals. It’s also called the “hanging cave.”) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = 5 
  • Damage = 7 
  • Block = 9 
  • Range = Medium to Long 
  • Max Stack Count = 1 

The main cannibal camp is your best bet to find this weapon. Remembering that it’s on the Southeast side of the map, to the right of the sinkhole, is one of your priorities. The cave entrance with the stack of skulls in front of it is where you need to go, once you get there! 

6: The Crossbow 

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While it’s not really an upgrade from the Modern Bow, the Crossbow is still one heck of a ranged weapon! It has almost the same functionality as the modern and crafted bows, but with some added advantages and quirks the normal bows do not have. Plus... Who doesn't like to feel awesome while holding this thing?! 
Oh boy, this is a fun weapon. There is not much ammunition for it, and neither the weapon itself nor the bolts are craftable, but the amount of damage you can do more than makes up for it. Being able to land fast, hard-hitting headshots on cannibals is one thing, but pegging mutants with this bad boy is just as fun! It takes them out so much faster than the bows. 

This weapon excels in: 

  • Extremely high damage (Due to this weapon using crossbow bolts, which do a heck of a lot of damage regardless of what you use it on, this is a dangerous, and very good weapon for any cannibals or mutants. You can two-shot most cannibals with them, and you can get headshots!) 
  • Incredible accuracy (Along with the high damage output, this weapon is incredibly accurate. It’s easy to aim with as well, so if you are ok with the slightly slower load time, this is much better than the normal bows!) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = N/A 
  • Damage = N/A 
  • Block = 0 
  • Range = Ranged 
  • Max Stack Count = 1 
  • Extra Effects = Can perform headshots on enemies  

First and foremost, you will need the rebreather to get this weapon. You don’t really need it, but it makes your life easier, since you have to go out to an island to get it! 


5: The Climbing Axe 

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This is not a normal weapon for The Forest, but considering it’s still basically an axe... You can use it as one. It may take a while to find, but it is worth it in the end! Despite its main purpose being for climbing rock walls, you can still easily kill a cannibal with this. 
This is a rather unorthodox, but fun little weapon to test out and play with sometimes while you’re in the game. It barely does any damage, but it’s fast, and great to use against those dang starving cannibals. Plus, you can use it to chop off their limbs! 

This weapon excels in: 

  • Fast weapon (Its damage is fairly low, but it’s extremely fast to swing, much like the katana. It’s great to use against the faster and weaker cannibals!) 
  • Great for climbing! (Using it for its main purpose is a fabulous idea, but it’s still helpful! It lets you climb rock ledges and get to areas you otherwise can’t in the game.) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = 7 
  • Damage = 3 ½  
  • Block = 2 ½  
  • Range = Short 
  • Max Stack Count = 1 

Despite having to go through some slightly dangerous areas to retrieve this weapon, it’s easy to remember which cave to go to. It’s right next to the sinkhole, on the left side! There’s no better landmark than that. 

4: The Machete 

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The Machete is an incredible weapon in The Forest! You can swing it fairly fast, you can block with it, and you can upgrade its speed and damage output! If you love machetes and like the thought of being armed with one to chop up cannibals, then this is the weapon for you! 
This weapon barely has any range, but it’s fun to use simply because of what it is! You can slash through your enemies with ease due to this being a moderately fast weapon. Plus... Who doesn’t love wielding a machete?! 

This weapon excels in: 

  • Blocking attacks (This is another great weapon for blocking attacks and dealt damage. Of course, you need to time it right, but negating almost all damage is a definite plus for this weapon.) 
  • Can be upgraded! (While it can’t receive fire upgrades, it can get upgrades for its speed and damage output. That’s a wonderful thing if you want to use it as your main weapon!) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = 7 ¼  
  • Damage = 5 ¼  
  • Block = 0 
  • Range = Short 
  • Max Stack Count = 1 

This is an extremely dangerous weapon to acquire, and that is 100% because of where you must go to get it. Most will use cave seven, or the “Chasm Cave” to get there, which is in the Northwest corner of the map, but... Yea, long story short? You need to get to the bottom of the sinkhole to find this thing. 

3: The Katana 

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This weapon is a step above the Machete for a few reasons, mainly the distance. Otherwise, it has all the same basic attributes as the smaller blade. This one is just a lot cooler to wield! 
Who doesn’t love to rock a katana? This weapon is insanely fast, and really fun to use against enemies! You swing so fast with it that cannibals and mutants alike don’t have time to react. You can just slash away like a madman until they die. 

This weapon excels in: 

  • Fast attack speed (It’s the fastest weapon in the game. In fact, it’s so fast that many players wind up adjusting to it so much that slower weapons cause them problems!) 
  • Can be upgraded! (It can be given temporary poison upgrades, which is a neat addition considering the damage itself isn’t all that high. None of the upgrades you can give it are permanent, but it’s still fun!) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = 7 ¼  
  • Damage = 5 ¼  
  • Block = 0 
  • Range = Very Long 
  • Max Stack Count = 1 

The easiest way to get to this weapon is to go through the cave entrance you find in the cliffs, toward the East side of the map. They’re right next to the huge lake that “splits” the island in half. Going this way means you avoid fighting the cannibals and the mutant you would otherwise have to fight by going the other way. 

2: The Flintlock Pistol 

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The Flintlock Pistol is every player's dream in The Forest. It’s a gun, so that should not be surprising! It takes a bit of time to craft, but it is a fun weapon to have in your arsenal against enemies of all kinds. It’s an old, rusty looking piece, so it has that added flare to it as well. 
While it takes a bit of work to get this weapon, it’s well worth it. Being able to blow cannibals away with this gun makes you feel incredible! It’s the only gun in the game, and it’s incredibly fun to use once you have it. Be careful with the ammo; there is only so much of it in the game. 

This weapon excels in: 

  • High damage (It’s one of the hardest hitting weapons in the game, which makes sense... It’s a gun. Of course it would deal a lot of damage! You can get headshots with it, too.) 
  • Easy to aim with (Unlike many of the ranged weapons, this one actually has an aiming receptacle. You can easily aim and gauge your shot before you take it, which is a huge plus in a game like this!) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = 1 
  • Damage =10  
  • Block = 0 
  • Range = Very Long Ranged 
  • Max Stack Count = 1 
  • Extra Effects = Can perform headshots on enemies 

Unfortunately, you need to gather and craft all the various parts of the pistol to obtain it, and that means traveling across the island to find all the different areas. This also means that you need plenty of explosives to open those rock piles! Getting the compass so you can more easily navigate the island is a great idea here. 

1: The Chainsaw 

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The Chainsaw... This is everyone’s dream weapon in this game. You can use it as a resource gathering tool as well as a weapon, and it’s definitely fun to use as one! Being able to shred through cannibals with this beast can make any player feel incredible! Plus, it is fairly good overall. 
Oh man is the Chainsaw a fun weapon! Its main purpose is cutting down trees and destroying stumps, which it does incredibly well. But it’s also incredibly fun to use against cannibals! Its low damage means that going against mutants isn’t the smartest idea, however... Being able to absolutely shred cannibals with this thing is incredibly satisfying. 

This weapon excels in: 

  • No stamina needed (It’s the only item in the game that does not require your character to use stamina, which is awesome! It does require fuel though, so keep that in mind.) 
  • Constant damage (While the damage itself is low compared to other weapons, the fact that you can just sit there and chew them up with this thing is a wonderful way to kill off cannibals without wasting your precious stamina.) 
  • Great for stunning enemies (It stuns cannibals a lot. This is great for avoiding damage while you kill them. Just make sure you pin them down!) 

Weapon Stats: 

  • Speed = 10 
  • Damage = 2 
  • Block = 0 
  • Range = Medium 
  • Max Stack Count = 1 

Once again, you will need the rebreather for this. The cave you must enter to get this weapon is a water cave, and it’s just toward the Northeast of the huge lake on the island. Getting there is quite a chore, but in the end, it’s worth it!


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