[Top 10] Mordhau Best Weapons

Mordhau Best Weapons
02 Oct 2020

Mordhau is a game of bloody and brutal combat. The quick intimate fights are deadly and you need the right weapon to wreck hard. I’ve taken on the world of cardboard, now it is time to get medieval. This list contains the top 10 best weapons in the game. You want to charge into victory? Read this list to find out how.


10. Executioner’s Sword

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Chivalry can be slain

When head’s need to roll, claim this blade. This sword sweeps away anything in your path. It sacrifices the point to let it swing faster. Timing is everything in this game and with this sword all it takes is one attack to change the flow of combat

What makes the executioner's sword Great

  • Insta-kill slash
  • Decent range
  • Large sweeping attack

Executioner's sword details

  • Can take multiple foes out in a single swing
  • Encourages aggressive close quarters combat
  • Strong block
  • Can deal massive damage to shields 
  • Powerful swings every time making timing critical

Executioner's sword in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=201KSrY1JH0

9. Greatsword

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You could say that this sword is pretty great

A weapon of choice for many knights on the battlefield. This sword is always present in wars across the land. Use it to take victory for your army and land that killer blow. Wrecks hard and stabs percise too.

What makes the greatsword Great?

  • Solid swing 
  • High thrusting speed 
  • Quick attack speed 

Greatsword details

  • Can be used with a shield
  • Allows two handed mode for powerful swings
  • Alt mode can be used to deal with armor wearing knights
  • Faster then Excecutinoers blade
  • Deals more thrust damage

Greatsword in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=201KSrY1JH0

8. Zweihander

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This legendary claymore has a strange appearance, but that is part of it’s charm. This sword is the best damage dealer of the swords on this list. Versatile in combat with different strikes,slashes, and bashes. With this in hand, you can carve through almost any foe. If you happen to find an armored enemy, have no fear, this weapon allows you to smash right through.  

What makes zweihander Great

  • Plenty of range
  • Sweeping slashes
  • Strong block 

 Zweihander Details

  • Slash attack deals massive damage
  • Two- handed mode
  • Mordhau mode enabled to fight armor users
  • Stabbing inficts bleeding 
  • Lowest stamina drain of 2- handed swords  

Zweihander in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FcXptrALN4

7. Pole Axe

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Axe on a stick

Want the brutality of the axe but with a bit more reach? Say hello to the polaxe! This bad boy can come down and hack your attackers to bits. If you time it right, this can easily impale any oncoming threats. This even works on horseback to give you more mobility if you really want.

What makes the poleaxe great?

  • Works while mounted 
  • Epic range
  • Insta kill stabs

Poleaxe details

  • Long range
  • Insta kill stabs
  • Sweeping horseback attacks
  •  Low stamina to stab
  • Quick combos 

Poleaxe in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwkFFoFNS84

6. Evening Star 

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Pointy stick make smash!

Getting medieval has never been easier with this weapon. This weapon  takes the slot above poleaxe because of the armor damage. That little ball on the end can tear through armor. Use this weapon for that armor wielding enemy.  

What makes the evening star Great

  • Long reach
  • Smashing armor damage
  • Can insta kill with stab

Evening Star Details

  • Armor damage dealer 
  • Drains stamina when blocked 
  • Deals bleeding damage
  • Slashing damage too
  • Low stamina to attack

Evening Star in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmKdt6oselE

5. Rapier

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All for one and one for all!

Big trouble comes in small packages with this weapon. The rapier is perfect for those up close cuts on your opponent. I’ve seen knights clad in armor head to toe, get poked to death by this weapon. With the right moment of opportunity it can even exploit perks to make you a killing machine. 

What makes the rapier Great?

  • Thrusts can instant kill
  • Very low stamina drain
  • Mega bleeding damage 

Rapier Details

  • Extremely close combat weapon
  • Highest bleeding damage of all daggers
  • Can be used with shield
  • Doesn’t restrict your build
  • Punctures through armor 

Rapier in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aqfHeGSc9Q

4. Throwing knives

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For the holy land!

What makes throwing knives great?

  • Quick attack
  • Projectile if needed
  • High insta kill rate 

Throwing knives details

  • Low equip cost
  • Super quick throw speed
  • Simple to aim hard to master
  • Can get through armor 
  • Multiple can be used and restocked during combat

Throwing knives in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t590TIkyUgM

3. War Axe

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Hunt the heathens! 

What makes the war axe Great

  • Heavy impact to deal with armor
  • Large sweeping attacks
  • Decapitation!!!!!!!

War axe Details

  • Destroys armor 
  • On strike reduces targets stamina 
  • Bleeding damage

War axe in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFchlDmprEo

2. Battle Axe

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For glory 

When you want to go to war you need an axe a dwarf would be proud of. While not as long as the war axe, the battle axe is a much more versatile and deadly armament.Hack off limbs and make them bleed. If they have armor, you get to crack right on through!

What makes the battle axe Great

  • Two handed hacking
  • Faster than the war axe
  • Only 300 gold to unlock

Battle axe Details

  • Longest axe reach
  • Small stamina drain
  • Bleeding damage
  • Can hack off limbs easily 
  • Quickest two handed axe

Battle axe in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFchlDmprEo

1. Halberd

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Deus vult!

The best weapon overall. Limb claiming, check! Bleeding to death foes, check! Armor crushing,check! All you need is deadly precision and this weapon will turn the tide of war. For 500 gold make them all suffer and don’t forget, have fun!

What makes the halberd Great?

  • Axe,sword, and morning star combined
  • Epic reach
  • Limbs cut like butter

Halberd Details

  • Damage dealer 
  • Bleeding damage for days
  • Longest reach
  • Insta kill stabbing  
  • Can crush armor 

Halbred in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifLmqw7z8WY

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