[Top 5] Mordhau Best Builds for Killing

A custom build that appears to be a Monty Python reference
29 Sep 2020

Hello crusaders, are you ready to take back the holy land?!? Wrecking hard is what I do, not just in Magic, but also on the bloody battlefields of Mordhau. Last article, we discussed what the best weapons are, but that is only part of your build. It is easy to pick up a sword and hack about. However, these builds will make your victory even easier to achieve. Take a look for the best builds for killing in Mordhau.

5. Emerald Archer 

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Make robinhood proud!

Precision and determination are the key factors of any archer. Using this build will make you a swift force of death on the battlefield. Your foes will not see what hit them, by the time they find you, it will already be too late. This build focuses on stamina restoration and quick evasion. Aim well archers!

What’s good about this build?

  • Long- range damage
  • Quick movement to evade danger
  • Deadly accurate
  • Kills keep you alive
  • Pick off your foes one by one to aid your army

Full build details:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIdE_spYnFw

4. Engineer of Death

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A clean kill

Did you like playing legos as a kid? Is playing support your thing in every team game? Then here is your new favorite build. Get crafty and build siege weapons to overpower the enemy. Move hard, build harder. Run around erecting ballistas and fortifying your defenses. 

What is good about this build?

  • Fast movement 
  • Can get up close and personal 
  • Weave in and out of danger with ease
  • Build damage dealing devices of death
  • Help your team while doing what you love, building

Full build detail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJpGj1DjhSM

3. Maul Invasion 

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If darth maul played this game this would be his build 

Wrecking hard doesn’t always require a blade. Sometimes, it needs a good smashing that is why we use the maul. Heavy walking destruction incarnate. What else do I need to write to explain the PTSD the maul inflicts as the impact cracks my armor? 

What is good about this build?

  • Armor cracking damage
  • Blunt bludgeoning bliss
  • Heavy armored walking death
  • Destroyed stamina 
  • Gain health 

Full build details:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU9RQwppm8A


2. Guts Greatsword berserk

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Deus vult!

Grab that sword, it is time for a crusade! The berserk perk is overpowered. The greatsword kills and the perk allows your health to refill. It is that simple, which makes it that amazing. Hack and slash till your heart's content brothers!

What is good about this build?

  • Greatsword has decent reach
  • Alternate weapon mode to tear up armor
  • Berserk allows you to regenerate health when you kill
  • Light armor for mobility and protection
  • Sword can instant kill with ease

Full build details:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rusVtuB1mvU

1. Axe berserk 

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Heavy metal mayhem

The best build for the bravest souls. This build is aggressive and loves bloodshed. Once again, exploiting the berserk perk by slaying enemies gets the job done. Heavier armor this time, to make you a vulgar display of power. Cleave their heads crusaders!

What is good about this build? 

  • Makes use of the strongest axe in the game
  • Strong bleeding damage
  • Crushes armor wearing idiots 
  • Perks regain health and stamina
  • Close quarters combat champion 

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