[Top 10] MK11 Best Ai Builds

MK11 Best Ai Builds
26 Feb 2021

Want to spend the night watching two Ai characters pull off insane combos? Thanks to heavy amounts of research from the pros, we’ve found the top ten warriors who are fantastic Ai fighters. Let’s not waste any time and start with No. 10:

10) Kabal

Partner in crime, Kabal’s return, and androstenedione expand on the fighter’s ability in a huge way.  The speedy bastard’s quickstep (increases walking speed by 60%) and brute strength (deals 20% more damage) are a match made in heaven for Kabal’s moveset. Of course, hook grab and extended hook abilities are necessary to pull off Kabal’s critical attacks.

·        Ability: Hook Grab and Extended Hook

·        Partner in Crime (Lvl. 4 Quick Step, Lvl. 3 Special Delivery)

·        Kabal’s return (Lvl. 2 Brute Strength, Lvl. 3 Amped Up)

·        Androstenedione (Lvl. 2 Pumped Up, Pure and Simple)

9) Scorpion

For augments, raging inferno increases fire-based moves by 37.5%, combine that with  special delivery (which increases all special attacks by 30%), pumped up (gives you 750 more health), and bill of health (increases damage by 37.5%) that adds nearly 110% damage. The crazy thing is, these are just some of the augments that help Scorpion become an elite fighter.

·        Ability: Death Spin, Death Spear, and Burning Spear combo

·        Fumio Hasahi’s Wrath (Lvl. 3 Pumped Up, Lvl. 3 Bill of Health, Lvl. 4 Hellbound)

·        Demon Warrior of Nekros (Lvl. 3 Raging Inferno, Lvl. 3 Special Delivery, Lvl. 4 Spear Carrier)

·        Fiery Hell Spear of the Meijin  (Lvl. 4 Amped Up, Pure and Simple, Lvl. 3 Raging Hellfire)

8) Rambo

The Vietnam war veteran’s slick use of guns, grenades, and knives provides a deadly combination within the MK universe. The augments super-powered and defenseless can wipe out your opponent with ease. Super Powered gives you 2000 more health, with the only drawback being that 80% of your movement is drastically reduced. While this may seem like a hindrance, it’s a boost for gunplay attacks thanks to defenseless, which gives your attacks a 20% chance at being unblockable. That’s just one of the many augment combinations that can boost Rambo in a major way.

·        Ability: Hidden M60

·        Abundance of Valor (Lvl. 3 Luckability, Lvl. 3 Mix it Up, Lvl. 4 Ammo Dump)

·        Skull Valley (Lvl. 4 Super Powered, Lvl. 4 Defenseless)

·        Mythic (Lvl. 3 Armor Clad, Lvl. 3 Bill of Health)

7) Kitana

 Thanks to the combination of future empress, Edenian rose and measured cuts gear, the 10,000-year-old princess can kill you with one knockout blow. Bill of Health lets you deal 100% more damage (if you’re at full health) and special delivery juices up your attacks by 30%. Mix in brute strength (in Edenian Rose), which  adds 37% more physical damage and crazy pain (in measured cuts), that’s 40% more damage,  which can possibly equal up to 3200 in  destruction with just one hit.

·        Ability: Fan-Nado and Low Fan Toss

·        Future Empress (Lvl. 4 Bill of Health and Lvl. 3 Special Delivery)

·        Edenian Rose (Lvl. 3 Brute Strength, Pure and Simple, Lvl. 4 Wind Speed)

·        Measured Cuts (Lvl. 4 Crazy Pain, Lvl. 4 Insult and Injury, Lvl. 3 Lift Off)

6) Sub-Zero

“The cold will be your tomb”. Truer words have never been spoken by the Lin Keui warrior. In less than five attacks, Sub-Zero can bury his opponents by dealing 1200 damage with each move. This comes from his ability’s rogue hailstorm, deceiver’s reaver, and arsenal of the bitter arctic. These provide special augments blizzard conditions, brute strength, pumped up, bill of health, and life stealer. Combined, these deal out a shit ton of damage that ranges from 50% to 75% .

·        Ability: Creeping Ice and Arctic Trap

·        Rogue Hailstorm (Lvl. 4 Blizzard conditions and Lvl. 2 Brute Strength)

·        Deceiver’s Reaver (Lvl. 2 Pumped Up and Lvl. 3 Special Delivery)

·        Arsenal of the Bitter Arctic (Lvl. 3 Bill of Health and Lvl. 2 Life Stealer)

5) Liu Kang

While Liu Kang’s fatalities won’t set the world on fire, the former Grand Champion is one of hell of a competitor in the video game overall. As you can imagine, Liu Kang’s Ai combos are sick, with the original MK warrior also having the ability to knockout an opponent out with  a single move.

That combination is based on the Invincible Shaolin, Vermillion Dragon’s Tears, and Growling Tiger Strike gears. Similar to Kitana, augments crazy pain and special delivery can cause up to 70% more damage; however, dragon’s breath increases all fire attacks by 40% and the duration of the move goes up to 200%. To use this killer combo, Liu Kang’s move abilities must be low fireball and dragon fire.

·        Ability: Low Fireball and Dragon Fire

·        Invincible Shaolin (Lvl. 4 Crazy Pain, Lvl. 3 Special Delivery, Lvl. 4 Caro’s Wings)

·        Vermillion Dragon’s Tears (Lvl. 4 Bill of Health, Pure and Simple, Lvl. 3 Fleet Feet)

·        Growling Tiger Strike (Lvl. 3 Brute Strength, Lvl. 4 Insult and Injury, Lvl. 4 Dragon’s Breath)

4) Noob Saibot

The original Sub-Zero came back into the world of Mortal Kombat with a vengeance. With Han Ba, Tentablade, and Force of Sindel as his gear, the MK warrior can cause some serious damage with less than five attacks. The main component is creeping dark, which deals 50% more dark damage. Combine that with amped up, Bill of health, and special delivery, then  Noob’s attack damage  can boost up to 195%.

·        Ability: Tele-Slam, Shadow Portals, and Shadow Strike

·        Han Ba (Lvl. 4 Creeping Dark, Lvl. 4 Amped Up, Lvl. 4 Darkness Falls)

·        Tentablade (Lvl. 3 Bill of Health, Lvl. 3 Pumped Up, Lvl. 4 Slip Shade)

·        Force of Sindel (Lvl. 3 Special Delivery, Lvl. 3 Life Stealer, Lvl. 4 In the Gloaming)

3) Sindel

The original scream queen’s fatal attractor, walking on air, and hankaga blade can finish you off with less than three attacks. If you’re a fan of using Sindel’s luscious and elastic hair then hair of eternity increases attacks by 50%. Just like Noob Saibot, creepy dark will up the damage by 50%. For longer ranged scream attacks, loud and clear expands the distance by 100%. Add in fatal fight (which shoots up air attacks by 40%) and the former ruler of Edenia will fulfill her promise of murdering every fool in her way.

·        Ability: Whip & Flip and Maleficent March

·        Fatal Attractor (Lvl. 3 Pumped Up, Lvl. 4 Creeping Dark, Lvl. 4 Hair of Eternity)

·        Walking on Air (Lvl. 4 Bill of Health, Lvl. 4 Fatal Flight, Lvl. 4 Empress Protection)

·        Hankaga Blade (Lvl. 3 Life Stealer, Lvl. 3 Special Delivery, Lvl. 4 Loud and Clear)

2) Cetrion

Cetrion’s combination of speed and godlike powers are amplified to their fullest when equipped with Serratogga, Northern Sky, and Stardust dreamer. Augments such as raging fire and playing with fire shoot up her fire-based attacks by 100%, with pumped up and bill of health adding more damage by nearly 200%.

·        Ability: Earthquake, H20 P0rt, and Deadly Winds

·        Serratogga (Lvl. 4 Burned Alive, Lvl. 3 Fast Burn, Lvl. 4 Toss and Turn)

·        Northern Sky (Lvl. 3 Pumped Up, Lvl. 3 Bill of Health, Lvl. 4 Playing with Fire)

·        Stardust Dreamer (Lvl. 3 Life Stealer, Lvl. 3 Raging Inferno, Lvl. 4 All Shook up) 

1) Spawn

Spawn’s speed, nercoplasm, and guns are used  to its full capacity as gears into the abyss, Baphomet, and resurrector supply him with insane power. In total, Spawn can dish up to 227.5% more damage due to the augments fellow knockout artists Kitana and Liu Kang also have, Bill of Health and Special Delivery. Those combined with abilities like blaze of glory and charging hellspawn make for a highly dangerous anti-hero.

·        Ability: Blaze of Glory and Charging Hellspawn

·        Into The Abyss (Lvl. 4 Insult and Injury, Lvl. 4 Bill of Health, Lvl. 4 Malebolgia’s Gift)

·        Baphomet (Pure and Simple, Lvl. 3 Special Delivery, Lvl. 3 Undead Solider)

·        Resurrector (Lvl. 4 Crazy Pain, Lvl. 3 Brute Strength, Lvl. 3 Angry Hellspawn)

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