Is Mileena the sexiest ninja in Mortal Kombat?
Mileena debuted in Mortal Kombat II (1993) as the evil clone of Princess Kitana of Outworld. She wore purple and wielded a pair of devastating sais; and we all just wanted to know what was under the mask. Since that debut, Mileena has had some of the most amazing character design evolution of any MK character. And the cosplays of her… *muah!*. We’re pretty sure some of these cosplays simply defy the laws of physics…
30- Vikahnum
Cosplay by Vikahnum
Mileena doesn’t do shy. She may look like Kitana, but the clone has always shown more skin.
29- Morgana Cosplay
Cosplay by Morgana Cosplay
Remember when Kitana went down into the Flesh Pits and first discovered Mileena? She was definitely the most unfinished mummy we’ve ever seen.
28- Brynhild Cosplay
Cosplay by Brynhild
We know, we know. We were shocked to see Mileena wearing pants too.
27- Lucid Belle
Cosplay by Lucid Belle
Even an evil queen deserves a crown. Mileena will be Kahnum if it kills her.
26- Khainsaw
Cosplay by Khainsaw
Kitana’s evil clone is one of the most dangerous fighters in Mortal Kombat. Her Tarkatan blood gives her strength and agility the average fighter doesn’t have.
25- Ireland Reid
Cosplay by Ireland Reid
Ireland Reid looks like she will kill us in our sleep. We might be ok with that...
24- Anapaulajil
Cosplay by Ana Paula
This is why you must always be suspicious of the entertainment at the festival. Mileena looks like a dancer but moves like an assassin.
23- Candy Cosplays
Cosplay by Candy Cosplays
Could we really list the 30 best Mileena cosplays without having a nod to the original, the klassic version, of Mileena? Of course not. We especially love the very real Sais she’s ready to throw.
22- Cin Von Quinzel
Cosplay by Cin Von Quinzel
Ultimate MK3 was the last time that Mileena was just a palette swap of her sister. After this, she started to develop her own style.
21- Aretasan
Cosplay by Aretasan
Is that Mortal Kombat: Deception Mileena? Yes, and she has never been shy about using her body to distract you in a fight.
20-Ariane Saint-Amour
Cosplay by Ariane Saint-Amour
Mortal Kombat: Deception Mileena… in pleather… our brains are broken.
19- Satsu Mad Atelier
Cosplay by Satsu Mad Atelier
Mileena’s MKX leather armor is practical but still sexy. Outworld and Edenia will be hers to rule!
18- Larxenne Cosplay
Cosplay by Larxenne
Would you dare challenge her? Nothing that ever came from the Flesh Pits has been easy to kill.
17- Ksana Stankevich
Cosplay by Ksana Stankevich
Is she a belly dancer? Or a gypsy? Either way, Ksana’s variation on Mileena is creative and well done. Despite the softened color, the assassin is still ready to strike at any moment.
16- AsherWarr
Cosplay by Asher Warr
AsherWarr’s cosplay looks so good, these pics could pass for an in-game render. She definitely embodies the darkness that encompasses Mileena when we first see her.
15- Zyunka Mukhina Cosplay
Cosplay by Zyunka Mukhina
Mileena’s hatred for Kitana and desire to replace her has motivated her to survive multiple tournaments and scheme for power.
14- Lyonegra Costuming
Cosplay by Lyonegra
This blood spatter lets you know this tournament is not a game. Lyonegra takes no prisoners.
13- Jakuri-Nu Cosplay
Cosplay by Jakuri-Nu
OG Mileena FTW! We had to wait all the way to the end of the game to see what was under the mask. Jakuri-Nu wins all the throwback points today.
12- Viva Valentina Cosplay
Cosplay by Viva Valentina
You are mistaken if you think Mortal Kombat Trilogy Mileena is not ready for you. Viva Valentina gets bonus points for the stiletto heels on those boots, too!
11- Valeriya DarkElf
Cosplay by Valeriya DarlkElf Cosplay
Mileena serves Shao Khan earnestly, but has always felt she was destined for greater things. Edenia will be hers, eventually.
10- Yuriko Akiyama
Cosplay by Yuriko Akiyama
Let Mileena give you a hand, and you’ll probably pull back a nub. Does Yuriko look trustworthy in this cosplay? We’ll chance it!
9- Rosanna Rocha
Cosplay by Rosanna Rocha
Mileena only has one constant: a deep hatred for her twin sister Kitana.
8- Nephilim Cosplay
Cosplay by Nephilim
Shang Tsung created an ambitious but evil creature when he spliced Edenian and Tarkatan DNA to make Mileena in the Flesh Pits. But look how far she’s come now.
7- Rose-Maiden Cosplay
Cosplay by Rose-Maiden Cosplay Photo credit: Jason Laboy
When she ties the hair up you know that means you’re about to get the business. She will not rest until Kitana is either captured or dead!
6- Ayun Celebelen
Cosplay by Ayun Celebelen
Brazil is lucky to have to have this sexy but terrifying Mileena cosplayer. Don’t let the delicate makeup fool you, she’s looking for a face to chew off with those fangs.
5- Tasha Tremer
Cosplay by Tasha Tremer
Why is Mileena so crazy? Is it because she’s a sorcery experiment created from the darkest magic? Or does she really just prefer things this way?
4- Luna Gabriella
Cosplay by Luna Gabriella
Luna Gabriella makes the MK Trilogy look good. The black eye effect might just portray exactly how evil Mileena is. Maybe.
3- Lana Marie Live
Cosplay by Lana Marie
Mileena knows exactly what you’re here to see.
2- LeelooKris
Cosplay by LeelooKris
There’s blood. There’s tongue. What more could you need? Mileena doesn’t normally wear this much clothing, but look at all the different things she can stab you with.
Cosplay by SereneSeptember
The Kahnum of Outworld will order your execution and then dance on your grave.