21 Aug 2020
MHW Iceborne Best Heavy Bowgun Builds [Top 7]
7. Beginner Heavy Bowgun Iceborne Build(s) Great Jagras Spread Build
1st Build
- Several Beginner Builds in Video
- Great for New Iceborne Players
- Weakness Exploit, Critical Eye, Attack Boost Skills for DPS
- Recovery Up, Evade Extender and Speed Eating Skills for Survivability
- Can Swap out Shield Mod for Special Scope
- Free Meal Skill
- Wyvenheart Special Ammo
Build Details:
- Gluttonous Direcannon
- Close Range and Shield Weapon Mods
- Weakness Exploit Boosts Affinity for Monster Weak Spots
- Recovery Up Increase the Amount Restored When Restoring Health
- Free Meal Gives a Chance at Consuming an Item for Free
Armor Set:
- Jagras Helmet alpha
- Jagras Mail alpha
- Jagras Vambraces alpha
- Jagras Coil alpha
- Jagres Greaves alpha
- Awakening Charm II (Ammo Up)
6. The Best Spread Heavy Bowgun Build Loyal Thunder
- Loyal Thunder (Zinogre)
- Wyvern Ammo
- Tool Specialist (Mantles Come Back Super Fast)
- Lunastra Armor
- Great Built-in Armor Skills
- Evade Extender, Peak Performance and Tool Specialist Skills
- Item Loadout that Allows to Craft Spread Ammo III During Hunt
- Felyne Talor
Build Details:
- Recoil Suppressor, Close Range Up, Shield and Special Scope Weapon Mods
- Special Scope and Close Range Up Increases Spread Ammo Dmg
- Tool Specialist Reduces the Recharge Time for Specialized Tools (Mantles)
- Evade Extender Increases Evade Distance
- Peak Performance Increases Attack When Health is Full
- Radial Menu is Great for Crafting Ammo During Hunt
- Felyne Tailor is a Food Skill That Shortens Cooldown For Mantles
Armor Set:
- Empress Crown beta
- Kirin Jacket alpha
- Empress Vambraces beta
- Empress Coil beta
- Garuga Greaves beta
- Awakening Charm II (Ammo Up)
5. Furious Rajang Fastest Stickies Build
Build 3
The Best Heavy Bowguns Builds Ever | MHW Iceborne
What’s Awesome About Furious Rajang Fastest Stickies Build:
- Demonlord Beastbuster (Rajang)
- Super Fast Sticky Shooting
- 2 Armor Set Bonus Skills
- Nargacuga Essence and Agitator Secret
- Agitator, Peak Performance, Ammo Up and Artillery Skills for DPS
- Guard, Health Boost and Evade Window Skills for Survivability
Build Details:
- Nargacuga Essence Unlocks True Razor Sharp/Spare Shot
- Spare Shot Gives a Chance Not to Expend Ammo
- Agitator Increases Attack Power/Affinity When Monster is Enraged
- Ammo Up Increases Bowgun Loading Capacity
- Guard Reduces Knockbacks and Stamina Depletion When Guarding
- Attack Increase and Health RegenWeapon Augments
- Health Regen Helps with Peak Performance (Boosts Attack When Full Health)
- Recoil Suppressor Weapon Mods (Shoot Stickies Faster)
Armor Set:
- Nargacuga Helm alpha
- Brachydium Mail beta
- Brachydium Braces alpha
- Nargacuga Faulds beta
- Nargacuga Greaves alpha
- Awakening Charm III
4. Elemental HBG Hits Like a Truck Build(s) Kulve Taroth
1st Build
What’s Awesome About Elemental HBG Hits Like a Truck Build Kulve Taroth:
- Several Builds in Video for All Elements
- Kjarr Assault Ice
- Very High Clip Size (9)
- Over a Hundred Dmg Per Shot
- 5 Pc Safi Armor
- True Dragonvein Awakening
- 100% Affinity
- Don’t Need to Tenderize
- Long Range, Good Recoil and Fast Reload Built-in Weapon
- Fast Reload Makes Up for No Spare Shot Skill
- Shield or Shieldless Options
Build Detail:
- True Dragonvein Awakening Armor Bonus Boosts Affinity and Raw/Element Attack
- 100% Affinity from Armor Bonus, Weapon and Critical Eye
- Defense Increase and Element Up Augmentations
- Reload Assist, Shield and Power Barrel Mods
- Best Damage Relies on Monster’s Elemental Hit Zones
- Swap Shield for Special Scope for Shieldless Setup
- Critical Eye, Ice Attack, Ammo Up and Critical Boost Skills for DPS
- Critical Eye Increases Affinity
Armor Set:
- Safi Crested Crown beta
- Safi Crested Chest beta
- Safi Crested Vambraces beta
- Safi Crested Belt beta
- Safi Crested Boots beta
- Frost Charm V
3. The Sticky Rajang HBG Build Rajang Destroyer
What’s Awesome About the Sticky Rajang HBG Build Rajang Destroyer:
- Rajang Destroyer
- Zorah Magdaros and Gold Rathian Essences
- Artillery, Agitator, Peak Performance, Divine Blessing and Evade Extender Skills
- Great Survivability w/out Costing DPS
- Can Switch Out Evade Extender with Slugger
- Glider Mantle With Slots
- Health Regen
Build Details:
- Zorah Magdaros Essence Unlocks Artillery Secret (Maxes Artillery Lv)
- Artillery Strengthens Explosive Attacks (Wyvern’s Fire and Sticky Ammo)
- Gold Rathian Essence Unlocks Divine Blessing Secret (Max Divine Blessing Lv)
- Deviation Suppressor, Shield and Power Barrel Weapon Mods
- Deviation is the Reticule Kick Back After Shooting
- Power Barrel Increases Stun Capacity of Sticky Ammo
- Glider Mantle+ Boosts Jump Airtime Making Mounting Easier/ Can Ride Strong Winds
- Evade Extender Increases Evade Distance When Jumping
Armor Set:
- Zorah Headgear alpha
- Golden Lunemail beta
- Zorah Claws beta
- Golden Lunecoill beta
- Zorah Spurs beta
- Razor Sharp Charm (Spare Shot)
2. Anit-Ruiner Nergigante Pierce Earplugs and Fast Reload HBG Build
- Safi’s Snipecannon
- Great for Monster’s Vulnerable to Pierce (Nergi, Deviljo,Bazelguise...)
- Rajang Will and Dragonvein Awakening
- Maximum Might, Resentment, Critical Boost and Piercing Shots Skills
- 95% Universal Affinity No WEX
- Attack Monster Even During Roars
- Special Scope Attachment
- Earplugs Skill
- Alternate Less Gem Expensive Build
Build Details:
- Rajang Will Unlocks Maximum Might Secret (Max Maximum Might Lv)
- No Shield and Have to Use Scope
- Special Scope Boosts Dmg 30% for Critical Range Hits
- Scope Makes Critical Distance Dmg Versatile (Same Dmg for All Target Ranges)
- Resentment Boosts Attack When There is Red Health in Gauge
- Earplugs Grants Protection From Large Monster’s Roars
- Attack, Pierce Capacity and Recoil Suppressor Augmentations
- Reload Assist, Power Barrel and Special Scope Weapon Mods
Armor Set:
- Grand God’s Peer Mask beta
- Safi Crested Chest beta
- Safi Crested Vambraces beta
- Grand God’s Peer Belt beta
- Safi Crested Boots alpha
- Fury Charm V (Resentment)
1. Safi’s Burstcannon Best Spread HBG Meta Speedrunner Build
- Safi’s Burstcannon
- Righteous Dumb DPS
- Great Against Furious Rajang
- Xeno’jiva Divinity and Maximum Might Secret
- Spare Shot, Speed Eating and Guts Skills
- Close Range Up and Special Scope Weapon Mods
- Attack Increase, Spread Capacity and Recoil Suppressor Awakened Abilities
Build Details:
- Xeno’jiva Divinity Unlock Spare Shot Skill
- Maximum Might Secret Maxes Out Maximum Might Lv
- Maximum Might Increases Affinity When Stamina is Full
- Gutsy Charm Gives Guts Skill (Withstand One Attack that Would Normally Kill You)
- Close Range Up Boosts Weapon Dmg at Close Range
- Spread Capacity Increases Spread Ammo Capacity
- Critical Eye+ Maximum Might+ Ammo Up+ Spare Shot+ Critical Boost+ Weakness Exploit+ Spread Shots= RDDPS (Monster Actually Cries for Mama)
Armor Set:
- Xeno’jiva Headgear gamma
- Grand God’s Peer Garb beta
- Xeno’jiva Claws beta
- Grand God’s Peer Belt beta
- Xeno’jiva Spurs gamma
- Gutsy Charm
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