[Top 10] MHW Best Charms that Give You and Advantage

MHW Best Charms
04 Sep 2020

[Top 10] MHW Charms that Give You an Advantage

Your choice of charms is of vital importance in Monster Hunter World. The right charm can make your build, and a poor choice can break it. Allowing you to essentially add free additional skills onto your armor set is something you will come to appreciate as you progress in the game. In Monster Hunter, it truly is all about the bling-bling! I have attempted to compile a list of the 10 best charms (in my opinion) that will help you survive and thrive in your hunts.

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Situationally, this is one of the most useful charms you can get in the game. With the Clearmind Charm, you will never have to worry about the heat or effluvia buildup ever again. Just throw this charm on and you are immune to heat and effluvia! This charm is useful when it’s useful, but serves no real purpose otherwise.

What’s good about the Clearmind Charm?

  • Completely eliminates having to worry about environmental heat damage
  • Completely eliminates having to worry about Effluvial buildup
  • Grants protection against heat-based attacks (like those used by Teostra and Luastra)

Clearmind Charm details:

  • Gives a rank of Heat Guard, which prevents environmental heat damage, as well as damage from lava or heat auras.
  • Gives a rank of Effluvial Expert, which eliminates effluvial buildup in places like the Rotten Vale
  • Protects against situational heat damage, such as Lunastra’s lava pools or Teostra’s heat aura.

How to get the Clearmind Charm:


9. Gale Charm

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You are the wind! This charm is useful for melee weapons that attack in the air a lot (like Insect Glaive, Hammer, or SnS), giving you a rank of Airborne and Affinity Sliding. This is a useful charm for increasing your DPS, as long as you are using a weapon that would benefit from it. Slap this puppy on and go to town.

What’s good about Gale Charm?

  • Increases your affinity as long as you can find a hill to slide on
  • Massively increases your aerial damage
  • All-around good for your DPS

Gale Charm Details

  • Gives a rank of affinity sliding,which gives you +30% affinity for 30 seconds after sliding.
  • Gives a rank of Airborne which increases jumping attack power by 30%.

How to get Gale Charm:


8. Mushroom Charm

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This charm is a favorite for support builds. It allows you to eat mushrooms for extra effects, and when combined with wide range, can make you a healing and buffing powerhouse. Greatly increase your support ability in combat with just a charm slot? Yes please! Perfect for the full Mario experience

What’s good about Mushroom Charm?

  • Mushroomancer is such a good support skill. 
  • You get a lot of utility out of mushroomancer. 
  • Basically doubles your amount of heals and buffs in a battle, so you can survive easier!

Mushroom Charm Details

  • Gives you a rank of the Mushroomancer skill for every rank of the charm.
  • Mushroomancer allows you to eat commonly-found mushrooms to gain different benefits.
  • Each rank of the skill adds new types of mushrooms that you can eat to mimic items like Max Potions, Dash Juices, etc.

How to get Mushroom Charm


7. Rider’s Charm

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This one, while one that I commonly use, is so low on the list because it’s usefulness is so situational. If you are playing with an insect glaive with an aerial build, this charm is invaluable. If you are playing with a SnS, maybe pick it up. Otherwise, it’s probably not going to be used. However, when it works, it really works. Becoming a mounting master is some of the most fun you can have in the game.

What’s good about Rider’s Charm?

  • Prevents you from getting knocked around during your aerial attacks.
  • Makes it easier to mount monsters and knock them over.
  • One and done. Both of these skills are one-level skills, so no upgrading!

Rider’s Charm details

  • Gives you a rank of Master Mounter, which makes it easier for you to mount and topple monsters.
  • Gives you a rank of Jump Master, which prevents you from getting knocked around while you are in the air.
  • Particularly useful for Aerial IG builds

How to get Rider’s Charm


6. Leaping Charm

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Evade Extender is one of the best survivability skills you can invest in in Monster Hunter World. It will help you get well out of the way of any attacks that are directed at you, and if used properly, can prevent you from ever even having to heal. This charm is an easy way to get this valuable skill on your armor set.

What’s good about Leaping Charm

  • Increased survivability!
  • It’s fun to roll around and dodge attacks.
  • Affects other jump-type moves, like the SnS backhop and Longsword maneuvers.

Leaping Charm Details

  • Gives 1 rank of Evade Extender per rank of the charm.
  • Maximum of ⅔ ranks from this charm
  • Evade Extender extends the distance of the dodge animation, as well as some weapon-specific moves.

How to get Leaping Charm


5. Unscathed Charm

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Peak Performance is one of those skills that is of great value to you when you are already good at the game. It gives you an attack buff as long as your health bar is full. If you are an experienced hunter, your health bar will likely stay full most of the time. However, if you take a lot of hits, you won’t get much use out of this skill. Get gud and get this charm!

What’s good about Unscathed Charm?

  • Peak Performance gives you extra attack power.
  • Truly an advanced charm, get those few extra points of DPS you need for speed runs.
  • Meshes well with augmented weapons!

Unscathed Charm Details:

  • 3 total ranks of the charm, giving 3 total levels of Peak Performance.
  • Each rank of Peak Performance gives you more attack power, as long as your health remains full.
  • Significantly increases DPS for expert hunters.

How to get Unscathed Charm


4. Handicraft Charm

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Handicraft is one of those skills that everyone tells you that you need. This is because it’s true. If you are swinging a melee weapon, you are going to want this weapon to be sharp, and handicraft does just that. It increases your sharpness gauge.

What’s good about the Handicraft Charm?

  • Has a lot of levels, so can be the centerpiece of a handicraft-focused build.
  • Makes all of your best melee weapons even better, sometimes even raising their sharpness color!
  • Essential skill for many melee weapon builds

Handicraft Charm Details

  • Each level gives 1 rank of Handicraft, up to 4 ranks.
  • Handicraft increases the size of your sharpness bar, giving you more hits before your sharpness decreases.

How to get Handicraft Charm


3. Awakening Charm

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The Awakening Charm gives you the Free Element/Ammo Up skill, one of the most valuable skills in the game. Free Element “awakens” your weapons, giving them massive elemental damage, and Ammo Up gives you a larger clip size on your bowguns. This skill is useful for almost every build!

What’s good about the Awakening Charm?

  • Pulls double-duty, functioning as two skills.
  • Can easily become a centerpiece of your build.
  • Awakened weapons have MASSIVE elemental/status damage (kulve, anyone?)

Awakening Charm Details

  • Each level gives you 1 rank of Free Element/Ammo Up
  • Free Element awakens the elemental/status damage of some weapons, with a higher rank of the skill gaining you higher damage values.
  • Ammo Up increases the clip size of your ammunition for your bowguns, with each level increasing the clip size of all ammo of the corresponding level by 1.

How to get the Awakening Charm


2. Blessing Charm

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The pinnacle of survivability skills, divine blessing will become a staple in your builds if you are having trouble staying alive. This skill gives you a set chance to reduce the damage you take by an amount that increases the higher your level in the skill. The charm can get you to level 3 out of 5. This skill has come in handy for me too many times to count! You can just tank things that would one-shot anyone else! Become invincible!

What’s good about the Blessing Charm?

  • Tank hits that would normally cart you!
  • Take fireballs to the face and laugh!
  • Valuable for any build.

Blessing Charm Details

  • Offers 3 of the 5 total levels possible for the Divine Blessing skill.
  • Levels 1-3 give you a 25% chance to reduce damage by 15, 30, and 50%, respectively.
  • This charm offers the maximum level possible without using a set bonus to increase the max level of the skill.

How to get the Blessing Charm


1. Challenger Charm

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This is it. The best (in my opinion) charm in the game; The Challenger Charm! When they get mad, you get madder! This charm gives you agitator, which is such a good skill with so many levels. What’s even better is that this charm gives you 5 total levels, when you fully upgrade it! This can easily be the center of an entire build, and that build is one of the best in the game.

What’s good about the Challenger Charm?

  • Agitator is one of the best damage-related skills in the game.
  • Charm has 5 levels, which is the max for the skill without unlocking 6-7 with a set bonus.
  • Saves you a lot of level 2 slots in your armor (which i find to be the most-used slot level)

Challenger Charm Details:

  • Gives you levels 1-5 of Agitator, corresponding to the level of the charm.
  • Agitator raises your attack AND affinity when a monster becomes enraged
  • The attack and affinity buff increase the higher your level in the skill, to a max of +20 and 10%, respectively.

How to get the Challenger Charm


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