[Top 5] Marvel Snap Best Lockjaw Decks And Why They're Good

Marvel, Marvel Snap, Best Cards, Card Game
17 Mar 2023

Lockjaw is a very fun card with a unique play style unlike many others. It swaps the cards that you play on his location with cards from your deck, which can bring out a lot of value for a very low cost.

Lockjaw decks rely a little bit on RNG since you never know what you’re going to pull out, but if the deck is well built it mitigates the risk. If you’ve got Lockjaw and you like a little bit of RNG in your deck - buckle up and let’s take a look at the best decks that can be made around our favorite cosmic doggo.

5.Casino Lockjaw

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This is the most basic form of a Lockjaw deck. It doesn’t use any archetype like Discard or Thanos, but rather it just uses Lockjaw and some cards that can be played on his location to bring out the more powerful cards from your deck.

Dracula is a great card since in almost every game, he will be able to discard a powerful card from your hand, since you don’t have a lot of weak cards. Jubilee is a great card that can also bring out one card from your deck while costing only 4 energy. 

What Is Great About This Deck:

  • You can sink some weaker cards like Wasp and Sunspot on Lockjaw’s location, while you are also able to play Leech - get his effect, and then swap him out with a stronger card
  • Captain Marvel is a great card that can help you win games that otherwise you shouldn’t, because of her effect that lets her move to a location that wins you the game - she is effectively 6 power on 2 locations as long as you leave some space for her
  • Dracula is a card that can give you a lot of value since this deck runs a lot of powerful cards and at the end of the game your hand should be filled with only high-powered cards which Dracula will discard to gain their power
  • For only 4 energy Jubilee will bring out a really powerful card in most cases, you should have either drawn or played your weaker cards before you play, leaving only the strong cards in your deck for Jubilee to pull

Card List:

  • Wasp
  • Sunpost
  • Lockjaw
  • Dracula
  • Jubilee
  • Leech
  • Captain Marvel
  • America Chavez
  • Magneto
  • Giganto
  • Infinaut
  • Death

4.Thanos Zoo

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This deck uses Thanos and his Infinity stones in combination with cards with Ongoing effects to buff them as much as possible with cards like Kazar, Blue Marvel and Spectrum. You have a lot of synergy between cards in this deck, while also being able to control your opponent’s actions.

Your goal is obviously to play the cheap Infinity Stones into Lockjaw’s location and pull out powerful cards from your deck like Blue Marvel, Leech, Spectrum or Thanos. You can also play down your 1-cost cards on other locations and buff them with Kazar and Blue Marvel. Valkyrie will buff your cards if played on the Infinity Stones while also probably lowering the power of your opponent’s cards.

What Is Great About This Deck:

  • You have versatility in your plays, you don’t have to rely only on Lockjaw to bring you value, but instead you can go ahead and play the Infinity Stones and buff them up as a different strategy for victory
  • Valkyrie is great at disrupting your opponent’s more powerful cards, while also being able to buff up your Infinity Stones. She sets the power of all cards to 3, but most of your cards will be buffed so you can get a lot of value from a single card
  • Leech is great at disrupting your opponent’s plays because it will probably hit an important combo piece in your opponent’s hand and Armor can protect your cards from destruction or it can stop your opponent from their combos if they’re playing a Destroy deck
  • Spectrum is great on turn 6, since it buffs a lot of of your cards and it can bring unexpected value to all lanes, most players don’t play around her and won’t expect her on the last turn

Card List:

  • Ant-Man
  • M’Baku
  • Quinjet
  • Armor
  • Lockjaw
  • Mister Fantastic
  • Kazar
  • Blue Marvel
  • Leech
  • Valkyrie
  • Specctrum
  • Thanos

3.Lockjaw Thor

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This deck utilizes some cheap cards and Thor with his Mjolnir to bring out your stronger cards from your deck. It has a lot of powerful cards and it’s efficient at getting them out.

After playing Thor, you will have 2 0-cost cards in your deck - Jane Foster can fetch them and bring 8 power on a lane - this sets up your explosive turn 6 if you have Lockjaw on the board since by playing 2 0-cost cards you’ll get some way more powerful cards out of your deck like Doctor Doom, America Chavez, Magneto or Infinaut.

What Is Great About This Deck:

  • You have some good cheap cards like Iceman and Scorpion that have good On Reveal effects which can screw up your opponent’s plan, and you can play them on Lockjaw’s location to get their On Reveal effects and swap them out of for more powerful cards
  • Doctor Doom, America Chavez, Magneto and Infinaut are cards that add HUGE value, you can play them by themselves - or you can pull them out from the deck with Lockjaw’s effect
  • Jane Foster can bring Wasp and Mjolnir from your deck to your hand which you can swap out for more powerful cards in your deck

Card List:

  • Wasp
  • Sunspot
  • Iceman
  • Scorpion
  • Lockjaw
  • Thor
  • Jubilee
  • Jane Foster
  • Doctor Doom
  • America Chavez
  • Magneto
  • Infinaut


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This deck uses the Discard Archetype in combination with Lockjaw to help you get off some of your more useful effects multiple times, or to cheaply pull out strong cards from your deck.

You’re going to want to play Morbius and The Collector and buff them up during the duration of the game. If you discard Swarm early on in the game - that’s perfect - you can either use the 0 energy copies to play them into Lockjaw and swap them with more powerful cards, or you can focus on discarding them even more to make Morbius and The Collector stronger.

What Is Great About This Deck:

  • Lockjaw really increases your power on a single location significantly, especially if you play the 0 energy Swarms into it and get a more powerful card from your deck like Helicarrier, America Chavez, Apocalypse or MODOK
  • You can use cards that discard to hopefully target Swarm and then play MODOK at the end of the game to discard your entire hand filled with Swarms to buff either Morbius or The Collector or both!
  • Helicarrier synergizes with the entirety of the deck since he is great value, whether you discard him or pull him out of your deck with Lockjaw - if you discard him he will generate 3 random cards for you or if you pull him out from the deck he is 10 power on the field
  • You’re probably going to discard Apocalypse a few times during the game so you can expect him to be a good late game play as long as Lockjaw didn’t pull him out of the deck, and hey, if he did - that’s 8 power on a location for a low cost

Card List:

  • Blade
  • Morbius
  • The Collector
  • Swarm
  • Colleen Wing
  • Lockjaw
  • Lady Sif
  • Hell Cow
  • Apocalypse
  • America Chavez
  • Helicarrier

1.Thanos Lockjaw

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This deck is currently tier 1 in the meta and you should make the most of it if you’re struggling with climbing ranks. It’s a bit toxic to the community since a lot of people are abusing this exact deck, but it’s undeniable that it’s the strongest deck that you can play right now.

The strongest combo that this deck has is playing Lockjaw and filling that location with Infinity Stones which can be discounted by Quinjet to give you an insane boost in value. You’re going to want to play the Space Stone on Lockjaw’s location since then you can move Lockjaw to another location and repeat the whole process again and pull out all of your strong cards from your deck.

What Is Great About This Deck:

  • Quinjet reducing the cost of your Infinity Stones lets you put cards that cost 0 energy in Lockjaw’s location and pull out cards like Thanos, America Chavez, Magneto and so forth
  • Pulling out Leech early in the game with Lockjaw’s effect will ruin your opponent’s entire plan for the game most of the time. All you need to do is hit one of their key cards and it will at least heavily cripple their chances of making a comeback
  • Devil Dinosaur is going to be a very powerful card whenever he’s on the field since almost all of your Infinity Stones will draw card for you and give him additional power
  • Aero and Shang-Chi are great control cards that can change the entire flow of the game if you play them at the correct times. Aero can move your opponent’s card to either clog up their location or to disrupt their plays while Shang-Chi can make a big difference if your opponent plays a few high-powered cards on a single location or if they’re playing Shuri-Taskmaster which is a very powerful and prevalent deck in this meta

Card List:

  • Sunspot
  • Quinjet
  • Lockjaw
  • Shang-Chi
  • Blue Marvel
  • Devil Dinosaur
  • Leech
  • Aero
  • America Chavez
  • She-Hulk
  • Thanos
  • Magneto

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